I am a swap driver for a auto dealership. I have to use my own funds to pay for tolls and gas but have to wait 2 weeks for reimbursement. sometimes that comes to several hundreds of dollars of which I cannot afford, I live on ssi

I am a swap driver for a auto dealership. I have to use my own funds to pay for tolls and gas but have to wait 2 weeks for reimbursement. sometimes that comes to several hundreds of dollars of which I cannot afford, I live on ssi

1 answer  |  asked Jan 14, 2020 04:33 AM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

V Jonas Urba
I answered a very similar question on this list serve in 2015.

An agreement to reimburse expenses is in most cases part of your wages which falls under the wage supplement definition of New York's Labor Law.

The short answer is 30 days to reimburse expenses unless you fall into an exception. See New York Labor Law section 198(c) I believe.

BTW car swapping sounds like a great gig for those who enjoy driving except for the expenses you need to front of course. Maybe you could negotiate that the dealer reimburses you for credit card interest or fees on your personal credit card which would be expenses if you had your own business with slow pays like you describe. Let them know it costs you more when you have to wait to get paid. Good luck.

posted by V Jonas Urba  |  Jan 14, 2020 06:08 AM [EST]

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