Can an employer garnish wages for speeding camera tickets?

I worked in NYC. I had to quit my job on 06/01/2020 because they had an employee who was using drugs and was very violent. I didn't feel safe working there with this guy. After I left they took money out of my check for 3 tickets they claimed I got in January. They sent me a picture of one where all I saw was one of their trucks. I don't know if it was me or not and I can't even fight it now it's been 6 months. They still haven't showed me anything for the other two tickets. Are they aloud to do this? They never told me I even got a ticket and when I questioned them they just told me they can take for tickets whenever they want even if the ticket was a year ago.

1 answer  |  asked Jun 11, 2020 6:18 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Charles Joseph
Your employer is not allowed to make deductions from your paycheck unless it is required by law, such as taxes, or it is for your benefit, such as health insurance. Otherwise, your employer must have your agreement in writing before it can take deductions from your wages.

You can read more about employee rights at

This response is not legal advice, but is general information only, based upon the information stated in the question and general legal principles. It is provided for general educational purposes of the public who may have similar questions, not for any specific individual or circumstance. It is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Legal issues depend on all the specific facts of a situation, which are not present here. If you would like to obtain specific legal advice about your issue, you must contact a local attorney who is licensed to practice law in your state.

posted by Charles Joseph  |  Jun 19, 2020 07:00 AM [EST]

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