Non-Compete Agreements

Non-competition agreements are promises by employees to refrain from competing against their former employer for a time after their employment relationship ends. Non-competition agreements are cheap and easy for employers to get, usually by offering new or continued employment in exchange for them. Since most states permit employers to reject applicants or terminate employees who refuse to sign non-competes, employees usually have little choice but to accept them. Once an employee accepts a non-compete, it survives the life of the employment relationship and then lives on to restrict the employee from engaging in the same line of work. 

Although cheap and easy for employers to get, non-competition agreements are ruinously expensive for employees. They narrow career paths, block opportunities and force employees to stay in undesirable jobs. And they can effect third parties, like customers and patients, who might find their former hair dresser or doctor refusing to provide service or care, since under threat of non-compete litigation. 

Courts enforce reasonable Non-competition Agreements

Contract law requires courts to enforce clearly written contracts according to their terms. Contract law presumes that the parties look out for their own interests when bargaining, and agree only to acceptable terms. Consequently, courts will not review contract for fairness, and generally enforce them as written. In fact, contract law prohibits courts from rewriting ordinarly contracts, even if unfair. As a result, once employees agree not to compete against former employers, courts should enforce the restrictions, even if unreasonable or unfair.

Courts do not, however, enforce unreasonable restrictions against competition. Long ago, when a village had only one blacksmith, courts would not enforce the blacksmith's non-competition agreement at all, considering it a restraint on trade and against the public policy favoring competition. Much has changed since that time, though. Today, a mobile workforce in a digital economy creates opportunities for employees to compete unfairly against their former employers. Courts therefore now enforce non-competition agreements, but only to the extent necessary to protect the legitimate interests of employers.

Employer legitimate interests include protecting a customer base, trade secrets and an employer’s investment in training or educating employees. If restrictions prevent only ordinary competition though, courts will not enforce it. As a general rule, a restraint against ordinary competition remains against public policy.

Courts re-write Overly Broad Non-competition Agreements 

When a non-competition agreement protects some legitimate interests but also prevents ordinary competition, courts can enforce enforce only the restrictions that protect the legitimate interests. The process of striking illegitimate restrictions is known as “blue penciling,” which describes the pre-computer practice of manually crossing out terms on a piece of paper. Today, most non-competition litigation involves the extent to which the court will enforce restrictions, and not whether the court will enforce any restriction at all. If the court finds that an otherwise legitimate restriction goes too far, it will enforce that restriction, but only to the point necessary to protect the employer's legitimate interests.

Since employees can escape only those contractual restrictions that a court finds too restrictive, employees might win the non-competition battle but lose the non-compete war. For example, if a court struck a three year agreement not to compete as too long, but left the restrictions in place for two years, the two year restraint would still block most opportunities.

Employers can sue the new Employer/Competitor

When, as is typical, employees accept employment with a competitor, the employer can drag the competitor into the non-compete battle on a theory of tortious interference. There, the employer claims that the competitor induced the employee to violate the employee’s non-compete for improper reasons, or by using improper means.  As a result, many non-competition battles end before they start, with a stern letter from the employer’s attorney threatening suit against the competitor. Competitors faced with such threats often choose to avoid the litigation by withdrawing the offer of employment. This proves disasterous for the employee who left otherwise secure employment to go to work for the competitor.

Strategies for Avoiding Unfair Non-competes

Employees should first avoid agreeing to non-competition agreements in the first place. To borrow from Nancy Reagan, Just Say No. Although this is easier said than done given the need for a job, employees should, at a minimum, bargain with their employers against overly restrictive covenants against competition. Employees can argue that reasonable restraints are good for everyone, since neither party wants to end up in court.  From a tactical standpoint, negotiating also delays the creation of an agreement, and it could avoid the formation of one altogether. This is because proposing a counter-offer operates by law as a rejection of the employer’s initial offer. Unless the employer accepts the employee’s counter-offer, or the employee gives in and accepts the initial offer, the parties do not have an offer and acceptance, and thus did not form a contract.

