What can I do for being falsely accused of sexual harassment?

Hello , I am a female employee and I was recently called into the office at work by my Male store manager and Male manager. They told me to have a seat and closed the door behind them . One manager sat down and the other stood in front of the door. Emmediately i felt uncomfortable so I asked if they could open the door and they refused . They proceeded to state to me that an anonymous call came in and I was being accused of inappropriate touching by three diffrent employees. One female and two male . They proceeded to tell me names of the employees . One of the employees I don’t even talk to just hi and bye from afar. I told them I have never ever touched anyone inappropriately at work . And they continued questioning me with the same questions over and over that at some point I felt like I was being bullied and intimidated into saying that I did something I did not do. I felt so uncomfortable and intimidated that I asked them if they could bring a female witness and they refused and continued questioning me I then asked again if they could open the door and they refused . They had me in the office for 1hour 20 min asking me the same things over and over. I believe theese false allegations against me is a form of retaliation against me bcs through out my career here my store manager which is one of the managers that was questioning me has singled me out , he has demoted me by falsifying paperwork , which I had to go to corporate and corporate reversed it and even gave me three days off with pay . I also have physical proof of him violating store policy’s “ and he knows this” such as having me ring him up for merchandise that he was holding in his office until it got marked down which is a big violation of policy especially for a manager. He has also made belittling remarks to me such as when my boyfriend sends me edible arrangement he will say “ohh so do you send theese to yourself as he laughs and thinks it’s funny”. I just want to know if I have a case Incase they try to terminate me?

0 answers  |  asked Oct 25, 2017 08:52 AM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

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