Wage Payment

Questions and Answers (1,197)

As an employer_ what frequency is required for wage payment for EXEMPT
Hello I am hoping to have a clear understanding on Wage Payment for EXEMPT NYC employees. What is the Frequency required for wage payment of Exempt employees and how many days after work is performed.... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

wage payment and reimbursement of bs expenses
Need guidance concerning wage payment, including final pay & reimbursement of out of pocket expenses. I reside in Texas and have a signed employment agmt w/ a Florida company. The contract is governed... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is it legal that minimum wage settlement denied as payment to qualify for unemployment insurance?
I wasn't paid anything for working at my job so I could not claim unemployment, so I filed a minimum-wage case and won a settlement which was paid in one lump sum. However now the New York unemploymen... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

How long dose a company have to make good on retro pay?
I have an ongoing retro payment issue with my employer. They have known for the past 6 weeks that they failed to pay me the correct hourly wage since October of 2016. They have fixed my hourly wage, h... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

wage payment
I work straight commission. Can my employer start penalizing me for late paying customers? He started this 11/01/02. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Are evidence of prior acts admissable
I have a phone hearing in Sept, against my former employer. The whole case will be determined on credibility of both parties. My former employer was fined in 2013 for non-payment of livestock and his ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

When figuring the minimum wage payment, Can hair salons use tips towards your total?
I have never had a salon use my tips towards the total of my pay. We are technically classified as hourly/commission paid employees, not tipped employees. Can they not pay the difference, if my commis... applies to District of Columbia  ·  0 answers

wage payment
I work straight commission. After 9 years, can my employer change the way he pays? It was based on sales, now it's based on receivables. Thank you, Janie applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I am in the auto sales industry
At out dealership they pay the salepeople minimum wage for their hours and then whatever commissions they earn for that week are taken to cover the minimum wage, however if you do not earn enough comm... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

When factoring the difference when not making the min. wage as a tipped employee is this done daily?
For example: you work as a bartender and in the course of a shift you do not make, with tips, what amounts to to Ohio minimum wage and are being paid half the min. wage. Is the employer responsible fo... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

final wage and per diem
my previous employer pays me regular salary and per diem ..He need to pay me couple of months salary ..so when i file wage claim in texas workforce commission can i include wage and per diem ? Thanks applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My employer decided to eliminate my position. They have offered me to stay on at a extremely lower wage and still perform the exact same job.
In May of this year, I was told by my employer that my position was going to be eliminated. I was offered a lower position at a lower wage. They also gave me three months to find other employment othe... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Does an employee have to return wage overpayment sent after employee left employer
After my employment ended I received 3 additional deposits of wages. Although my former manager assured me that this was money owed to me, I have been threatened with collections if I do not repay the... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

demoted from salary to hourly and employer won't tell me my new wage? can I not report until I am?
I was demoted from a salary position to an hourly position and will be given a hefty pay cut. My new position has started but no one will tell me my new hourly wage. Payroll says they havent been told... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer terminate a person because they say they have lack of work yet hire someone New at less wage to fill your spot?
I am an older person,55 and was let go. I was told because of lack of work lost contracts ANF hourly wage Yet another person was hired for my position at less wage. Is this legal? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Final paycheck wage reduced to minimum wage
I was hired at $10 and hour, received 1 paycheck for that amount. I was fired 2 weeks later with no reason given. (I know FLA is a "at will" state) but when I went to get my final check if was for min... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What is the Virginia state law when it comes to demotion of an hourly wage person with a pay cut?
If I have an hourly employee that started out at a certain hourly wage then promoted the person to a different position with an increase in the hourly wage. Can I demote them back down to their origin... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I don't receive a pay stub with my check. How can I determine if I was paid the correct wage?
I started at $14/hr and in a couple months increased to $17/hr. I've been at that rate for the past 4 years. It's a small company and we don't always work 40 hour weeks. I've tried to record my wages ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I am a nurse and gave my 2 weeks notice. The company wanted 30 days which I could not do. They paid out all of my unpaid hours at minimum wage. I was told this is policy. Is it legal to pay a licensed professional minimum wage?
When I turned in my 2 week notice I was told all of my hours would be minimum wage so I resigned that day. The previous weeks pay had not been paid out and I received minimum wage for that week prior ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers


Can I hire a wage claim lawyer to represent me in my phone hearing
I want a wage claim lawyer to assess my claims in my wage claim dispute against my former employer so I am well prepared for my phone hearing in Sept. What type of lawyer do I need to talk with in sou... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is this a law?
Hi! My question is? I am paid a salary wage (ex. $1170 bi monthly). But I am being told that I am an hourly employee. If I am a hourly employee I should get paid on a hourly wage not a salary wage. I ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was severed from my company on November 15th. They have still not paid out the severance payment that is contractually obligated. Is there a time-frame a severance payment should be made in? Can I sue them for interest or damages for delaying the check?
Is there any obligation on the part of a company to pay out a severance payment in a timely fashion? applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

If offered a lower wage, or work 2 more months to find different job at same pay, if I don't find a different job in 2 months, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
Boss hired me on at a decent wage to lure me from my previous job. After 10 months he's decided I'm not doing my jobs up to his standards, so wants me to look for a different job and he'd pay me for 2... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I have been receiving unemployment for about 6 months. My payment that I received yesterday was half the amount that it has been. Is this normal? Or is it a mistake I should call unemployment about?
I have been receiving unemployment for about 6 months. With the exception of my first payment being a half payment because of the required non paying week. However, the payment I received yesterday wa... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

How can I get paid minim m wage after asking several times and no action has been taken
After the wage change, I've never recieved it. Asked mant times and never recieve response. What should I do? applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Descrimination and/or non-payment of "Incentive Bonuses"
How do I know if I have a valid case? My employer (a German bank) treats Germans and Americans differently. There may even be additional discrimination against Jews (such as me - I have examples). Als... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I legally lower an employees wage to minimum wage on their final check if they quit without notice or do not fulfill their 2 week notice?
see above question. I am in WI applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Commission Payment upon Termination
What is the obligation of an employer to pay outstanding commissions upon termination? Our company policy (no written policy) was commission rate was set based on performance level at the time P.O. wa... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

My former employer owes me over $5000 but has now declared bankruptcy; how can I collect?
I am owed over $5,000 in backed wages and reimbursements due to bad checks and non-payment by my former employer. After several attempts to contact them and a wage claim made with the department of la... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Which state do I file my unpaid wage claim?
I did some freelance design work for a client located in Indiana. I want to file unpaid wages, since the client is ignoring payment demands. I am located in Illinois, where the work was performed. Do ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

IL - Commissions upon termination
Our company pays our sales reps commission when payment is received from the customer. If the sales rep is terminated, are we required to pay commission when the payment is received from the customer ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Wage Payment
The company I was working for all of a sudden closed down(They said they lost their contract) They owe me and many of the other employees 3 checks. They will not give us a clear time to when we will g... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What can a wage claim do to compensate unpaid wages?
My husband worked for a start-up company who owes him apx. $11,000 in wages and health care reimbursements. We have a signed letter from them stating the amount owed to him and their intent to pay him... applies to California  ·  1 answer

2 week notice given: Released early
I gave my 2 week notice on the 18th of Dec with january 1st being my last day, and to my surprise, my last day was 5 days following my notice. It was brough to my attention that they let me go early s... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

In NC can a restaurant owner require employees to pay them a $30 cash payment if the employee cannot come to work
My granddaughter works in a restaurant. The owners wife is very high strung and inconsistent with policies on a daily basis. Today a memo was sent stating that any employee not able to show up for the... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Previously, i worked for an catering company in September of 2003 which was supposed to be off the books. However, to this day i still have not received payment nor or any of my phonecalls returned. M... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

homeowners insurance denied claim
I had a 4 wheeler stolen out of my closed garage.Got a police report,and took it to my homeowners insurance,and they denied to pay for it because it was cosiderd a vehicle but you can notlicnes a 4 wh... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Is cutting my hours and not giving me a raise considered retaliation
I reported finding pot at my workplace, poor management practices and policy/procedural infractions. My GM was talked to but nothing has ever been done and my request for a transfer was denied. Since ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

In Arkansas when you don't make minimum wage when is employer required to make it up
A mechanic who works by the job and doesn't get enough work to make minimum wage. applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Payment for unused vacation days in PA
I husband terminated his employment with his last employer in August. When he gave his resignation, he told his employer he wanted to be sure he would receive payment for his unused vacation time. His... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Stop Payment on a Paycheck
I work for a recruiting firm that the owner of the company was getting evicted from his building is very derogatory to all his employees and leads by intimidation. As of Monday everyone in the office ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I sue to recieve payment on a commission.
I was the sales rep for a large US based firm when we sold a multi million dollar software deal. The firm paid everyone involved with the account per their sales plan but they decided to short me on t... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

My previous employer breached my severance contract, signed by myself and the CEO. I've asked when will I receive payments and they have not answered any of my emails. The amount in question: $2,990. Should I go thru small claims court?
The contract states a lump sum of $11k. They broke up into 3 payments. The 3rd payment of $2,900 was dependent on the laptop return. Tracking states the laptop was returned, but no payment was receive... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have 2 employees working on straight commission but if they don't make quota I will pay them minimum wage, is this an acceptable wage or am I violating a wage order?
My employees are in different state than me and are helping me build my business. They will host a gathering to purchase tea accessories. They get 20% of sales for the party if they sell more than $30... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Ohios min wage law
I am a sales manager at an automobile dealership. With the new Ohio minumum wage laws our dealer says we all must now punch a time card to have accurate dealings with the law. I read the law as saying... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I filled out my severance paper work on 12/19/2018 when should I start getting payment nothing as of todays date 3 checks worth.
last day was 12/8/2018 how long should it take until i get a payment almost been 21 days without a paycheck. applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can my employer reduce my pay to minimum wage if there is no policy i signed for quitting/no notice?
After I worked 40 hours I quit without notice. My employer reduced my wages to minimum wage and took pay that was a manual check from what i was owed the previous pay period. Is this allowed in Florid... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is it considered termination when my manager deletes my access to my work account?
I was out sick for 3 days, when I returned to work I found out that my Office Manager deleted/deactivated my access to my work account. I work in a doctors office and we use Electronic medical records... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can i sue for discrimination and try to get my dollar or for misleading me so that i would accept po
My employer offered me a dollar above base wage as a compensation for being bilingual, when I was offered my position as a case manager. Two year's later today, that base wage has changed for the comp... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can a employer change your pay rate to minimum-wage because you didn't give them a full 10 day notice it was 8 days so now they are saying my last pay check will be paid to me in minimum wage a per hour can they do that??????
I didn't give my employer a 10 day notice of me changing jobs it was more like eight days and they told me that my last check I will be getting will be payed in minimum wage per hour because of that i... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Working many hours over salaried agreement
My husband was a salaried employee with the agreement being 50 hours a week for $35,000 per year. He consistently worked 7 days a week upwards of 60-70 hrs per week and on occasion even more hours. He... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work in San Diego, the new minimum wage starts on January 1st. If I start working at 1130 pm on 12/31 do I get the new minimum wage for the other 7 and half hours that I will work on January 1st?
San Diego new minimum wage starts on January 1st 2017 applies to California  ·  1 answer

Resigned, then terminated, policy for vaca pay differentiates between vol/invol
In Pennsylvania, an at-will state, a 7-year management employee resigns and provides the required 4-week notice and is immediately terminated. Written formal Policy Manual is in place and states payme... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do sales commissions figure into minimum wage?
I get paid a monthly salary of $1100 for 40 hrs per week. I receive commissions every month for new sales. Do the commissions count as part of the minimum wage obligation of my employer? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer cut my final pay down to minimum wage
Can an employer cut my final pay down to minimum wage if I do not provide them with a 2 weeks notice? Our employee orientation book states that we do not have to provide a 2 weeks notice. The employer... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

What is the best way to categorize my settlement if I dont claim wage replacement?
I am going to mediation soon for wrongful termination/disability violation/retaliation/ERISA violation. As I am receiving 60% pay reimbursement from a private long term disability plan, and applying f... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

If im moved to a higher postion that is a higher pay level can they not pay me?
I was moved to customer service and was told that I will get a pay increase from being a cashier. I was told that i will get it after minimum wage increase in jan 1st. I was told after minimum wage in... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have to repay an incentive payment when I leave my employer?
In my offer letter I was promised an incentive payment of 50K to join the company. I was also promised an employment contract within 3 days of accepting offer. Never received contract and was mislead ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to hire me at a wage promote me next day and demote me 3 day later and pay cut also
I was hired at wage and permoted next day 3 ,days later demoted and pay cut applies to California  ·  1 answer

I walked out of my job and quit, can my employer cut my pay to minimum wage! I did not give notice!
I was having issues at work with my pay and receiving bonus that was due to me! I left my job without a notice. I spoke to manager and told her I was leaving. Went to get my check and it's down to min... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer contacted me on Monday, 2 days after completing my previous pay period. They laid me off that Monday and reduced my salary pay from $3500 to minimum wage. And sent me a check for $208 for the pay period that I worked prior to being laid off...
My bi weekly pay period ended on 10/21/2017 in which I would have received my paycheck on 10/27/2017....on 10/23/2017 (two days after my pay period ended) my employer called me and informed me that du... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Wage Payment
I work in the Boston office of a major high tech company based out of NY. My company recently said they feel myself (and 32 others salesreps) would earn too much money for 2001 if they paid us our fin... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

can an employer take money out of my paycheck because a credit card declined at the bank?
can an employer take money out of my paycheck because a credit card declined at the bank? I work as a front desk clerk on a 10-99 contract, and I recently was told im getting up to 300$ taken out of m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am in bankruptcy and I have court order for my employer to take my money out and my payment bounce wat should I do or say
Employer send payment in and check bounce applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

40% owner of a company has backwages that are not being paid
I am a 40% owner of a company. I am owed about 150,000 dollars in salary and commission that was not paid to me as the cashflow was not good. However, we have received a lumpsum payment of 200,000 dol... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my previous employer put my pay to minimum wage on my las check when i make more than that ?
My employer when i was let go gave me my last check and my pay was down to minimum wage i hope this is illegal. applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Wage cuts
My employer hired me and my co-workers in at different wages. Above what the hiring shift wages are and now after almost a year (year for some) he wants to cut our wages. Some of the employees would h... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

How long do I have to report retaliation from my previous employer?
I worked for non-accredited college as a staff accountant. I was doing payroll for them and at first my controller, Cindy, would tell me that the teachers were contractors and shouldn't be paid until ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Ohio Minimium wage under $250,000.
I am a small business with less then $250,000.00 a year gross income. How does the new Ohio minimium wage affect me? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I quit my job and got paid at minimum wage
I quit my job without giving two weeks notice and my employer paid me at minimum wage, is this legal, do i have a case? Yes it is written in the employee handbook but i didnt read the handbook. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Ohio-Pay Cut
Ohio-My employer stated he will be cutting my wage due to financial troubles with the business. He has thrown out several pay cut "ideas" but my new wage has been consistent in conversations. Does my ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Retro paid for a year I was paid the wrong hourly wage
So, at my yearly review my boss says, "you should have been getting $11/Hr all along because your specific title gets 11" but, I was getting paid 10 (per hour). So now, almost a year after that review... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Retroactive over-time payment - Livi-in caregiver
I work as a live-in caregiver, my employer refused to pay overtime during my first two months (around 3 overtime hours 3 days per week), and is already 7 month now. We didn't sign a contract, How can ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

a non compete in utah, did not sign the contract but accepted a payment, does this make it valid
Hello Everyone I had a contract with my company for 6 months, then on renewing my contract the company added a one year non compete,i did not sign this contract, but took a payment from the company Be... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

I clean an office 4 sundays in each month. My employer did not pay me the 30/6/2028 . So I want stop working now . Can I stop to clean the office ?
I have been cleaning in a building every Sunday in each month . I did not get my payment for the end of June . So I want to stop to do the cleaning in the building . Can I stop because I did not get m... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I make $10 hr I quit without a two week notice can she pay me min wage on my last check without it being in the employee handbook
My boss said verbally nothing in writing that if people quit without a two week notice she would only pay min wage is that ok? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Charge fees for payment of wages
Can an employer change an employee fees based on payment method? Employer charges $30 per pay to received a paper paycheck, $15 per pay for direct deposit. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

If i quit my job, can my boss reduce my last paycheck to minimum wage?
My husband is ready to quit his current job but he heard that if he quits or even give his 2 week notice that his last paycheck will be at state minimum wage and not his regular pay. Is the employer a... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non-Exempt Overtime while travelling on company business
Non-exempt employees who travel to conferences and who will be working more than 8 hours a day- Can we pay our employees a travel wage instead of their work wage when they travel? IF so, can you give ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What does Arizona law say regarding payment of commissions to independent contractors?
I'm an independent contractor (sales person) and will be terminating my working relationship with the company I am working for. Receiving my sales commission has always been a struggle, and I anticipa... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

lump sum payment
i received a lump sum payment when my plant closed. It was not a pension and not severance. my paperwork even stated so. It was stated as such on my paper work. Is this deductible on a weekly basis or... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non Payment of Severance
My wife has a severance agreement for six months pay. The company refuses to pay on the agreement. In Florida is this considered non-payment of wages? Can we get attorney fees? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Sub-contractor or not
I went to work as a subcontractor for a family member with the promise of a guaranteed wage. Now after a few months the guaranteed wage was withdrawn and now is only commission based. They have contro... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Work dates vs. Payroll check date question
Ohio's new minimum wage must be paid beginning January 1, 2007. Our first payroll will be dated January 8, 2007 but it will cover days worked 12/17/06 - 12/30/06. Should the new minimum wage be applie... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Holding severance for unpaid travel allowance.
I was recently laid off. I signed a severance package stating I would receive a lump sum payment of 1 month's salary along with the week I had already worked along with unused vacation time. This tota... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Salary vs. Hourly
I am an hourly employee. My hourly wage is determined by $25000 a year, so it comes out to $12.02 an hour. When I am paid they just divide my $25000 by 24 or twice a month and that is what I am paid, ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Salary vs. Hourly
I am an hourly employee. My hourly wage is determined by $25000 a year, so it comes out to $12.02 an hour. When I am paid they just divide my $25000 by 24 or twice a month and that is what I am paid, ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does an employer have to pay bonuses if they promised it to an employee who met all requirements?
I became the Bar Manager in February 2010, and was told I would receive more hourly wage, a promo, and bonuses. The bonus is meant to be payed to managers who meet their required numbers. I met my num... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I was discharged from my managment position and offered a minimum wage job. How do I not accept the
I was an assistant Marketing Director. I was discharged and a man was hired and started the next day. I was given no reason. I asked if I was fired and my boss said no we have a minimum wage position ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

How should I go about receiving unpaid wages from an employer?
I have been working freelance for a company for the past 4+ years. I stopped seeing paychecks in March, and was constantly assured that payment is coming, just wait another week. I continued working w... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

How do I reclaim te taxes I paid upon returning serverance to company?
I received a severance package after being laid off in October 2017, but was rehired in May 2018. I had to return part of my severance in whole upon rehire. The company gave me an amended W2 but only ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal for a school district to delay severance payment for tax purposes?
A retiring teacher wants to delay his severance payment until January of the year following his retirement. This is stated in the negotiated agreement as his right. Now the school administration is sa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

still waiting for commission payment....
I was layed off from my company in October. At that time my employer owed me commission for Sept and October. It is now December and I still have not received payment. Is there a law in NY that requir... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

They want to put me salary at a lower wage than my hourly. Can I collect unemployment for what I was making to what I will be making.'
I put in minimum 55 hours weekly they want to put me on salary & lesser wage than what I make a yr hourly. Can I collect any compensation (unemployment) for the pay differential? applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers


medical payment taken out of vacation payment
My husband was let go from his job mid June. He got paid every 2 weeks and medical was always taken out in each check to equal the monthly payment of roughly $240. Before his layoff he was paid and he... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can an employer decrease your rate of pay without informing you?
I am a full time employee at Aldi and my wages were decreased by $1/hr last month without me being informed about it. The only information I received was a message on my paycheck that stated my wage h... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

PTO Cash out upon resignation
A PTO Cash out opportunity was given as my previous employer. I was assured by my manager that this would be paid out even though I was leaving the company. The information given by the company was va... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

wage and or sex discrimination
Worked at Harrah's Casino in Shreveport La. Was hired in a pantry position with several yrs. exp. at starting wage of $7.50...after 8 months, I had received an above average review but NO raises, star... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

How can I avoid tax on a separation / severance payment?
I was shocked to find that my job was eliminated and now have been sent a severance agreement with a final payment amount for my acceptance. It's not much but money I really need every red cent of it.... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

If an employer doesnt pay severance pay based on terms of termination letter, what can be done?
As part of a mass layoff I was terminated from my position. I signed the release the day of termination since I needed the money. My employer has failed to provide payment within stated time frame. Th... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I signed a separation agreement with my employer and I am 56. How long does he have to pay me the separation payment after the mandatory 7 day revocation period ends?
signed a separation agreement on 8/9/16. employer rec on 8/10/16. waited the 7 day mandatory revocation period and I have not received the payment check. how long does the employer have to send me the... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My employer stopped payment on a check that I had held for two weeks after I got into a fender bender and they fired me they also did not pay me the other two weeks I had accumulated they said I need to pay 1000 doll deductible and I owed them money none
Employer stopped payment after a fender bender and fired me taking a total of three weeks pay. They never gave me week 3 and 4 checks the second week check they stoped payment on I held that check for... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Ask a current ee to fill in temp basis do we have to pay them the same wage?
Employee was handled clerical tasks is out on FMLA until Dec - prob longer - job duties have to be filled or we do not receive funding from the state. If we place somone in her position on an interm b... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I quit my temp job without notice, are they allowed to cut my already worked but not yet paid time down to minimum wage?
I left my warehouse temp job without notice, when I talked to my temp agent he said that my hours worked but not yet paid would be cut down to minimum wage, but I do not recall signing anything that s... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I quit my temp job without notice, are they allowed to cut my already worked but not yet paid time down to minimum wage?
I left my warehouse temp job without notice, when I talked to my temp agent he said that my hours worked but not yet paid would be cut down to minimum wage, but I do not recall signing anything that s... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Missing last paycheck from a law office
My last paycheck from my employer was witheld for some unknown reason. When my boss fired me on 10/3 he told me that 10/5 would be my last day of employment. My wages for that week were never paid. Wh... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Private club and elected official within
I am a member of a private club. The elected club secretary is claiming he must receive California minimum wage in his elected position. I disagree, as the councilmembers of my city council receive $5... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was paid a wage settlement from California, but I am a Georgia native.
I was paid through a union settlement an amount from my former employer for lost retirement income. They listed it as a wage settlement on my W-2, and took both state and federal taxes. This happened ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My employer has withheld payment and bounced paychecks. Can I resign immediately?
My employer has bounced 3 paychecks in 12 months and has delayed payment several times as well. The company is in obvious financial distress and I wish to leave. Can I resign immediately without givin... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

if a patient refuses to pay for their completed fmla forms from our surgical office can we hold the papers until the payment is made?
a patient is refusing to pay our charge for completion of their fmla paperwork. can we legally hold them until payment is made? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Husband quit, vacation on books, paid then stop payment
My husband quit his job and contacted the company for his 120 hours of vacation balance that was shown on his last two pay stubs. The owner wrote him a check and then later did a stop payment on the c... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Unpaid severence balance and broken agreement
I have a severence agreement for 4 weeks pay. In the agreement it is stipulated that I will be paid in 2-monthly payments of $2791.50 beginning January 1, 2009 and ending February 1, 2009. I received ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

please help me !!!!!!!
I am a consultant for a company in maryland and I live in florida. I am owed $ 16,000.00 in wages and expences. I sued the company and now they claim they owe me nothing. I have a contract and bank re... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I put my friends payroll check in my bank to cash it because she don't have an acct and now her ex employer said she was going to put a stop payment on the check can she legally do that
She had quit her job and she had paid the business what she owed and now the women is coming back saying she didn't pay her so she was going to put a stop payment on the check can she legally do that applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

wage payment
My husband owns a computer software consulting firm in Texas. He has a contractor at a profitable company in Dallas. This client has not paid his consulting company in 4 months, therefore, the contrac... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have a friend who was overpaid. They spent the over payment and now the employer is asking for it back ASAP. I suggested to my friend they offer a payment arrangement to replace the funds. My friend does not have the funds to repay them. What else shoul
I have a friend who was overpaid. They spent the over payment and now the employer is asking for it back ASAP. I suggested to my friend they offer a payment arrangement to replace the funds. My friend... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Refusing to pay Commissions
I resently resigned from a company and they are typically months late on paying out commissions. There are 2 issues, one is that they made a mistake on my Q1 commissions and agreed verbally to correct... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Severance that is not continuation of salary
I was laid off in July 2002 and was offered a severance package that includes an agreement by me to travel to any location specified by my former employer to testify in behalf of them in any action ag... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

private contractor pay purposely withheld in California
I have my own company contracting my services, my company was hired to work at a company in silicon valley, I left the company after 45 days because their handeling of my payments. After leaving they ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Employer Protection from Fraudulent Wage Claims
Under CA law, what protections exist for an employer being fraudulently billed by a telecommuting hourly employee. We have a w-2 employee who agreed in writing that our customer would validate all hou... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I accidentally threw out one of my comp checks,can they issue a stop payment and re-issue a new chec
My comp bimonthly check came in mail an was accidentally thrown in trash. Can they issue a new check by putting a stop payment on the original? applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was placed on long-term disability from my employment in April 2016. I recently applied for Social Security benefits. I was told if I received a lump sum payment from Social Security, I would need to repay the amount of money I received from long term i
I have had seven spinal surgeries. I have been declared by long-term insurance as being totally disabled. I was told by the long-term insurance company I needed to apply for Social Security benefits. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

can you file a wage claim against your employer for illegal deductions
My former employer agreed to allow me to live on his farm property rent free as part of my compensation. 2 months after i began working he started charging me $200 per week rent without a rental agree... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to payment, or can I file a small claim?
I was terminated on 5/27/10 by an officer of the company. Handbook states that employee must be employed on the date payment is made for expenses which are paid 1st Friday after the month they occurre... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My boss misclassified me, I am an employee for sure. He pays me under minimum wage, etc..I had to take the day off because of situation for my son, he wants a doctors note. Can he do that even though he is the one breaking the law. What can I do about thi
I am a hair stylist.I am an employee but my boss 1099 me. He pays me under minimum wage, etc. I am looking for another job, but in the mean time I need to work. He is breaking many rules. I had to tak... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Who do I contact for advice on how to present exhibits for my wage claim telephone hearing on June 28,2017
On June 28th I have a telephone hearing with the Illinois Department of Labor concerning my wage claim against my former employer regarding my allegations of illegal deductions and failure to pay my l... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Refusal to pay wages, overtime and in timely fashion
I recently took the position of "Assistant Manager" with an hourly rate of $10/hr at a new Restaurant/Sports Bar/Ale House in the NW suburbs of Chicago on November 8th. I kept record of the hours work... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Hi mel, my husband was recently fired because of a theft that occured of which he nothing to do with. They are trying to keep his last check for payment of lost equipment. Do they have the right to do this? Im in Colorado
My husband worked for a maintence company who claims his equipment is missing. He never used their equipment always used his own. They fired him for this theft and wont give him his final check as the... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

please help me-ada violations-harassament-work related discrimation
i been employed at a company that has over 600 employees in over 10 states. as of late and after I placed a reasonable acomadation on file with this co. I have been harassed. They have insulted me, cu... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Employer not following through with agreed severance package
I recently received a severance package from my company due to a downsize. In the agreement I was awarded a cash payment as well as 5 months of free health coverage. The payment came, great! BUT the h... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

AM i entitled to receive payment for vacation time earned and not taken when I resign?
Over the past few months my supervisors have been on "witch hunt" for information to get me on. Due to the constant feeling of dread I have not taken my allotted vacation time I have earned. The compa... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

In what year was MGL c149 s148, as it is written today, signed into legislation?
I need to know when MGL 149 s148, a.k.a. MA Wage Payment Act, as it exists today, was approved as a law. I've traced the law back to the early 1900s, but the wording has changed slightly over the year... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I have been laid off and was given my final paycheck. However, am I entitled to receive payment for unused vacation days.....I never take vacation days and still have a week of days on hand
I was a 7 year employee and have recently been laid off. I have received my last paycheck on time. However, I thought I was also supposed to receive payment for unused vacation days, of which I have 7... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

Hi, I live in FLORIDA and I work as a consultant for my employer who is based out of GA. My recent contract was in CA. My employer has received payment for my hours worked and has been reimbursed for my travel expenses. I confirmed with the payee that all
-I live in FL -Employer based in GA -8 weeks unpaid = 12k plus of unpaid wages & expenses. -2 bad checks written of 7k total -employer still asking for me to continue traveling. This ensures he collec... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

An employee will be receiving a severance pay at the end of the month. The employee would not like to receive the severance. Instead, he would like the expected severance payout to be included as part of his 401k contribution. The employee is 56.
Employee is seeking to have lump sum severance payment made as a contribution to 401k plan. He would not like to receive the payment. Instead, he wants the severance to be contributed directly to 401k... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I falsified my time card and was terminated. Now they won't give me my last 2 paychecks. What can I do? I told her I would pay everything back with a payment plan and she agreed. Now she won't answer me back
Won't give me my last 2 paychecks even after I asked for a payment plan to pay back applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

wage payment
My employer has just told me that I have not lived up to his expectations after 8 years of employment. The company also has no employee handbook and no job descriptions and no set days for vacation or... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my boss take discounts for clients out of my Commission
I am a licensed Hairstylist in Honolulu Hawaii I work on strictly commission base I have no benefits at all I left my job and I am in a labor dispute with the labor board regarding this Here it is I w... applies to Hawaii  ·  1 answer

How do I complete a W-4 for a lump sum severance?
I have just signed a letter of agreement to receive a lump sum severance payment. I obviously would like to minimize my tax payment on this money. How to I complete my W-4 to save on taxes?? I've been... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I've been notified by my former employer (a Fortune 50 company) that they made a mistake (in my favor) and are asking me to return the money. Am I obligated to return the over payment. What legal recourse do they have to collect it?
I was offered early retirement which I didn't take. Two weeks after the deadline I was part of a Work Force Reduction (layoff) but since I was over 55 and met all of the retirement criteria I was auto... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Bonus payment question
My employer has a bonus program that it pays out at the end of every year to reward employees for hard work during the previous year. My employer processed my bonus and it was posted on our payroll si... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

how does an employers personal bankruptcy effect a wage claim of illegal deductions and nonpayment of the last weeks paycheck?
in 2015 i filed a claim with thee illinois department of labor. My employer illegally deducted $200 a week from my paycheck for rent when there was no rental agreement, rent was supposed to be include... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is unusual pay structure discrimination?
I am a bus driver subject to a 2-tier pay structure, which includes a higher wage for duties I perform as a trainer. In addition to actually training the drivers, I sign off on all the official docume... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Lump sum severage payment promised on last day not received. Told 6 wks. Unemployment?
Hello Mel: I did look at your severance FAQ section but I don't believe the unemployment question was addressed. I worked nearly 5 years as a full-time employee for a major company here in Phoenix. I ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

No OT if making more than double minimum wage? CAlifornia
Hello, I am a manager at a fruit packing business in California. All managers here get paid hourly but they do not get paid overtime for hours worked over 8, instead they get the hours paid as regular... applies to California  ·  2 answers

