My employer is telling other employees that I talked about them in a text sent to another employee can they do this

My hr department is telling other coworkers that i sent texts to another employee that i was talking about them and trying to get them to wright statements against me can they do that?

1 answer  |  asked Feb 27, 2018 12:50 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

V Jonas Urba
Truth is a defense to slander or defamation. Were the statements made by your employer to other coworkers true?

Did you send texts to "another employee" and did those texts include negative comments about your employer?

Every employee owes a duty of loyalty to their employer. If an employee does not like an employer or what an employer does the best action is never to document negative comments in texts, e-mails, or on social media. A better option is to find a new job.

If you have no union, no written employment agreement, and you do not work for the government you are most likely an "at will" employee. Most employees are "at will." They can be fired for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all. An unlawful reason might include discrimination but an employee has to prove that they were fired because they are a member of a class of protected employees. That's not easy to do and requires evidence. Good luck.

posted by V Jonas Urba  |  Feb 28, 2018 09:31 AM [EST]

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