I have been confronted 3 times at my whits end

I was laid off in 2009 by an employer. They cliamed that the economy was bad. In march of this year I was asked to come back to help out. 3 days into my employment I was asked to give statments about a sexual harassment case to an fact finding investigator. I was told that I could speak openly and would not be retaliated aginst. Well my boss has confronted me 3 times now about what I said. Twice at work and once on the phone. Now he is stating I need to cut the staff by 50% we were asked to write out why han how much we can cut back. We were asked to cut our hours and pay. I have never been put on payrool. Now i am asked to cut my pay even further. I called the investigator I talked to an told them an got nowhere. My boss said that "I have been advised that I can't lay you off per my lawyer" and "if my lawer knew i was talking to you about this he would fire me." He hired me to do a job im not qualified for. Now he is claiming "I want to be your friend" and I can't take going to work i was never trained or updated on my job. He has hired and paid others to do things in my skillset. I am at a loss and feel I get to listen to him drone on about this case and how i could feel that I would be retaliated aginst others have told me they are keeping their mouths shut ect ect I am scrapeing by and get confronted when the boss in in the office. I hate coming into work and cant take it.

1 answer  |  asked Apr 23, 2010 2:00 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

Answers (1)

Bruce Elfvin
You may have a good retaliation claim and I would definitely look for and find another job as promptly as possible. It does not sound like things will get better where you are. You need to see an employment attonrey near you. You can find one at www.oelasmart.net/directory

posted by Bruce Elfvin  |  May 4, 2010 09:09 AM [EST]

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