If a employee in the state of Texas, still in their 90 day probation period is a no call no show, can the employer revert their final paycheck to minimum wage?
State of Texas, employee was a no call no show after about 3 weeks of employment, still in probation period. Can employer revert last paycheck to minimum wage due to employee no call no show so compan... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Employees are required to give Management a two week written notice when they are leaving a position. Management and salaried positions must give a four week written termination notice. Holidays and s... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

who and what would i be suing for?
A co worker filed for a TRO against me unrelated to work. The TRO stated that i could not go within a 100 yards from her school work or home. I couldnt go to work, thereforevI was terminated for not b... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

I was let go from my job and my employer is claiming they paid me a week of payed vacation I had earned, but they never did. Now my unemployment payment is pending. What do I do. Asking from Wisconsin
I received one week severance and on my unemployment claim my employer says they paid me my 1 week of paid vacation I earned. I have not received that payment. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Regarding discrepancy in quoted hourly pay rate when hired at a well known hospital.
A rep from a well known hospital interviewed me and discussed the hourly wage. When she called to hire me she was giving me the details and she quoted the hourly wage I would be receiving. It turned o... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can my employer withhold or dock my final check for alleged damaged property
My former employer employer is threatening to put a stop payment on my last check if I dont return my company credit card, and showed them a photo of the destroyed (and now in a dump) card as a show o... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is refusal to pay salary of minority shareholder a violation of wage and hour laws?
Majority shareholder (70%) and minority shareholder (30%) are shareholders in a law firm with two other employees. Minority shareholder is not involved in management of firm. Minority shareholder rece... applies to Rhode Island  ·  1 answer

I quit my job during a new pay period it states in the handbook if you quit without a 2 weeks notice anytime worked will be dropped to min. wage is this legal to do if so wouldn't apply to the pay period you quit in not the one that was already worked and
I only worked a job for 2weeks because I didn't like the profanity that was used in that environment. The pay period had ended and a new one had started. In their hand book it states a 2week notice is... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

401k theft
January 11, 2003 To whom it may concern, In 1997-98 my husband and I took out a loan against our 401k. Thereafter, money was taken out of every check to pay back the loan. Recently we found out that t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was working for a company, and I quit,and I know a manager that works for the company at a different location that I was at. Then when the manager found out that i was no longer working for the comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What is the base rate used in calculating severance
Prior to separation through a "Work force Reduction" the salaried employees took a mandatory 5% salary reduction. Upon signing the severance agreement outlining the numbers of weeks for vacation and s... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can my commissions be delayed and quota reevaluated one week before payment was supposed to be made?
My company didnt issue commission plans until March this year. As a result they paid a recoverable draw for Jan and Feb commission pay periods. I received and accepted my commission plan in mid March,... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My employer has not paid me the correct hourly wage after being released from light duty. This is the 2nd incorrect paycheck. Are they allowed to keep making me wait until the next pay period to correct their mistake?
I was injured at work at put on light duty at a reduced hourly wage. I was released by my doctor back to regular duty after just 3 days. I returned to working my regular job requirements, but my emplo... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can my employer (school district) refuse to pay me for extra time worked?
I am a school bus driver and my district pays each route driver 4 1/4 hours per school day. However my route and several others take at least 5 hours daily to complete. We put this extra time on our b... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

contract renewal bonus payment after having left the company
I had a position with an employer that had entailed a signing bonus to be paid after a year of employment and contingent upon staying for another year. I left that company three months ago which was p... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What if I signed a severance agreement, received a check & then they stopped payment on it?
I was notified about termination, signed a severance agreement & received a check for owed wages + 2 weeks severance all on the 17th. On the 22nd the employer stopped payment on check stating I delete... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I worked as an independent contractor for a company. I recently quit after I received my final paycheck and then my employer puts a stop payment on the check I already cashed. Is this legal? He wants to strip me of all the hours I worked and not compensat
My employer put a stop payment in my paycheck and wants me to return it. This can’t be legal! I worked the hours and the days and I’m ordered to give the money I already cashed right back. What sh... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

losing sleep over wage discrimation
I am a 44 year old female and have worked for a major financial institution for 20 years. Ownership has changed several times due to mergers and divestures, but I have been with the current owner sinc... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Cashed final paycheck. Company put a stop payment after cashed. Now the place that cashed it wants me to pay it back
I picked up my paycheck on Friday and cashed it. On Monday I quit. They put a stop payment on the cashed check. Now check cashing place wants me to pay it back applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Ohio unemployment appealing denial because of severance
I saw an answer on MEL (I-was-denied-unemployment-because-of-my-lump-sem-severance-package) Is there anyway to appeal the denial of benefits because of a lump sum severance. Ohio unemployment has dete... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Signed contract let go for not moving hiring bonus question
I signed a contract with a company to move by April but has structural problems to with my house and haven't been able to sell yet. They terminated me and now expect full payment of the signing bonus.... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

If terminated in the middle of a pay period does the severance package replace the wages already due or would it be in addition to if not specified in the severance agreement?
I was let go nine calendar days into a pay period. The severance package I was offered and signed the same day I was let go stated the first payment would be the Friday following the "7 day Rescission... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Confusion about overtime pay...
I recently accepted a job position with the title of assistant manager for a local chain of speciality retail shops. I was told that I would recieve a salary of XX, XXX per year, but that also anythin... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Lump sum Separation pay received 2 months after Michigan unemployment claim filed.
My employment ended mid October. I was told by payroll to file for unemployment right away, but waited to file the following week since I received my final pay Friday of the same week employment ended... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

What is min. Wage and overtime law in South Carolina?
I'm only paid $40. A day some days 10-12 hr. Most week ends and holidays. applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Employer's late bonus payment might screw up my unemployment benefits!
I was terminated from my job for reduction in workforce. I have applied for unemployment. I am worried that I won't be getting the top amount allowed by unemployment because of something my employer d... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Boss gave verbal agreement in meeting (witnesses) for bonus but wont pay. Do I have any recourse?
My employer promised bonus payments for certain completed tasks (I don't want to get into too much detail here for fear of reprisal). This promise was made only verbally, although it was in a formal m... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I was a Nanny for a Family and they stopped payment on check!
I need some advice here! I have been a nanny to a family of 2 boys for the past 2 months. July 26th was my last day as I told her that I couldn't sit for them anymore. She paid me each week on Thursda... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Unpaid overtime, overpaid taxes and constructive termination.
I was trained to be a serviceman for a vending company in Texas in January of 2002. I was paid an hourly wage of $10.00, that went to $12.00/hr in January of 2003, after being rehired (I worked for an... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Can I file an unpaid overtime suit in federal court myself until I find an attorney?
I have nearly 1600 hours of unpaid overtime dating back to beginning 2007. I've been on a slippery sloap with my employer trying to get the overtime paid but I am repeatedly met with retaliation effor... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Do I get 14 weeks unemployment payment or full 26 weeks after my 12 weeks of severance?
I work in Rhode Island. My location is closing Dec 31st and I will be getting a severance package of 12 weeks paid. It will be paid each week like my normal check. They have said to apply for unemploy... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

Can my employer cut my pay to minimum wage if I quit
I did not give my 2 weeks notice I was just wondering if it is legal or not to do if its not stated in our employee handbook? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

From a tax standpoint is it better to take a lump sum payout or biweekly payment ?
From a tax standpoint which is better to take a lump sum payout or biweekly payment. This is for tax purposes. applies to California  ·  0 answers

I haven't received my severance pay in the time frame provided.
Hi, my employment was eliminated effective august 17th. I received a severance agreement and signed it effective august 25th. In the agreement in paragraph 2, section a, it says my lump sum will be re... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non payment, 1099 work
I am a handyman in Nh. I do apartment turnovers. For the past two years I have been submitting my invoices and when I get paid the total due is not the same as what I submitted. They are deducting mon... applies to New Hampshire  ·  1 answer

wages from salarey to hourley employee
Can my employer pay me far less money when going from salary to hourly? I have been on salary for over say 8 years on my check stub it states 1837.51 for 80 hours or two weeks which would bee 22.97 an... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a employer deduct from your hourly wage every time you are late for work?
My Hourly wage used to be Twenty dollars a hour, now it's Twelve dollars and forty cents. I work a split shift six days a week, so I basically go to work twelve times a week. Now my employer has alway... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What is the statute of limitations on wage overpayment in New Jersey? Our payroll company is claiming that my co-workers and I have been overpaid a few dollars an hour since the beginning of our contracts and now want us to pay them back. In my case, it
What is the statute of limitations on wage overpayment in New Jersey? Our payroll company is claiming that my co-workers and I have been overpaid a few dollars an hour since the beginning of our contr... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Employer denies involuntary leave in layoff with severance choice
I was recently laid off and offered a severance package. There are two options, take a lump sum payment or a weekly payment. If I take the lump, my employer states that they will consider this a volun... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Thank u in advance. I was hired by a co. As their electrician/safety coordinator on May 1, 2017. $30 p/hr. was the agreed upon wage. At 166 days I asked about my review. Never got it. I have not gotten 1 derogatory thing said about my performance. I teste
Help applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Thank u in advance. I was hired by a co. As their electrician/safety coordinator on May 1, 2017. $30 p/hr. was the agreed upon wage. At 166 days I asked about my review. Never got it. I have not gotten 1 derogatory thing said about my performance. I teste
Help applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was recently let go. payment in lieu of notice?
My employer let me go on a Wednesday. There was a general layoff for other employees the friday after but I was let go early due to confidential issues as I worked in HR. I was told I would receive se... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can my employer pay me a different wage than what i make if i feel in for a different department
Pay rate difference applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

out of state employer
My employer is based out of Iowa, do i get minimum wage increase? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

im filing a lawsuit on my employer for min wage violation of 40hrs how much will i get
what is the percentage over what is actually due to you like say they owe me 300 in wages over a 4 month period and i go to court will i recieve more if so approxiamely how much applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

I entered in to a severance pay agreement with my former employer. A dispute has arisen regarding company property. The company stopped payment of severance pay. I requested for furnishing of Severanc... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Hi! If I was overpaid by my employer and now I am on a payment plan so they get their money back. When I use my PTO time can they take a repayment from those hours?
Hi! If I was overpaid by my employer and now I am on a payment plan so they get their money back. When I use my PTO time can they take a repayment from those hours? applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Hi! If I was overpaid by my employer and now I am on a payment plan so they get their money back. When I use my PTO time can they take a repayment from those hours?
Hi! If I was overpaid by my employer and now I am on a payment plan so they get their money back. When I use my PTO time can they take a repayment from those hours? applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Prime Contractor Refusing to Pay 1099 (sub)
A pseudo-govt client instructed me (my small business) that I would have to work through one of their approved prime contractors. We did through them on prior projects and I was brought back for a sec... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is my employer allowed to control all 7 days of the week?
My employer pays minimum wage as well as cut hours when they feel like it with no regard for the employees So I need to get a second job. However they say that I must be available when they want me. applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

If I give a two week notice but don't finish the two weeks can my employer pay me minimum wage in Texas?
My new employer needs me to start a couple of days sooner. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

my stop payment
I was working for a firm in Fifth ave 47th st. on july 2nd i told my employer that i am quiting my job and gave him a 30 days notice. my status there was H1 visa. In return he got wild on me and start... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employer Attorney needed
myself and my friend have wage claim from the same company ..we want to pursue through attorney ..Please let us know if any attorney willing to take our case . Thanks applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was recently rehired at a job I left. When I got back to the job I found out the management had changed. Due to an intolerable boss I decided to quit. I got my pay stub today and they cut my wages to minimum wage. When I was rehired they did not have me
I was recently rehired at a job I left. When I got back to the job I found out the management had changed. Due to an intolerable boss I decided to quit. I got my pay stub today and they cut my wages t... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Tending bar for a non profit bar with no hourly wage. Promised commision ans bonuses. Barely made 40
Worked 8 hrs with lots of sidw labor and no pay applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I am going to mediation soon for disability violation/retaliation/EEOC charge. As I am receiving 60% pay reimbursement from a private third party long term disability plan, and applying for SSDI, I wanted to avoid the overpayment issues that could arise f
am going to mediation soon for wrongful termination/disability violation/retaliation/ERISA violation. As I am receiving 60% pay reimbursement from a private long term disability plan, and applying for... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

If you receive 60 days pay as WARN payment are you eligible for unemployment benefits in Pennsylva?
Laid off due to plant closure. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to take a wage cut?
My employer has told me that they can no longer afford my salary and would like me to take a permanent 20% pay cut. I am the only one in the organization that has been asked to take this cut. Can they... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can an at-will employer change my hourly rate on my final paycheck that was sent to me after I left?
I worked for a family owned business for about four months. They are an at-will employer and I quit without notice. I was a manager-in-training and had been told by the owner that during my training, ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

The dealer group I work for was sold to another dealergroup, and now the new group is not paying me
My car dealership was recently sold from one owner to another. The new owner has not paid my commissions, and while I have not yet spoken to my gm, I think he will refuse to pay and will do so because... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

If I receive a severance check for 8 weeks and work a minimum wage job then quit after severance from previous job ran out could I still apply for unemployment?
N/A applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

What if u quit a job but the job says u did a no call no show and mail the last check but they drop my wages to min wage can she do this with out a notice or even in the hand book
Wages dropped applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I have a truck that belongs to my former employer, no storage fees have been paid to me
What is my legal right to work truck owned by my former employer whom I have filed a wage claim against, that has been in my possesion for 11 months. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

under what circumstance is a non compete in vialed
non payment of commission fighting to get paid .. every month.. then catching my bosses wife having an affair making my work place uncomfortable for me.. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Hello, over payment of wages question
Was over paid in April my boss says and today he kept my entire chk for two weeks and said he's takin 500 out of next 3 pay periods without my consent, can he do this in Ohio.. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

As a commission based hairstylist, can my employer force me to stay at work without pay?
I am a commission based hairstylist at a salon where I only get paid for the services I do. My question is- If we don’t have any more clients and would rather go home early, does our employer have t... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

About my wage!!!
Hello!!! I have a question. Please help me. I have come here in U.S.A.(from Romania) for this summer, to work. I have come 3 weeks a go. The problem is that i have a contract signed with the employer,... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Repayment of move benefit after layoff at new location
I was laid off after moving here only 5 1/2 months ago from corporate headquarters in another state. Part of the move benefit included a high cost of living package that paid part of the house down pa... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

What should I do if my eployer fails to pay my final check?
I quit my job a few weeks ago. My final paycheck was due on Monday and should have been direct deposited to my bank account. I even contacted my back to verify that they had not received the deposit. ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Severance And Final Wage Payment Dute Date
I have s Separation and Release Agreement from a New Jersey corporation which has following paragraphs: 1. Termination Date. Employee acknowledges that his employment with the Company will terminate A... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I left my job at taco bell and I never received my last paycheck. I got terminated for job abandonment. Does that give then the right to do that? It's been over a week
What can I do to get my payment? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I sue my husband's employer for failing to submit his pay stubs in time, for me to send off to social security, for me to receive my monthly check?
They were aware that I needed them and right away for social services. By Law, it's mandatory to supply his employment wage verification. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I have been out of work for over 3 months with anxiety. I was getting short term disability, now insurance has denied any further payment due to my Dr saying I
Out of work since 2/27/17, I believe everything else is in the question box. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Update to my question... I am in Florida and wondering if I have a chance at winning an appeal?
I am in Florida. I was laid off and given a severance package for 3 months to be paid out biweekly. It has been paid out bi-weekly until 1/15 when the company decided that it would pay out the remaini... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can an employer reduce your pay to minimum wage if you are unable to give the one month notice they say they require. Im not Union. I wasn't told this upon hire nor do I recall signing an agreement. However it is in the employee handbook.
I was offered a new job as a nurse, a promotion and more money. I despise my current position. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

My boss won't mail me my final paycheck and keeps telling me I have to pay for damage to the company vehicle, is he allowed to do this?
The incident accord 4 months prior to me quiting and he is now looking for payment after I had quit. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

In Florida, how does unemployment work after receiving lump sum of severance?
I am in Florida. I was laid off and given a severance package for 3 months to be paid out biweekly. It has been paid out bi-weekly until 1/15 when the company decided that it would pay out the remaini... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I am a nurse who works prn for a local nursing home. I am not on the schedule and work when asked. I turned in my 2 week notice. Since I am prn I tentatively won't work any in those 2 weeks. Can they drop my unpaid wages to minimum wage?
See above applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

child support garnishment orders - are these to be kept in the payroll file for confidentiality and
is there a stepulation that states that anything effecting the payroll of an employee - garnishments, witholdings, wage increase, reimbursements, deductions - that this is to be kept in a seperate con... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employer asking for a less accurate invoice?
Hello MEL: I am a yoga teacher in CA. There have been some changes in the rules for yoga studios regarding teachers in the last year. At most studios we are considered "employees" so that our taxes ar... applies to California  ·  0 answers

After I complaint with HR about management, can the company lower my pay wage?
I complaint with HR about management and they get upset. Is this Retaliation, mistreated forcing me to work!!! And working double shifts and no breaks. Now HR gave me a verbal notice of lowering my ho... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Michigan. I'm a BSN. I was told if I do give 4 weeks notice I lose three weeks pay to minimun wage.
I tried to work three 12's or four 10' but my company won't hear of it. After two years of 60+ hours including weekends, and being shoved on carts until late in the day, unable to complete my manageme... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

My husbands past employer took a truck payment, truck insurance and personal property taxes out of his paycheck every single paycheck while he was working for him, when he left the company, he was unable to refinance the vehicle and keep it so it stayed w
My husbands past employer took a truck payment, truck insurance and personal property taxes out of his paycheck every single paycheck while he was working for him, when he left the company, he was una... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Unpaid contract fees from a NYC client
Hi, I work for a GA based company (who holds my H1 visa) and was doing a contract assignment for a client in New York City. The NYC client has $40,000+ in unpaid balances towards my company for the se... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I sue for wrongful termination and discrimination instead of breach of contract if the employee fails to provide payment in accordance with an executed severance agreement? I was employed in South Carolina. However, the company states the laws of Nort
I was terminated without warning or official reason. I signed a severance agreement in exchange for releasing the company of any liability. Company provided 4 weeks of payment but now has stopped, vio... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

After 16 yrs of service ny employer eliminated my position, although i applied for other's i wasn't selected and given a lump sum payment, but when i saw my final pay theu took out over $4000 in deductions, so I'm thinking instead of 3 months paid its act
Need advice applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Hello - I was working in Florida and was laid off 3/31/2021 due to a reduction of force (COVID). I was paid approximately 9 weeks of severance in one lump sum payment. I've been battling with the FL DEO (long story I won't go into), and now they're saying
see question applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

A temp agency didn't pay part of my wage
I worked only four days and they sent me a paycheck which covers only two days. It has been almost two months and I emailed/called them several times. Accordingly they don't have my records of work, b... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Ohio revised code 4109
i am 17. I worked at a pizza shop as a driver. At the beginning of august i will of been there two years. A few short months after i was hired as a kitchen worker they had me start delivering. In this... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

In consideration for your signing this letter agreement, the Company will pay your regular base salary weekly, ending August 31, 2017, less standard payroll deductions, pursuant to the Company's normal payroll practices. Company issued last payment on Aug
n consideration for your signing this letter agreement, the Company will pay your regular base salary weekly, ending August 31, 2017, less standard payroll deductions, pursuant to the Company's normal... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Mel. I work in va for Saks Fitch ave I just resigned from employment with them and I have 52 unused PTO Time showing on the books I was informed by management that they will Not reimburse or forward payment of those accrued earned hours Any suggestion
Please advise applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

non-payment of wages
I worked for a medical office for a few days under a verbal aggreement. There have been many promises and excuses but I have not received my promised wages. Now the owner is not answering my calls or ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was scheduled for 6 days in a row and worked a cumulative of about 45 hours. My workweek split this time worked about 50/50 so I didn't get paid overtime. Should I be getting overtime or is it limited to 45 hours in a WORK week?
Retail employee, pharmacy technician, hourly wage. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is this legal?
Hi - Is it legal for a company to pay employees at one subsidiary a different wage than employees at another subsidiary for doing the exact same job? Thank you. applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

I put my friends check in my bank because she doesn't have an acct and her employer said she was going to put a stop payment on the check what can I do
So what do I do if she does applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

can my emplorer stop paying my group ins. after 14 years
emplorer stoped payment on my health ins. applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I recieved double pay of a severance agreement. My former company requests that I pay back their error. I do not have the money due to health issues. The company has sent monthly payment plan. My current income is VA disability and unemployment. Please te
I recieved double pay of a severance agreement. My former company requests that I pay back their error. I do not have the money due to health issues. The company has sent monthly payment plan( which I... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Question regarding severance pay in Nebraska.
Hello, I have a question regarding severance pay in Nebraska. I was recently laid off from my company. On Wednesday, February 14, 2018 I was given a letter from my company that stated due to current b... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

I recently was let go from a job I have worked at for about 11 months. They offered a one month severance. I am wondering if that automatically disqualifies me from unemployment, and if so can I turn it down? I have not yet received the first payment of s
Worked for a lawyers office and was let go due to inability to meet collection requirements. applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete with company changing name & classification.
I live in state of Kentucky. My current employer is a division of a larger company, an Inc. They are changing to a new subsidiary LLC and are asking that all employees sign a new employment agreement ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Overtime under pay
I work for a company i am salary base. but if i miss work or have to take off from work they pay me at an hourly wage. plus i have proof where i have worked 90 plus hours in a pay peroid and only got ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Filed a Waite claim against employer they want to settle with 1452 waiver
I filed a wage claim against my employer for overtime owed to me. Yesterday we had a conference Meeting with the labor commisioner The defense attorney agreed that my boss owes me overtime money and t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Wage overpaymeny by State of Ohio
I was State of Ohio employee in 2007, overpaid by $12,000 during course of year due to "glitch" in newly installed pay system, "OAKS". Attny General's office requesting to be repaid in full plus inter... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

thnaks will i be able to take them to court?
i worked for an employer for 7 years and left and went to another employer same business auto field then previous employer sked me to come back to work for them and i agreed even though i had left a g... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Details of a non compete
I have signed a non compete when I sold my business and went to work for the buyer. We are having a wage dispute and I will probably retire. I understand the basic non compete, but If I give advice to... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Salary pay deduction
I interviewed with a company that offered me a specific yearly wage that I would be compensated for hourly. When I actually began the job they requested I take a slight pay cut and get a salaried comp... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

per diem pay or shift pay?
I work as a waitress in a restaurant in New York City. We receive a set shift pay, based on the per diem wage x the hours the shift 'should' be. Usually the shift is longer than that and we don't get ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Retroactive pay without signed agreement
I accepted a position in MA in May 2008 based on opportunity for growth. As I work in sales, I signed an employment agreement with my employer laying out my base salary and commission structure. In ea... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

employer signed my name on documents
After filing a wage claim with CA DOL, Employer signed my name to several documents and sent them to DOL.DOL suggests civil action or hire an attorney.Should this also be reported to the police? applies to California  ·  1 answer

my employer is deferring payment of commissions because it's untenable to pay cash for commissions at this time because it will put the company at risk. I am not in agreement with his opinion. commissions were due in december and I've been getting the run
Commission plan was just in email from my boss. No signed agreement. Agreed to pay in December, but kept deflecting through March until I spoke with the owner who yet again deferred payment. I want to... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

wrongfull termination, descrimination, wage payment.
I was recently terminated for absenteeism/tardiness, this was the company's reason. My wife had major surgery and I needed to have time off to be home with the children. I had vacation time(7 days), s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Termination to Avoid Commissions - Sr. Mgmt.
Mel - I was recently terminated by a small company to avoid payment of commissions due in November. I am wondering if you know any good attorneys in the Northern Virginia area that might be able to he... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Write-ups and Withholding Pay (Salaried Employees)
One of our Partners wants to implement the following policy for his client: If avoidable error committed, person is written up. Second time sent home without pay. These are salaried employees, in Flor... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

PC Help Desk Overtime
I was hired with a company with "full-time salaried employment status" back in June 2006 to work as a computer help desk tech. It was always commonplace to work overtime, it came with the job. I have ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I quit my job due to issues that I had to contact ODH and report them for a serious matter. My doctor told me due to my health not to return there and ODH was aware I wasn’t returning there. Can they cut my pay to minimum wage and keep my sick time and
Quitting my job due to a situation that I had to report applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

K-1 as wage basis for unemployment compensation?
I am a Partner is an LLC, not paying into the State Compensation Fund. The LLC, tied to commercial construction is now defunct. LLC distributioms are my sole source of income. Am I eligible for Unempl... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Commissions - are they payable after termination.
With no definition of what happens to commissions after an employee is terminated in their contract, there is no other employees who receive payment of commissions once terminated. Is the precendent e... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Do I have a chance to sue even after signing waiver (under duress)?
Hello, Worked for two years for a company. in mid-town New York City. Last year around March became ill with what was then an unknown issue. Had stents put into my heart, but still had issues where I ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If employer promises increase in wage
Is it leagal for an employer to promise an increase in pay because of a new position, and then not give the increase and advise employees that they will now be doing the work of what it used to take 3... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Final pay hourly wage cut
My husband recently quit a job because the new owner cut his hours and we could no longer afford the long drive to his job everyday. He did not give a two weeks notice and when he picked up his final ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

When traveling as a work group in California, using a company bus, to an out of town location overnight what are the wage laws?
We traveled out of town in a company van at 8 am then then camped with personal equipment overnight with no avail. transport, or water at the camping location. We ended our workday the following day a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an upaid retention bonus hurt my credit?
I am fighting IBM on a retention bonus payment and was curious since they are calling it an overpayment, will this effect my credit if unpaid? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

relocation payback
i must repay relocation costs to my company. is the company allowed to keep my last two paychecks for the costs, if there was no formal agreement for repayment terms? i proposed a payment plan to them... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Are employers held accountable for repeated over payment of wages to employees?
This question, like others I have seen, involves over payment of wages after leaving the company. When I received what should have been my last paycheck from my previous employer, I noticed that they ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Because my FMLA was used up because of multiple surgeries and rehab, my position as RN on a unit was posted and filled. When I did return to work it was as a greeter in a hospital waiting area for about half my former salary. Shortly thereafter I was aske
Currently I spend about 15 hours per week on these calls. The last refusal alluded to the fact that these calls were not included in my greeter's job description. It would require 2 job titles for me ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Non payment of work accomplished as a 1099 contractor
I have some outstanding invoices that the company accounts payable person says is in the mail and it never arrives. They owe me over 2000 and their false statements regarding payments are frustrating.... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is reimbursement for in house training program at a hair salon enforceable
Employer is asking for $1000 month for each month in their in house training program, class was one day a week. Was paid min wage. length of program is at their discretion. I was already trained at an... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for company to force debit payroll card in Hawaii under law section 388-2(a)?
I was issued a payroll debit card from Sears. The problem happen when I lost the card. I reported the card lost and closed the account. Ten days later my paycheck was deposit in the account. They told... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Switching my pay from salary to hourly and cutting it in half
My employer is eliminating my salaried position and moving me to an hourly wage which, at full time hours, nearly cuts my pay in half. They're essentially saying to take it or quit. I'm an employee in... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Shortage on pension
I began my employment 10/01 with my current employer. I was eligible for top scale and pension as of 01/04. After requesting a years of service review from my union I noticed my employer did not pay i... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

volunteers - are their stipulations to how much someone can do this wout payment?
We are a private non-profit organization that looks for volunteers to help out as much as possible. Are there any current laws or other guidlines in Ohio stating how much somneone can volunteer their ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can employer claim I violated my non compete by soliciting employees who contacted me?
I was terminated from my position for no reason other than my job was eliminated and had non compete in place. I was given a severance package of eight weeks of pay, paid in four installments. My form... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Reembursement Of Relocation Expenses

I was 'fired', and I didn't receive my commission from my job, anything I can do?
My boss said that I "voluntarily quit", but I was told to go home because my boss "didn't like my attitude", I was paid an hourly wage as well as a commission rate of 2% on everything I sold. My last ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to not pay hourly wages due to one mistake
Is this legal to not pay my hourly wage due to an error on a UPS envelope. I am a part time employee and was told I had to come in on my scheduled day off to deliver documents, which I had to drive ov... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have a health insurance deduction question?
My wife recently retired from her job. We no longer have healthcare from her employer. I requested healthcare from my employer. He told me I could come on to the company's plan, which was suppose to b... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is my non-compete valid when I had my pay cut and benifits cut ?
I signed a non-compete with my employer after I got another job offer and gave my two weeks notice. The next day my boss called me in and offered me more money to stay,so I did. A few days later they ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Freelancer Recouping Payments Question
I have a client who I have worked with for several years and has had a good history of payment. But in the last six months my payments have become later and later. They are currently about 8,000.00 be... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Non payment of commissions due me
I have a signed contract to represent a company as a broker. They continue to make late commission payments. I'm supposed to be paid 45 days after months end. EX: January 2004, I'm still waiting for t... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How do I pursue an owner of a defunct company for damages I was awarded by the Labor Commissioner?
I won a wage claim (damages from receiving bad checks from my former employer) through the California Labor Commissioner's office but could not collect compensation because the company no longer exist... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can my pay be deducted if I've given noticed but decided to stay on temporarily and then decided to leave?
My Fiancé put his two week notice in at his job and then decided to stay on as temporary help for two days a week. He then decided to completely leave shortly after and his boss told him that she was... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My employer died 3 years ago. Executor of the estate will not pay back wages
3 employees, owed about 12, 9, and 6 thousand dollars of pay, have been refused payment by executor of Mary Ellen Rudisel Jordan's (please google) estate. Claims IRS and legal expenses. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Calculating Annual Salaries
What is the law on calculating the annual salary of "salaried" employees. Bi-weekly per pay period or per paycheck disbursed? I have 26 pay periods in 2003 and 27 checks disbursed. Was there an over-p... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer failed to pay into or was behind on his payment when I filed for unemployment when I was laid off unemployment denied my first claim to which I appealed. During the processing unemployment told me I could just refile but it is still showing my
Unemployment and my employer both denied responsibility for the mishandling of my case applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My employer failed to pay into or was behind on his payment when I filed for unemployment when I was laid off unemployment denied my first claim to which I appealed. During the processing unemployment told me I could just refile but it is still showing my
Unemployment and my employer both denied responsibility for the mishandling of my case applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

unpaid wages
I live in Cleveland OH and my employer lives in Las Cruces, NM. I have a written contract for two years of employment at a set wage, payable monthly. Last year my employer asked that I defer my wages ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How do I get the money I was supposed to receive for training from a previous employer?
I was supposed to be trained at a restaurant but never was. My trainer ignored me and refused to train me for reasons unbeknownst to me. After three days one of the managers let me go because he thoug... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Regardless of being an at-will employee. Can a company use aggressive or harassment to force someone to quit, to avoid paying severence?
It seems to me that Bank of American and HP colluded to force employees to quit. First by setting unreal expectation on a team that was designed to fail. Second whether true or not, stating that there... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

In Florida, does an employer have to honor 401[k] contributions wrt PTO paid out subsequent to termination?
A terminated employee is requesting a modification to the PTO payment received to include employee and employer 401[k] match. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer


Retroactive pay reduction
Can an employer state in their handbook, if an employee quits, or doesn’t show up for work, the employer will reduce their last paycheck to minimum wage? I know an employer can reduce an employee,ou... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer change severance agreement? So I was laid of last week and was given a severance letter upon leaving the building stating I would get a certain amount of $$. At the time when I was bei... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

