do I need a sick day for a 1 day absences

I contacted my direct supervisor the night before stating I would not be in the following day. My supervisor responded "that it was not a problem" his supervisor then required a dr's note. I was out for one day and did have a need to go to the dr ...what do I do?

1 answer  |  asked Jul 27, 2010 5:37 PM [EST]  |  applies to North Carolina

Answers (1)

Reagan Weaver
Sounds like you handled this responsibly; however, you don't say whether you had a record of other absences such that your supervisor's supervisor thought you had been missing too much time. If you had not missed any time recently, then it seems curious that such a requirement would be imposed. The employer does have a right to expect its employees to report to work unless there are prohibitions on discrimination based on disability that might protect the employee.

Your boss' boss may feel that your immediate boss is being too easy on you/your coworkers. He may be trying to make a point out of this.

Obviously, it is expensive to require a doctor's note for a one day absence. I would recommend that you have a face-to-face meeting with one or both individuals and talk this out.

posted by Reagan Weaver  |  Jul 27, 2010 6:25 PM [EST]

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