fired for no reason

i work part time as a bartender. I showed up for my shift and was told that I had been replaced. I was told they wanted someone more full time which turned out to be a lie. I have been there over a year. Can i be fired for no reason and given no notice? I also think it may be a discrimination case but cannot proove it.

1 answer  |  asked Jun 11, 2002 3:36 PM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

Aaron Maduff
Fired for no reason

In Illinois, employment is at will. This means that you can quit at any time for any reason or no reason at all, and YES an employer can terminate your employment at any time for almost any reason or FOR NO REASON AT ALL. The key is that the employer cannot terminate your employment for illegal reasons such as discrimination. Though the information you provided does indicate that something "fishy" is going on, it does not indicate discrimination. You have stated that you cannot prove discrimination, but that you think discrimination is the reason. It is possible that after filing with the EEOC, enough information may result from their investigation that discrimination can be proven. However, you have provided no information here to permit any attorney to begin to evaluate your claim. There is much information that is missing. Specifically, why do you believe that discrimination is the reason? On what basis (gender, race, religion, etc.) Are there any other employees or bartenders of the same (gender, race religion, etc.) as you? All of this information is necessary to properly evaluate a case.
Aaron Maduff

posted by Aaron Maduff  |  Jun 12, 2002 3:43 PM [EST]

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