If an employee has to accept an agreement with excessive restrictions, as is all too often the case, avoiding those restrictions is difficult, but not impossible, after the fact. These employees need the help of experienced non-competition lawyers, who can identify the legitimate interests, if any, that a court will enforce, and guide the employee around the enforceable restrictions. Attorneys can also predict with reasonable accuracy the cost of litigation and its likely outcomes, enabling employees to evaluate the benefits and costs of engaging in non-competition battle. Employees should consult experienced non-competition attorneys before they leave secure employment. Finally, when employees leave employment to compete against their former employer, they must not take any unfair advantage of their former employer. Once a court finds that employees helped themselves to the employer's trade secrets, like the password protected customer list, it has little patience for the employee's complaint that the agreement to avoid such behavior is too broad.


Questions and Answers (1,479)

2 Agreements - Consideration
I have a non-compete w/ my former employer. It is fairly restrictive. I signed it 1 year after joining the company. There was no raise, promotion, etc. tied to the non-compete. How does FL law view co... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Wisconsin non-compete
I signed a non-compete agreement when I started with company "x" in 2000. Company "y" bought company "x" effective on July 1, 2005. In order to stay employed with company "y", I had to sign a new non-... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Cancelled contract: non-compete affecting many.
I work for a company (ABC) that provides outsourced I.T. services for a client (XYZ) and working within XYZ's premises. My employer, ABC, has announced that they have placed a 90 day notice to termina... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I signed an NDA and NON compete with the former owners of the business where I work. Can the new owners enforce those two agreements after they bought the business?
I signed the two docs 8 years ago with the former owners. Can those agreements be enforced with the new owners? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Statute of Limitation
I was curious as to whether there is a statute of limitations on Non-Compete agreements. I have a one year non-compete agreement which expired a few weeks ago. During the one year time of my non-compe... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Changing Non-Competes
Quick question about Non-Compete Agreements. I work for a company that requires a non-compete agreement to be signed. There was a problem with the original agreement so a second agreement is being wri... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

non compete
I currently work (in NY) for an IL company that has recently lost its "primary client". All employees of this IL company have been notified that as of year's end, when our employment agreements expire... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

I have been with my employer for nearly 10 years. I am involved with a competitive industry but my position is one in which I have no direct client contact. I am mid-level management in operations for... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

The "ins and outs" of non-compete agreements in daycares.
#1. How would I know if I signed a non-compete agreement? #2 What if I signed a non-compete agreement while working for one business and it was then bought out by another business and I havnt signed a... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Where can I search a database of court filings involving a company enforcing a non-compete agreement?
I am seeking to determine a company's proclivity for and/or history of enforcing non-compete agreements via litigation. applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I would like to have my Non-Compete and NDA agreements reviewed
I am considering leaving my current employment and starting my own consulting business, however I need to know if my non-compete agreement is enforceable or what I need to consider when starting my ne... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Are non-compete agrees automatically re-newable?
I signed an employment agreement with an embedded non-compete. I was terminated from that job. Later, I was rehired without signing any further employment agreements. Those the original agreement with... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Realtor non-compete in Alabama
I am a licensed realtor in the state of Alabama and have been since 2012. I joined my broker in mid 2014 and at that time signed an employment agreement that includes a non-compete component. We just ... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

Non-compete vs. Self-Employed
I signed a non-compete clause as part of "employment agreement" to be a "strictly commissioned employee" selling advertising. I want to go into business for myself, however, I fear the agreement will ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is a Non-Compete agreement in Texas enforceable industry wide?
The company I work for was purchased. During the purchase, I was told I had to sign both non-compete and employment agreements with less than 24 hours notice in order to keep my job. This was in Octob... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

