Forced to sign a contract after working the same job for over a year loosing overtime. I'm a Secret

I was a non-exempt employee (an Admin) making 63,000 a year and received overtime for working late hour for various meetings that were not stated as mandatory but it was apart of my job to attend.. I was recently told I had to become a salaried employee and sign a contract. I tried to negotiate for the more than $10k of overtime I was loosing, however, I was told I would receive comp time instead of the overtime.I feel like I am being forced into a Contract to retain employment and accept a wage concession. According to the guidelines, I do not believe I meet the standard for an exempt employee. Is this lawful, and if I agree to the comp time (which to keep my job I have no choice) can I still have a case if I choose so at a later date?

0 answers  |  asked Jan 31, 2018 6:48 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

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