I am owed about $4500 in commissions as a contractor will it cost me more to sue than I am owed?

I was a contract employee with a small company in Tempe, AZ for sales of their products in VA, NC, and SC. I executed a contract but never received an executed contract back from the owner. After 90-days in the role the owner announced he was selling the company, as a result my selling activities ceased. I was paid for some sales as payment was collected(as spelled out in my executed contract). The sale never materialized but the revenue from my sales was collected and acknowledged by the owner. The owner first cited he was not paying due to reorganization and the company was no longer a CA based business and was reformed in AZ. Now all the owner wants to do is throw mud as to my lack of sales success...

My question how much will it cost me to recoup the $4500 while I reside in NC less legal expenses?

0 answers  |  asked Aug 18, 2010 04:46 AM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

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