A non-compete and non-disclosure for a non-employee??
Sort of a non-compete, but I am not an employee. I am looking into buying a LP company in California from the general partner. As part of my due diligence process, I asked him to furnish his tax and p... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Are Non-Compete & Ind. Contractor Agreements void if the contractor has been charged with a felony
applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Which state's laws are applicable in non-compete dispute?
Regarding agreements to not compete across state lines. What state's laws would be applicable, the state of incorporation of the employer's company that wrote the non-compete, or the state where the n... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Am I held to non-disclosure with former employer if I didn't sign any such agreements?
I worked for a small private company(less than 15 employees). The employer had some shady business practices that I was awere of. There are no trade secrets worth talking about. Am I bound to not talk... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is my employer required to honor promises made in writing on job offer letters?
My job offer letter indicated that I was supposed to receive a review on July 17th, 2008. It is now August 3rd, 2009 and I have yet to receive my review despite my attempts at reminding my employer of... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Is my employment agreement automatically still in force if the company is sold?
Is my employment agreement still in force if the company is sold, and the new owners don't explicitly say that they will assume all existing employment agreements? My company has new owners and they h... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Foreign state non-compete
During the course of my previous employment, I signed two mid-term non-compete agreements (each on the occasion of round of VC financing). The company I worked for is in Massachussets. I was a residen... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Non-compete for C2C enforceable
I currently work for contracting company (ABC) who has a corp to corp relationship with consulting company (DEF) who placed me at client company (GHI). I only have a signed employment agreement with A... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete as part of termination/severance agreement
I was a Vice President at a small company and was recently terminated from my position (not for cause...part of a business restructuring). The company is paying me severance, but in order to receive t... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Do Pay Rate Issues Invalidate Non-Compete Agreements?
Hi Mel and Associates, I am happy to find such a comprehensive set of Q/A on a variety of legal topics. My question is specific to non-compete contract. I began working at the company in sales and was... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete Agreements for non-sales or executive employees
Question about non-sales or executive non-compete agreements: My position is as a Senior Manager (non-department head and not considered part of the company management team) of Human Resources. The in... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

NYC Non-Compete Agreements
Hi, I am currently being sued by my former employer for going to work for a competitor. I am doing a completely different role currently. There is no information that I feel was considered confidentia... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Are Non-Compete agreements between companies legal?
I work as an engineer for a global telecom company and recently my manager announced that he is has several job openings for additional engineers, but is having difficulty filling these spots. He expl... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Do you have to sign a non compete after you have been employed with out one signed for 20 years?
My employer is giving me 3 days to sign a non-compete contract. I have been employed with this company for over 20 years. I knew they had these agreements but other employees who signed them were comp... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Have MA courts established whether new non-compete law is retroactive?
I was hoping you could elaborate a little more since the new law went into effect nearly 7 months ago. How are the courts upholding prior (to 10/1/2018) non-compete contracts that extend say 2 years p... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

How does leaving a company because of rumors of termination affect a non-compete agreement?
My non-compete agreement was not funded. Nor was there any agreements of severance pay if terminated. I heard from my immediate supervisor that they (higher management) had grounds for terminating me ... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I have 2 Texas based non compete agreements with different companies but the same corporation. One of these has a 5yr term the other a 2 yr term. They both have very broad definitions as to where and whom I can possibly go to work for. I reside in SC and
Both contracts state: refrain from working, owning in any capacity for any of the company's competitors or other competitors, similar industry. applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I have a signed non-compete. I believe that the employer has broken one of the covenants. Is it still enforceable
The covenant that was broken is the compensation portion at the time of termination. The covenant stated that it was due at the time of termination and it has not been paid. It is now 2 months later. ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

are non compete agreements for indipendent contractors inforceable?
I have owned a trade specific company for 12 years. Approx 8 years ago I was asked by a national company if I would continue to run my business under the national name which I agreed. There were no co... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case against my non-compete?
I am employed by a small executive search firm with 5 members. I am one of three revenue producing members. My practice specialty is different than that of the other two revenue producers, one of whic... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My employer does not give me a letter/ email stating that I did not sign a non-compete with him.
I haven't signed a non-compete with my employer when I joined the firm. The only thing that was given to me was an employment letter. I want him to give me a letter or at least an email confirmation s... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does a company in "foreclosure" have to honor employment agreements - specifically severance pay?
My company CEO just announced to the team yesterday that the company has no cash and will be letting all but 5 people go in a mass layoff. Keeping the 5 people is for the purpose of managing an asset ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can employees fired for refusing to sign non-competes collect unemployment?
my adult son has managed his mother in law's landscape business for 7 years...her new husband is now heading up the company and requiring all to sign non-compete agreements...if they refuse, and are f... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

