Can my supervisor get maintenance to unlock my desk and go through my papers as well as take all my mail and go through it without me present. Also did not return my mail

In new your under federal position

1 answer  |  asked Jun 22, 2023 1:17 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

V Jonas Urba
Probably unless the desk was your property and an agreement, union or private, allowed you to store presumably employer property in your private space.

When you are at work the employer has a duty to keep the workplace reasonably safe and it's not unusual for employees to be disciplined when employers discover situations which merit discipline even when an employee might be on FMLA for example.

It can check to make sure you have complied with its policies as well as work assignments.

I have heard of employers reimbursing employees for their private cell phones also used for work. When the employer discovers a terminable offense it wipes that employee's private phone clean then reactivated it with the carrier it is paying. Employers may also request to see a cell phone used during work hours. Property used in furtherance of an employee's job is the employer's concern and most will exercise their right to access for good cause which can be almost anything. Of course it can't steal your private information such as credit card data used exclusively for you.

posted by V Jonas Urba  |  Jun 22, 2023 1:38 PM [EST]

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