Severance Discrimination

My company was sold in October 2001 and the new company transfered employee seniority as part of the purchase agreement. While I performed the same manager's job, I was changed from salary to hourly at the time of purchase. I was laid off six months later (on April 18, 2002) from my job as Avioncs Engineering Manager and Avionics Quality Control. The severance I received for 26 years of service was two weeks while another manager received six months. I have a letter of recommendation from the company stating that I was "Avionics Engineering Manager" as well as my company issued business cards. Do I have any recourse for securing more than two weeks severance? It seems like discrimination to me.

2 answers  |  asked Aug 29, 2002 11:28 AM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (2)

Aaron Maduff
Severance Discrimination

The primary question here is on what basis you believe you were discriminated against. If the reason the other person got more in severance pay than you is because of your age, religion, race, gender, national origin, or disability, then you may have a claim for discrimination which is actionable.

posted by Aaron Maduff  |  Aug 29, 2002 5:12 PM [EST]
John Otto
Severance Pay

Assuming the company for which you worked is in Illinois, the answer is that you have no recourse. There is no law in Illinois requiring the payment of any severance pay. The law only requires that you be paid for any accrued vacation that you have not taken. Not all discrimination is illegal. The only discrimination that is illegal in Illinois is that which is based on race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, marital status and arrest record.

posted by John Otto  |  Aug 29, 2002 11:58 AM [EST]

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