My current pay until this paycheck was $60,000 a year salary. My company was bought out in December 2016 and since I worked between two locations my original owners asked me to stay with them. It was a safe, secure, position. During her interview process
I had already worked 4 days in the pay period before I was told I'd be on a new pay scale. I was never told the amount of my new wage to be able to agree or quit, it was just on my check. Since I was ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

my paycheck has been stamped with NSF and i dont know what to do
I was given my paycheck a week ago . Took it to the bank and the branch manager stamped it with NSF . I went to my employer and ask for payment and I have not been given any answers and it has been a ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can my employer with hold money from my checkes because of a mistake that they made?
I work at a hospital for may years now. Recently the hospital changed computer systems. They are now stating that they over paid me and a few of my co workers and that they are going to garnish our wa... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Employer owns company A B and C
Employer owns company A, B and C. I was hired under the DBA and first year received checks from company A. I recently noticed that my direct deposit states company B since January. I was never informe... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am an exempt employee but need to fill-out a weekly time card. The company demands the time card prior to the end of the work week and states they will charge my time to PTO if my card is not in by a certain day (Wednesday). So basically they dock you a
I work in Texas but my company is out of New York and pays from NY. Texas law should apply as I earn the wage in Texas applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was let go because of the covid effects in my industry and we agreed on a severance including a lump sum payment. Then I realized they made a tax deduction on the amount that we agreed and that is in the contract. While the contracts says my severance i
when I got relocated to US for this job, I was also offered a relocation package where the company paid me a certain amount of money net and I've reminded them this very fact. applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Are Private universities exempt from paying overtime to salaried employees?
I work for a private University as an Adjunct Professor that is on 5/8ths salary (25 hours a week) certain weeks I work well over 40 hours. I make less than double minimum wage. Is my position exempt ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

my boss became my lienholder and harassed me nonstop about personal issues on the job
my boss became my lienholder and for four months he and his wife would make me clock out and come into their offices to harass me about the lienholder agreement - they told me my son could not live wi... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Owed Spiff payment after termination?
While employed, my former company ran a spiff designed to encourage sales of a particular product. I participated, sold a lot and was due a fair amount. This amount was promised to be paid repeatedly,... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

i was accused of sexual harrassment by a customer at my job.
i was accused of sexual harrassment by a female customer and i believe it to be false do the fact that she has stalk me on facebook and has been texting me and when i said i could not help her and tha... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

What does the term "rescission period" mean in a severance package?
This is the paragraph from my severance package that I would like clarified. Payment of your severance will be made to you in thirteen (13) biweekly installments, the first of which will be paid as so... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non-payment of promised severance pay
My former employer promised us 2 weeks severance pay on the date of our termination (August 15, 2003). To date, this severance has not been paid. In e-mails he claims they are working on it. Do we hav... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I've been audit at my workplace behind my back and feel false accused of theft
My Supervisor has conducted ordered an audit while I was on vacation and when I returned I found out that she never informed me that this audit was taking place. She tells me that is due to my assista... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

On what basis does an employeer have to pay a mimimum wage?
I work for a local IT company. We are commission only (sales) and have been told that we are 'Independent contractors'. However, we are set hours we must work and clock in at the beginning and end of ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can an employer not pay commision on a 100% commision job after you quit?
I recently quit a 100% commission job. An employee gets paid when a job gets installed, not when payment is collected. I quit before several large deals went in the ground (I had to), but contracts we... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Is it legal in the state of NJ for a cafe owner to pay a cook less than other cooks?
Baristas make 11/hr, cooks are supposed to make 12/hr. One cook was underpaid at 11/hr and has lost $908 in wages. All employees are included in a tip pool(is this illegal since tip credit is taken, a... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

The company i work for offered raise in liue of perdeim but wage raise is actually a pay cut also when they do pay perdeim its only for days wkd i live in ohio and so far this yr have wkd in north and south dakota iowa and minn is not paying perdeim legal
I wk out of state i live in yr round is company supposed to pay perdeim for every day away from home due to wk? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

In Minnesota, if I have an unemployment account balance of $2,760, which is a set figure because they know when I will be resuming work, can I just request that and cash it out all at once instead of getting portions of it every week?
I am in dire need of cash today! My roommate had an unfortunate/unforeseen issue and is no longer living with me. I am now stuck with all of March's rent payment. So therefore my request for some of o... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can an employer deny paying PTO if you called in during your last day of work? I had an emergency.
I put in my two weeks notice. My last two days I called in. I had an emergency and I do have the proof of the doctor visit. Can an employee deny payment of PTO for those days? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

What is the current status of PA Unemployment law with respect to severance when received in return for signing a
My wife is one month away from her termination. She will sign a "release of claims" agreement in return for a severance payment. I know MA law regards such payments as substantially different from sev... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If the relocation benefits repayment is only a company policy and not included in the relocation agreement, can the employer force payment?
The relocation agreement only made reference to "eligible for relocation benenfits per company guideline" without specifying the terms of the repayment. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is this age discrimination?
I am 58 and have worked for a large company for the last 4 years. My reviews have all been excellent. The company has went through several layoffs where they stated positions were being eliminated onl... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

unfair wage docking
May an employer dock a non-exempt employees wages for simple mistakes. Employer wants to dock wages of $1 an hour for 8 hours for 1st offense . $1 an hour for 3 days for send , and $2 an hour for 1 we... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can an employer cut my pay if I resign from a supervisor position to another position which is paying a lower wage.
I took another job with another company I have informed my supervisor that my hours of availability has changed and I will have to leave at 4 p.m. to get to the new job on time I was advised that I wo... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

If I have a severance agreement to be paid out with the regular pay cycle and my prior employer is late or possibly fails to follow through with payments, do I have any recourse?
I am about 2/3 through my severance agreement. My last payment was about 5 days late and the most recent one is over a week past due. If they do not pay it for the remainder of my contract, what recou... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Verbal promise of bonus not being paid.
I'm the General Manager of a Restaurant Franchise. I was hired with the verbal promise of a annual bonus of 3 percent. The owner has not upheld his agreement. I have contacted old general managers and... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

If my position is eliminated and they offer me a another position (that’s a step down from my current position) do I have to take it? And if I don’t can I collect unemployment if I Choi’s to part ways?
My current position is Supervisor they are eliminating it and offering me a regular FullTime position at a reduced wage. I don’t want the demotion So I would rather part ways and collect unemploymen... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Salary cut after signing non-compete - Is it valid?
I signed a noncompete disclosure 4 years ago that said I signed it as an acceptance of the offer of employment. My offer of employment specifically stated a starting salary and hourly wage. In the las... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Can my employer deduct payment for insurance coverage I did not have?
I was laid off in January for about 3 weeks. I lost my health benefits at that time. When they called me back to work (full-time)they never re-instated my insurance. Whenever I asked about it they gav... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I'm entitled to a full years severance pay after 30 yrs of civil service. Union contract specifies no time frame for payment only the amount. I work in New York , member of the steel workers union and NY State retirement system. HR tells me they can pay m
Civil service employee of 30 yrs applies to New York  ·  0 answers

In Florida, can I work during severance payout period without affecting my ability to collect?
In Florida, I am getting a lump sum severance payment that covers 3.5 months. I understand that I cannot collect unemployment until that period ends. But will I be penalized if I work during that peri... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Personal safety
Hello, I currently manage an apartment complex in Kenmore and the environment has continually become more dangerous since I started working here nine months ago. I was not aware of this when I accepte... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Signed contract-Changed Mind
I am a physician. I have accepted a position and signed a contract which is effective August 1, 2005. I have now changed my mind and no longer wish to take the position. I have not received any form o... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Will FMLA negatively affect my retirement?
I have worked in a Pennsylvania public school district for 21 years and need to use FMLA to get a revision for a total hip replacement that has worn out and is metal on metal. My district is completel... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Drawing Unemployment & Have Taken Commission Based Sales Job
Hello, I lost my employment in which I was a W-2 wage employee. I have been drawing unemployment compensation since I lost my job. For about a month and a half now, I have been working as an independe... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

My daughter is made to go into work between 7:45-8:00 am and work until 4:30-5:30pm with a 30 minute lunch break. She has been forced to leave early on Fridays so her employer does not have to pay her overtime for the week. (He initially told her to take
Hourly wage paid. Work on the admin side in a dental office. Being sent home early on Fridays so my employer doesn't have to pay me overtime after making me stay late during the week to complete compu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Does my employer have to pay me retroactive pay (in IL) after I signed a pay raise contract months ago and I haven't seen the raise yet?
My employer offered me a pay raise for increased responsibility at work. I agreed and signed a contract for the increase but have not seen any increase on my check or my hourly wage. Am I entitled to ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

how log does a employer have to furnish access to paystubs
I worked at a place. They use direct deposit. I didn't receive paystubs for most of the year because they didn't have time or "couldn't " fix it. I asked employer and was told they would have office m... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is the employer required to pay me a penalty fees or more pay for waiting so long?
My employer did not pay me my full wages worked, even after submitting my wage adjustment sheet signed by a supervisor. After I notified my parol and hr a month ago I have not received my missing pay.... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work in a small company (10-12) employees. My boss is in the process of selling the business. Our contract of employment was just an email to me offering an hourly wage, which has been honored. Also in the email he offered to pay $165/month as a health
My boss has a history of promising a raise at your annual evaluation. One, he doesn't do any evaluation and if your lucky enough to get one, a raise is discussed but never finalized with the promise t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

In Florida, if an employee provided 4 weeks notice, and the employer decides to let them go immediately; is the employer legally required to pay the 4 full weeks and vacation/PTO time?
Payment required by law when an employee provided notice? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I had an open LNI claim, my employer offered me a permanent Job (at a less wage) can I get Unemployment?
I had an open LNI claim; my employer offered me a full time that is within my permanent restrictions (at lower pay). I did not take the job. Can I get unemployment? applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Wage discrepancies based on Education & Experience
We work at a hospital & we recently found out that an employee in our department, who does not meet the educational requirements for the Technologist position (Bachelors Degree + experience), was hire... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Salary Reduction
My position requires me by state regulation to possess a 4-yr. degree and this position is the only one with this requirement. There are two male colleagues-I am female-who answer to the same supervis... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

medical leave retaliation / discrimination
I signed a form agreeing to go forward with Binding Arbitration in a grievance against my past employer. This was forwarded to the employer two months ago at which time I submitted a check requested f... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is it lawful for an employer to deduct wages for non work reasons?
Hi. My ex-employer deducted wages in the amount of $275 from my last paycheck. The deduction was made without my consent for a transaction with a coworker that had nothing to do with work. The transac... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer transfer wages for the past year from one state to another
I have been approved for unemployment in Texas(my home State) although I worked in Louisiana on a project. My employer paid wages in TX for the first quarter this is why I am able to claim there. The ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Should my PTO payout be at my PT payrate, our my FT payrate since I earned it while FT?
I took a demotion from FT to PT at my employer because I got a second job. I also took a paycut. I used some of the PTO I accrued while being FT (now PT) and I was paid out my new PT wage. Then my com... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can employer hold back commision from a base pay?
I am paid a base pay plus commision. My contract reads I will recieve a base pay of $500.00 plus commision. When I sell something and process the paper work I get all the commision in my next pay cycl... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

On 10/27/17 I tore a tendon in my foot walking down the steps in the parking garage at work, It took until mid December to be determined that Workman's Comp would cover this. During this time I had applied for FMLA, during this time all of my PTO was exha
Can I be required to pay back PTO if I receive payment from workman's comp weeks after I have exhausted all of my PTO when I sustained an injury at work? applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

non-competes when the employer has wronged you
My past employer made everyone sign an extremely vague non-compete (the type of business is not even mentioned). The distance in it is a 30 mile radius, and two years length of time. And the potential... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a employer cancel health and prescription benifits if a employee is layed off for two months due to lack of work, with the employer knowing emplyee will return in 2 months?
I work for a company who employees me as a Security Officer for a school district. We are layed off in June when school ends and return in September. My question is, can my employer cancel all my bene... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Am I entitle to back pay
I was notified that I was being paid less than my peers with similar skill set so I was getting a wage adjustment. There was a restructure and job title change. My question, am I entitled to back pay ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

company closed under warn act but am told that NYS Unemployment benefits won't be paid till my lump sum payout ends. Is that legal?
since I was laid off due to site closing and given a lump sum payment, NY Unemployment denied my claim until after money runs out. I thought payments under warn act did not affect unemployment eligibi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How can I get my final pay?
Questions: 1. What do I need to do to, if necessary, enforce payment of the amount due me, which is in excess of $22,000. 2. If it is necessary to retain an attorney, would I be able to collect attorn... applies to Florida  ·  3 answers

I took on an additional 40 hr job while still doing mine with no extra pay increase
Recently the other office girl quit and I was assigned her complete job title along with mine. No extra payment compensation was given so I now do 80 hours of work in a 40 hour workweek. I also am not... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Unfair Overpayment
Hello I currently work for a security company that sends you to different sites to work. On January 11, 2018 I was apparently overpaid, I was notified that someone made a mistake and put hours for me ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Work place fairness
Sorry but I have a few question that I'm unclear about from the statutes read so far. I work for a car dealership as a mechanic. We have standard time for each job we perform. I've been told we are co... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Salary Half Time
I am an Administrative Assistant for a seasonal manufacturing company. We are required to work overtime as dictated by our corporate headquarters. However, I was hired in as "Salary Half Time". This m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employer Refusing To Itemize Paystubs
I am a painter working through a union. My employer continually pays me late. He also does not itemize my deductions. He does not contribute my taxes and does not take out my union dues. The union is ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

"Substantially Equal Employment" - coercion?
If an employer sells a product line and the severance policy states "substantially equal employment" means no severance payment, can they insist that the employees concerned sign a statement that the ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Severance Agreement all screwed up
Hello, I signed a severance agreement with a company. Departure date came a I departed. I have the following issues 1. Company missed payment dates in severance agreement 2. Company underpaid (no expe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

How long must I wait for overtime pay?
How long can an employer withhold payment of overtime? I teach at a college that only pays overload on load once a year. Classes ended a month ago. Overload pay was not included in our next check. The... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Do all bushiness in Co have to provide unemployment insurance?
My husband was temporarily furloughed his employer told him he should "try" to get unemployment while they are closed down due to Cov-19 that was almost 6 weeks ago. Employer is stating that he has no... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

How long is unemployment aloowed to answer a case request?
I am in the mortgage industry and am required to go to the office full-time weekly. I have done this work for 12+ years and am W-2 but paid by the employer on a percentage basis. Because of the market... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

My employer decided after budgeting issues they can no longer afford me & my termination was immediate. My employer agreed I would be paid for two weeks as a monetary gift, but now that the two weeks is up he has decided not to do the gift he promised me.
Non payment of a monetary gift I was promised applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

8 months of work for a company, work siezed, no payment
I joined an IPO as a partner, working conditions have changed to negative. I am resigning. Company refuses to pay me for 8mos. of work ($20K) and has seized all of my intellectual property and is usin... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What is my recourse for non-payment of wages?
I have an employment contract with my employer (who is a start up company) that states my base salary will be increased effective 11-1-00. To date, January 19, 2001, I still have not been paid this mo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non Payment of Wages
Sir,I am an electrician for a small San Jose based co.None of the employees have been paid for the last 3 weeks & I am owed $1700.00 as of this date.My employer has told us IF he gets paid we will get... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I signed up for and have used employers tuition reimbursement program for a year and a half. When reviewing the contract it states that leaving prior to two years after last payment requires tuition to be paid back in accordance with Wisconsin laws. If I
I signed a form that called out Wisconsin laws for tuition reimbursement. I work at a facility in Illinois. Does Wisconsin law still apply? Company is based out of Wisconsin, applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal to threaten termination for speaking with a co-worker about wage
My boss threatened to fire me for talking about salary with a co-worker. The co-worker approached me at work and asked. We are not prohibited in any way from speaking about non work topics while worki... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

What do I do about reduction of hours?
I work for a small dental practice. I have been there for almost 6 years and I have never called off. The only days I have missed were approved vacation days. I was was hired as a full time employee. ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Will I still receive benefits?
I was injured on the job on Feb 4th, 2011. I have not yet reached MMI and have been out of work since that date. I broke my right fibula and cannot drive. I have no means of transportation to and from... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Vacation Pay
My former company is denying a vacation pay payment because they claim there is no vacation accrual implied in the employee handbook. However, the wording does stipulate that "upon completion" of spec... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is claiming to work when you did not in Oregon unemployment fraud
A person claims to have been self-employed for a certain amount of time. The person was not. The person claimed to be an independent contractor that worked for a company but did not. The company has n... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Payment of vacation owed and severance pay after being layed-off when Co. filed for Chapter 11
My company, Aerolineas Argentinas, filed for Chapter 11. A week later I, together with some other employees got lay-off (until the company resumes operation). 1) Shouldn't I get paid for my vacation t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Company missed payroll.
What can I do to collect wages owed to me? Last week the President of our firm, in a conference call two days before pay day, told all salaried employees of our firm that he was not going to pay us fo... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer keep my wages after I quit?
I quit my job, and told my employer to keep the wages I was owed. The amount I am owed is over $1200. I understand under MA law that the employer still has to pay someone who quits, but payment does n... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Unpaid past wages, H1-B employee, employer refuses to pay
Hello, My employer has not paid me salary since Jan. He executed on payroll in March. When I started demanding my salary and told him that I can not continue without pay anymore, he laid me off. Now h... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Separation Agreement
I was recently terminated due to a merger. I am 44 years old and was emplyed for 13y 9m. I have been offered a Special Seperation Plan (SSP) (ERISA plan - 10 pages); an addedum to the SSP providing AD... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Fired or let go for submitting a resume to a company
I worked for a company during April 2001 I submitted just 1 resume by mail to a company. I found out that the owner of the headhunter agency new the partner for the company I worked for, they had dinn... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Severance Contract Never Paid
I entered into a Severance Agmt in 2003, requiring me to work thru a date, etc. I fulfilled all my promises in the contract and it was never filled. Under fear of retribution, I waited until now to co... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I received a lump severance payment in the amount of $30K. My former employer miscalculated my deductions by $5K. I have written twice to the employer to see about fixing this mistake with no answer. Do I have any recourse? This took place in NY.
I was terminated by employer but my employment contract provided for a 3-month severance package in the amount of $30K. My employer mailed me the severance check, but it over deducted by over $5K. Now... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Terminated and Pay Shorted Without Reason Calls Not Returned What recourse do I have
I was recently terminated AFTER attending a required 8AM to10am conf call for what I believe to be a form of retaliation after filing an ethics complaint against my HR Specialist My employer then shor... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Peace work pay and hourly
I get paid 50 a job- it takes 4 hours on each. Although, when is it against law In Nevada to not be paid for every hour I work? I'm having to do at least 10 or more jobs to even see 300 paycheck. What... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Vacation pay
I have written before concerning this and received some very helpful information I have another question. Summarize My boyfriend worked for his company for 19 years was labeled an Executive manager pa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hired by company contracted by new company. Still get severance from previous company?
The company (A) I work for was bought out. Employees were told they would receive a severance payment for each year they had been employed (by the way there was no written agreement, just verbal). The... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

Co worker fired 2 days after being named as witness in my retaliation complaint
I had filed a grievance claiming I was being retaliated against for getting union backing for a wage dispute. I was suspsended for 3 days amongst other things. A co-wprker had come forward and told me... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

after final order can exemployer stop the collection by suing and filing a injuction?
husband filed for unpaid wages won judgement won all appeals, all time has passed. now that payment has been requested employer filed law suit and i think he plans on filing a injuntion saying that he... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Are freelancers able to file a claim with the NY DOL for unpaid wages?
I am a freelance editor who has not been paid by a media company for work done on their magazine in January 2011. I have signed contracts from them regarding the terms of delivery and rate of payment ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer cut my salary for time off?
I am normally a salaried employee; I do not get overtime pay, and I am paid the same wage every week regardless of hours worked. I told my boss I would not be in the building for a couple days next mo... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I am an independant contractor. The company I have been working for is not getting payment from the client they contracted me to work with. If they end my contract early do they have to buy it out?
I am contracted for a company that does work for clients. The client has not paid the company, and because of this they have to downsize the entire staff (not just this project) Since I am a contracto... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

contractor not paid
My husband worked as a contractor for a new e-business that is still in business, for about 2 years. He stopped working for them because he was not getting paid on a regular basis. He has not worked f... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Can I get fired if I sue to get my commission?
Currently my employment contract is both salary and commissioned based. I am in a situation where the commission side of my contract is not being paid. I have submitted in writing demands for payment.... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Wges not paid & bounced checks
Mel, My husband and I worked for the same company,the owner is one of our best friends.Both our paychecks bounced and the boss said he would make them good including all bank fees on the next schedule... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Lawyer needs lawyer.
In January I left my employ with a Chicago law firm and moved to a new job in Tucson AZ. Part of my compensation at my old firm (7 attorneys)involved an annual bonus which, due to poor record keeping ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I live in ohio was let go January 2017 payout bonus for 2016 is march 2017 do I still receive it
Was terminated January 2017 bonus payment for 2016 is in match 2017 I live in ohio applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Payroll Garnishment Deductions Missed for almost 2 years
Hello, Our HR department told me to pay $10K of the child support that was not deducted from my biweekly payroll since February 2011 to the Present. The payment were made to the child support but not ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can an Employer Post date your termination?
Can an Employer Post date your termination? Fact: here is the Email I received from the head of HR on June 19th 2001 XXXX, As per our telephone conversation of June 19, 2001, please consider June 2, 2... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Can a salon owner collect a percentage of services offered in her salon by an independent contractor
I have a tanning, hair, nail and massage salon. The stylists and nail techs are booth renters. The massage therapists are employees being paid a commission for their services. Taxes are withheld. Can ... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Performance based deductions from wages?
Can an employer deduct a set amount per hour of wage from employees and place money into employee team 'pot' but allow those employees the opportunity to earn their money back based on meeting perform... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Am I Approved or Have I Been Denied?
Hello, I requested unemployment benefits on 8/14/2016 after realizing just how horrendous this company was. I was employed for 32 days, including weekends and holidays (yeah, it was that bad) and rece... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

My employer is trying to move my monthly pay day from the 15th of every month to the 28th but won't pay us 6 weeks on the first payment even though we will have worked 6 weeks without pay.
We usually get paid on the 15th of every month for the months before work. They now want to pay us in the 28th for the months before work but aren't paying us the 2 weeks difference applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

What if I settled in an employment dispute and the employer wrote the check to me, and I wrote a check to the attorney for fees. Do I need to issue a 1099 to the attorney in that case since I will be claiming a deduction?
Employment settlement discrimination. Settled - payment made to me via check. I paid attorney 33% fee via personal check. Attorney says no need for me to issue 1099, I can deduct above the line. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer make you work 80 hours over 2 weeks before you get paid overtime?
I work in corrections in wv. we went from bi monthly payment to bi weekly and they changed there policy so that we don't get any overtime till we reach 80 hours because 1 week we may work 48 hours and... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Do we pay payroll taxes to ex-employee on agreed settlement amount?
We agreed (reluctantly!) to settle a wage claim instead of dragging it out for who knows how long. The agreement is we will pay BOLI $500 a month (that they then turn around and pay the ex-employee)fo... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Layoff end coronavirus
I have been informed my layoff is over but I will not be returning to my regular position. Pay will be figured on a historical basis. As a tipped employee how does this work? I have not been given dut... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is my boss required to pay anytime I worked before I quit (not including 2-week notice time)?
He told me that he does not have to pay me the 2 weeks before this week if I plan to quit today. Is this legal? On my last day, do I get my final paycheck with everything that he owes me or do I have ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

How do you overturn a hearing determination?
Unemployment was granted. Worked briefly for an agency that acted in bad faith. This agency filed an appeal stating that I refused work. Unemploymnet ruled in my favor two times stating it was not a b... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Severance release signed, but no payment has been sent.
After being fired for a disagreement with my former employer, the HR manager asked me to sign a release agreement in exchange for 10 days severance. HR phoned me to say they received the contract and ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is this considered retaliation?
My fire dept recently received a payment for wages that were not paid correctly over the last 5 years totaling around $500,000. Within one month of receiving the money, the city has taken away overtim... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can a requirement to re-pay a relocation assistance be enforced contractually if the offer letter states none of the letter is to be construed a contract in California
I accepted a job in northern California. In the company's offer letter they offered a relocation assistance. They further required that it be repaid if I left prior to one years employment. The letter... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Am I exempt from overtime requirements?
I will be working for an Illinois seven attorney law firm as a law clerk this summer. I will be paid hourly, based on the number of hours I work each week, no set weekly or monthly salary. I was surpr... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I work at a company that handles sewage and mold mitigation, is hazard pay required?
I work at a water mitigation company that deals with sewage losses and mold mitigation. I used to get double pay for handling these hazardous materials at a competing company. Now, even though they ch... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Employee or Contractor? Right or Wrong?
I'm a 1099 sub contractor for a company yet I have the position title Vice President. I recently did some work on a Saturday after hours and the President found out about it. My paycheck hasn't cleare... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

What is the statue of limitations on Employer's Overpayment of Severance/ Pension Plan?
A former employer from over 13 years ago sent me a letter today stating that their oversight had given me a check(s) that was too large as I left the company. I assumed at the time this amount was for... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Is it leagal for a corporation to claim a false exception to avoid paying overtime?
My husband's company(He is a diesel mechanic for Swift Transportation) Told him they do not pay overtime. Is that legal? I know this illegal with the exception of a few situations. The CEO claims one ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I own a small business in Florida. I hav 2 employees that no longer work for us who did not sign their time cards before walking off the job. One of these employees never even returned their hiring paperwork so I have no information for them. Do I pay the
2 employees walked off job. 1 employee damaged a piece of equipment prior to walking off the other has only worked for 2 days on a trail basis and has not returned his hiring packet for HR. Plus neith... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Employer is offering a severance package. However, company was just sold. Release and Waiver state company as the name before the sell. Will I have issues receiving payment now that company name who purchased company is not on the agreement?
Terminated without cause after 4 years. Reason was given as fit. Abusive environment and I have arguments to support claims. Working on negotiating package value but concerned about the language of "C... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

How to collect against non-payment of invoices from work performed
I worked as an Independent Contractor for a company in Silicon Valley from end of November until end of April. The last month of April they have not paid me for the work performed and agree that I sho... applies to California  ·  2 answers

My pay was cut in half so I quit. Do I receive up unemployment comp?
I have an unemployment question. My fiance has worked for a small business for 14 yrs. They have decided to reduce expenses by "offering" him a job at half the pay he's receiving now. This is the exac... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I worked in homecare, the client is now deceased. Prior, i wanted to leave for another job but my employer asked me to stay on. He died in September and i was given a bonus and later applied for unemployment but unemployment do not want to pay me. We are
My client died and i was given a bonus payment, i later filed for unemployment and was denied. Prior, i was going to leave and my employer promised to give me this bonus so im shocked now that unemplo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

employer out of business, fails to pay
Hi, I worked for an employer from August 1999 to 2000 and was never officially released, but told I could go from salary to contract. The employer went out of business, and never paid me. I took this ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

greedy again
Thanks for such a quick response, I sensed trouble with miss piggy so I have already made copies of the phony documents and have made a package documenting details on each frauded loan, I also have al... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hostile work environment
I am being blackballed by the company I currently work for. Even though they are in the process of hiring new personnel for 7 new locations they are opening, I've been told they have no job listings a... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is it discrimination if an employer avoids scheduling higher pay scale employees on Sunday?
Employees that have been with the company for a substantial amount of time are "grandfathered in" to be paid time and a half on Sundays. Newer employees are paid their hourly rate plus a dollar when w... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Can a general release override the terms of a Non-compete agreement?
The non-compete agreement states employement will continue indefinitely until terminated by either party with two weeks notice. I was laid off without any notice nor was payment made for the two weeks... applies to South Carolina  ·  1 answer

I was laid off from my job in ohio. I have 2 weeks unused vacation. Is he legal obligated to pay me.
I got laid off from my job and was wondering if he was liable to pay me my vacation pay. Also he made a verbal agreement to pay half my truck payment. he laid me off 11 months later. Only reason I bou... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

breach of employment agreement - unpaid wages
My wife left her previous employer and was not paid wages she was owned on commission. We are contending she was terminated because items specified in her employment agreement where taken away prior t... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Collecting Umployment on Seperation Pay
My company is laying off 8000 employees and is offering a Seperation Plan that pays out 2 weeks for every year plus 8 weeks and any vacation. This is not a lump sum payment so every 2 weeks employees ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Having it both ways....
I am a teacher for a local community college vocational school. I am salaried, and exempt. I rarely work less than 55 hours per week, and some weeks have worked in excess of 70 hours. My employer has ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I would like to know if I can sue my Local Union 155?
In a meeting before we were to vote on a contract some things were discussed. Umong these where: The hourly pay being changed to a lower amount without the hourly employers starting wage wich decrease... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I am losing my job due to reduction in force and I am being paid 8 months salary in severance. I am told they plan on paying me on a pay card in one lump sum. My bank is a small independent bank and does not take the cards. Am I entitled to a check if I r
Do I have the right to request a check for severance instead of a pay card (credit card). The check will be rather large and my bank does not accept the pay cards. No bank will allow me to get the ful... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Recently i took a job in AZ with a relocation offer at my 30 day in duty. Its been 68 days and the p
Recently i took a job in AZ with a relocation offer at my 30 day in duty. Its been 68 days and the payment is not with yet. Its something i can do or any law that protect me? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Payroll lost check, someone cashed it
I work in IL for a company based out of WI. I went to pick up a check dated 12/26, and was told that the check was not there. Over a week later, after I had send in a request for a stop payment, I was... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can I put a lien on the project in which my commission was based?
Currently my employment contract is both salary and commissioned based. I am in a situation where the commission side of my contract is not being paid. I have submitted in writing demands for payment.... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Verbal agreement/non-compete enforcable?
I have been working for a consulting company for about three years now, and have been dealing with multiple issues since year one. I was hired for a position at what I believed was a good wage, until ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Relocation Repayment Agreement
I signed a Relocation Repayment Agreement about 9 months ago to take a position in La Crosse, WI. It was acknowledged that we were understaffed and needed to add 2 bodies to be able to carry the given... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Why do I get paid minimum on my final check when I had put in my 2 weeks notice?
I was making $11/hr and was looking for another job and found a better opportunity with another company. So I put in my 2 weeks notice on paper and gave it to my supervisor. 2-3 days later at work I w... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer demand payment back for tuition paid up front if no contract was signed?
My employer agreed to pay my tuition up front every semester. In return, I would be obligated to remain with the company 2 years after graduation. There was no contract signed...strictly a verbal agre... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

full time teacher and coach paid on contract: lump sump for season. Had surgery at the end of summer; can they dock my coaches lump sum pay for days missed?
paid on yearly contract for teaching - monthly paydays. Coaching contract lump sum payment over 3 month period. End of summer had surgery; can HR deduct wages from coaching contract pay? applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

work as employee paid as contractor 1099
Hello, I've been working on a 1099 non-employee status and stated im a employee but no an employee. i am claimed as being a wiener & complainer on travel expense paying out of my pocket & with trying ... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

can I collect a $32K Commission owed to me from a former employer?
In 2004 I worked for a company as a sales rep in St Petersburg, Fl. On my way out the door to work for a competing company in California I closed a deal where my commission was over $30,000. The depos... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can I be denied STD as an employee on straight commission?
my husband is being denied STD due t the fact he is paid o straight commission. He receives a W-2 and is an employee not a sub-contractor, but the Ins Co. is citing their requirements listed in the po... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Late Pay
I have been working as a consultant (W2) for an IT outsourcing company for 4 years.In the last year we have recieved only 1 pay check on-time. We are to be paid on the 1st and 15th of every month. One... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unpaid Office Meetings for Service Technicians
At my husband's job (pest control), the compensation is as follows: ~ 2 weeks training at minimum wage ~ Regular pay: commission only - $12 for initial service and $8 for quarterly service. Some days ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I accepted a settlement to not file a lawsuit does the payment still count as income for taxes?
I planned to file a lawsuit against my former employer over withheld wages. I was offered a settlement explicitly to not file a suit. Is it still considered income/wages for the sake of taxes or is it... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

