Full time versus part time severence

I was offered the same severance package peers of mine were offered who had only been on the job 2 years. I worked there for 7 years...2 of those as part-time. I asked for more money based on my full-time tenure of 5 years and 2 years tenure as part-time. It was declined? Do I have any other recourse?

1 answer  |  asked Feb 9, 2002 4:22 PM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

Answers (1)

Francis Fanning
Severance isn't a right

Unless your employer has a severance plan that is covered by ERISA, you have no enforceable right to receive severance at all. Severance is not paid as some kind of an earned benefit or gratuitous gesture of kindness. It is a payment employers offer in exchange for a release from liability, and rare is the employer who pays severance without requiring a release from any conceivable legal claim the employee might have.
Also, while it may be a form of discrimination to treat part time employees less favorably than full time, it is not an unlawful form of discrimination, but simply one of many forms of workplace discrimination that seem unfair if you're on the receiving end.

posted by Francis Fanning  |  Feb 14, 2002 5:10 PM [EST]

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