part-time employee rights

Is it legal for a classified part-time employee to repeatedly work fulltime hours without being given fulltime benefits?

1 answer  |  asked Oct 2, 2002 9:50 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

Answers (1)

Neil Klingshirn
Benefits depend on the terms of the benefit plan

Your right to benefits depends on the benefit plan. For example, if your employer provides health insurance, it almost certainly has a health insurance plan. That plan will state who is covered. Most plans cover "full time" employees, who are typically defined as employees who work, say, 35 hours or more each week for a certain number of weeks out of the year. If you fit the definition, then your employer has to provide benefits.

I suggest that you get your hands on the health insurance and other benefit plans. You have the right to ask for them and your employer has an obligation to give them to you. Once you know if you are covered under the individual plan or not you can decide whether to pursue a claim for coverage.

Best regards,


posted by Neil Klingshirn  |  Oct 3, 2002 5:00 PM [EST]

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