Lying to the Police
I have recently applied for a police officers position, listing one of my former employers job as a reference. I had to list all previous employers for the Personal History Questionnaire, during my Ba... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non payment of Services
I am an H1B software engineer. I work as a consultant for companies on projects for a limited duration. the placement agencies is the middleman i.e they are paid by the company and then i am paid by t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non Payment of Wages Under 1099 Agreement
I signed a 1099 contract for consulting work, but the employer never returned a signed copy. It states that as a 1099 - I am obligated to work a min of 4 weeks to be paid. I worked 59 hours and had a ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Severance Pay - Breach of Contract
Severance Pay - Calif Was laid off from a Financial Institution due to office closing. Was given a contract to sign for salary continuation pay & benefits. Contract was signed by myself and institutio... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I receive unemployment if my current employer dissolves or do I have to take a job with the new?
The employer I currently work for is a medical practice that is dissolving. The 4 partners are splitting into two new medical practices. Half of our staff has been offered jobs with one business, the ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

How can I be a "temporary worker" after nearly 4 years at the same job, same place?
I worked for a security company that has contracts for most of the security for Shaw Industries. Shaw has been replacing their own security guards (who are fully benefited, well compensated employees)... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My employer is closing my division. We've all been given notice of severance. I found a job prior to my expected termination date, but at a much lower wage than what my current employer pays. Are they obligated to pay my severance if I leave earlier than
Our entire division is closing. Every employee is being given severance. Minimum of 4 weeks, maximum of 26 weeks depending on the length of employment. My termination date isn't until March 31st, 2017... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Terminated and them wanting me to pay invoice
Here's the issue - I was let go or fired if you will, from my previous employer - I was DENIED my unemployment benefits because somehow my employer said I was abusing the internet during business hour... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Erratic Schedule and Pay Errors
I have two questions. The first pertains to having a set schedule, and the second pertains to correcting wage errors. My mother works in the activities department of a nursing home for little more tha... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can former employer tell prospective employers about criminal complaint they filed with police?
I lost a customers cash payment and quit before i could be fired for it. i left a note saying to take the amount lost out of my last check. 2 days later i got a call from police saying they were inves... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-dsicretionary bonus for attrited employees
The company I work for has a non-discretionary bonus program for nonexempt staff - a performance based set of calculations to determine the bonus. The company is 6+ months behind in payments even thou... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Unpaid wages
A year ago I quit my job because my employer was not paying me on time. I would sometimes wait up to three weeks for a paycheck. So finally I confronted him, nothing was resolved so I then quit. As of... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

how will a 401k distribution effect an UN-opened claim
I was laid off last tuesday and on friday had a pre-scheduled meeting to roll over my 401k, to my local bank, into an IRA. The intention was to be able to take a lump sum payment, due to serious econo... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Lump sum, release-of-claims severance agreement: any impact on SDI benefits?
Hello. I was fired from my job at the end of 2015. I have been receiving SDI benefits for a disability, and the benefits are set to run out in July. I am contemplating signing a severance agreement to... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I signed a severance agreement in exchange for nine weeks of pay. The company paid me 4 weeks of pay and stopped. The agreement states when severance pay either in full or part is denied, I should get... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Defamation ?
I resigned from a nationwide company because of changes they made in structure of payment , Meaning i was making less money that i had the previous yr . I filed for Pennsylvania Unemployment and when ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

501c3 and FLSA 2020
I work for a 501c3 church, I am a salary employee, and make a set fee regardless of hours worked. I do not receive overtime since I am salary, and not hourly. I have a master’s degree and do graphic... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can I be terminated for performance two months after successfully accomplishing a performance test?
Two months ago my employer gave me a performance test. Three tasks were assigned to me that I had to accomplish in 2 weeks. I was able to accomplish those within the time and have the documented proof... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Reduction in pay for employee who never schedule back
We are a very small business. Here’s my situation: I hired a new employee. One of my tenured employees came in on a weekend (I did pay them both)to help her get comfortable/train, etc before her sta... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am employed in Delaware and am receiving a lump sum severance payment as my role was eliminated. Can i file for unemployment? When do i file and what would i be eligible for?
I am employed in Delaware. My position is being eliminated and i will receive a 2 month severance lump sum. Can i file for unemployment? When do i file (immediately? After the lump sum is paid? after ... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Time Frame of Wages According to O.R.C. or D.O.L.
My spouse works for a paid ambulance service. This company is far behind on payment of wages. He is owed over $2500 of gross pay. They are at least a year behind on some employees. What is the time fr... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How do I fight unemployment disqualification if it was a voluntary quit?
I worked for employer for 2 1/2 yrs. Began as 1099, then salaried, then the company started suffering financial difficulties & required me to take an Independent Contractor status. I went from a salar... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

insurance info provided, is anyone responsibile for what they say?
First, you have a very cool site. Thank you for creating and maintaining it. My questions revolve around health insurance and in network/out of network coverage. Is the insurance company liable for in... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

When suspended from work, wether with or without pay, yet required by the suspension language to drive to the workplace for Human Resource meetings, may I request mileage reimbursement? I receive mileage rebursent as a regular part of my job.
I submitted to be reimbursed for mileage from my employer for travel between home and the workplace for mandatory HR meetings set as a condition of the paid and unpaid suspensions. My former employer ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Terminated & received 3 extra wks pay, employer demanding repay, but i lost unemployment benefits?
I was terminated this March 6th but my former employer erroneously made payment through the end of the month and has requested 3 weeks of repayment or will pursue legal action. As a result of the over... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Company not paying severance package
Following a reduction in force, my former employer offered a severance package to all employees released on June 30th (~ 20 people). All employees received their official severance letter on June 30th... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is this a breach of contract - employement contract
In my employment contract is the following statement: Employer will provide employee with health insurance as part of the base compensation, and family coverage as part of the bonus. The employer did ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Forced to sign a contract after working the same job for over a year loosing overtime. I'm a Secret
I was a non-exempt employee (an Admin) making 63,000 a year and received overtime for working late hour for various meetings that were not stated as mandatory but it was apart of my job to attend.. I ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

.Is it legal for a boss to switch you from Salary to Hourly without giving you something in writing
I asked that he provide me documentation and he is refusing stating he doesn't have to when I asked what my new wage is he declined to tell me. My job duties are the same, he is very possessive and is... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I received a text message from the owner of my company telling me that he's worth millions, has companies in 4 states & would I feel if my buddies wife knew I was screwing him. ( The buddy..Is my work friend..) & he sent the same text to my friends phone
I work for minimum wage at an airport. My company failed to pay any of us on payday. So I couldn't afford to put gas in my car. I texted my boss, I can't afford to come in I haven't got any money for ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Can I legally pursue my employer for retracting a documented verbal promotion?
Dear MEL: For the past 3 years I have worked in Operations for my employer. A couple months ago I applied for a similar role in a more technical and specialized sector of the company. I was successful... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Former Employer Not Adhering to Their Non-Compete Agreement
I signed a non-compete with my former employer. I am in the 3rd month of a 24 month non-compete. The non-compete stating that I would be paid a specific amount of money for the duration of the non-com... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Change Required Hours per Week for Salary Employees
I have worked for an Ohio company in a salary position for the past five years. I do not have an employment contract with this employer. I was recently informed that the hours I was required to work d... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

who do i contact in okla to be able to cash my last 3 payroll checks
i have 3 payroll checks and 4th due on may 10th i have asssssked my boss says dont have it- i am a senior worked 15 yrs for this family that recently changed within family. i cant afford an atty, have... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is this retaliation?
This is the second time I've had an issue with my pay. The first time I waited until Friday when I knew something was off, hoping I was wrong, and I was hit with overdraft fees... because the HR perso... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My wife received partial unemployment for a total of 30 weeks of $3000
My wife received partial unemployment for 30 weeks in Missouri for a total of 3000 dollars she received a letter today stating she did not report her full wages for those 30 weeks as I was wondering t... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Can I sue if I've not been paid for work in over a month?
I worked for a company called EPI. We were the "clean up" crew at Lollapalooza on Aug 7,8 &9. We were told that we could work anywhere between 6-10 hrs & would be paid $75 for each day. I followed all... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Not getting paid and not receiving the copy of the contract is a branch of contract?
I worked for a subcontractor 1 month. On the first day I signed the contract and I was supposed to receive a copy of the contract the next day by mail. I was supposed to get paid every 2 weeks. I work... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Offer Letter / STD
I've been working at the Tribune for nearly 4 years now, but less than 2 as an "employee". When I was offered a job as an employee, it was for $30k less than I was making as a consultant, but they off... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Unpaid wages and bounced payroll check
I worked for four weeks for my previous employer. He hired 4 other employees at the same time as myself. To my knowledge, none of us have been paid with a 'good' check. We all, at this point, have pap... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Commissions and Parole Agreements
I am working under what amounts to a parole agreement to be paid commissions of 11% on sales in a retail/construction business. The original proposal I signed and returned to my employer crossing out ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I liable to my employer for a clients bounced check?
I worked for a veterinarian in my area for a short time. At the end of August a client came in, asked us to hold her check for services rendered unto her, for a few days. Since this was explained to m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Man highered at a higher position than an experienced female
I am a female that works for a large bank in Pennsylvania. My job title is a personal banker. There is also a "promoted" title of personal banker sr that you can receive based on experience and years ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have recently went through some Trumatic events and watched one of my friends 40 feet out of the tree. I’ve been seeing a psychiatrist and she wrote a note to my boss saying that I was not stable to climb at this moment but could run the bucket truck
Recently I watched one of my friends fall 40 feet out of the tree it was very Trumatic for me and I have been going to counseling the counselor wrote a note to my boss saying that I was unstable to cl... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Was My Relocation Agreement Voided
I signed a relocation agreement but then left the company due to many other circumstances. In the agreement it states: "If Executive is required to reimburse COMPANY pursuant to this Agreement,Executi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Promised Benefits
Despite the year long posting of our holiday payment schedule (we are only paid for Independence day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's), my boss has decided not to pay for Christmas or New Year'... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

TN relocation repayment
I began working in Tennessee 14 months ago for a company that offered me a position which allowed me to relocate from New Jersey. The relocation terms required me to pay back any money if I left withi... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

"Temporary" layoff and severance
5 of 6 (not the manager) salary employees were layed off after being given 2 weeks verbal notice. I have a contract with the company that requires 90 days written notice or payment in lieu of. There i... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

can an employer delete hours from an employees paycheck for allegedly not clocking out?
My former employer has deleted approx 20 hours from my paycheck stating that I did not clock out. The system does an auto clock out at 5am and as the former general manager of a tavern was often still... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

is small claims a way to collect wages ?
I am a over the raod truck driver. I had worked for a small company this year located in illinois. In march last year I went without getting paid a full month,This employer was contracting through a b... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

is small claims a way to collect wages ?
I am a over the raod truck driver. I had worked for a small company this year located in illinois. In march last year I went without getting paid a full month,This employer was contracting through a b... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Verbal Employment Agreement
My stepfather had a verbal agreement with a friend to work for him at the local County Fair in Massachusetts for 3 weeks (9am-8pm, 7 days a week). The man agreed to pay my stepfather $1000/wk, and the... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Verbal Employment Agreement
My stepfather had a verbal agreement with a friend to work for him at the local County Fair in Massachusetts for 3 weeks (9am-8pm, 7 days a week). The man agreed to pay my stepfather $1000/wk, and the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does an employee get paid for time spent taking a client to lunch?
I work as a designer for a small home construction company. I have recently changed to part time hourly. My employer, who is the owner and sales person, scheduled a meeting for me with a client to sel... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How can an employee/former employee get wages due to him?
I recently resigned from a General Contracting firm because they never paid my salary in a timely manner and I could not get support from my employer to manage the project effectively. Contractors we ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does my previous employer owe me a refund for COBRA coverage not used?
I was laid off and got COBRA coverage thru the company that laid me off. I paid that company for COBRA coverage 2 weeks prior to the month covered by the payment. Then I got a job w/immediate health c... applies to District of Columbia  ·  0 answers

Is there any resolution for a large company repeatedly bouncing most or all checks?
I work for a shipping company in Arlington, TX. The company has bounced checks for all of its staff on numerous occasions. While the money was eventually paid after pressure from the employees, it has... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Employment contract - severance agreement
Hi MEL, I have recently being made redundant from my position, I do have a very healthy severance clause in my employment contract, which would expire in April 2008 They did offer me another position ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Do I have a wrongful termination case?
I am an independent contractor who was being used as an employee, violating IRS employment laws. Also my employment contract was fraudulent. The number of current members that I was to manage was stat... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Can employee pay be adjusted to State minimum wage for time
Proposed Employee Handbook language for field techs making $30 - $35/hour for regular time. We have never used this and hope never to have to, but could it be done this way?: Call Backs Due to Work Er... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to sign a Non-compete / confidentiality agreement?
I am paid as and considered a 1099 contractor by the company I am working for. They do not withhold any federal taxes or provide any benefits. Other than the way I am paid, they treat me as an "employ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Payment of Accrued Wages
With my consent, during several periods over the past two years, my employer, an Indiana restaurant corporation, accrued a substantial portion of my agreed salary because it had cash flow problems. Th... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Hi , I had signed a Tuition sponsorship agreement in Massachussets
Hi , I had signed a Tuition sponsorship agreement in Massachussets. The company paid my tuition fees for my masters degree. In the agreement, it is stated that I agreed to be an employee for 5 years a... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Received severance lump sum, TN, denied unemployment. I am awaiting an appeal hearing as I understand the law states if it is a lump sum payment then its not distributed, it was taxed at the gift tax rate, will I win an appeal?
Separation letter states severance pay, severance agreement states lump sum payout taxed at 22%. I was denied unemployment and I have appealed. Doesn’t the law state if it was a lump sum and not dis... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

w2 supplemental severance/settlement taxing rate and writing off expenses
I worked on a year-to-year basis at a major cultural institution for 11+ years as a restorer. My first bad performance review came ten years at the job, followed by the loss of job at age 51 nine mont... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Illegal paycut?
I have been working as a third shift waitress for over a year. When I was hired I was told I was getting paid $8 an hour from 10-8am and that I was getting paid this because along with serving I also ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

on call dispute with for profit hospital.
I am a supervisor in a for profit hospital. I feel there are many issues which I have been given an "unfair shake" here, promotion practices included. I was recently given extra pay for carrying a pag... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can an employer change their mind about eliminating your position after giving you a letter?
I've recently received a letter indicating that my position is being eliminated, which gave general terms of severance pay I'm to be paid later on this month. I need to know two things: 1. Can the com... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Retroactive Pay Deductions
My husband was hired by a large corporation to be the Manager of a new concept opening in another town. After training, he was informed that the new concept would not open for at least two years. They... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can a employer cut wage of a subcontractor because of their spouse?
I'm the spouse of the individual that I'm asking the question for. I did do something to CMA on a piece of equipment that my wife's boss currently owns and because of this, he basically has split the ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Our company is moving to unlimited PTO for managers and above. We are being told that as of September 1, out PTO banks will be wiped out. No payout or grace period to take accrued, unused time. If I've accrued the time, can they just eliminate my bank?
PTO banks of accrued, unused time are being wiped out with no payment or grace period to use the paid time. Vice Presidents were given unlimited PTO last year, but their accrued, unused banks were pai... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can commission paid non sales employee be asked to perform misc. work when have not customers?
Hello. I am a licensed cosmetologist in the state of Ohio. I work fully on commission. If I have customers booked that day I get paid 50% of the profit minus service and supply fees, etc. If I do not ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Mutual Separation Agreement - Severance - Signed & Notarized - Now they want to Void & Null it
I was let go by my employer after 6 years of reliable service. They offered me a mutual separation agreement with severance included in the agreement. I got it signed and notarized and employer got it... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

relocation/bonus payment and wages withheld.
I was hired on with a bonus/relocation of 5000. In the contract, it only states that it must be paid back if I do not stay a year. Because of a better offer, and unreasonable working conditions, I gav... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Options if the deadline for recovering back wages through the Texas Workforce Commission has passed?
I live in Texas and worked for a company that contracts all of its employees through a company based in California. Although I worked for the Texas company, from a legal standpoint all employees were ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Tuition sponsorship agreement and Tuition reimbursement contract in Massachussets
Hi , I had signed a Tuition sponsorship agreement in Massachussets. The company paid my tuition fees for my masters degree. In the agreement, it is stated that I agreed to be an employee for 5 years a... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Employment condition changed=loss of all accrued vacation time?
I work for a small human services agency. Our Board of Directors recently voted to dissolve the agency, so I am now on app. 3 months notice. I have almost 100 hours of unused vacation time accumulated... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can you force comission employees to work OT?
I work for a debt consolidation agency where I was originally hired as a " comission only " employee. Due to the fact that some weeks, there are some employees that DO NOT acquire any deals the employ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for an employer to pay you a lesser amount per hour on your final paycheck?
When I quit my position as line cook at a restaurant, the owner retaliated by placing a stop payment on my next-to-last paycheck. This action emptied my bank account and incurred $145 in overdraft fee... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

COVID Layoff, then a lump sum payment (likely PPP loan related)...should I be claiming unemployment?
COVID-related: I was given a lump sum intended to equal my pay from May 31 until July 31. Some posts on here advise I do not qualify for unemployment benefits until after July 31, others suggest the d... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Returned check? Can the employer make you pay if you were the one that accepted it?
My employer has recently instated a new policy on our acceptance of checks. If the employee accepts a check from a client for goods and services and they don't get a driver's license number and the ch... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I owe repayment of a bonus. The contract didn't specify repayment terms. Can they impose timeframe
I received a combined sign-on /relocation bonus, but resigned after 8 months. The contract stated I must pay it back if I did not complete 2 years, but did not stipulate a payback timeframe. I am offe... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I have been with this company for 3 years. I accumulated 3 weeks of PTO. I requested the 3 weeks PTO and my supervisor approved them. After my 3 weeks PTO , I returned after 3 weeks. I then gave them my resignation with 10 days notice. My employer decided
Worked for a company for 5 years. Accrued 3 weeks of PTO time. Requested the PTO for 3 weeks and was approved. I returned after my 3 week PTO . Upon return, I gave a notice of resignation with 10 days... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Alleged overpayment of wages by employer/denial of three paychecks
My employer did not pay me for three recent pay periods, alleging he had overpaid me in the past. I provided him all information proving he had not overpaid me and requested paychecks. He did not pay ... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Can a company get away with not honoring severance agreement
My employer offered to pay my Cobra for 6 months as part of a severance agreement. The employer offered no specific language or guidance on the procedure for honoring payment. I filled out Cobra paper... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

In regards to PTO my company has a policy that is mandatory certain paid holidays to use PTO. ..
As I stated in the question. In regards to PTO my company has a policy that is mandatory certain paid holidays to use PTO so, Christmas, New Year's, 4th of July, and some other observed holidays are r... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I work for the state of Indiana as a correctional officer and have over 200 hours of vacation time. If I give my two weeks notice when will I receive my vacation pay?
I work for the state of Indiana as a correctional officer and I have over 200 hours of vacation time. When will I receive payment for this after I have given my two weeks notice? applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to 4 more days Sev pay M, T, W , Th
In consideration for your signing this letter agreement, the Company will pay your regular base salary weekly, ending August 31, 2017, less standard payroll deductions, pursuant to the Company's norma... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I left my company (on good terms with notice) in December where I was a full time hourly employee. I could not transfer my position as there was not one available at the time. Now 5 months later I have accepted a part time position with them in hopes that
I left my company (on good terms with notice) in December where I was a full time hourly employee. I could not transfer my position as there was not one available at the time. Now 5 months later I hav... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Pay scale changed after inquiry into overtime
Have been working for 3 years at 2 different rates. I travel a lot for this job and the travel is required. Every week I travel overtime from 4-12 hours but I have been refused overtime pay since I ea... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is an employer allowed to change their mind after the fact about severance allocation?
When I was laid off, I opted to take a severance package rather than be placed on a recall list. I asked my employer twice whether the payments would be counted as lump sum or allocated over several w... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Retalation? Hospital Work Release = 0 Hours.
I work a corporate job as a line cook, wont name it but its a big one. Simple Short Version - My six month pregnant girlfriend and myself both work here supposedly full time for about six months now a... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can my employer obligate me to pay tuition for a required class upfront?
My employer is asking me to pay upfront for tuition for a class that was a job requirement, and then submit the cost of the class for reimbursement. The payment has to be made to the school (which is ... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

I was granted unemployment compensation and now my former employer is contesting that decision.
I was terminated from my position as a social worker in a local facility. There had been occasions when my employer wanted me to sign for payment for services that I did not provide. I am licensed, an... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How do I fight my previous employer for not paying me my 2 weeks notice like they said they would?
I gave my previous employer a written 2 weeks notice last week, stating my last day would be October 9th. When I turned in my notice, my manager told me to go ahead and turn in my stuff and go home. H... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Verbal agreement to
I signed a "payback sign on bonus" agreement if I voluntarily quit within two years for my previous employer. For various reasons, including harassing email's from a fellow employee (which HR said the... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

How quickly do I have to pay back relocation expenses?
I relocated for my position and my company paid relocation expenses. I have worked there for over one year, but less than two years, so according to the agreement, if I leave before the two-year mark,... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Could I get unemployment benefits if I choose to leave my job?
I am manager of a small business and gave birth to my son a year ago. My son was born with many health problems and I was not able to go to back to work on a full time schedule. President of the compa... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I am owed about $4500 in commissions as a contractor will it cost me more to sue than I am owed?
I was a contract employee with a small company in Tempe, AZ for sales of their products in VA, NC, and SC. I executed a contract but never received an executed contract back from the owner. After 90-d... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Sexual Harassment.
I have had several conversations with my supervisor concerning new restrictions he has placed on my access to our accounting system. Keep in mind I have been with this company 4 years and have seen bo... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Company pre-paid monthly per diem expense & wants repayment for time not used
I have been working out of town on a project for 10 months and am paid my regular wage as well as a 5-day/week per diem rate amount decided by my employer. My per diem was paid monthly before the firs... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was being paid a set draw amount, or loan, assuming I would have commission being earned at a later date. I am a w-2 employee and pay taxes on that loan as well. In the end my commissions earned are much less than what I was loaned and I owe money. Howe
Im a public adjuster snd for 5 months my job was to drive out of state everyday, meet at homeowners properties, and try to convince insurance adjusters to buy these above said homeowners' roofs and/or... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

What happens when ur friend gets u a job and then ur friend loses his job b cause of lawful action. But I still keep mine but when friend loses job and get his pay he said s that I am his employer and takes my pay check and tells owner he will pay me but
Illiagle actions with pay ment to employer . Owener of business giving checks under someone else’s name to wrong employer leading to person stealing money from them and not giving rightful informati... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

Termination for Inquiry of Unemployment Rights
I recently was terminated from a small mom and pop company for bringing to the work place information concerning unemployment benefits. The company is a fundraising company that works with the local s... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can Consulting Company Keep Me from Job?
I am 4 months into a consulting job with the biggest employer of people in my position, probably in the entire down-state area. I found recently after talking to co-workers that I am getting paid half... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What can be done when i live in calif and my Alaska employer not making bounced payroll check good?
My nephew worked on a salmon prossesing ship in out of washington that went to alaska. He got 2 checks while on the boat, then tried to cash them when the job was over. By the time he got back to Cali... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am on short term disability and my job terminated as of 11/30/18. I was offered severance but have not received or signed the agreement. My employer distributes the disability payment instead of the disability carrier. I received an email from HR this m
Terminated while on disability due to company merger, offered severance, now HR is telling me that they will" maintain me as an employee until disability is over because it's too difficult for payroll... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

was laid off late February 2018 and employer instead of lump sum severance kept me on payroll for 6 months. While receiving the monthly payments I have applied to over 160 jobs and have no offer of employment. Was told I could not apply for unemployment u
Was laid off late February 2018 and employer kept me on payroll for 6 months, rather than giving me a lump sum severance. Have applied to over 160 jobs with no offers. Was told I could not apply for N... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Disclosure of deceptive pricing to customers - legal risk to me
I have been working for a former employer as an independent rep. for about 8 mos. I have become very uncomfortable with some of their pricing approaches to my customers, primarily claiming a higher co... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Wrongfully termed while in notice. No payment was offered for severance or vacation hours earned..
I was recently termed 2 days after I provided a 30 day written notice to quit per the policy. No severance was offered nor was I offered the vacation hours I earned while I worked. The reason they sta... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

WHAT IS THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON UNPAID OVERTIME? My employer asked me to start skipping my lunchbreak to help get caught up on deliveries until company hired more drivers. I worked 30min/day ove... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employee's pay rate be adjusted to State minimum wage for time it takes for employee to correct previous egregious error as determined by management?
Proposed Employee Handbook language for field techs making $30 - $35/hour for regular time. We have never used this and hope never to have to, but could it be done this way?: Call Backs Due to Work Er... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Repayment of Signing Bonus and Relocation Expenses
We have an employee that was paid a signing bonus and relocation and signed the agreement that he would have to pay both back if he left before 1 year. He is leaving after 4 months and wants to only r... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Should I pursue my case with the Texas Workforce Commission or Small Claims Court?
I worked as a dentist for a practice in, Texas and my pay is based off of collections/commissions. I gave the proper notice to the employer. During my final week at the office, the EMPLOYER decided to... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Special agreement wages not paid during resignation
Hi I had to leave company in end of March 2012. and in the Summer of 2011 we had signed a agreement with Company i had worked for that I shell not provide my resume to the other companies bidding on c... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Can my previous employer make me pay for use of a company vehicle?
My previous employer gave me a $5,000/year raise. With that we bought a car for my use. The loan was in the employers name and I made bi-weekly payments from my pay. I paid the loan from my salary for... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I live in nevada which has both a +40hr weekly plus a +8hr daily overtime pay law unless exempt which from what ive researched i am not (stylist/cosmetologist at a franchise paid hourly) but one law i... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

What constitutes a comparable offer of employment?
I am in a dispute with a former employer over severance. My employment contract required this employer to pay severance in the event the company was sold, and I was offered and accepted a non-comparab... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Can a CA employer not pay an outside sales rep (paid commission only) for use of personal vehicle?
100% Outside sales rep in CA. Paid comm only. No reimb of mileage/gas for driving personal vehicle, use of my cell phone or any other exp I pay to do my job - is that legal? Also, comm is paid 45 days... applies to California  ·  0 answers

If I have a signed severance agreement stating that I am receiving 15 weeks pay and benefits and the $$ will be paid out in bi-weekly installments until paid in full, and then after a few paychecks, they pay the balance out in a lump sum (effectively canc
The signed separation letter states 15 weeks pay, another e-mail from the VP of Human Resources (who write the separation letter) states benefits are part of the severance. Letter says the sum total w... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was laid off by my former employer in June 03. In return for signing Release agreement, I was offered 7 weeks of pay. I accepted and signed the agreement. After paying 3 weeks of severance, the comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Company keeping my vacation days
I have worked for a very large company in Ohio for 20 years. We accrue vacation days at a set rate. In the past, towards the end of the year, if an employee has any vacation (PTO) time we have not tak... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Unpaid Commission and salary vs. hourly
My employer of 2 1/2 years does not pay a weekly salary, overtime at a rate of time and a half, or time worked out of the office unless pre-approved. I am considered salaried/non-exempt and told I am ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

how to collect my money that my company never paid me
I started working for a company in april. They said that they were highering me for full time at $10 an hour. At the end of may my drivers license was suspended due to my disability. I lived 35 minute... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can a Texas employer reduce your hourly pay by one third after 10 months of employment without ever informing you that your work is lacking? No evaluation or complaint. This is the agreed upon holy age. This only happens on the day after I return from a 7
I work for a small company family owned. I was hired for $30 per hr with the agreement that I needed training in certain areas. But I was hired as the electrician/safety coordinator. After numerous at... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

breach of contract in the midst of a buyout
My husband was just involved in a buyout at a local University. He was a contract employee (3 yrs. - only 8 months of which has been worked). He was terminated based on "restructuring" verbally stated... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Severance Pay and Disability
I am in a union and have a severance policy in place for the last five years. It does not address my situation. The policy states you must apply for the severance by October 15 and request your retire... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Employer overpaid me after I ended employment. They have asked for that money back, but use a 3rd party payroll company. Should I contact payroll company to see if previous employer has already been reimbursed for payroll company's mistake, before I start
Company overpaid me after I quit, without me realizing. They have asked for money back, I have agreed to payment plan, because money was spent. However, they use a 3rd party payroll company, that they... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unpaid commission wages (employment contract breach), employee in Texas, employer in California
I live in Texas, but work for a California employer (public company). I am an executive with salary and commission structure as part of my compensation agreement, among other benefits. When repeatedly... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am wondering if I have a case. I was contracted by an employment service for a job for 3 years. The contract did say as needed. I was also asked to purchase a wifi plan and had to enter into a contract for 2 years. Well my contract ended after 6 months
I am wondering if I have a case. I was contracted by an employment service for a job for 3 years. The contract did say as needed. I was also asked to purchase a wifi plan and had to enter into a contr... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete, company paid me inappropriately, can they enforce it?
I had been employed at a local mortgage company for approximately two years. I was terminated four months ago. From the day I started I was a W2 employee and wasn't paid a single dollar for minimum wa... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What am I entitled to if I was fired after my boss found out I filed a claim about overtime?
I was terminated after two months of employment today. My employer made an announcement last week that everyone was being changed from hourly pay to salary with no overtime pay, and also no vacation, ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

My employer never had me sign a w-2 or w-4 and paid me under the table for 4 months. I kept asking her to set things up right so neither one of us would have problems. She said she would worry about it in 2016 and get things set up correctly. Now as taxes
I worked for a girl cleaning houses for the past four months. She paid me under the table and when I told her on week two that I felt she needed to set up things correctly so that there wouldn't be an... applies to Florida  ·  3 answers

What to do if my former employer is defaming about me stealing from his company?
I am in Florida and my former employer tell to Florida unemployment that he didnt fired me that I resigned when he talked to me that I was misusing company funds at my favor, he claimed that I was add... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Non-payment of severance and....
My position with a large company was eliminated and I was terminated/laid-off (no recall). I was handed an Agreement of Termination and a severance pay offer of 1 month's wages to be paid withing 20 "... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Unemployment is investigating me at my on call job. It has angered my employer and may cost me myjob
I was first investigated when I was laid off from my full time job. I have been on countless interviews and filled out hundreds of applications for full time work. To show unemployment I am making an ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Payment of relocation
Hi, I was an employee of company "A" and working in company "B" as a temp employee for 8 months. Company "B" has hired me and now I am joining a company "B". Before joining company "A", HR from compan... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is there a violation in of a law?
I work in a volunteer Fire Department as a captain and my job duties intail ordering supplies and processing Purchase Order to the clerk for payment. A few months ago I got a phone call about a approv... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

