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I had been harrassed by a coworker for about a year and then one day she had really pushed me over the edge with making an extremely demeaning comment to me infront of a employee from another company that was in our office installing a new computer for us. I had exchanged words with her and then I left as it was the end of the day and wrote an email apologizing for my outburst and explained to him what had been happening and that what she was doing was sexual harrassment along with bullying. He did write her up and had her sign a paper but now I am being harrassed and being blamed for mistakes that I'm not making and when I have made a mistake I'm not the only one making them but I am the only one being repremanded for it. His wife who is the " office manager" calls me and is extremely harsh to me and told me right after the sexual harrassment issue that the employee that harrassed me isn't going anywhere because she is a good employee and repeated it several times to me in the conversation. Also, I am missing hours in my check and it caused my bank account to go negative and I was told by the office manager that I should really keep reserve in my account. I get paid hourly and I just got written up for not documenting a injection that was given that I did not give and it said that I need to focus on my job and stop being preoccuppied with other things. The only things I am preoccupied with is doing my job plus the million other things that are added on everyday and doing the office managers job because she works from home and doesn't have any experience of how to run a doctors office. The only reason she is the office manger is because she is married to the doctor who is my boss. They also denied my request for a time clock because I knew my check was short and we do not get lunch breaks. If we do we have to leave the building otherwise we are stuck answering phones and helping patients and we get dirty looks for sitting to eat our lunch. My list goes on and on but mostly it is being bullied and harrassed by my bosses wife. She is rude to every company that we work with so much that they refuse to speak with her and I end up having to deal with them. I love my job and I really care for my patients. Most of them will request to speak with me and can see on a daily basis that I do everything for this office. One last thing. They pay my insurance and my dental and it was given to me as a raise. He tried to take it away from me but I told him I could not afford 400 dollars out of my pocket a month without a raise that I was promised that I did not get and so he still gave me insurance but a cheaper version which is fine but I think that is why the want to get rid of me too. His wife personally doesn't like me and always when she calls she tells me how broke they are while she is planning their 3 or 4 vacations a year and then making us take a week without pay off to save them money. I know this is a lot but their is a lot more to this and it is now to the point where this job is causing so much stress that it is affecting me not just emotionally now but physically. I want to just quit but not sure if I can collect. What can I do? What are my options? Thank you for your time.

0 answers  |  asked Jun 19, 2011 10:46 PM [EST]  |  applies to Massachusetts

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