Employer is lying and shorted my last check 200.00
On 10-17-2006 I started a job at Hauser Pharmaceuticals as a customer service Rep. I was told NOT to quote pricing until I had been trained. I started asking questions, like why are we shipping to a residential address with no state license on file? I was told when a doctor retires he can order meds until he dies. OK! Then I seen a young boy playing in the warehouse where many medications are stored, I asked, Is he soppose to be back there? I was told, "Its ok, he is the owners grandson". Hmm...OK! Then I asked my trainer for some tylenol for a headache and she responded,"there is something in the kitchen drawer". I went back there and found an open bottle of prescription medication, I explained, Its ok, I will go on lunch and grab something. On 11-9 I was called into the Supervisor (Terry) office, and the office manager (Kathy), and Terry was in there. Terry said, " we have decided to end this Business relationship" I asked, Why? She first said, "we do not need a reaso". I asked for one anyway, then she said I was quoting prices and then lying about it. I said, NO, I never quoted prices, I have never been trained too! (there would be NO motive). They then said, Sign here and we will mail your last paycheck. I was in SHOCK, I signed, then at the top of the paper, I noticed it said,"resignation". I said, Hey, wait, I did NOT resign, you fired me! Terry said, "its standard procedure". They then walked me out. Confused and scared, I went home. On 11-11, I filed for UC online. Explaining the situation to them. On 11-17 I received a certified letter from hauser that said " We accept your resignation effective November 9,2006". Also enclosed was a final paycheck. It read 54.50 hours (correct)..10.00 an hour..(correct and the gross pay 365.00 (INCORRECT). They will NOt answer my calls. These people have turned my life upside down! I have NEVER been fired until now. What am I soppose to do? I am looking for a job but cannot understand what they are trying to do to me and WHY?
1 answer | asked Nov 18, 2006 11:34 AM [EST] | applies to Indiana
Answers (1)

I recommend that you call the Indiana Department of Labor, 800-743-3333, to make a wage claim on your behalf. You can also call a local attorney about making a claim as the law allows you to collect back wages, damages up to 200% and attorney fees. You should also apply for unemployment. You do need to put in writing to the employer that you have been shorted on your last paycheck.
posted by Brenda Franklin Rodeheffer | Nov 20, 2006 08:33 AM [EST]
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