For form 1099-MISC, the threshold for Box 3 & 7 is $600. If box 3 has 150 and box 7 has 500, is the employer required to issue form 1099-MISC still?
For form 1099-MISC, the threshold for Box 3 & 7 is $600. If box 3 has 150 and box 7 has 500, is the employer required to issue form 1099-MISC still? This link supports the summing: Not Required to Fil... applies to California  ·  0 answers

No assistance regarding incorrect payment of City Taxes
I work for company A. They contract company B for human resources and payroll. Company B has forwarded in error city taxes since employment. I thought this was correct until they removed the tax at th... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Can my employer terminate my Medical Benefits while I'm on Short Term Disability?
I was hospitalized from 2/25/11 - 3/31/11 for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. I was put into a medically induced coma for 10 days & lost most of my muscles. I was incapacitated & sent to inpatien... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Employer unwilling to pay on a legally enforceable severance agreement
Recently I was the President and CEO of a company that was purchased by a much larger Indian outsourcing business. Suffice it to say I was recently let go. While my severance package is minimal compar... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My previous employer Stop Payment'd my last check for multiple reasons, what can I do?
I got a letter in the mail today from a lawyer saying my paycheck is being held due to multiple reasons.. "He informs me that you were terminated from your employement on July 1st. Thereafter, without... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I was wrongfully terminated (retaliation) oct 2015 offered a severance package but never received it
I was wrongfully terminated oct 2015 via FEDEX letter of seperation. In my leter it offered me a severance package. As I was reviewing it i was notified i wasnt going to get the severance pay anymore ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Employer holding final pay, Unused Vacation pay , and expenses. They agreed to pay these
I was let go by my employer offically on June 19th, they post-dated my termination date to June 2, 2001 but agreed to the following email from HR: XXXX, Inc will compensate you (me) through June 19, 2... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Can an employer ask me to sign a non compete document after I have been terminated?
I recently was hired by a company (hourly not salaried) and was sent to several days of training out of state. Airfare and hotel bills were paid by the owner, and I expensed the food and the ground tr... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Awareness of Discrimintory Action
I have been working for a government subcontractor as a temporary since April of this year. Towards the end of May my supervisor decided to request that the position be made permanent and conqeuently ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

ADP TotalSource has messed with the unemployment insurance benefits wrongly
My wife and I had both worked at a sales company in Aguora Hills, CA. We have both moved to where we are now because she is pregnant and to take care of her disabled mother and sister. She had been re... applies to California  ·  0 answers

can ex-employer withold pay for minor contract changes.
I worked for a small consulting firm which sent me to work for the client for abt 5 weeks, the employment letter had one sided clauses. I made the foll. changes to them before signing: 1)employer can ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unpaid wages, overtime and expenses as independant contractor.
I worked as an independant contractor as a physisian with a Locum company based in Florida. The actual work "client"- hospital was in Columbus, OH. Prior to assignement I was promised a daily rate of ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Temporary pay cuts for performance management
I work for a transcription company that pays by production and conducts monthly to quarterly audits of my work. Additionally, if a transcriptionist can't make out a word or find a term, she can leave ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can I get the company to pay my last five years of my pension in my settlement?
I was assaulted at work, suspended for two days while company investigated it. Called me back to work and told me they found no fault in the physical activities on my part. Then proceed to say but we ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Big severance "carrot" taken away
My wife worked for a company 19 years. She had stellar performance throughout her career and was the corporate secretary for her last 5 years. She was on the company's lucrative supplemental benefit p... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Was expecting to be paid management bonus for full and successful 2015. Payout of this would be april 11th. Bonus policy (which states is at ful discretion of CEO) says that if employee leaves before payout date that not bonus will be paid. I left for ano
Was expecting to be paid management bonus for full and successful 2015. Payout of this would be april 11th. Bonus policy (which states is at ful discretion of CEO) says that if employee leaves before ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete and Corp-to-Corp relationships
I have a corp-to-corp relationship with a vendor company ("ABC") to provide financial IT consulting services to client company ("DEF"). Vendor company ("ABC") is not my employer, nor have they provide... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

Unauthorized stoppage of 401K contributions and severance overpayment
I was on a severance plan from my employer. The terms of my severance included continuation of 401K contributions on both my part and my former employer. Due to some sort of "hickup" in the the system... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Fired with no reason and given negative employment reference.
My husband was a maintenance person for a large rental property. About a month ago, out of the blue, he was called to the rental office, where he was greeted by an attorney and given a "Notice of Term... applies to California  ·  1 answer

out on medical job eliminated
I have worked as a manager at a tavern for a year and a half. In July I hurt my back and ended up in the emergency room. From there on I followed their diagnosis and treatment but didnt get better. In... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Can Executive Grade employees be discriminated in amount of payment of Severance Pay.
My company is being taken over by another company. To save the jobs of employees, current management has approved a Severance / Compensation Policy for Executive Cadre employees of Grade 7 to Grade 14... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Im a server in a hotel bar in CA, which sometimes has special events which are usually “open bar” so free to the guests of the event. The host of the events paid the hotel a lump sum, automatic gratuity was added, then divided between staff working th
Im a server in a hotel bar in CA, which sometimes has special events which are usually “open bar” so free to the guests of the event. The host of the events paid the hotel a lump sum, automatic gr... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Employer Denies paying Overtime Hours already worked at End Client Location.
Hi there, My employer contracts with other staffing companies, to place his employees at work. My situation: End Client (where i worked as IT sub-contractor) --> Prime Agent Company --> Secondary Agen... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Negotiating a severance package after layoff
I was laid off from my job at a New York City ad agency last Thursday. I received a severance package offer, and believe it can be improved, or should be; but I understand that employers are not legal... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Recently got terminated from a publicly traded company i worked for 7.5 years without a cause, i was never told the reason i was let go. (i’ve heard restructuring and eliminating my position was a reason but two days before my termination new job openin
Recently got terminated from a publicly traded company i worked for 7.5 years without a cause, i was never told the reason i was let go. (i’ve heard restructuring and eliminating my position was a r... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

we had received an overpayment on our severance package (we thought it was because they filed it in such a way that they took out 37% of the whole amount for taxes instead of 25%), as a result they withheld the last bonus check we were supposed to get. Th
As a result of the overpayment, they withheld the last bonus check we were supposed to receive and told us to pay them back before the end of the month (which was like 2 weeks from then), but they did... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Filed for unemployment while briefly out of country
I'm a NY state resident / US citizen. I tried to claim unemployment benefits for a week during which, for 5 days, I was in the US applying for jobs; for the last two days of the week I was in Europe. ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Settlement Amount
I've sued the county due to sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. The lawsuit was filed in federal court by my ex-attorney. I am now without counsel and the county has scheduled a settleme... applies to California  ·  4 answers

Employer refuses to correct payroll error from 2002
I have been trying for over a year to get my employer - a consulting company - to pay me for a payroll "error" that occurred in April 2002. The "error" (erroneous interpretation of a change in compens... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

severance and issue of contract
My company is closing down. I have been offered a severance pay the offer is less than what my colleagues have been offered. I questioned this with our personnel department asking if the severance is ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Gender discrimination, retaliation (wrongful termination)
I am a 52 year old woman who held a highly responsible position for the last two years in a growing company. During this time I averaged a salary 25% below my male counterparts in the same level of ma... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is My Employer in Breach of Contract
From December 2008 until January 2012, I worked for Paul Mitchell the School-Jacksonville, a Beauty School. After having worked for them for over two years I was forced to sign a non compete agreement... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was laid off for 90 days due to COVID and then notified it was permanent on July 1st--but now my employer is offering severance as
I'm in NJ and was laid off temporarily from Apr-Jul (layoffs due to COVID); the layoff was made permanent on July 1st. I was collecting unemployment during the temporary layoff, but now they are offer... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

non compete & pay issues
I worked for a company called XXX for 15 years. I left this company to become employed by another company that sold the same type of services.. In 2002 I returned to my former employer XXX & continued... applies to Indiana  ·  2 answers

Can I be demoted after a FMLA absence?
I have been on intermittent FMLA for 18 months due to chronic staph infections. I recently missed 1 hour of work due to issues with a staph infection. Within 30 minutes of my return to work I was demo... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Can I sue my employer for failure to reimburse Moving expenses & sign on bounus offered in contract.
The position is in Dallas Texas the headquarters of company is in Illinois. I recently accepted a new job in Dallas Texas. I moved from Jackson MS. In the final offer letter extended, they offered mov... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Am i a case of Discr
My former employer is a privately owned convenience store with 5 (going on 6) Gast stations+A tire shop+ A Comfort Inn; all of which have different business licensing but are ultimately the same compa... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Request by former employer for me to send them money for their mistake.
I was working for a retail company as the store manager, not salaried but as an hourly person at $20 an hour. I informed them I wanted to step down as Store manager and work at a different store withi... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I have been employed in Iowa by a multinational company headquartered in Illinois since November 2015. This position is extremely stressful, involving long hours and responsibilities that were not des... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

They made me test, still did'nt put me in classification.
I started at Goodyear aerospace in 1978. I became a supervisor around 1984. Goodyear was sold to Loral of New York. I was made a manager of production. A project we were working on was V.L.A. This was... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

if fired for claiming time fraud but not true .employer kept all moneys due at paytime and said they wont say nothing as long as i dont ? also employer wasnt even paying minimum wage ? i have entire paper trail of all wages for entire 3 year work history
only defense is cameras moniter all work completed on daily basis . employer required last year and half a minimum of 3 hours per day of work .paying us 60 dollars per day on bi_ weekly checks . they ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

legality and fairness of bosses guidelines of travel time wages
My Question concerns travel time. My Job requires me to travel long distences from our shop to go to work. my boss doesn't feel he should pay us for our time to make the trip for him. Here is his guid... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can employer withoold incentive pay for not agreeing with their incentive plan terms & conditions?
my position is primarily paid through sales & commission plan. Beginning last year the employer requires that we "agree to and sign this document (a terms & condition document) in order to be eligible... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

$18,000 in unpaid wages and reimbursements - how to pursue
I'm looking to see if I have a case or legal options in recovering unpaid wages and reimbursements from a past employer. About two years ago I started working for a IT services company in Aurora, Ohio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am a federal employee who was assigned to a TDY that suspended for not wearing a hardhat.
I arrived at the TDY location and noticed an unsafe and possible emergency onsite. I got out of my vehicle and went to investigate wherein i found 2 contractor personnel hiding in a metal Conex while ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can I sue for being fired the day after I presented my employer with a letter demanding benefits?
I started a new job may 2010 and was eligible for health benefits according to the company plan after 90 days of employment. I started inquiring about it that august and continued to ask to be put on ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Am i a case of Discrimination ans/Wrongful Termination?
My former employer is a privately owned convenience store with 5 (going on 6) Gast stations+A tire shop+ A Comfort Inn; all of which have different business licensing but are ultimately the same compa... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Sign disclaimer under duress to receive pay check
Just an incredible wealth of information here! THANK YOU! Although... after reading the many situations here, I haven't found mine. I worked for a company in Maryland as a skilled craftsman. The owner... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Can I (and former PTs) attempt legal action against a former supervisor for assault/harassment/etc?
I recently worked in a family practice medical office for 6 months as an MA and phlebotomist. The physician's wife was the "office manager" despite having no medical training whatsoever. She violated ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

how to nullify non-compete and do i have the right?
I may be offered a job at a company that has similar clients of my current employment and I signed a non-compete. I should first state that I am not a sales person, simply the Quasimodo behind the sce... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Being run out of my job for discrimination AND am filed as "exempt" and don't think I should be
I am an exempt employee for a travel firm which plans meetings and requires me to travel at least once per 6 weeks for about 10 days. When I was hired in April 2004, I was told I would receive payme... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What are my chances of winning a UC appeal, and can I sue in civil court for lost wages?
A sole practice attorney hired me to be her paralegal/administrative assistant and asked me to start by assisting her on two evenings the week prior to starting full-time days. On my first evening, I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Franchisee defamation actionable to national franchise?
I have a problem, perhaps you can render an opinion if it is pursuable. On May 16th I went to pick up my paycheck from Liberty Tax service, a franchise operation owned by Wesley Talcott 3675 Nameoki R... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What's the fml process for 2nd review of doctor verification?
On June 29 of last year I forgot to have another employee finish off 2 hours of my shift. I set out to travel stby and had a severe UC episode turned out laterto be severe hypokalemia so I returned ho... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Need help.. terminated after giving 2 week notice so my employer could get out of paying unused vacation time
On April 15th I submitted a written 2 week notice. After submitting my noticed I reviewed our company handbook which we were required to sign. In the handbook it stated if an employee provides a 2 wee... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Non compete gives me little choice in employment
I signed a non-compete upon employment with an evaluation company 3 years ago (appraisals, evaluations, ect..) and worked in the Quality Assurance/Control aspect of the business. I had never spoken wi... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I feel as though I am being retaliated against because I took an FMLA leave
On 7/2/09 I took a maternity LOA. On 8/4/09, I became eligible for FMLA. After some resistance and push back from my employer, my leave was finally designated as FMLA. My vacation pay was taken, but I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Fraud and Age Dscrimination
I was recently hired by a roofing company as an offer manager. I applied for the job through a online job board. I was contacted by the roofing company�s HR department, negotiated my starting wage, ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case with the below information?
I am a certified medical assistant and was employed at Physicians Clinc of Spokane and was fired last Wednesday. They dismissed me stating that I was not fast enough and that I for stuff and my work r... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

If I think I have been misclassified as an independent contractor, what's the best way to proceed?
I am an Ohio resident, and I have worked with a company headquarted in Ohio to provide security services for natural gas wells at locations in Pennsylvania since 9/21 of 2010. As of 8/20/2011, I was c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Strong accusations, shifting in working relationship - is this defamation or a revenge situation?
Hello. I have worked off and on for a temp agency after wrapping up a masters degree and moving cities. I do many different things, but occasionally work with labor temp agency when I am not trying to... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Fired for alleged theft. Showing staff and all was a set up. No evidence won claim
Hi! My question is re accusations of a crime not proved on my friend. Video sevaliance revealed he was not a part of the alleged crime nor did he see another person that was accused do so. There are n... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Does she have any legal recourse for the sexual pressure her new boss was putting on her?
A friend of mine has been the target of sexual harassment at work by her new boss. Let me provide a little background: Her husband passed away a couple months before, and she was unemployed. Needing m... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Discrimination, Wrongful Termination and Wage Dispute
My husband was terminated from ******* as a result of absences resulting from my ADA covered illness and hospitalization. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Type 1 in 2005... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

is it my responsibility to inform the employment agency if the company the send me to has me doing a different job/position than I was sent to do.
I was sent on an assignment to be an inspector/packer for a company. About 1 week into my assignment I was asked if I would like to do a utility/material handling position, that I had previous experie... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Wrongful Termination
Do I have any chance of winning a wrongful or constructive termination case based on the following: Wrongful constructive termination I live in a community in PA. It is a HOA. For the period of 5/05 -... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Seeking Defamation Attorney for Libel, Slander, and Personal Injury from unlawful, inaccurate drug testing in relation to Workers Compensation Law as a constitutional violation of law under Eighth Amendment Search & Seizure.
Dear Sir or Madam: I am referred to you by the internet as a law firm which engages in Constitutional Law, and/or has a Pro Bono Program to help those with major constitutional issues. I have been dis... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

short term medical/payout of EIB earned
Hospital I work 4/just anounced the outsourcing of our jobs-very next day the outsource company met with us & offered us our jobs on a probationary period upon termination by the hospital-haspital has... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Clock in time, and garnishment for non-payers
My employer requests us to be at work at a specific time, however, we are not allowed to clock in until we are needed. We cannot leave, due to the employer not knowing when we will be needed, yet are ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for employer to pay the raise for all working hours after every 6 months?
My employer(vendor) gave me a raise lately because client promoted me to the new position and my employer says that they will pay me the raise for all my working hours after every 6 months however the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Wages Problem
Hello Sir/Madam, I am on H1B of one of the local IT company, who is into contracting of IT consultants to different clients on project basis. I have reached USA 2 months back and working my employeer ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

clocking in and out
There are 6 employees at my job and we just started 'punching a clock'. Some of us forget to clock in or out from time to time. Our system is not attached to a company, it consists of cards with print... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I quit my job after 23 years with company . didn't give notice. is company responsible to pay accrued vacation time?
I was working anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day for months. I asked management for help, but was denied. It was too much work and was effecting my health . Quit job with out giving 2 weeks notice , I... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I live in Pennsylvania. I work based on only Commission. When I don't have clients my boss wants me to stay but I don't get paid. Help
I am told I need to stay and I don't get paid if I don't have a client. How is this possible? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I collect unemployment if my employer repeatedly did not pay me in full on the regular payday?
I have already filed a claim with unemployment in PA after I quit my job. I am waiting to hear their determination. In the questionaire, I cited multiple dates over a four month period of paydays that... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  4 answers

Am I eligible for overtime?
I work for a lobbying firm as an administrative assistant in DC. I make less than $45,000 a year and am supposed to work 8 hour days/40 hour weeks. On average I work 9-10 hours a day with 1-2 of those... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

Terminated, was not paid for last day
I had been unemployed for over a year, but working part time in a job I loved. However, making ends meet was extremely hard. My 'profession' is real estate management/maintenance construction. I final... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can an employer not pay you for time worked because of a failed drug screen?
I got a job with a community action group and was not aware of the drug screen. After I found out, I felt that I would pass since it had been quite a while since my last use so I took the test and hop... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Bonus Eligiblity
I was recently terminated from my job. The company has a policy regarding bonus payout that states you need to be employed with the company at the time the checks are distributed. My term date was Jan... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can taxes be taken out of severance pay?
I was laid off on 10/3/01. My employer said he would give two months' pay and three months' health benefits, and that he would pay me in the next four paycheck cycles. I have asked for this in writing... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Nonpayment of Wages
I'm a non immigrant worker(on H1-B work permit).I worked for a company based in Tampa,Florida.In March 2005,I decided to quit, by giving 2 weeks notice period(as per policy).The company pays wages on... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can my employer make me pick up my last paycheck?
I was recently fired from my place of employment. I usually get it directly deposited into my account. For my last paycheck, they want me to come in and pick it up... preferred that I sign a bunch of ... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

What remedies should I consider re my former employer not paying contracted severance pay?
Our employer offered an early retirement incentive plan, which included severance pay offered on a sliding scale, based on years of employment. Agreements were signed, and the exit interview form spec... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

How long does my employer in illinois have to reimburse me for my check that was short?
I live in IL. My employer shorted my check 16 hrs. How long do they have to reimburse me the difference owed? Is there a specific time they have to make this right? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My employer (hospital) just made me aware that my hourly rate was higher, and that payroll did not change my salary when I transferred to another department for more pay. Does my employer have to pay me retroactively for two years.
My employer (NJ hospital) made an error on my hourly rate for the past two years. I was being paid less than I should have. My employer said I will not get the retroactive pay correction. Is this true... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Does this void a NON-Compete contract.
I signed a employment contract with an IT firm that says that i shall be paid on a by-weekly bassis no later than 7 days after pay-period ends on the preceeding Friday and in that agreement there is a... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

forced to carry pager when off duty with no compensation
i work as a line leader for first energy we are required to carry pager and respond 100% of time or will be disciplined we get no compensation to carry pager can they do this? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My company took away our accrued PTO without any warning. Is this legal? I had been saving it up for a vacation with my kids this summer and now it is suddenly gone.
I work for a delivery company. I have been there 19 months. I wasn't allowed to use vacation time during the first 12 months as I was "accruing it". I had banked over 100 hours of PTO and was saving i... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Previous employer refused to give paycheck and won't send W2
Please help me. I worked for a company for a very short period of time, however long enough to receive a paycheck. They lied about mailing my check to and after over two month stated they refused to g... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Vacation and Sick day.
Hello, I worked for a couple of hours, 5 days a week right after my employment for a janitorial service to earn extra income. The company is from Topeka. They lost the bid early December or November s... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

We had been earning our next years vacation based on what we worked this year, now the company is changing the policy to you earn this years vacation this year. Are we owed a year's worth of earned vacation?
The company changed it's policies mid year to make it so that the current year's vacation is based on hours worked in the current year. It had been previously based on you got the next years vacation ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was forced to resign. I was presented a final paycheck at the time. It bounced and I was charged the fees on top of being issued a bad check. I live in California. If I was forced resign; when is my pay legally required to be provided?
I was allowed to resign in lieu of dismissal last week on Friday. I attempted depositing my check but there were issues at the teller so they had me deposit via ATM. There was a hold and then they ret... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My employer refuses to accept claims for unpaid wages after 120 days.... when it is truly owed.
Is there a time limit in which an employee can claim unpaid wages? My employer claims that unless I discover the error within 120 days.... I am not entitled to the money. Ooooppppsss... our computer s... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have worked in a non profit school for over 10 years...Every 5 years you are award one week. I have accumulated 4 weeks.. In April I was told that the school is closing. Now my boss is saying she is not paying out vacation because this year is not over.
I have worked in a non profit school for over 10 years...Every 5 years you are award one week. I have accumulated 4 weeks.. In April I was told that the school is closing. Now my boss is saying she is... applies to Rhode Island  ·  2 answers

payroll jumping
I have been made a offer from my emplor to mtg. a store. on the first day , i notice the prictice of payroll jumping. not only reg. hours but overtime. the last mtg. was overiding employee hours.so no... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

How can I receive my final paycheck?
I recently left a company and I have yet to get my final paycheck. Their 1st excuse was since I did not go through my exit interview that it would be delayed 2 weeks.Well the 2 weeks have come and gon... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Commission only employee
I would like to hire a few commission only employees. Can I hire them as exempt or do I need to hire them as non-exempt and pay overtime? For the non-exempt answer, how would I calculate the overtime ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do they owe me accrued vacation pay
My company is based out of Virginia, hired me to work in Philly, and reside in Philly. I paid all PA and Philly taxes and thus receive unemployment from the state of PA. The state of Virginia does not... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

How can my employer take $500 out of my check a week without my permission
How can my employer take $500 out of my check a week without my permission applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Unpaid Wages
I was laid-off in February 2003 & my ex-employer still owes me for wages & expenses. I filed my claim with the IL Department of Labor in January 2004 & just received a letter from them indicating that... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

How does severance pay affect unemployment benefits?
My husband is losing his job after 25 years. They are offering him a year of severance pay that will be paid out in a lump sum on January 3rd, 2014. Will he be able to file on January 4th and start co... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Conflict Of Interest Fraud & Harrassment
I am an IT contract worker doing work for a public company that has $390 billion in assets. My employer is the staffing agency that has a relationship with the public company as a vendor, seems to me ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Missed payroll in CA
Hello, I work for a small company (40 employees) The boss did not pay wages to any of the employees last pay period due to lack of funds. We also have collection agencies calling at all hours and have... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer issue paycheck but insist it not be cashed or deposited yet?
My former employer issued four paychecks (biweekly) in a row to me, but insisted that i did not cash them due to insufficent funds. As of October 2009, I got a new job, due to the money problems with ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Is it legal to be required to take conference calls for work at home on your phone and not be paid?
My wife is a non salary, hourley paid employee as a teller at a bank. She has been told she must take a weekly conference call at home on her phone without being paid for her time or phone minutes. I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was RIF'd on June 20th. I have 45 days to sign my severance agreement. Can I collect unemployment in those 45 days? This is in Florida
In Florida. I was RIF'd on June 20th and have 45 days to sign the severance agreement. If I wait to the 45th day to sign, can I collect unemployment for day 1-44? applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can I withhold signing bonus from final two pay checks
We have an employee that has resgined. Per his offer letter, he would have to repay a prorated portion of his signing bonus in the event left the company. How much am I able to legally withhold from t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer use the defense that they weren't notified that I was terminated for not paying me my final paycheck?
it's not up to me to notify my employer of the laws they should already know the laws regarding final paycheck, nor is it my responsibility to contact the office and let them know that my foreman term... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Two week notice and repay relocation.
I gave my two weeks notice and was walked out of the job that day and not paid for the following two weeks. Since California is a At-Will state am i legally obligated to repay my relocation expense wh... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work as a technical contractor through an agency, for a financial institution. I have been given my two week notice and informed that October 2nd will be my last day. My contract agency indicates that they won't pay me my final check until the next pay
I work as a technical contractor through an agency, for a financial institution. I have been given my two week notice and informed that October 2nd will be my last day. My contract agency indicates th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Unpaid Wages - Options
My ex-employer (who is the sole owner of the company) owes me for past wages of over $5,000. At the time, I was a salaried employee. My question is - Can I file a lien against his property without fil... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How your severence pay is paid to you.
My question does the employer have the right to withhold your severence until they want to pay you. Do they have the right to make installments to you on your severence pay. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Employer deducted
Currently, I am a salaried commercial real estate broker who signed a contract that stated I am due a "salary" that includes a bonus if earned. Recently, all the "salaried" employees in the office not... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Employer holding back wages stating I owe him money for car damages
Thank you very much for your answer. Three months ago I was laid off for lack of work. I had had the job for 5 years with no problems. Two weeks after I was laid off the former employer called and ask... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

is it possible to collect the wages
employer operated a business taking care of elderly people giving in-house services he was being paid by the government capped six employees working without pay for about three months filed bankruptcy... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employee Quiting with Wages Owed to Employer
Employee took vacation and then quit and owes wages to Employer. What is Ohio's law regarding deducting wages from last paycheck? Everything I am searching says Ohio law is silent on the issue. Also, ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My supervisor informed me by email a month ago, that my job was eliminated.I haven't received any separation papers. What is my recourse?
I've been employed in Phila., Pa, for 34 yrs. at a hospital. Supervisor emailed me a month ago stating that my job was eliminated. At that time, I was working at home. I haven't been notified for an e... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Late Pay and Covenent Not to Compete
My employer is more then two months late in giving me my last paycheck before my layoff. They don't dispute that they owe me the money they just need "some more time". I would prefer to open my own bu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

What is the minimum salary to be paid to an employee?
I was working in the restaurant business for a new business and paid a weekly salary of $200. I was working between 70 and 110 hours per week and feel that I was underpaid. When taken to the owner of ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

How many weeks vacation is my employer on the hook for?
I am a twenty-three employee who has 5 weeks vacation and given my full two weeks notice. To date, I have used two weeks and would still be owed three. My question is in regards to next year. I have b... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Pay for accrued vacation days after resignation
I recently left a company where I worked as a commission salesperson. I had four days of vacation time accrued. Now the company is telling me that because I left without giving them two weeks notice, ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

docking pay for late clock in
Dear MEL, I have two questions. I am employed by a small company (employing approximately 30 people) and they have recently enacted a new late policy. The policy is as follows; If an employee is one m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unintentional bounced payroll check to an employee
I'm with a small business in Pennsylvania. One of our employee's payroll checks bounced and they are suing us. The funds were available that day, but in a small window of misopportunity, they couldn't... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

can employer deduct med ins payments twice in the same pay period?
I was recently terminated from employment on 10/20/15. I received my final pay on an Aline debt card for my hours worked on 10/18 thru 10/20. I was told the remainder of my pay (10/4-10/17) would be o... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Ex: Store closes at 6pm. I am scheduled to work from 12-8pm.
Can retail companies force commission only employees to work after the store has closed to help clean the store? applies to California  ·  1 answer

My company is closing down and has offered severance and 25% stay on bonus weekly.
However this is to be paid out weekly after termination has begun. Not as a lump sum. will this prevent us from receiving for unemployment untill these miniscule payments stop? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can a multi-party claim be filed in a different state from the defendants, if the plaintiffs (us) are subcontractors doing work in Philadelphia PA but the defendant (Company headquarters) is in Virginia?
We are subcontractors working under an independent contractor, who has not been paid, therefore, we also have not been paid for labor performed. We wish to file a multi-party (3-6 workers) claim in th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I am entitled to 76 hours of vacation pay, I worked out my two week notice and my former employer will not pay me for these hours. There is nothing in the handbook that states if you resign you will not be paid for vacation days not used? What can I do to
I have my handbook for this former job and no where in it says that I will not be paid for vacation used if I leave my job. I worked out my two week notice and when asked about being paid for the vaca... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Back pay owed and Termination
I am an at-will employee of a small consulting firm. All 4 employees agreed to defer our compensation when we were operating in the red. I have about $12,000 in back pay salary owed to me that the CEO... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My last scheduled day was November 5th, I entitled to the Final Wages payout law?
I put in my resignation letter with the final date of November 12th. My manager let me know that they do not need me the last week, so my last scheduled day is November 5th. Am I supposed to be paid i... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was recently employed at a non profit organization that provide services for Family Domestic Violence. However I never received unpaid vacation time for 7 years. some flex time and at the end of my employment I was only give 33 hours of vacation time wh
Have yet to receive my accrued unpaid vacation hours that consist of 7 years applies to California  ·  1 answer

can an employer not pay me for a holiday that i was elegible for?
for some unclear reason i wasn't paid for the 4th of july holiday and i should of received it. i have made multiple phone calls and emails to my supervisor and all my efforts were brushed off applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can employer set up an escrow account for all employees that they are entilted to.
Employer is asking if an escrow account can be set up for all employees, and they would receive this amount of money at the end of their employment IF they turn in a notice. Is this possible? If so, i... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Car Dealership vs. Employees
Are there ANY laws governing Car Dealerships when it comes to their sales staff? If so, where can I find them? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Never Received Salary Promised/Company Sold
I went to work for a new small business company in NYS as Director of Technical Services.I was promised that the first 3 months that I would receive my monthly pay equivalent as stock in the company a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

witholding pay
I was at work 15 min. april 19 2004,hurt my back and went home,was taken off work until may 17,2004 my employer refuses to pay me until my next pay june 2,2004 and then only show as other on my pay I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Salary reduction for "unpaid" holiday
My employer has a policy of deducting pay for "unpaid" holidays, which results in my not earning the salary offered when I was hired. When I asked him about this, he said the salary offered to me was ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does Severance Agreement Disclude Unemployment Benefits?
I am concerned that if I sign a Severance Agreement offered by my employer, that the agreement might exclude me from otherwise being eligible for Unemployment Inusrance benefits. Specifically, does th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Work 24--Paid for 20
I am a Paramedic working for a private ambulance company. Although we work 24-hour shifts, we are only paid for 20 hours per shift. We are allowed to sleep during the shift but MUST respond if a call ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I get salary of one week only at the end of 8 week of employment
I get salary of one week only at the end of 8 week of employment applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Dear Mel: Is it legal for an employer or company to dock an employee a half a day for being 1 minute late?
My wife and I showed up to my work place 10 minutes early, but couldn't get through the gate because someone in front of us lost his identification card and had to get buzzed in by security which took... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