AZ NonCompete Enforceability wrt Considerations
I read, "All states that allow the enforcement of non-compete agreements require that the agreement be supported by adequate consideration, or a bargained-for exchange. Most states find that the offer... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is an Employee Agreement a Contract?
My current employer is now asking me to sign an "Associate Agreement" that covers agreements such as confidentiality and non-compete topics if I leave. It also asks me to agree that "nothing contained... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is it illegal to work for a completing company owned by former employees of my current employer?
I would like to leave my current employer and work for a competitor. The competing company was started by my current employer's former VP and one other former employee. Both former employees lost thei... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

can a public act recently enacted void a non-compete non-solicit contract that was violated before the public act
I am the employer -the employee violated the noncompete 6 months ago and is trying to get my case dismissed because of PA19 -117 sec 305 which has now made these agreements void but they weren't at ti... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Questions Regarding Non-Compete Agreements and Inventions
Hello, My question is in regard to whether or now the non-compete my company made me sign is enforceable here in Texas. Here are the circumstances: 1. No mention was made of the requirement to sign a ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can employer require notification for you to apply at another company?
My employer has new employment agreements they want signed. Before you apply for employment with any other person or entity, you will provide them the non-compete AND deliver a copy of the notice to C... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

i signed a non compete agreement with the company i currently work for but ive been offered a new job with a different company doing the same line of home health nursing care, however the nurse that interviewed me was a former employer from my current com
I'm trying to get a second nursing job but the employer that interviewed me used to work for the company im currently employeed with and we both signed non compete agreements but his agreement states ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Company asking for repayment of 15000 dollars and do not have repayment agreements to refer:
I left a company in a period of 1 year 5 months, due to too much toxic culture and suppression by my manager and his boss and due to long time required to find a job. After leaving I am reached by the... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Is a Non Compete enforceable if the specific service I provided is now outsourced by the company?
I am a professional engineer and the company downsized me and the only other PE. Can I seal plans in my specialty if I limit my practice to sealed plans and avoid producing unsealed shop drawings whic... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Transferring contractor's from one agency to another?
The company that I currently work for is submitting a RFP for a State Contract, and in the RFP the state wants to know how we will handle the contractors that currently work through other Staffing Age... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have a question about severance pay.
My division was recently eliminated. Most of us were laid off at different times; some were offered other jobs in the company. We all have been asked to sign a severance agreement waiving our rights t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Forced to sign non-compete after starting employment...
When my husband was interviewing with a consulting company, he specifically asked if there was a non-compete agreement. He was told there was not. The first day at the company was supposed to be orien... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

No non-compete, CA employer, NY client... ?
I have been working as a full-time employee of an IT consulting firm based out of Southern California, however I live in New York City. I did not sign a non-compete clause specifically, but I did have... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What information is needed to find out if a non-compete agreement would apply to my husband?
My husband was hired by Company #1 in FL, 13 years ago. (He was trained elsewhere.) Company #1 was then bought by Company #2 about 11 years ago, while we were still living in Florida. Somewhere along ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non Compete along with Commission Dispute (Michigan)
Let me start by saying that I am evaluating the move to a direct competitor (in general) and looking for some advice on my non-compete. In 2012, when I was an Account Manager, my company did not want ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Validity of Non-Compete
I have a non-compete in place with a national consulting firm. During the course of my employment I was asked to sign an additional non-compete. For doing so I was able to continue employment but not ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

