WARN letter clarification
this is a copy of my warn letter dated july 7 2004
Due to the non renewal of a major contract we are forced to reduce our workforce..This letter is to provide you with a 60 day displacement notice.
Your position has been identified for elimination. Your last day at work iwll be on or by Sept 30 2004.
The expected date for the first group of layoffs is july 7 2004 and by mid or late sept only a small group of employees will remain
We expect these layoffs will be permanent. No bumping rights exist however we will be keeping the employees wou can perform multiple duites and best meet our needs going forward.
*******Does this letter say I do not have a job after sept 30th? Sure appears that way to me.. Somehow the rules have changed....is there any further notification required by the company in writing?*****
Employees that were laid off starting July 7th are being given their regular full week paychecks thru sept 4th plus a severance package..
Employees remaining have had cut hours and are being penalized for showing up for work.....
We started with 140 employees on july 7
today aug 23 we are at 41
So am i reading that the remaing 41 will be let go on sept 30?
Answers (1)

You have read the letter correctly. The WARN letter is the only notice required by law when layoffs occur, and it only requires the employer to give 60 days notice or 60 days pay in lieu of notice. It only applies when an entire plant or an entire section of a company closes, and in only applies when the total number of employees laid off exceeds 50 employees in a 30 day period. If you had been laid off when the notice went out, you would have been entitled to the pay in lieu of notice. Severance pay is not mandated, and is generally paid only in return for a release from liability. You didn't get laid off, but the notice has given you the opportunity to look for another job while you still have a paycheck coming in. I assume you will be offered severance when your termination comes, but the law doesn't require it.
posted by Francis Fanning | Aug 24, 2004 6:30 PM [EST]
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