If my daughter does not get paid tomorrow can she contact UE and reopen her claim from October?
My daughter was laid off in Oct. and collected UE until late Nov. when she started a new job. The new job is very shady and has been staggering pay dates. My daughter is supposed to get paid every 2 w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

is my employer libel for improper withholding of NYC taxes from paychecks?
my employer did not withhold NYC tax, only NYS & federal from my pay. Due to my boss reporting it to corporate payroll they just last week issued a new W-2 for 2015 & I've been told I have a huge tax ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Exempt to non-Exempt to avoid severance payouts
Changing from exempt to non-exempt so not to have to pay Severance benefits ? --- Is it legal for public US based company with offices/employees worldwide - to abruptly just reclassify/change with onl... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I have been laid off due to covid-19 from my management position at a hotel. I was owed paid time and my insensitive/bonus which was earned prior to being laid off. Are they required to give me what i have earned?
I have been laid off due to covid-19 from my management position at a hotel. I was owed paid time and my insensitive/bonus which was earned prior to being laid off. Are they required to give me what i... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Does vacation accrual method need to be available to employees?
I recently voluntarily left a position I had been in for two years. I gave two weeks notice as required in our employee handbook and I was let go three days early. I understand I have no recourse as P... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My husband was fired last weekafter 25 years. He was paid his final wages that day but no vacation pay that was still on the books. 7 days according to his payroll person. How can he recover it? His ex boss wont budge.
His payroll person admitted he still has 7 days vacation on the books but one of the owners told her dont pay it because he rejoined carpenters union 5 years ago and the vacation pay theyve been payin... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Unpaid Training Hours
I recently took a position with a company. I trained for one week before actually beginning my job responsibilities. In the meantime I received a better offer from another company. I am now being told... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Where do I need to claim severance pay?
I have just received a severance package from my employer when my job was terminated. I am in the process of filling out financial aid forms to go back to school. Do I have to claim the severance pay ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Company wants proof of sortware being deleted, no such prove is available from manufactor..?
I recently ended my employment with a salary positoin. I'm in another section of the state from where the main office is, and we used special software for the job. I recieved an email today saying tha... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Afraid Employer Will try to screw me out of bonus earned
I am a grant writer for a non profit. I am paid hourly and also on a Grant Writer/Incentive Bonus plan, which I have a copy of. The terms are that I would be paid on a percentage 2%, 3% and 10%(with a... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Training count as hours worked?
I am an hourly factory employee. My employer is forcing me to go school for further traiing on my days off or after normal work hours. I have 2 questions. 1.Do they have to pay my hourly rate for the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am a salary exempt employee my employer states hours will be deducted from my salary for days miss
My 30 day notice was given on 2/9/17 my last day of employment will be 3/10/17. I left work early on 2/20/27 sick. promptly went to the doctor on 2/21/17 and returned to work Friday 2/23/17. I am stil... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Sign or be fired
I work as a night auditor at a hotel. My employer wants me to sign a paper giving them permission to deduct from my wages any amount applicable for errors that might occur when handling customer payme... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Self Contract Labor
My husband is self contract labor for a Tree Service. Here recently they tried telling him that if he didn't give them 24 hours notice when he was going to miss a day that they were going to cut his p... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What happens if the tipped employee doesn't earn the other half of minimum?
I'm a tipped employee that was recently discharged after four years, two as manager then demoted when the bosses daughter came on board. She fired me while her dad was on vacation for events that took... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unemployment Compensation after Severence Agreement
I was laid off from my company due to downsizing and have been offered a severence package of 4 weeks pay. To recieve the severence I am required to sign a "Release of Claims" Agreement. If after the ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can my employer refuse to pay my already approved and taken vacation?
I put in for vacation in end of Feb. 2016 for April (1 week) and now my employer is saying I don't have the time and still has not paid me and is now going to pay my vacation. Is this legal? applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can I strike and deposit , on the hand written on the back of my salary paycheck.
I am in california and worked for california based comppany. Company can write any condition on back of my last paycheck (salary) with hand written and no company stamp and no signature of company aut... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I worked for a companyfor 8 years as their sales person. I was not paid any wages from (approx) June 2001 to Dec 2002. I continued to work with them, even travelling overseas on assignments. I was alw... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Wages Held
I voluntarily quit my job after 10 years of service. During my tenure, I was forced to return to school to attend APICS classes and to obtain my bachelors degree. It was a part of my performance metri... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Not notified of policies now stuck in the middle
I was notified today that my Aetna medical insurance was terminated on 03/31/08. I have been out on short-term disability as well as FMA since 01/05/08. I have not received any notification of my insu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Company making employees pay for shortages
I work in a cash advance place in Ohio. We deal with large amounts of money and are sometimes short at the end of the day balance. Our company makes us pay with our personal money to make up shortages... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am being let go in Ohio and am going to receive 45 weeks of "severance"
It is my understanding that the "severance" will be paid in a lump sum. Am I correct in assuming that I can apply and receive unemployment compensation after declaring this lump sum on the first week ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have recently resigned from my job as a transportation associate due to being verbally abused by my boss. he informed me that he will not give me my last paycheck (this coming Friday) unless I sign a form stating that I will not speak of his behavior. I
I have recently resigned from my job as a transportation associate due to being verbally abused by my boss. he informed me that he will not give me my last paycheck (this coming Friday) unless I sign ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

withholding last paycheck as ransom
I was employed by a local small employer office. I was employed for 6 years. I terminated my employment with two weeks notice. In the first week I was gone I receive a letter from my previous employer... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

overtime pay
My employer informed me last October(2001) that my position no longer requires them to pay me overtime. I make no commission, I am no ones supervisor. My position is a parts department counterperson i... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

pay cut without notice
I have been employed by a company for two months. At a staff meeting held on Feb 26th, it was announced everyone would be taking a 5% pay cut effective retroactive to Feb 16th. The company employs app... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Relocation Expenses
My husband signed a written job offer, which included relocation money. He has email correspondence from them where he asked how the relocation money worked. They said he will have to fill out an expe... applies to Louisiana  ·  1 answer

Can I be terminated for taking legal action to collect on bounced checks?
I work in Jacksonville, for an Orlando based security company. For three weeks I was issued paychecks, one cashed at a grocery store which was later returned NSF that I had to pay back to avoid prosec... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for an employer to not pay you for PTO hrs?
My job gave me a 1 week notice that they where closing down. I did not take a vacation all year and was planing to do this in december, however they are closing the doors in november. I have approx. 1... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

relocation contract
I am in a relocation contract that requires me to reimburse the company for the relo funds plus gross up taxes should employment terminate for any reason within 6mo or less at 100% repayment. It also ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Is this legal?
I have been working for a company for 5 years now. I started out salary, and after 5 years they have decided to move me to hourly. Which when i was working salary I was working like 84 hours a week. A... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

severance package rights in case of quitting
I have been working for the same company for ten years as a manager and would like to quit. Do I have the right for a severance package if I quit or do I get it only if I get fired? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Contract relinquishing rights to unemployment insurance?
Do I relinquish my rights to unemployment insurance based on the following paragraph in my Employer /Employee Contract? You understand that you are giving up any rights/claims which you may have under... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Does not want to pay and fired when kept asking for money owed
I worked as a manager for a new business, I helped them opened the store and within the first months I was not getting paid until "It picked up" but they kept giving me the run around, they started pa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unpaid expense reimbursements
I worked as independent contractor (doing work as a programmer) at a client site in Kentucky for a company located in New Jersy. The company agreed (in writing) to pay for all the CLIENT-APPROVED work... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Employer is lying and shorted my last check 200.00
On 10-17-2006 I started a job at Hauser Pharmaceuticals as a customer service Rep. I was told NOT to quote pricing until I had been trained. I started asking questions, like why are we shipping to a r... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Employer Threats
I found out that my employer was not paying me what we had agreed to in the interview. I went to him and he adjusted my salary and called it a raise. I bought up the subject of the raise. He said that... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Should I accept or decline
I worked at a big retail company in Ohio for two years. On March 19th, 2006 I was injured on the job and I had to go to the hospital (standard procedure according to this retail company) to have the b... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Back pay/no pay
I was working for a start up company for over 3 years. Money was always tight and we rarley got paid on time. During the end of my employment I went over 2 months without pay, before I left for anothe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does the FFCRA apply to an employer that has 5-8 employees?
Does the law apply to employer that have 5-10 employee? I work in construction company. My employer is telling me they are not going to pay me. applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Is it legal in nj to withhold my commission by using excuses from my employer?
Got an email fm my manager, said no longer need my help, but said to let me fill up my customers' info before release my final commission. Pls. reference to his email: > " I want to thank you for your... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Employees not paid by owners for over 2 weeks.
I was working for a company who claimed they did not have the funds to pay their employees. I decided to resign and take a position elsewhere, but am still owed about 1 1/2 weeks worth of pay; as are ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Illegaly took my bonus
I currently am a senior executive with a New York based company with my office in Scottsdale. In my employment contract which is an at will contract. It explains my bonus structure. It says any change... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Pressured To Work "Off the Clock"
I was offered a position in a school district. The hours are 7:30 to 4:00. After quitting my previous job and starting the new one, I began to see that everybody works 10-20 hours overtime "off the cl... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I work in Florida, what are the laws in regards to PTO payout?
I worked for a company that was going through a lot of financial issues. They reduced our work week to 4,8 hours days to save money. I have since found another job and have PTO owed to me. They are no... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Is there any law that gives salaried employees some flexibility without using PTO?
I manage a group of salaried traveling marketing managers in a company that typically has had mostly hourly employees. Their salaries are in line with industry for their jobs but it seems that Senior ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My job was eliminated after 5 years of service because the office I was working for wasn't profitable for the comany anymore. I was told I would only receive half of my pto. Is that against the law?
I have 150 hours of unused pto. I was pulled into the office this week and was told that because the office isn't making a profit that my job was being eliminated and that they would pay me one months... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

no commission detail provided by employer
my employer a cable company pays flat plus commission. when we get our weekly commision reports there is no detail of what orders the commission came from there is no way i can check if i'm actually b... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Which Contract Controls?
I was a highly valued employee for a large media company for 12 years. During that time, it had three different owners. For ten of those years, I had a contract that clearly stated that if I were term... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

I work for a cable tv company in a telemarketing position where we autodial out to customers to acquire new and/or reacquire past customers on a pool money commision structure including salary. There is inbound calling as well to a minimum. Is it legal fo
This is a strictly outbound telemarketing sales, leads are loaded into an autodialer and occasionaly we get inbound callbacks from customers which are not routed by extensions, we have to rely on reps... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was a account executive doing sales mostly on 60 month contracts paid commision. after contracts come up for renewal I get paid again. after 5 years I was told I could not renew them but i will get a 13 percent residual on each account. so at my 5 and a
I get fired and not paid on my accounts. he kept it all. after waiting over 5 years to get paid. I got nothing. is that legal what he did applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Acceptance and Delivery of Severance Package for the State of Arizona
I was terminated from employment on 12-31-2008 due to downsizing. I am due to receive a severance package. Is there a law in Arizona which dicates a specific time frame in which that benefit is requir... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

What will I be paid today???
I have worked at a CPA firm for 5 years. For 4 of those years we were salaried. Last summer we were forced to go to hourly and were reduced to 32 hours per week. We worked 32 hours a week for several ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

put in my two weeks and now they wont pay me my vacation or commision
I am a license insurance producer in ma and was working at an agency for almost two yearso, I had accrued a year in vacation that I was going to take in june, and I was paid hourly + commission for th... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Never signed a contract
I was laid off from a Pa facility due to downsizing.The corporate office decided to consolidate all operations to one facility in New Hampshire.At the time off lay off, the owner told me that I would ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

We have one employee, Can we pay rent/utilities in lieu of wages?
We (Board of Directors) own and operate a large camping/recreation facility in the mountains of North Calif. We have one contract employee who lives on site in an apartment that we pay the rent and ut... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my salary be docked?
I started to work for small company in January 2010 as a temp. I was hired in May 2010 as a permanent employee. At the time I was told that I would be salary exempt and if I worked overtime I would no... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Pay Docking
My daughter was docked an hour's pay for being five minutes late. Is this legal in Ohio? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Owed severance of two months. Company HR person will not respond.
What are my options if I'm owed severance pay after a signed contract and the company HR person will not respond? applies to New York  ·  2 answers

hourly or contract employment
We are required to be in the office from 8-9am and 4-5pm Mon-Fri and for sales meeting from 1-3:30pm Mondays. If we are late, or miss more than 2 hrs in a day, we are docked percentages of our commiss... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination
Recently I discovered that my employer was underpaying me by $492 a month for 18 months. My check is direct deposit and I file the pay stubs without opening the envelope. I notified the owner and the ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My actual job duties include more than 20% non-exempt tasks. What...
...is needed to demonstrate that they are "not an essential part of and necessarily incident to" my exempt duties. My non-exepmt tasks include: repair, maintenance, calibration, and cleaning of equipm... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Can an employer give away employee services, without compensating them?
If I am an personal trainer at a large gym and I get paid per client (at a rate individually decided by ourselves), can my employer give away training sessions without compensating me? My gym continua... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

How is my time calculated? Am I entitled to know?
I am a nonexempt employee on a time clock system. Is my employer under any obligation to advise me how my hours are calculated (i.e. how minutes are rounded, when pay is docked, overtime earned, etc.)... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My employer has several times threatened me and other salaried employees with termination because we do not work over 40 hours a week. We are salaried and as part of our salary we do get a monthly and yearly bonus based on sales. My employer states that t
Salary employee administrative position not entitled to overtime pay employer wants to mandate extra hours to compensate for short staff applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employee's Final Pay
I have been unable to get an answer from the State of Ohio on the following two issues� Is an employer permitted to make a deduction from an employee�s final paycheck for company property that has... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How can they tell me no matter where I work and get laid off for the next year I can
I took the buyout Jan. 1 2007 Since then I have been employed with company and worked over 7 months and was laid off..I applied for Unemployment and was paid for 4 weeks and now Unemployment is saying... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is my Wife entitled to her accrued vacation after termination!
My wife was just terminated from her position in Sellersville, Pa. She had about 135 hours of earned vacation on the books. However, when she was terminated, her employer stated that she isn't entitle... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a company just stop giving me paychecks and write me off?
I work for a Company that company owns several clothing brands. I work exclusively on one brand. The license between Company and brand is being terminated. The brand told the company that they would b... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was denied unemployment because of my lump sem severance package
I was laid of in February from my full time job because of lack of work, My severance was based on my pay and the number of years that I worked for the Company, the Company did not fight, but Ohio une... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Clocking out for restroom use
Can employer's make you clock out into lunch everytime you have to use the restroom? What I mean is not during your normal lunch time, or break just while you are on production line etc. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do employers have to pay you before a company observed holiday?
I have a friend who works for a company that will be observing Thanksgiving on both Thursday and Friday. The company will be distributing checks out today, Wednesday, however the checks are postdated ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Back wages
I have been employed by a professional group since January 2003. A final contract was never signed. We (employer and employee) had the same lawyer. (Don't you think this was a conflict of interest on ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Not receiving pay for work performed
Hello, I was working as an at-home call center rep from 1-8-2008 through 2-1-2008. I quit the job on 2-3-2008 for reasons I can explain later...they were justifiable. Two pay periods went by and I nev... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Which states laws to follow for resignation from an out of state employer?
I worked in California for a company based in New York. I recently gave notice (2 weeks) and served out that time. They did not hand over my final check at that time, and have still not paid out wages... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was laid off today and my last day is at the end of this week. I was offered severance. If I accept the severance, will I still be able to file unemployment?
severance pay and unemployment applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I owed penalties and dues?
I worked for a court reporting agency that I later found out that I signed a non-compete clause for, even though I was told I would be working as an Independent Contractor; paying for my own supplies,... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Discretionary Bonus Program - Can a company refuse to pay if the goals are met?
My company has indicated to me that I am eligible for a bonus program. This program is in addition to an annual salary that I receive. The bonus program requires that I meet certain goals throughout t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Company has not reimbursed expenses or paid commissions
I was an employee working for an Illinios based company on a commissioned sales basis. This firm was to provide me with per-diem and mileage to offset travel related expenses that I paid for out of po... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

OT and PTO / Vacation labor regulations
I currently work for an employee who has classified every employee as exempt. We are charged PTO / Vacation time in 1/2 day increments. As exempt employees we are not eligible for OT pay. Most of my c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Was given a choice of layoff or severance pay, how will either affect unemployment
In Ohio, how does layoff vs severance pay affect unemployment? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is Employee Overtime exempt if there is a contract between employer and employee for 50 hours instead of 40?
An employee would like to be salaried an allowed to work more than 40 hours a week. I try to keep overtime to a minimum but they want the flexibility. They are a manager of shop and don't make enough ... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Can a non-exempt employee delegate work to an unpaid intern?
I am an exempt employee living in New York City, working at a 501c3. After January 1, 2019, my salary is under the new threshold for exempt salaried employees, and I will be reclassified as "non-exemp... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer choose when to give you the money you earned for PTO?
I earned paid time off and decided to use it for vacation with the approval of my employer. However, I didn't receive that money with the paycheck right before I went on vacation, and when I asked if ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My husband was fired. Now they are refusing to pay final check.
My husband was talking with his employer this week about a raise he was promised. My husband went into work this morning and his boss told him, "I am accepting your resignation." When my husband said ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Two questions regarding pay.
I have two questions regarding pay where I work. My first question is: At one point, any hourly employee working over 40 hours was paid overtime (time and a half) for any time over 40 hours. In an eff... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have to pay back a relocation package that I signed under duress, meaning that I had to relocate or get fired?
I had the option of relocating or lose my job. Now I found another job outside of the company however it’s less than the 24 month relocation period. Am I obligated to pay this pay even though I was ... applies to Rhode Island  ·  1 answer

Can a non compete apply to select employees even if they hold the same position as others not asked
I work at a medical practice that was staffed with 2 doctors. One doctor is setting up a new practice and several employees will likely be going to work with him. The doctor that is staying presented ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

We accrue vacation time based on hours worked, do I get paid for it?
I work in the state of Florida. I accrue vacation time based on hours worked. When I took the job, the vacation time was part of the sales pitch, Now I have 6 weeks of vacation accrued and no way to t... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Are they liable to pay me for entire length of resignation?
I gave a written 1 month resignation, they accelerated termination. Are they liable to pay me until resignation date? Even though Colorado is at will employment? applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Can an employer dock our paycheck?
Hello Is it legal for an employer in CA to reduce the hourly rate of an employee that has been calling in sick and having personal issues a bit too often? This is being done for a "probation" period. ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Ovetime, demanded stays without overtime and sexual harrasement
Hi Mel, I have a couple of questions for you any answers would help. First, I was required by my employer to stay after the usual 8 hour work day to satisfy the owner of the company and prove that I w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I'm paid commision at my salon in MA, can they force me to stay at work when I don't have clients
Hi, I have worked at a salon in Mass for 5 years now, and since I have been on commision, for 3 years, I have set my own schedule and could come and go as long as I had no clients. The owners now want... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

My employer wrote me a paycheck and it bounced?
This is part time job for me at a golf course. They wrote me the check on 12/17 and it bounced...they keep blowing me off to write me a new check...what are my rights? Thanks! applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Variable Comission without prior notice
Hi, I joined my company 3 yrs back with base pay at 15% comission..it was a fairly new company and i was the first sales person..also..office manager too. In span of 3 yrs, every year our revenue has ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Severance Timeframe
I was laid off in early Dec. My company has sent my final check, but I am still waiting on my severance check. I have called three times and each time they say it is on the way. It has not arrived, it... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Working without contract
I was recently hired on a contract basis by Sotheby's for no more than "6 months" and/or "1,000 hours". My contract time ended and so did my hours and still reported to work without a contract. I ende... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Pre-Startup Question
I have been working for a pre startup company with a memo of understanding that I will be compensated for all my work if the company ever gets funded. My concern is, if this company is funded, there i... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If an employer sends an employee to training are they required to pay for travel time
I was required to go to training in Denver which is 55 miles from my normal work station is my employer required to pay travel time. applies to Colorado  ·  2 answers

Can a small Calif, Co. inc. operate without written policy/rules given to the worker?
applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was given a retro pay of 9400 which my company said I shouldn't have got so they have been withholding my paychecks until they recoup there money. Due to taxes I only received 5200 and they have not given me any breakdown or pay stubs is this legal in O
I was given a retro pay of 9400 which my company said I shouldn't have got so they have been withholding my paychecks until they recoup there money. Due to taxes I only received 5200 and they have not... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My employer owes me $50K and terminated my contract
I have a employment contract with my employer. He terminated the contract without cause,and has informed me that he was not going to pay $50,000 commissions he owes plus other compensation. What would... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

bounced payroll checks
My boss keeps bouncing our paychecks, then takes days, even weeks to make good on them. Can we insist on direct deposit, certified check, or pay in cash? Is he breaking any laws? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is getting paid under the table illegal and can taxes be taken out?
My boss decided to pay me under the table for the past few pay periods to avoid paying taxes. If I am getting paid with cash, is he allowed to take out taxes from the money he is giving me? He also di... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Can an employer deduct fuel reimbursement from your gross wages?
I worked as an Emergency Roadside Technician using my own vehicle. I was paid $14 per call completed and responsible for my own fuel and vehicle maintenance. The employer had me turn in my fuel receip... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

unpaid wages
I had been working as a video editor for a leased access television show in New York. The pay was never on time, however I always recieved it at the most ten days late. The rate was 350/week and I wor... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer who is also your landlord force you to work for free or evict you?
I live in FL and my boyfriend and I were on the verge of being homeless when the owner of the hotel we were staying at offered him the room in exchange for work. Without thinking he agreed. They make ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What can I do?
I have worked for a company for almost three years that does restoration after water or fires. I just got done removing black mold and asbestos from a home that took me and my partner 5 days to do so,... applies to Kentucky  ·  1 answer

I have a couple of issues at work but I'll only address one. When I got hired, I was told that the work week would be 35 hours. I agreed that if I had to stay late to complete some work, that I would ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Getting told to sign or be fired.
I have just received an E-mail from Corporate to sign "Binding Arbitration Agreement And Waiver of jury Trail" or be fired. This is a retail company and their is a question of overtime for most. For m... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I use my own cash, credit card for approved, allowed business expenses such as gasoline, T/E, Office,Printing supplies, etc. I am using my own funds, but reimbursements are NOT made in a timely manner... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work in property management and my complex went on the market and were being offered a
Is it a "bonus" to foolishly get those to sign it but really something with a fluffy name that misguides the employee and therefore will make them in eligible for unployment? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Forced overtime
I am an "at will" employee who's schedule is 7:30 - 4:30 m-f. I have been told that I am required to be at my desk with my voice mails listened to and my emails read and ready to take a call at 7:30. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does my employer have to pay me the day after Thanksgiving?
We work in a small office. There are two hourly employees and the doctor here. We are forced to take the day after Thanksgiving as she closes the office. I was told at another employeers office that w... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Commissions due after Voluntarily leaving job
Greetings, I am a software sales person who left my prior employer voluntarily Jan 1st of 2004. At the time I left my previous employer owed me approx 13,000.00 in commissions earned. After leaving th... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Non profit organization.
Our employer pays on a 40 hour work week Monday through Friday. If an employee uses benefit hours for a day off, for instance sick, personal or vacation hours and works and additional 8 hours on Satur... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

"overpaid" wages are being taken back without any notice
I used work for my employer for 25 hours a week. I then cut my hours down to 10 hours a week due to other obligations. They pay two weeks in advance, so if you didnt work the scheduled hours, the next... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Possible mistreatment at work.
My work recently demoted me based on the content of my personal web page. Also, they refuse to pay overtime and they will not pay any hours worked on a day that you may have been late. I'm just wonder... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Employer refusing to pay/pay on time
My husband has been working for a guy a month now. He was told he'd be paid salary. $800/wk half cash half check. Every week he's had to fight for his pay. Just tonight he refused to pay until a job w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Compensation for 24 hour coverage?
Does my company have the authority to enforce 24 hour coverage without any compensation. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

company keeping my bonus
Hello, I have worked for a company for 12 years as a store manager. As a manager we receive a bonus every year based on our sales performance. I have given my notice and tomorrow is my last day to wor... applies to Vermont  ·  2 answers

Boss clocked me out two hours before shift was over and did not tell me until the end of the shift.
I work at a sandwich shop and I was forced to work a double shift that gave me a total of 40 hrs. for the week. Two hours before the second shift was up the owner clocked me out without telling me unt... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

The company I work for is being bought out by another company well the company I work for had me sign a retention bonus if I don't get rehired well I just got my papers last Thurs from the new company that said they aren't keeping me because my background
Can the company I work for an is being bought out not give me my retention bonus because of my background check applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

didnt get payed what was promised
i recently joined a courier job. the owner had promise me gas money plus good pay raging from 300 to 500 dollars a week. well i worked my first week and put 1000 miles in my car put 150 dollars in gas... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Breach of Contract?
Let me start by saying that I posted once already and was responded to very helpfully, thank you. I think we've reasonably established that I have not signed a non-compete form. So my new question is,... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Is a company obligated to pay out accured vacation time at the time of a lay off?
On Tuesday, June 22, 2010 I was let go from Bonnier Corporation. I was a remote employee working from the DC area. I was given severance pay, but was told that Bonnier does not pay out vacation time. ... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

If I use a company credit card for personal use but pay for it is that still illegal?
I was given a company cc that was under my name and with my social I made some personal purchases but paid for them is that illegal applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If I am demoted, will my accrued vacation hours be paid at the new lower pay rate?
I have been a supervisor for the last 10 years and have accrued about 500 vacation hours. I was told I am being demoted to line staff effective 11/1/15. If I take vacation time after 11/1/15, or resig... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My employer had been drinking heavily on the day in question. He messed with breakers causing my order not to go through to the kitchen. After 20 mins I asked where it was and the food was never made. My boss gave me two options; I could either pay for th
I repeatedly checked in the kitchen to see if the food was up and I was told that the ticket never came up. Tom had already been drinking and belligerent to other employees at that point.I went to che... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Injured, fired and stiffed. Now what?
I was injured on a construction job, was fired by employer while in the hospital. Employer refused to pay commissions owed. Owner promptly died. Now what? applies to California  ·  1 answer

I never got to use my vacation time before they terminated me. How can I get my two weeks pay I accrued?
I was terminated abruptly. I had two weeks vacation accrued. Since they terminated me they say they don't have to pay it, although they could deny your requests every time you put one in. Do I have an... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

on workers comp for 7 mnths. been back to work 7 months. can my employer deny me vacation time after I return to work. worked there for 4 years
can employer discontinue vacation time when return to work after being on workers comp. Off 7 months. back 7 months. been there 4years. does my vacation time go back to when I first started since I wa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Commissions due after Resignation
i worked with a franchised owned store from march to april. the agreement was that i was paid annually and a commission of 3% once my orders were invoiced. i had to resign (contract stated employment ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What can I do to protect my commissions once I resign?
I am planning to resign from my present sales job which compensates me with salary and commission.how can I be assured that my present company will pay all commissions do on shipped orders, and on ope... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Should a non-discretionary (pro-rated) bonus, based solely on my performance, be paid upon leaving?
I receive a base salary and an incentive bonus (20% of collections of everything over a set threshold, based solely upon my performance). Some people I work with just receive a percentage of collectio... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Severance Package
After 14 years of service, I have been advised that the owner of the PA based company is moving the accounting/office/support to CO. Terminating my job and that of one co-worker. The owner offered me ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have 10 vacation days for this year 2019. I am giving notice I am leaving. Must I be paid for those ten days?
We have a vacation sheet in our cafeteria that states I have 10 vacation days for this year as of Jan 1st. I am giving my notice. Must they legally pay me for those 10 days of vacation? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I waive my FLSA right to overtime
I am full-time 911 dispatcher and a part-time police officer for the same city, and when i work as a police officer i am payed overtime because even though i am working in a diffrent departmet it is f... applies to Massachusetts  ·  2 answers

My employer requires that if you would like vacation and pto benefits that you pay into it. I have been paying .75/per hour since the year 2004 to build up to my vacation time. This year the corporation decided to lower the cap leaving me to lose a week o
Been with company 18 years, have been paying .75/ hour out of my pay for 14 years to accumulate my full amount of vacation time...this year company took away 1 week vacation plus 5 personal days applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Bonus after termination
I was terminated from my job with no prior write-ups and when I inquired about my last paycheck and BONUS I was told I am getting my last check but that they arent giving me my bonus at ALL! My record... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Three year no-compete agreement
I worked for a Lawn care company, which made me sign a no-compete after I was employed there for about 10 months besides winter time layoff. The only consideration that I received was keeping my job. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Am I due my vacation pay
I was trying to disipline a subordinate where I was a supervisor. The employee refused to perform a tasks wich I assigned her to do and walked out. A few days later my supervisor called myself and the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Forced Medical coverage/deduction
My company provides each employee $750 annual benefit credits to apply towards the cost of medical coverage. The rule is that if you waive coverage you keep the credits and are taxed accordingly. Howe... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Ohio- Retroactive Pay Cut
In Ohio, is it legal for a company to issue a company-wide pay cut that was effective 7 days prior to a verbal notice? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

denial of bonus
I have worked for this company for almost two years. I recently received a better offer from another employer and decided to take the job. My employers are now trying to deny me my fourth quarter bonu... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is it legal for an employer to switch from hourly to salary with-out the consent of the employee?
The company which I worked for, switched from Hourly to salary so they would not have to pay overtime,without the consent of the employees that were hired on at an hourly rate, also the same company m... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Overtime with my employer is only calculated in .25 increments. So If my starting time is 8:30 and I start at 8:16, becasue I came in a little early, I will not be paid for the 14 minutes, as they only pay in 15 minute increments. Overtime is always ok as
We work overtime everyday...but if it's 24 minutes, instead of 15 minute increment, you don't get paid for the time. so you have the option to sit there and wait until the clock tick 8:30AM, and then ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My company sold their business to another company. I had accrued vacation on the books with the former company. Should they pay me for the remaining vacation that I earned.?
New company took over July 1,2016. Believed vacation was carried over. Just found out today,November 14,2016, that my accrued vacation from my former company will not be paid. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

If my employer appeals the EDD decision am I eligible to receive the benefits that were unpaid
I filed for unemployment benefits. the EDD awarded them to me, then my ex-employer filed an apeal and benefits were unavailable until a hearing was had and a decision made. The judge found in my favor... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is a lump sum settlement for age discrimination taxable. I did get a 1099 for it.
I received a w 2 for half of it. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

in Florida can an employer REQUIRE 1 month notice for resignation? Can they withhold pay if 1 month is not given?
I am an exempt employee, not under contact, in Florida. According to my handbook my employer requires 1 month notice, otherwise they may hold salary earned and / or leave paid accrued. Is this legal? applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Is there a statute of limitations on tuition reimbursement requests?
If I left a company 15 months ago, and they are now asking me to pay back a tuition repayment agreement - is that enforceable? They paid an amount per year to me, I signed a repayment agreement, but w... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is there a time frame?
applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

I am paid X amount on the books but more in cash and i think im going to be fired soon?
I have worked for my employer for well over 15 years. There was a dispute in the company between owners. The majority owner the one that runs the day to day operations thinks that i gave information t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I resigned from my Mortgage position from a bank and on the Compensation agreement, it states that I will get paid for any originated loans that close within 30 days of my exit. Immediately after leaving, my loans were changed to other employees, and they
Resignation of a Mortgage Position from a Bank and not being paid for Commission Pay within 30 days of exiting applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My husband quit his job and his employer continued to direct deposit his weekly pay. Unfortunately we didn't catch it for over 2 months and when we did we let the previous employer know and have not spent a dime. The deposits were his net pay. The employe
Need to know how to proceed? applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

I work in Florida and my employer is telling me I cannot take unpaid vacation. Is this allowed?
I work as an hourly employee where I accrue PTO at a rate of 1.5 hours a week. I want to accrue vacation to be able to have enough for a trip next year, 80 hours. I want to take two days unpaid now so... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

If I was an independent contractor in Sales and was terminated am I still entitled to my last payroll check? Please advise. Thank you.
This question is from New York State. Thank you. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer force me to sign a non compete agreement, after being employed for almost 6 years?
I am a dog groomer. I work for commission. I have been with my employer for 5 years, 10 months. They have come up with a new " confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation and ownership rights a... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Fair Pay - Salary vs. Salary (non-exempt) vs. Hourly
Mel, I have a long list of things I'd like to ask about but will focus on overtime here. The company is an AZ for-profit corporation. Approx 4 years ago I was promoted from the support department to o... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

