I work for a private mortage servicing company in ohio. There are about 250+ employees and they are making the dept I work in work mandatory 10 hours over-time a week unitl they tell us to stop. I attend school in the evening therefore unable to work the extra hours. I was told that I will be written up or supspendent for not working is this legal
1 answer | asked Aug 4, 2003 6:42 PM [EST] | applies to Ohio
Answers (1)

Unfortunately, your employer can require you to work mandatory overtime and suspend or terminate your employment if you are not able to work the required hours. Technically, an employer can require you to work 24/7 without violating the law.
The problem for the employer who forces employees to work excessive overtime is that the employees will refuse to do it and quit.
The best strategy for you under these circumstances is to work out an arrangement with your employer to allow you to work the additional 10 hours a week during a time that does not conflict with your school schedule (e.g., on weekends). The employer may resist this, since everyone will want to take advantage of a more flexible schedule, but if the employer needs you to handle the large load of work, it may be willing to let you do that.
Neil Klingshirn
posted by Neil Klingshirn | Aug 5, 2003 2:18 PM [EST]
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