Part time worker not picking up extra shifts, implied termination


I had a question about my wife's part time job. She is currently a nurse in an assisted living facility. She works a position called the Baylor shift. She works saturday and sunday 7 pm to 7 am, receiving an 8 hour bonus, getting pay for 32 hours. She has been on this schedule for a year, making our clear this was the only shift she could take. She does not have a contract I am aware of, just a baylor agreement that is vague.

Recently the issue of holiday scheduling has come up. She started that she was informed that she had to pick up 2 holiday s, when she mentioned she was already working 2 holidays christmas 7pm- and new years 7pm- she was informed by her boss that they didn't count those as far as scheduling, she will receive normal holiday pay. My wife has stated she is unable to work any schedule besides the one she agreed to, and is unwilling to take extra work for full time personnel that receive full time benefits. It has been heavily implied this will result in her termination. Do they have the right tool terminate here, and if so will she be eligible for unemployment benefits? Thanks in advance for any help.

0 answers  |  asked Oct 13, 2010 03:08 AM [EST]  |  applies to New Hampshire

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