In-accurate Commission Pay
I have been working for the same company for over 3 years and recently I have found out that a certain number of part numbers have not been included in our commission report. This affects several empl... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I recently was hired as a independent contractor for a firm in Columbus Ohio, I flew out and signed a two month working agreement. At that meeting they hand me a confidential/ non solicitation/non compete intellectual property agreement.
I Recently Was Hired As A Independent Contractor For A Firm In Columbus Ohio, I Flew Out And Signed A Two Month Working Agreement. At That Meeting They Hand Me A Confidential/ Non Solicitation/Non Com... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Overpaid After Quitting
I recently quit a job that direct deposited money into my account. The job has now continually paid me two checks into my account past my employment. My assumption is that the company never filed my l... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My Colorado company is changing the commission structure, is this legal?
My Colorado company is changing the commission structure a week before the quarter ends. The company claims that the commission plan is the same, but through the quarter the sales managers and directo... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Subcontractors getting paid by the hour not by the job. Are we entitled to overtime?
I work for a company based on Ohio State campus that rents homes to college students. On a average week we work about 50 to 55 hours a week. But during the month of September while the kids are gone w... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Is it legal for a company to pay straight commission in a non-sales job i.e collections
I work for a company that pays straight commission and requires a minimum of a 42.5 hour work week (actual hours worked). There is no draw. The commission is paid at a certain percent of the overall d... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

quit without 2 weeks notice
I have been working as a consultant with W-2 statsu, employee with no benefits. In my contract, there is a paragraph that it is an employment at will, but I can leave with 2 weeks notice. I no two wee... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can my supervisor require me to attend after work social events, ie dinner or drinks?
I work for a large company and my particular department supervisor has required our team to attend social events outside of work. Usually dinner and/drinks or something along those lines. We were forc... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Is my company required to pay me accrued vacation time upon leaving?
Hi, I work for a small, privately owned business. I recently put in my 2 weeks notice and was asked to leave at the end of that first week. Does my employer have to pay me for my unused days? I have a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

was terminated from a company that I was with for 13 years. Was providing me a severance pay for 13 weeks. However there was a non-compete for 2 years could not work for another company in the same industry. Never worked for another company in same indust
was terminated from a company that I was with for 13 years. Was providing me a severance pay for 13 weeks. However there was a non-compete for 2 years could not work for another company in the same in... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to dock an employee pay for being late?
We had an employee meeting where our boss told us if we were more than 5 minutes late the first time is a warning and the second time is $25, the third time is $50 and after that then we will be fired... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I worked for a company for almost 4 years and was fired on 10-12-15 before my anniversary date which would have been 10-24-15. Shouldn't they still pay the vacation time even if it's a portion of it
I worked for a company for almost 4 years I was fired and when I asked them about my vacation time they stated that I was terminated before my anniversary date but I still should have time accrued I w... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Some Companies Don't like Ethical Questions
Hello, I was recently terminated from a company in what I think was the end of a retaliatory process. It started with my requesting an ombudsman or arbitrator, after I had not been able to resolve som... applies to California  ·  1 answer

is it legal for employers to not pay vacation pay after quitting
I have worked for a condo in palm beach for about 3 years, i have givin 2 weeks notice, at the end of this i asked my boss about my vaction pay, which is 40 hours now , she told me she doesnt have to ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What happens to severance commitments when a company is purchased?
My fiancé has been employed in a Philadelphia-based company for 17 years. It was recently announced it had been purchased by an LA-based company, and many layoffs would be forthcoming. Will the origi... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is this a legal tactic
I have been working for my current employer for 3 years now without a written or sighned contract. I started working for him for a set weekly rate which meant if we didn't work I didn't get payed by h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I sue the company who didn't pay me until two month later~
I worked as internship in a company in New York City, at the beginning we sign agreement that the company will pay me two thousand dollars for compensation, one is at the beginning of the internship a... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Will Non-Compete be enforceable if the employer not paying the salary during the Non-Compete period
Hello: My non-compete says a few month non-compete period, but did not say whether the employer to pay the salary or not during this period. So will they pay during this non-compete period, if not pai... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Are initial severance pay offers typically what employers expect to pay?
My employer has offered me a severance package to resolve a dispute at work. It wasn't negotiated, they simply made an offer. Do companies normally expect to pay more than their initial offer? applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can my employer hold me responsble for an orverbooking?
Is it legal for my employer to make me pay the difference when a rental is found the is more expensive after a double booking? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Withholding Two Weeks Pay
I just started working for a company and was informed that that they withhold my first two weeks pay. They can "loan" it to me, but I would have to pay it back and it would be deducted from my net pay... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My company has pto that we earn Thur the year for vacation and they give us 4 holadays a year if I take a day off Thur. The week can they make me use a vacation day or holaday even if I ended up with 60+ hrs.
My company has pto that we earn Thur the year for vacation and 4 holadays that they give us for the year can they make me use a vacation day or holaday if I take a day off Thur the week even if I ende... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

My boss has been upset with me for a couple of months basically doing anything he can to get under my skin. He knows that I am the only one in the family working so I took on a part time job which in ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Medical/Dental Benefit Changes for LTD recepients
I've noticed the many responses to acquiring the Benefit SPD and then in finer print the Plan. The latter is much more informative while the Summary is just that - summary and seldomly touches upon al... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I was employed with a healthcare agency, worked hours, participated in educational training, and pu
Recently I was hired by an agency to provide mental health services in a middle school to several children. I worked for the agency one month and was terminated. After termination I sought my wages bu... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Hi good afternoon. My former employer sent me letter stating that i am subject for dismissal. My concern is, i already gave them my resignation letter last December 28,2019 and my last day was January 28,2020.. The letter was sent today, february 18,2020.
My eployer refuses to give me certificate of employment and clearance because they are blaming me for the lost of their client. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer hold my PTO after I resign?
I was feeling that my employee wanted to fire me and in the middle of the work I left the office and never returned. They asked for a letter of resignation in order to give my last paycheck. I didn't ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Severance Discrimination
My company was sold in October 2001 and the new company transfered employee seniority as part of the purchase agreement. While I performed the same manager's job, I was changed from salary to hourly a... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

i was fired 3 months ago. my employer paid me what they said they owe me. 3 months later they call and say i have a check. do they owe me wages from the day i got fired to now
does my employer owe me wages from the date i was fired. which is 3 months later. they said they have a check waiting for me. applies to California  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete Dilema
I am an employee of an IT consulting firm and have been placed at a client site for two years. When I started with the firm, I signed a non-compete stating that I would not go back to this client for ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

If Mfg violates contract, you sue, do they pay attny fees?
applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I work for a Florida company. I receive PTO and vacation days. It is accrued and posted on my paycheck. My paycheck stub showed PTO available. I took the PTO with the written permission of my direct manager. Now the company HR says I used too much and ter
My company posts the PTO and vacation hours earned on your paycheck stub. My stub showed PTO hours available. I would take an hour here or there but with the written permission of my manager first. Th... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete contract in Ohio under duress?
I am concerned about a non-compete contract that I was forced into signing. I have been reading the site scrupulously and I have not found particular information from Ohio law. I have read about cases... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I sign up for unemployment benefits if I am on a severance package
Can I get unemployment benefits if I am on a servencepackage applies to California  ·  2 answers

I received a severance package for 26 weeks from my former employer. I took a seasonal job which I no longer have. My severance will end at the end of February along with all my benefits that I had with my former employer. The last day I worked at my form
I live in New York, I worked for the company since 1999. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Laid off
Hi, could not find anything related to my cituation. Just got laid off, been employee for 5 years. The reason they gave was elimination of my position as a result of re-org but in the same time I know... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Recruited from outside
I am 60 years old, and I was recruited from outside as a coding trainee for an Indianapolis Hospital and was promised that if I came to work for them that I would receive a $2000.00 sign on bonus and ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Salary questions
My employer pays us two weeks in arrears. Currently we are behind by one paycheck. Although we are in the computer field, and called "salaried", we must keep time records. In certain circumstances, we... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Work decides not to continue to pay me
I am a makeup artist at a club that pays all of the artists a shift pay and also allows us to charge a small fee for the makeup applications. I have been their makeup artist for six years now. I recen... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have 11 more months on my employment contract. Will I get paid?
I signed a two year employment contract with my current employer. Recently, they have restructured the company and changed the business model to exclude my job function. I'm at the beginning of my sec... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Clause within the Severance Package
My husband was given a severance package which included a non-compete clause. He is in radio advertising and the clause states that severance will be revoked if he takes a job in ANY form of advertisi... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Salaried time requirements
Is there a limitation to the hours that can be required of a salaried employee? Is it governed by level of pay and responsibilities of the job? If so, where would I find this information? applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

The Company cheated me when paid me the severance
Im in Hong Kong. I worked for a public listed Company in Chestnut Ridge, New York. I was released last month because the re-organization. The Company agreed to pay me the severance. On the last day, ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have 120 hours of vacation time that the company states is owed to me, but my store manager keeps
I have worked for hobby lobby from April 2010 to Feb 5 2017. I had 120 hours of vacation built up and I was told it would be paid out to me. Two weeks later my manager still hasn't terminated me and n... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can I be forced to participate in after hours social events?
My boss uses the fact that I won't participate in after hour social events (drinking at bars etc) on my annual reviews which affects my pay. What recourse do I have (if any)? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Mis-classified employee?
Last August 2000 I switched from a 40hr. to a 32hr. work week with a matching reduction in pay. I was a "salaried,non-exempt employee & earned OT pay. I received a 3% merit increase in December 2000 d... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Lay Off and Health Insurance
My husband was laid off on Tuesday 9/14/10. His employer cancelled our health coverage within 2 days. We have not received any information yet about Cobra and he was not given any information regardin... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can my old employer get me fired bc of me suing them?
I work in Pa and recently quit my job to get a new one after 11 years. I was mandated to work overtime but was only paid straight time. I am thinking of starting a class action law suit against my for... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Am I being taken advantage by being labeled as a private contractor ?
I was a recent graduate wanting to get working experience. I started volunteering and everything was going great. The person in charge decides to give me an offer as a private contractor. Basically th... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Exempt Status
Hello, If you ask your employer what your status is, exempt or Non-exempt are they required to tell you? If they are what can you do if your employer refuses to tell you? Because it will raise questio... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can I claim for 101/2 years worked? I'm just take in the period of time ,3 weeks(one por year) I work as manager , i a salary worked, and forced for quit. Thank you!
I worked as Manager ( salary worker)must of the time work 10 to 12 hours a day in six days a week. I'm forced to auit my jib applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Not paying employees
Recently resigned employment from Company I've been with for the past two years. Short facts are: Company required direct deposit for semi-monthly pay (payable on 15th & end of month, unless date fell... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I work for a large company and I've recently been provided with the option of taking a lesser paid position or severance. On 1/12/09 they made the offer via email, not a formal agreement. I followed u... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

A friend of mine was laid off today and was told not to come back on Monday. The reason is the small business that he works for is cutting costs. They are letting him go with no severance pay or earne... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Comp time for exempt employees
I work for a local non-profit agency. All employees are considered exempt. I work some weeks everyday 8 hours or more. My job requirements are teaching classes, invoicing, scheduling community classes... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Female manager harassing another female manager, but not in a sexual way.
I have been in a situation for about a year where my female manager has been harassing me, a female manager, but not in a sexual way. She has wanted me out of my job and eventually out of the Company ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How can I get my last paycheck from Taco Bell?
About 2 months ago, I worked at Taco Bell for about 3 1/2 weeks, and I have yet to recieve a single paycheck. I have kept in contact with the Manager, but he keeps writing me off. How do I take approp... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Company owner sexually harasses and discriminates
I work for a small company where the owner sexually harasses the females in the office by staring, touching, etc. No one that is currently employed there will bring anything to his attention for fear ... applies to California  ·  4 answers

If you resign with 2 weeks notice and the company terminates you before your last day?
If you have accrued vacation & Sick Time shouldn't the company pay you for the time? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Are there any employment and labor lawyers that offer free consultations?
My boyfriend needs an employment and labor lawyer. Because of the situation I quickly outlined in the question I asked on April 8 "Can An Employer Who Is Also Your Landlord Force You To Work For Free ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Our employer states if we do not sign out at the end of the day, employees will only be paid until lunch. Legal??
We must sign in and out every day. If we do not sign out, we have been notified that we will only be paid until lunch. applies to Texas  ·  4 answers

Can I be docked for scheduled days off?
HELP! I work at a private school in Richmond, VA. My position is the Executive Assistant. I'm salaried and I receive no overtime pay. Since I work at a school, we have scheduled days off on the school... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

They refuse to pay me overtime
I have worked for this company for about 2 months. They refuse to pay me my overtime because she said I didn’t get it approved first. She also stated that it is company policy that they DO NOT issue... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is there Non-compete still valid, if they delayed salary by 30 days
I signed non-compete agreement when i joined the agency X and started working with client Y. But agency started delaying my salary. Now they delayed salary by 30 days. So I decided to quit agency X, b... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What make me a salary enployee ?
I work for a company and they pay me a salary and I don't get overtime . I questioned the about it and they got me buss. cards saying i was a supervisor and said they didn't have to pay it. But i am j... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does my employee have to provide me with a final pay stub if i am unable to get it on-line?
We no longer recieve paper paychecks or stubs and must look at them or print them from the on-line HR site. i was terminated and do not have access to the on-line service any longer. I want to see my ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Law in NY?
Recently, my fiancee got layed off from a company he worked for for nine years. They called him into the office and handed him only a check for one week severence and sent him on his way. I have been ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

is my employer required to pay overtime when I am work reduced?
I work a 10 hour alternative schedule in a hospital. When I am work reduced after working 8 hours, isn't my employer required by law to pay me time and a half for the remaining 2 hours? If so how do I... applies to California  ·  1 answer

if on-call staff are informed that if we need them they would know by 3 that day do we have to pay
for staffing purposes, we have oncall staff - it has been suggested that we try telling our staff that they would be on-call until 3:00 that day to know if we wil need them, if they have not heard fro... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Age discrimination?
I was recently terminated from after 11 years of very good performance reviews, due to violation of their "social networking policy". My offense had to do with a personal site. The CEO of the company ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

ee worked 28 hrs, 8 hrs holiday pay & 8 hrs vaca pay = 44 hrs pay OT?
I need to be able to give my employer proof that in order for this employee who ended up having a 44 hr work week is not entitled to OT pay due to the fact that he did not actually work over 40 hours.... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

reduction in pay to meet OT requirements w/o increasing costs
The employee is non-exempt and works approximately 10 hours per week in OT. This has been occuring regularly for several years. In a sudden effort to reduce costs, the company wants to cut the employe... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I've been employed 10 plus yrs with a company. Last year they had to increase my pay to bring me up to what the new hires were started in at. Are there any laws governing salary for long time employees? Thank you!
None applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can employer sue employee for at will employment but not in favor of employee for 2 weeks notice?
Sir, I am a software engineer working in Allentown,PA.My employer has a registered office in OH.I started working in the first week of July.My employer filed my H-1B visa at the same time. I had signe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is this retaliation?
I recently quit my job as a Director of Sales for a Technology company and never signed an NDA (Non-Compete Agreement). I took a position with a partner of my last employer (with the blessings of the ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

What type of work ethics is this???
Recently I have been having some problems at work and I had a few questions I would really like answered. Ive been working for this company 3 years now. When I started working I was in our Tokyo offic... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I sue employer for withholding my check wrongfully or is there penalties in New York state?
I quit my job October 17th the next payroll was generated October 28th which I should have had my last check. I contacted her November 1st she said it was mailed out I have yet to receive it. I'm wait... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

violation of equal pay laws? (woman making more than men)
for the last 8 months I have worked at an assited living home where I am one of three male certified nurses assistants I have recently discovered that ALL certified female CNAs are making $8.00/hour w... applies to Idaho  ·  2 answers

Unpaid wages from temp agency
This is a tricky one. I have gone to mediation and the small claim is going to trial. I worked for a temp agency that placed me at a trash company from 12/06-7/08. I was requested to keep my own times... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Has the statute of limitations run out?
I was with Wal-Mart retail for at least 3 years as an overnight Stocker. During that time I became stressed out from the way the manager's ran our crew. I was doing the scheduled task time for a somet... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How can I receive unpaid wages from an employer?
I live in Aurora, IL but I worked for a tutoring company as the "site coordinator". The company is based out of Florida. I set up the operation for them in Aurora, IL. I have emails documenting my pay... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Unpaid wages
I got a contract job offer and I started working there through an consulting agency. The consulting agency signed a contract with the client for me. I had a verbal contract with the consulting agency ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have worked for this company in FL for the past 6 years. I found another job and put in my two weeks at the current one. When I asked how my vacation/sick days would be used they said I could not use my days during my two weeks nor would they be paid ou
I have worked for this company for the past 6 years in Fl. I never really had time to take a vacation or even use my sick days because their turn over rate is insane. I recently found a new job and pu... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

No Salary Employee Bonus for 1/2 year Employment?
I recently left a position as a "civil designer," the equivalent of a non-licensed civil engineer, to pursue a JD degree. I was hired to produce drawings and to coordinate land development issues betw... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

can you be fired for asking for safe working conditions and your pay stub
i work in Ky. I am the production lead for our company. I was approached my the employees on the floor about unsafe work conditions and not receiving any record at all for 3 months or more for our pay... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Full time versus part time severence
I was offered the same severance package peers of mine were offered who had only been on the job 2 years. I worked there for 7 years...2 of those as part-time. I asked for more money based on my full-... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

If I am terminated from a job in Ohio, can the employer refuse to pay me for unpaid leave balances?
If a person is terminated from a job in Ohio, and they have received their last paycheck, but the employer states they do no have to pay the remaining leave balances of personal, sick and vacation lea... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

wages and final pay
my employer has not given me my final paycheck because of a personal matter. they also refuse to pay over time accordingly. also they are holding my vehicle hostage (it was moved without a key or my p... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Exempt employee travelling WAY too much.
Hi. I am an exempt employee in sourthern CA that works at a software company. My job title is Support Specialist, although I am more of a travelling technician. I know that an employer can make you wo... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Monies owed
Thank you in advance for any help and direction that you can offer. I was employeed for 9 years with a firm in NY and was not paid in a timely manner. I currrently am no longer with the firm and am wo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Who notifies my previous employer that I've secured a new job so that severance payments are stopped
I am receiving severance payments. My agreement is that the payments to me are only until I find other employment. Other than me personally telling my prior employer that I've found a new job, how els... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Problem with my private employer
Hi, I am currently having a problem with my employer. I work for a private construction crew that is run by 3 people in the same family. I am owed payments that date from as far back to 10/04/06 to 11... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Forced to face insults and harrassment without pay
I worked for a company through a staffing firm. I was hired as a sales rep. I performed exceptionally. The company had terrible customer service policies and I continually got cussed at by customers a... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Decrease in pay without knowing pay rate
My husband and the employees at his company were all informed by their owner last Friday 9/25 by letters mailed to each person's home that that was the last day that each person would be on their curr... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Severance Payout after 30 days
I (we) have severance agreements that we are 1)employed until May 15th and 2) won't receive the funds until around 30 days after that date. Is this legal? Why must we wait to get our monay? applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

what should i do ? i asked my company to pay instead of get pay i got fired
i have been working with a security company for more than one year in houston Tx , they always paying us late and i need my money to live my life , so i ask them to pay my checks, they fired me becaus... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Wrongfully terminated without progressive discipline
I was terminated without notice today, without any form of progressive discipline, for what I consider to be an error in judgement while executing my retail job duties for The Bombay Co. Recently I co... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

Percentage of Commissions with held
I have no contract, only a written agreement of what my salary and commission compensation would be when I started my managers job 3 1/2 years ago. My first year I was on a guaranteed salary/commissio... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can my boss contact me on my days off?
I am off on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. My boss is always texting me work questions on Monday and some Saturdays Is this legal? Also, he gave out my personal cell phone number, without my permission,... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Government Contractor revising own policy
I work for a gov't contractor, we are under the SCA and are to receive an X amount of vacation time on our 1st anniversary date and ea aniver date there after My employer chose upfront to have their o... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Severance to a part time employee who was once full time
My company recently got bought out by another company and we are all receiving severance. My situation is a little unique compared to my co-workers. I have been with the company for 16 years, 12 of th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Was told after resigning I would have to pay back salary previously earned.
employed as an aide, Five months ago was convited of a mistomeanor - Class 1. Told in four months ago by Dept of Education that I was not eligible for a newly required license until the conviction is ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Delayed Severance
Is a company allowed to specify that they will only pay the severance amount if no other work is obtained prior to a date 4 months later? I was laid off in 12/11 and will be paid 4/30/12 but only if I... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

wifes final paycheck
My wife was fired from her job at Great Clips hair salon two weeks ago. Her old boss is refusing to pay her, her last pay check. He is claiming she over reported her hours worked. This never occured. ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Overtime payback requested by employer
Hello, I have searched through the forums below with no luck to my current situation, I am hoping someone can shed some light on this. I work for a IT consulting firm as a hourly project manager that ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer track "comp time"?
It has been a past policy for my employer to keep track of "comp time" rather than pay overtime for its salaried employees. Comp time was also banked as single hour instead of time and a half. It was ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

wont send me my check after being threatened(physically)
I was threatened by another employee at work which nothing was done about it..I decided to walk out an quit...tired of the harrassment.Anyhow the company sent me a letter stating they stopped my direc... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was laid off on October 28, 2016 and HPE direct deposit my benefits check twice.
I received my benefits warn check via direct deposit, 3 days later I got a second direct deposit in the same amount. I spoke with someone else that was let go and they too had received a second check.... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I routinely work more than 40 hours a week. However, my employer is not paying me overtime as they are claiming that they hours in excess of 40 are considered
This overtime is required. Usually there will be a staff meeting on Monday, for which we are all clocked in under "training." The hours worked in excess of 40 usually happen on Friday because by then ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

How do I report a illegal timesheet edit without disclosing my identity?
Due to the fact my shift ends during lunch time, I never get off on time however, I've recently noticed that my time sheets have been edited to show that I'm clocking out on time. When management was ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Fired for not working mutiple weekends in a row.
Can a company fire an employee for not working on the weekend, if that employee is hourly and signed no contract stating that they would work weekends. Reason for not working the weekend was due to ex... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Told I was laid off than terminated
I was told that I was being laid off with a one month severance pay. A week later, I received a letter telling me that I was terminated with just cause but nothing telling me what the just cause was. ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Some Companies Don't like Ethical Questions
Hello, I was recently terminated from a company in what I think was the end of a retaliatory process. It started with my requesting an ombudsman or arbitrator, after I had not been able to resolve som... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Company refusing to pay severance what are my options?
I am based in CA and went to work for a company based in MO and I worked in TX. I started work on 1/17/11 and was terminated on 4/1/11 (yes April Fools day). At termination I was told I would receive ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer fire me from parking on a public street
Worked for the company for 8 years. I was singled out.. The only one told to park down the public street from the store. Every other employee was fine to park where ever they please except me. So they... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Am I in violation of the fmla law
I'm a sworn peace officer and injured my left hand. I'm currently on fmla but had some unfinished administrative work that needed to be completed. I went to my job on my time to get the work done. I d... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can employers require employees to use of personal devices & internet for work duties?
Employer requires using personal cell phone and internet to perform after hours support. Employees are required to provide 24X7 support on a planned schedule. They do not offer to provide tools to han... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers


For 19 years I have worked at a company that has offered, under contract a severance package of x months severance for y years. We are facing a reorg next week and today they issued a severance package that is 1/2 of what was previously offered. What are
For 19 years I have worked at a company that has offered, under contract, a severance package of x months severance for y years. We are facing a reorg next week and today they issued a severance packa... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it discrimination if a mgr makes 1 sales person come to the office while others work from home.
Sales rep 23 yrs with company 0 salary,0 medical,profit sharing,0 stock purchase. Worked from home last 3.5 yrs with no behavior or performance issues. New mgr is demanding attendence in office to som... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

vacation time
I would like to know how I can get my vacation time returned to me. In 2001 my company was purchased, all employess who stayed where promised that vacations and seniority would remain the same. In 200... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

what can I do
I signed non-compete, and work with current company as computer network administrator consultant. A year ago was sent to work for client to take care of their network system part time, now client want... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

How long does an employer have to mail a severance check after the severance package was signed by
Was forced to signed severance package on the 15th of the month. The paperwork was ready, but the check was not. Was told the manager who works out of state would mail the check to a manager who is on... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer


What make me a salary employee ?
I work for a company and they pay me a salary and I don't get overtime . I questioned the about it and they got me buss. cards saying i was a supervisor and said they didn't have to pay it. But i am j... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer dock pay for monetary errors
My wife is a travel agent and sometimes makes mistakes that could result in her company having to pay a vendor a fee for the mistake. For example, forgetting to cancel a hotel room on time might resul... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can an employer just withold any amount of wages?
I am over 18 and I work for a well established landscaping company. The company operates in a legal fashion and is very well known. A few weeks ago I was working for the company at a residential accou... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Commissioned dealer employees: What are the laws?
I was recently terminated as a Finance Director from an automobile dealership. My "effective date of termination" was 12/21/04, with termination paperwork completed on 12/27. I did not receive (what w... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How do I get my money?
The company that I worked for closed their doors due to a creditor calling in his debt. I was owed a paycheck this week, 9'14'01, and a previous paycheck 9/01/01 ret. NSF. Add to that the fact that I ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

salaried employees
Is there a law regarding whether or not it is appropriate to have salaried employees punching in and out with a time clock? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

if a position was miss classified as being hourly when it should be exempt, can you re-classify the position?
We have a group of employees that have basically the same position responsibilities. The position had been classified as being hourly. I believe that this is incorrect and wish to convert them as bein... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

UI taxes taken out of my severance. Can I file a new claim?
My severance package was paid by out over 6 months as a payroll check and had UI insurance taxes taken. My question is: Considering that my initial claim for UI benefits was based on prior work and si... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for my employeer to dock my pay?
I was told on Jan 10, 2012 that I was being docked 30 minutes of pay dated back to Dec 23, 2011 (I am an hourly employee). I was never told of any schedule modifications, but the office manager states... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

last paycheck-education reimbursement
I recentky resigned from my company, and they are considering withholding my last pay check and accrued vaction to cover company sponsored education reimbursement. They are saying that since I did not... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is sick leave the same as FMLA?
I was out sick for 5 days with Flu and Strep Throat. My employee benefits include short term disablity benefits with full pay. My employer sent FMLA forms home for me to fill out. They indicated I has... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How do you pay Independent Contractors?
In a small business how do you go about paying Independent Contractors? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does my employer have to pay me for accrued vacation when I resign?
I resigned from my employer and was expecting to get 9.5 days of pay when I left. Employer has stated to me that I have accrued 9.5 days of paid time off, but their policy is to only pay 5 days. I hav... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete with dissolved, but sold
I signed a 6 month non-compete with a Manufacturer's Rep Firm. I have been terminated because the assets and commissions due to be paid have been sold to a competing Rep firm and the corporation I sig... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

what do I do about unfair pay for a company I have worked for almost 5 years?
I have been working for this company for almost 5 and have only received 3 raises with in that time period. I am a full-time stock management employee, paid hourly and receiving about 3 dollars less t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

who do we contact are we protected
Employees of a 501c corporation are being harassed in the work place by incompetent and perhaps dishonest management. The organization has at least one contract with the city of Miami and does busines... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can a non compete be enforced if your former employer is in a lawsuit for its own breach?
You work for company X which has locations all over the country. You sign a non compete. Some top level members feel things need to change and break off and form company Y (taking all things learned w... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Statue of Limitations on Unlawful Termination
What is the Statue of Limitations on Unlawful Termination in New York State and Federal. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Formerly salaried, now hourly for questioning authority
I am a recruiter on-site at an electronics co. in CA. I have always been considered an "exempt" employee as I hire, fire, interview, recruit, etc. Recently I asked my employer how it was legal for the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What actions can be taken to get unpaid commission?
I am no longer with this company. It was standard practice that when anyone else left they were paid their commission up to 6 months after their departure. I went to work for a competitor. I did not h... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Exempt if only 2 employees?
I have been working for a medical practice for a year. My title is office Manager however I only supervise 1 person, the receptionist. Most of my time is spent helping patients with physical therapy, ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Company can write down any condition on the back of my last salary paycheck.
I left the company which I had signed non-compete contract and working still same client, since company didn't pay as they agree, cancel my medical coverage. Now they sent me last paycheck after almos... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my small business owner make me sign a contract waiving my overtime all together? He is expecting me to work 10 hr shifts not payed time and a half for the extra 2 hrs worked of overtime. I live in california.
Hmmm? applies to California  ·  4 answers

If I sign the boilerplate severance agreement, am I still protected from retaliation?
I've had both good and bad bosses before, but I really suspect this last one of being seriously unbalanced. Given a range of behaviors including but not limited to his totally denigrating his entire l... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

are non compete agreements for indipendent contractors inforceable?
I have owned a trade specific company for 12 years. Approx 8 years ago I was asked by a national company if I would continue to run my business under the national name which I agreed. There were no co... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

mistreated and misjudged
is it legal for an employer to set up a video camera and not only tape the video,but also the audio without your permission? also, i was terminated because the father of my daughter did not want to pa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Company taking away earned vacation after employee has enjoyed this vacation time for many years
Is a company allowed to take vacation time away from an employee after the time has been earned and the employee has been using this time for many years? My dad has worked for a certain company since ... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Mandatory Overtime for transcription
I work for a national Medical Transcription service and I am paid on a per line typed basis. I work a standard 40 hour week usually, but recently they have been forcing Mandatory overtime and this wee... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Real Estate Non Compete
I worked for a real estate developer from 10/01 until 02/05 as sales manager, resale coordinator, and builder liaison. I signed a non compete when I started that stated that I would not "work in the r... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Exempt salary employee has been laid off due to lack of work
I am an exempt salary employee and was just informed I was being laid off. I get paid on a bi-weekly basis. Is the company required to pay me my full bi-weekly salary amount if I worked part of one we... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Additional Duties not within Job Description with No Additional Compensation
Can an employer force their employee to take on additional duties NOT in their job description without compensating them? If not, can they eliminate the employee's current position and lay them off, i... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Should my attorney have filed a 1099 for a physical injury, emotional distress settlement?
Won settlement. $15k was issued to me by employer(defendant). That was taxed and considered back wages. The remaining money was sent to attorney to be distributed. Atty sent me a 1099, line 7! Should ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

employer broke contract after work was done
I have a written contract with my employer for $1600 month salary.I worked my first complete pay period and on payday managment said that they have changed their minds and would not honor the contract... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Salaried hours
is it against any law to work a salaried person over 40 hours in a one week work period( california )? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer having to pay twice......
I am an owner of a company. My employees are responsible for certain policies and procedures of the company. Some of which entail returning product to the manufacturer's for credit and to track this p... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How would I go about negotiating an employer contributed IRA when the employee turned down benefits?
My new employee waived health benefits (she already has coverage) but wants to know if we can take whatever percentage we were prepared to offer for her health-benefits, and contribute to an IRA she a... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

