how do i go about suing my current employer?

I work for a DVD company that recently suspended me due to rentals on my account that they were never able to collect on due to a closed bank account. I was advised I would be placed on a unpaid suspension while they check into my side of the story. The company never provided me with a document or policy stating that unpaid rental fees made by the employee are grounds for suspension or termination. The company is actually relocating to Canada. They offered severance for employees who stay to the last day. Now im being punished for something that happened last fall. I've worked there over a year, what can I DO?

1 answer  |  asked Mar 20, 2010 9:14 PM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

John Otto
Did you have an employment contract? If so, your remedies are to enforce the contract by filing suit. Probably, however, you did not have a contract; most people don't. If you didn't have a contract, based on the facts you have stated, you don't have any options. You're an employee at will and can be terminated or suspended at any time for any reason or for no reason at all. There is no such thing as a cause of action for unjust termination. If you were suspended or terminated for a reason the law forbids, then there are remedies. You should talk with an employment lawyer in your area to make sure you haven't overlooked something.

posted by John Otto  |  Mar 21, 2010 04:49 AM [EST]

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