Denied union support after employer retaliation.

A recognized union member
bids on a new job. Is benied.
The 2 new job bids are given to 2 less senior male non-union member employees both are not qualified by employer hiring requirements.

Employee tries to file union grievance.
The union stewart belays the cba agreed time limits tells tbe employer the employee filed a labor charge against them.
So the employer falsifies a second company vehic ll e wreck from an older wreck not yet repaired.

The union member employee is falsely accused of that sesond wreck damage removing all union legal support.

Employee was not assigned to vehicle and has photos of vehicle proving no second wreck accured.
No repair report with no explaination.
NLRB remidied employer and union complaints then dismissed all union employees charges.

The employer secretly without notice to union employee reduced her hours worked, didnt tell employee for a months time she was writen up, secretely did not call on employee for on call work for weeks. Reduced her over time.

After a month of the union employee trying to make a seniority move, the union employee was fired during pursuit of her union seniority.
Union employee filed with ND-DOL/EEOC, EPA .
What else can union employee do?

0 answers  |  asked Mar 8, 2015 9:42 PM [EST]  |  applies to North Dakota

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