Overtime Exemption Qualifications
I recently read about a class action suit in California against Siebel Systems filed by a former Software Engineer: http://www.dicksonross.com/sys-tmpl/ibsiebelclassactionib/ It seems quite odd to me ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is there a cut-off that employees must submit their commuting expenses?
I see employees submitting expenses for from 3-9 months ago. Iv'e seen T & E policies state that if they are not submitted by the 5th business day of the following month the expenses are incurred - th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My boss granted me vacation time but has not given me hours after I returned, do I have rights here?
I asked for vacation with 2-3 months notice, it was granted. Now my boss will not answer my phone calls and is leaving my texts on read. I work for a health store in vitamin sales, deli, and stocking ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was recently involved in a racial discrimination investgation. A supervisor told me that her suborinate was "riding me" (harrasing me) because of the color of my skin. The company launched an intern... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been laid off but have an open medical portion of a worker's comp claim. I am collecting unemployment. I just had surgery on my hand due to the WC claim - should I now be collecting state disability rather than unemployment since I can't work for a
I have been laid off but have an open medical portion of a worker's comp claim. I am collecting unemployment. I just had surgery on my hand due to the WC claim - should I now be collecting state disab... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can i be demoted for my availability changing and can they take my raise?
hi. i was just wondering i have worked at the same place since last august from what i have heard i do really good. they would not let me be promoted because of my availability, which i accepted but n... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Pay for waiting to clock in
My teenage daughter works in a food establishment and is required to be at work on time, however, if business is slow the manager doesn't have her clock in. Basically, she waits at work until they nee... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

my employer owes me for expenses and my consulting fees that are 2 years old can i still recover them
i was first of all release from a company because i was attacked in a home invasion and was not in contact because in hospital. from that home invasion life fall apart. and became homeless as well as ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is there a law in Illinois regarding what jobs can be salary or hourly?
I was offered a new position with my employer. I was told that I would be paid salary. Before I started my new position, my boss told me that I was not allowed to be paid salary because of Illinois la... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I need some help please
I was wondering if you could tell me if I should pursue a case against my ex-employers. I walked into an office with no staff manager etc....I was hired as the administrative assistant...hired in all ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employment contract
I am currently on H1B visa working for the company ABC. In my employement contract it is mentioned that I cannot directly join competitor or Client for 12 month after I leave the company?. Is this app... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Payout of accrued vacation (PTO) time
I gave my employer 2 weeks notice prior to voluntarily leaving the company, but they are saying that they will not payout my accrued PTO time since their policy states that PTO time will be paid out a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I live in Ohio. I was terminated Dec. 8 and asked to sign a settlement agreement that included a severance package. I signed the contract, but now the employer wants me to sign another that will pay me less money. I am not inclined to sign the amended
The signed contract states my salary is to be paid through March 2. The salary "approximate" total only pays me through February 23. When I brought this to the employer's attention, she sent me the fo... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Exempt Employee hours and timesheets
If you are an exempt employee how many hours can an employer require you to work? Do non-profit agencies have different exempt laws then for profit businesses? applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Company was bought out. Received an offer to work for this new company but might not want to take it
The owner of the business I work for is retiring and has sold his company to a competitor looking to absorb the employees, machines, and clients from our current boss. Tomorrow is our last day, our cu... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hi I would like to know I'm being laid off with a lump sum severance, can I apply for unemployment?
I'm getting a lump sum this month would like to know if I can apply for unemployment? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was not paid the final paycheck the day after my termination in DC. What are my options for collecting liquidated damages? Should I file a complaint with DC employment office? Can I also be compensated for legal fees? By the way, they paid once a month,
DC law referring to timing of final paycheck applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

45% pay cut and reverse discrimination
My husband is a sales executive for a fairly large company. He has been paid a salary + commission for 4 years. Friday he was told because of a negative canvass of 2% he will no longer receive a salar... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does bankruptcy mean I lose severance?
I was laid off from an IPO start up company on Dec 18, 2000 during this time I signed an agreement stating I would be paid for my remaining vacation time and 2 weeks severance pay. The company filed C... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Does bankruptcy mean I lose severance?
I was laid off from an IPO start up company on Dec 18, 2000 during this time I signed an agreement stating I would be paid for my remaining vacation time and 2 weeks severance pay. The company filed C... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Retroactive FMLA Application
My wife missed work due to our 5-month old son's admittance to the emergency room with a diagnosis of pneumonia. She notified her employer that she would be out following normal call out procedures du... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can they change my pay or force me to do dangerous work?
I am a office employee who is made to do several wharehouse job's and maintence work because I am a man. I am am not covered under wharehouse insurance and feel I am in danger of getting hurt. Also my... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a employer withhold or not pay me my vacation pay if i quit on the last day of my vacation?
I have 1 week vacation saved. I want to take my vacation before quiting to go work else where. Can the employer not pay me my vacation pay if i take my vacation, with permission, and then quit on the ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Docked for hours though salaried?
I am a salaried CIO. I get an hour here and there taken off my check because I quote "could not be found so assumed I was out sick" (which I was not and certainly could have been found) or I said I wa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employee termination PTO payout and termination cancellation thereafter
An employee gave self resignation for Friday of a week, basically Friday is the last working day of that employee. Now on Friday morning, PTO payout for the employee got processed and employee got pai... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I take them to Small Claims Court ?
Dear Mel! I was terminated in October from my job of 5 years. I have taken them to the unemployment board since they denied my unemployment. The board found that I was not responsible for the separati... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

please let me know if this is okay for them to do.
I work at church day care center. We recieve our checks twice a week. Is Okay for them to pay a three week check the week prior or the correct week or a week later at their own descression. We are als... applies to Arkansas  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete: termination /delayed compensation
A friend of mine signed a contract in November 2002 w/a non-compete clause lasting 3 years. He was recently terminated and secured a similar position with a firm selling the same product. In his prior... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I resigned, and now my hours are cut to nothing in the final week despite planning events. Rights?
I gave three weeks notice to my employer because I am an Event Coordinator, and had two events in those three weeks. I saw one event through, but a week and a half before my resignation date they told... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Havent recieved my Expenses
My employer owes me $5500 in unpaid expenses I incurred before I left the company. I have called HR, the controller and even the CFO in trying to get my check. 9 weeks have past and the only answer I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

My offer letter states that my regular hourly shift is 7.5 hours but I worked 8, is that overtime?
In the past months (2) my boss extended to 8 hours with the promise of make it official soon. Now 2 months later he is coming to us saying that we are going back to 7.5 hours a day. My question is: ho... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Contract pay
I am a contract worker for an out-of-state company "A" that provides contract service for a major corporation "B". The job offer received from "A" in 1999 defined that holiday and vacation would be pa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If my employer keeps an order secret and dose not pay commission, is my employment contract nullifid
An order was received, processed and delivered from my territory. The fact that the order was received and delivered was, at first, kept from me. When I discovered the order, I was told that I did not... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

As a commission-only employee of a salon, can I be forced to stay at work if I don't have clients?
When there are no clients on my book, I do not get paid. If I don't have anyone on the books, for instance, in the afternoon sometimes I would like to leave early but management forces us to stay even... applies to California  ·  1 answer

income tax not filed
Dear Sir: My name is Jo-anne Serra and I used to work in a japanese lounge for 5 months. Now, I called them for my w-2 forms and the manager said he doesn't know anything. Everytime they give me wages... applies to California  ·  1 answer

contingent upon future employment
My husband's position with our local county highway dept was recently eliminated. He was given the explanation that it was "reorganization". There has been a lot of local concern raised to our county ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Final pay issues.
My wife is an interior designer who left a firm abruptly after a conflict with the owner. The owner is now refusing to pay her salary for the final week of employment plus all outstanding commisions o... applies to Texas  ·  3 answers

I recently resigned from a police department job. The department, a month later, signed their new contract (they had been without a contract for 10 years) and states that because i resigned a month before the contract was ratified, I am not entitled to an
I recently resigned from a police department job. The department, a month later, signed their new contract (they had been without a contract for 10 years) and states that because i resigned a month be... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unpaid wages from Nov. 07
I am putting my city/state as Marietta OH because that is where I worked. I actually live in WV but assume the case would be an Ohio case. I was employed with this company for over a year. My last day... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How to decide Salary Vs. Hourly
How do I differentiate between deciding if an employee should be a salary employee or an hourly employee? Right now we only have four (myself and other owner included) employees that are salary, but I... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Do Pay Rate Issues Invalidate Non-Compete Agreements?
Hi Mel and Associates, I am happy to find such a comprehensive set of Q/A on a variety of legal topics. My question is specific to non-compete contract. I began working at the company in sales and was... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Do I Have a Provable Case of Retaliation
I was hired at a youth drug rehab center as a treatment assistant in Oregon. I worked there for 6 months and never had any write-ups, never called in sick, and had one complaint (but ended up getting ... applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

Renegotiate Severance?
After 8 years, I was RIF'ed by my employer in Arizona which is a U.S. wide corporation based in Michigan. As a G.M. with extensive knowledge of the company�s risks, liabilities and legal practices, ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

is this legal
I work at McDonalds. My owner wants to deduct a dollar from our pay checks each time our drive through time goes over 200 seconds. is this legal applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

After returning from an uprotected medical leave (not FMLA), do I have to accept a lessor position?
I've been out for 4mo. on unprotected medical leave (not FMLA) and have now been released. However, they could not hold my outside sales position. They do not have a similar position available for me ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am a swap driver for a auto dealership. I have to use my own funds to pay for tolls and gas but have to wait 2 weeks for reimbursement. sometimes that comes to several hundreds of dollars of which I cannot afford, I live on ssi
I am a swap driver for a auto dealership. I have to use my own funds to pay for tolls and gas but have to wait 2 weeks for reimbursement. sometimes that comes to several hundreds of dollars of which I... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a daycare require its employees to work overtime for straight pay weekly?
I'm not sure of what the annual gross for the company is and I know a little about the labor laws. The owners do not pay any of their hourly employees overtime for hours over 40 hours. Is this legal f... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

hourly vs. exempt pay
Does a job description legally determine how a person is paid (hourly vs. exempt), and is it illegal to be paying people within the same job description differently (one individual is exempt while 3 o... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

need help
My wife is paid on salery based on 45 hours a week. she has not had a day off for 28 days including sundays due to no relif manager available, Not her fault. she is required to keep an office open dur... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

mileage reimbursement
What can I do about mileage reimbursement?? Before I ended the employment relationship, I turned in my mileage report. I was supposed to get over $200. The check was mailed to me, but I only received ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Good evening, I been working for my employer for 5 years. 3 weeks ago they started to cut off hours. I was one of the employee they cut hours when they had another person still getting his 40 hours when he only been working for them less than a year. I ne
Good evening, I been working for my employer for 5 years. 3 weeks ago they started to cut off hours. I was one of the employee they cut hours when they had another person still getting his 40 hours wh... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

can my previous employer withhold my final check?
Hello, I was let go from my job almost three weeks ago and after the pay period ended i have not received my final paycheck. I emailed my previous employer asking about the status of my final paycheck... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Took new job and got laid off in 2 weeks. I am denied benefits, how can I appeal this?
Worked a job for over 2 years, and left to take a better paying job. Worked 7 12s for 2 weeks and got laid off due to lack of work. My benefits are denied because I wasn't at my new job for over 3 wee... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Reductuton in wages anytime and selectively
Can they reduce salaries at any time and raise it to what is in contract anytime. Question: My employer (located in Atlanta, GA) reduces pay of some employees selectively coz they are not at the clien... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

vacation/overtime pay
I have recently quit my job. I was not paid for vacation that was not taken, we are paid an overtime check at the end of each month which makes up my base salary and that was not paid. Also the compan... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Unused Vacation Pay in Arizona
I was recently laid off from my job of 22 months. I have 95.50 hours of unused vacation time that I believe I am owed. Are you familar with Arizona? According to their handbook it says "While unused P... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can an employee lose access to their paid time off bank completely under new managemnt/ownership
This question applies specifically to nursing home employees being told the home is now changing benefit policies under a new leader. Employees were issued a letter giving 24-hours notice to respond w... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

My Employer is trying to make us work overtime can they do this an is there a law to say they can,t
can a private security company force there employees to work overtime applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Hi Neil - My company of 20 years is eliminating my position. I work in the office and the only other job available is on the factory floor which I cannot physically do. I am meeting with them today to discuss my options. If I receive a lump sum severance
My job is being eliminated and I am having a meeting today to discuss my options. I have been with my company for 20 years. If my company gives me a lump sum severance package, am I able to collect un... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unfair mandatory overtime
There are two shifts at my job. Can they make one shift work more mandatory overtime than the other? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was looking for a new job and my employer found out about it brought me into a public forum in the kitchen bringing every employee in to the fray about 25 to 30 employees clapping her hands she being the owner of a to restaurant operation clapping her h
This is a fine dining restaurant in Clearwater Beach Florida that was opened in 1948 owned by a family they think they're very powerful and which they are and they treat employees like hell saying the... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Incentive Cuts
My company's parent company has forced them to cut over time and incentives. However I have written documentation which states that my incentive is part of my salary. Is my company entitled to cut my ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Possible Class Action.
Possible Class Action. Company might have a policy of isolating individuals on medical leave to force them to quit. I'm a nurse for a local hospital network, and they said you had to be 100% non-disab... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Can my employer change my contract from 10 month to 12 month? Can I find out what other salaries wer
My new boss has handed down to a few of us that we are 12 month employees now, yet my research/flier states that I was a 10 month employee. There looks to be a mix up after I was hired with Human reso... applies to California  ·  1 answer

concerned about my health and rights for unemployment
my employer is renting a building that has documented proof that it contains black mold. if i was to quit my job would i be able to collect unemployment, even if my employer is not paying into the sys... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I get my vacation pay?
I resigned from my position. I received final commissions, but no accrued vacation pay. I asked verbally to the owner 3 times and then in writing. I got a pesponse that said that vacation had to be us... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employee who is just picking up her check not in uniform and not on the time clock be confronted to talk to her boss on her own time, then have hours cut because the boss did not like the answer or way it went
I was picking up my paycheck on Friday Oct. 23rd. My co worker said the boss wanted to see me, she (my boss) then attempted to discipline me for something someone said I did (someone being a co worker... applies to California  ·  1 answer

i quit and hours cut from 5.97 to 5.15 is this legal
i quit my jobs because of difficulties with my manger. she didnt accept my notice of only 9 days. she would only take the full 14. she told me she was cutting my pay to 5.15 if i gave the notice. i co... applies to Georgia  ·  2 answers

Are my travel hours included in my 40 hour work week?
I live in Oregon and work in Arizona and My Company pays to fly me to that location on a weekly basis. I work 4 X 10 hour days but my start and end times are not mandated. I am an exempt employee. My ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

What if my employer does not want to pay me and I am sick with COVID-19 am i covered under ffcra?
I can feeling sick and seeking medical diagnosis for COVID-19. Can my employer refuse to pay me applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Do employers have to track salaried, NON-EXEMPT employee hours?
I believe I am NOT an exempt employee, while I am a computer programmer, I am only paid about 25$ per hour, but am paid on a salaried basis. My question is, is my employer required to track my hours a... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

2 Weeks Notice - company terminated me
This morning, I gave 2 weeks notice to my employer as requested through the company handbook. My manager called to let me know that today would be my last day and that I would not be paid beyond today... applies to Connecticut  ·  2 answers

How can I collect my final wages and vacation pay?
I resigned three weeks ago. The company has not paid my remaining vacation or my final pay. They keep making excuses. What can I do? applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can an employer garnish wages for speeding camera tickets?
I worked in NYC. I had to quit my job on 06/01/2020 because they had an employee who was using drugs and was very violent. I didn't feel safe working there with this guy. After I left they took money ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employment contract
After 6 months into my employment, my employer is asking to sign a contract where I must agree to a 90 day resignation notice. I told them I was not going to sign the contract under those terms, and t... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Bounced Payroll Check, Company Out of Business
My former employer laid off the entire company and closed the company office on 10/9/01. The company also filed for bankruptcy. My employer promised to pay me for my wages for the work I did on Octobe... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can an employer prohibit employees from comparing personnel evaluations and salary increases?
My employer's Code of Conduct forbids employees to share information about about annual performance evaluations and salary increases: i.e., I cannot say to a co-worker "I received a 2 rating and a 3% ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Okay for an employer to purposely schedule all shifts 5-15 minutes short of a 6 hour mandated break?
It may seem a little picky but it just sounds very odd to me that it'd be okay for an employer to purposely schedule people sometimes even 5 minutes short of the 6 hour so the employee cannot take a s... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can salaried sales emp'ee get overtime? I am expected to work weekends in addition to the rest of the week. Salary 90k annually.
My supervisor calls me at home at all hours 7 days a week. applies to California  ·  2 answers

Sorting through benefits / options when
04/06/09 - Thank you for the forum this website offers! My father was let go from his 42-yr position as salaried employee at age of 61 last week! He is reading a litany of info provided by company re ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

can an employer dock your pay for a no call no show in New York?
I told my employer that I couldn't not show up to work two weeks prior to the day I could not show up...on the day in questioning, they kept trying to convince me to come in, but I told them I couldn'... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Fraudulent Employer
My employer has bounced and stopped payments on several of my checks. To date he owes me $1,200 in wages plus bank fees I've incurred. He is also in violation of the Independent Contractor/Employee th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Time Frame to File Legal Documents
I wrote last year about a unpaid wages issue and followed your suggestion to contact a lawyer. After looking at my case the lawyer agreed it was a solid case and accepted responsibility to recover my ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Severance trick
I understand a severance package may be non negotiable. Is it necessary to outline this term in the language of the package? Is it proper to offer wages owed to me as a part of a package? It is an amo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer revoke vacation time after it has been earned?
My mother-inlaw works in Mesa, AZ as a nurse practitioner for a family practice medical office. She has been employed there for 17 years. She has been earning vacation time the same way and at the sam... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

What is the procedures for settling a race discrimination/retailiatin lawsuit? If the attorney tells you the amount of the settlement, shouldn't he also provide copies of ALL documentation pretaining ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Our company pays employees 30 minute lunches so overtime doesn't technically start until 42.5 hours worked. Should our offer letters state we pay lunches so overtime pay doesn't start until 42.5 hours for compliance?
Our company pays employees 30 minute lunches so overtime doesn't technically start until 42.5 hours worked. Should our offer letters state we pay lunches so overtime pay doesn't start until 42.5 hours... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I live in NYC I work as a waiter. I was short on my bank $44. The manager tells me to pay the $44 out of my tips while he investigates the situation. I know I'm not supposed to pay for shortages in your bank but I gave him the money anyway trusting he wou
I live in NYC I work as a waiter. I was short on my bank $44. The manager tells me to pay the $44 out of my tips while he investigates the situation. I know I'm not supposed to pay for shortages in yo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

neneed urgent answer re FMLA , etc. before April 11, 2001, please!
Please help! I was attacked by a fellow crewmember on a ship and required major spine surgery December 8, 2000, and have been on leave since then (16 weeks more or less) receiving 60% of my salary thr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Califorina stay home order and workplaces
As far as everything going on with the COVID-19 and Califorina issues the stay at home order. My job Is telling us we have to work and if we don't we wont get paid. Our business is non essential. Is t... applies to California  ·  5 answers

required meetings without pay
I am a college student and I work as a waitress to pay my bills as I further my education. My employer requires that everyone attend one or two meetings twice a month on a Saturday afternoon when the ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Release claim for severance, not previously required, is now required.
My husband has been employed by Honeywell (formerly Allied-Signal)for 17 years and is anticipating being laid off. He is eligible for a severance package; however, he will be required to sign a releas... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Salary vs. Hourly
Two and a half months ago I accepted a position with a company offering me salary vs. hourly. I've been putting in anywhere from 9-11 hours a day, five days a week and was recently told with the upcom... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Overtime for Salaried Employees
I am a salaried exepmt employee. I am forced to work a lot of overtime. No less than 65 hours a week and up to 80 hours on a regular basis. I have kept track of all of my hours on a spreadsheet since ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

do i have a case if i was terminated for saying to my boss Im going to ask as to my rights at DLSE?
My "supervisor/foreman" came to me showing a picture of my task i completed 2 days prior, and yelling at me in front of every employee, asking why i didn't do what i was instructed to do and why i jus... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Who's shift is it?
I asked a co-worker if he could work my shift the next day, upon his agreement, we aproached our manager for his approval(Company Policy). Unfortunately, I did not return home until late the next even... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

OT when you've not yet acquired 40 hours & unpaid drive time
I work for a company that is contracted by a major electrical company & I am scheduled to work a 10 - 4 work schedule Mon.- Thurs. On Wednesday I had a doctors appointment so I left an hour early. The... applies to California  ·  1 answer

if i settled a discrimination lawsuit and a portion was done as wages and balance was considered the pain and suffering would I be rightfully listed as 'self employed contractor' and required to pay all taxes even the employer portion ?
I had a settlement paid out to me and had two different checks one of which the employer did pay check as if back pay and the second portion was considered I believe the pain and suffering (can't reme... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can an employer deny FMLA for Military Exigency even though the employee hasn't received FMLA P/W?
I am deploying next month and my husband indicated to his workplace's HR department that he would like to apply for FMLA due to qualified military exigency. When he first spoke to HR, he was told that... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Unused Vacation TIme Arizona
I was recently terminated from my job of 22 months without reason. I have 55.50 hours of unused vacation time that I believe I am owed. I am researching but find different answers from different websi... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Denied pay
I worked as an assistant wrestling coach & was told I would recieve about $1500 at the end of the season. I turned in a late physical form to the school, when I recieved my paycheck it was 180 dollars... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Wrongful termination due to appropriate use of computer
My employer set up computers at my jobsite for billing. Staff at the jobsite share the same computer. When the system was set up, I asked my supervisor what would happen if someone used it inappropria... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Overtime in a 80 hour week
This an hourly question. We get paid every other Friday,(bi-weekly)for the previous 2 weeks of work. Is it possible for the company to take any hours over the 40 from one of the two weeks that has ove... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Holding Hostage
I posted a question last week and recieved usefull feedback, but have run into yet another situation with my law firm upon termination..and demand of a resignation letter. I received a voice mail mess... applies to California  ·  2 answers

We are told because it is the government there is nothing we can do.Is there lawyers who can help us
I was working for the government in 2003,I had direct deposit as did my wife.After stopping my employment, my employer continued to pay me.We were unaware,moved,closed the bank accounts.1 1/2 years la... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Salary employee but treated as an hourly employee
I worked for this firm for three years. When I started working I was paid by the hour then in February 2000 I received a raise and I was told I will be a salary employee and I will not be paid overtim... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Re: Discrimination - Am I too late? Is Union culpable, too?
I am a 44 year old professional female, a Union member, working for a major well-known corporation. I work in a male dominated field and women are outnumbered by men 4 to 1 at my location. There are 1... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is this Wrongful Discharge
I worked as Call-Center Team Lead here in Cleveland, Ohio. Several weeks ago my Director brought to my attention a letter that someone sent anonymously to the CEO stating that our new director was rac... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

severance pay
Is it legal to have an employee keep working as they "close up shop" and be paid their severance pay during that time? Also, when severance pay is offered, is it usually paid in one lump sum or as the... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Exempt employee being paid hourly. Is this legal?
Hello - I am classified as an exempt employee for a professional services firm, computer related. My employer requires me to turn in time sheets for both payroll and billing purposes. If there is a pr... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

changed non-compete contract. Still valid?
I signed a non-compete contract in exchange for a 4% commission to be paid for me selling a former customer after I quit my job. After 5 months they told me they could only afford 3%. I took it for 2 ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

travel expense reimbursement for a W2 employee
I had interviewed for, and subsequently received an offer for W2 subcontract employment from a contracting company in NY state for work in NY state. I am a resident of Florida. Both during the talks w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

harassment and retroactive pay decrease
im being harassed ever day by my bose about my now current ex fiansee and i say ex because of my boss she has now left me. im being treaten to be fired and thats if i talk to her and all because she i... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I file a complaint with the division of human rights for disability harassment?
Everything was fine with my employer but as soon as I revealed my condition to my supervisor and requested FMLA, I started experiencing a wide range of harassment. Anything from false misconduct write... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

salary owed prior to termination
I have recently been laid off of work from the pest control industry and feel that I am owed more pay than they are agreeing to pay. I am a salaried employee and I was terminated 2 days into a new pay... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I most recently submitted my expenses as well as my consulting fees to my ex employer my ex employer responded back by telling me that it is company policy that I only have three months to submit any expense reimbursement and consulting fees, because my e
The reason for me not submitting my expenses were my life had changed as I slipped into a very very deep deep depression I was under Dr. care and just simply getting out of bed was a chore I was not f... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Abusive Work Environment - is there anything I can do?!
Hello, I am a full time non-exempt employee that is paid hourly. I have been working for this company in Philadelphia for almost 2 years now. Since the company has expanded and the owner brought in he... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Cutting hours after not taking salary offer
My wife has worked at this resturant for 5 yrs. She started out out at $5 hr. With in less than a year she was up to $9hr due to her hard work ethic. The resturant was sold and she was hired on at $10... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Any help would be greatly appreciated
If my employer is requiring me to take job related college courses does he 1. Have to pay me? 2. If the class is after I have worked eight hours in one day am I entitled to overtime? 3. Does he have t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i work in Rhode Island. If I get called in on my day off to give an insulin shot, does my employer have to pay me
I am a LPN. I was called in on my day off to give aninsulin shot. Does my employer have to pay me for my time? Also, can I be mandated to stay for an additional shift if the next shift calls out? applies to Rhode Island  ·  1 answer

lousy deal
My husband was laid off after 13 years with no notice or severance. In his original contract, both parties were to give 1 month notice. His employer says that since it is a lay-off, they don't have to... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was demoted to align with my salary ith e, do I have a case...
I have been working at my firm for about 8 years, with the same job title but they recently completed a Labor Conditions Alignment analysis and they changed my title or demoted me...I believe that it ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was accruing PTO since February 2019 and now was just demoted to a position with no PTO. Was said you could not collect even until after a year end of my old status. Am I still owed this even with the demotion. Sad IN California. HELP
Manager accruing PTO. Now demoted with no PTO. Do I get that back or is it gone. applies to California  ·  1 answer

Resignation or Severance Pay
my job role/ responsibilites have recently changed for the worse, and my question is: if my employer proposes a new position within the company (lateral move), and i choose not to accept the position,... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I get paid 2 times a month, how is my overtime supposed to be calculated?
My pay period is from the 1st to the 15th and then the 16th to the end of the month. I get paid (hourly rate) on the 7th and the 22nd of each month. How should my overtime be calculated since sometime... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a employer after you have been working hourly change it to salary? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My HR Office at my place of employment did not tell me that I would be charged 7 days of personal time prior to my FMLA starting back in January 2017 and no documents that I signed stated I would be charged these days either. Can my HR office legally char
On the 19th of Jan 2017 I went out on FMLA for 12 weeks because I had ACL Reconstruction surgery in my left knee. I am a salaried worker so my 12 weeks off was paid for by my company. I returned to wo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Implicit severance policy changed without notice after 10+ years of no changes at all.
My company recently had a RIF. I was laid off after 9 years. The company has a 10+ year history of paying a severance of 2 weeks plus 2 weeks for each year of service to anyone in my position. They ha... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can a salaried employee be docked vacation time if late?
I am a salaried employee at a hospital. I have been told that if I arrive late now that I will be docked pto time. I am the only one in my departement given this stipulation after being late a few tim... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

i have a small company...3 employees total.
my small company, 3 employees had an employee who recently went on maternity. She received disability plus was paid $250 per week for all 4 months she was out. She has since returned and I feel that f... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Worried to be terminated I used racial harassment instead of racial discrimination.
I was a contract worker for Medical manufacturing company for 6 months. I filed a discrimination case against the company through EEOC. The Medical Company denies my allegations and denies that I was ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

can an employee be forced to work a shift and be on call that same day
department not H.R is asking non exempt professionls to work 8 hours shift and be on call all night to return to the premises for the next 8 hour shift applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I quit and receive unemployment?
I have worked for a company for a couple of years and have undergone many troubles: temporary pay cuts, temporary and involuntary pay deferrals that remain unpaid, broken agreements, and doing more th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Travel Policy
If an employer has a travel policy that states: "All travel time is to be paid at straight time." and defines travel time as: "Time in excess of your 40-hour work week." are they violating the overtim... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Docking a full day's pay from exempt employees
My question is: Can exempt employees be docked a full day's pay? I've taken an employment law class and I understood an exempt employee could not be docked at all or it would erode their salaried stat... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Children and contracts
My 14 year son is wanting to take a job at our condo community. He will be responsible for keeping the laundry room clean and changing the camera's VCR tape.We, the complex and I, need to know if he c... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Typical Length of Time at one client
I have a quick question regarding the testing for independent contractor v. Employee Status. I have reviewed the IRS 20-factor test for determining if an individual can be an independent contractor. A... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Promotion with a promised raise after 3 months
I was prompted to a supervisor and was promised a raise after 3 months in position. An email was sent out to the organization announcing my promotion , I have emailed HR, and have escalated this to up... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am a salaried employee and work 45+ hours per week. I am required to work one Saturday (5 hours).v
I am a salaried employee and work 45+ hours per week. I am required to work one Saturday (5 hours) per month. I missed one Saturday since I was in the Hospital, now my employer is telling me I have to... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was hired by a company and have been employeed for 6 months. When I was hired I was under the assumption that it was permanent late on I find out that I must meet all metrics before being considered for certification the pressure for excellence is makin
Same as above applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What are the consequences?
Hi Mel, Great site you have here - thanks! In the process of being considered for one position, I received an offer for a different position with a different company. I informed the first company of t... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Retroactive pay decrease & OT back pay
My husband's co. recently had the IDOL come in, and now they have to pay out OT. He is getting back pay, but only at half pay, and they told him today that they are lowering his hourly rate by $3.50, ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My position was terminated today , I was given a final paycheck minus the negative PTO I had . I am salary now , I was considered hourly when I originally went negative with vaca time. There was no written policy or a signature from me agreeing to lose th
H applies to Rhode Island  ·  1 answer

No pay for non-billables
I work for an IT consulting company. Recently, the company changed its policy on compensation. It stated that any time that is not billable will not be compensated. This is tantamount to a huge pay cu... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My company is forcing me to do unethical things, can I quit and receive unemployment benefits.
I work for a school. They have been accepting federal student loans for students. Instead of returning the overage, they have been paying employee's and bills and then bouncing the stipend checks writ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

i want to file a lawsuit but dont know how what do i do
i was sexually harassed at work and it became a hostile work environment so i had to quit i went through the steps to report it but nothing was done i dont know what to do now applies to California  ·  3 answers

my last emplyer of 45 days reduses to pay me my last weeks salary bc I left
I worked for approx 45-60 days and found a better paying w/benefits job. so I gave an approx weeks notice. but it was very uncomforatble so it ended up being 3 1/2 days. they were mad so they are refu... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer request a non-smoker and scent free employee?
Can an employer request that prospective employer be a non-smoker and scent free if the position is working in an controlled enviroment (clean rooms). Or is this something that can not be asked due to... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer cut my hours if i go on an interview?
Recently i came into work dressed up after meeting with a recruiter and since this incident my hours have been cut sometimes a low as 8 hours a week from a normal 40 hours. I was told by my shift lead... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been a permatemp for 7 years, is this legal?
hi, I have been working for an appliance company in Los Angeles, CA. for 7 years. They have me filed as a temporary employee. My pay check from the company says A&S temp. Which is a company owned by t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is there anything anybody can do for me? I am desperate at this point!
I have been at Blackhawk Network for over a year now. I worked for Anna Lockhart and she was a good boss. Then there was no more need for me to be at that position and I was transferred under Bertha M... applies to California  ·  1 answer

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