My former employer has recently just sold their business. I have not worked there for a year and there is still a year left on my non-compete. Is it enforceable by the new owners? I am sure they are a... applies to Florida  ·  3 answers

Can I go before a court without an attorney to blue pencil a Non-Compete Agreement?
NOTE: I AM WILLING TO PAY A SMALL FEE FOR GOOD, USEABLE INFORMATION. I was employed for 17 years with a Construction Labor Leasing Company. I was recruited by their largest national competitor. After ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Non compete HELP
I was hired by a company with whom I had to sign a non compete. They only let me see the page where the signature goes and said if I wanted to work there I had to sign it. I was recently terminated fo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can I be sued for taking clients from a prior employer?
I have recently left my job, which was in the accounting field. A non-competition agreement was never signed between myself and my employer. I have now started up my own business. My previous employer... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

salary cuts
The school I work for is cutting all employee salaries by 6% starting next month. We all have written agreements which state our salary for the year. Is this legal? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is my non-compete valid
I signed a non-compete in 2011. In 2012 the company had financial problems and could not pay it's employees on schedule. The two companies that had merged, then split at this time. I never singed anot... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

Is non-compete still enforceable?
I was forced to sign a non-compete to accept employment after I had left my previous job and moved some 150+ miles away. I was let go without cause without receiving any severance as laid out in my no... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non compete questions, 3.
1. Does the employer have the right to introduce a non compete contract on employees after their hire date? 2. If the employee had been terminated for not signing the non compete, would they have been... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

What states besides California require written commission agreements. We have business in WA, CO, AZ, NV, VA, and FL
We have business in WA, CO, AZ, NV, VA, and FL We have a commission schedule, but it is not in the form of an agreement. applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Severance Payout after 30 days
I (we) have severance agreements that we are 1)employed until May 15th and 2) won't receive the funds until around 30 days after that date. Is this legal? Why must we wait to get our monay? applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Can I go before a judge myself to Blue pencil an agreement?
I was employed for 17 years with a Construction Labor Leasing Company. I was recruited by their largest national competitor. After 5 months of employment, I was terminated due to a FALSE annonymous "w... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Will Non-Compete be enforceable if the employer not paying the salary during the Non-Compete period
Hello: My non-compete says a few month non-compete period, but did not say whether the employer to pay the salary or not during this period. So will they pay during this non-compete period, if not pai... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

I have a non compete that I signed 15 years ago.
The non compete is 15 years old, I am now 63 and have been let go d/t economic considerations. I have been offered a job with a competitor. Is the non compete enforceable? Everything has changed since... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am currently working for an IT Company in Columbus. I am moving to another state in which my employer does not do any business in that area. They say the non-compete is valid. NON-COMPETE TERMS: Can... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete for contractors
I read your FAQ on non-compete. It mentions "employees" several times. Can a contractor who receives a 1099 and no benefits be held to a non-compete? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

A company tutor wishing to go private
I work as an independent contractor/tutor in LA for a tutoring company. The company is headquartered in Wyoming and the local office is in Lancaster. [I tutor in students' homes.] I recently learned t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How long do the statute of limitations last for employment non-compete contracts
There was a one year non-compete. If that was broken during the time of the non-compete but never found out about, what are the statutes of limitation on prosecution? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Layoff Voiding My Non-Compete
My employer may be laying me off due to lack of clients and work. My non-compete states that I will not do business in the area that might compete with my current employer. If I get layed off as state... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Fight a no compete
I worked for a retail company for seven years. When I started in 1997 I signed a no compete clause. This contract was ammended in 2004 to cover more areas of the country. Later in 2004 I was terminate... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

According to my employer (Spa/Salon) I signed a non-compete, but never received a copy. In addition, my previouse employer has not required other employees who perform the same job I did to sign a non... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If my company moves to a PEO and i fill out new hire paperwork with no non compete, is the old non compete still valid?
I started working for a company almost 6 years ago. I signed a non compete that is dated 9 months after my employment began. Just over a year ago our company moved to a PEO and we filled out new hire ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non-compete clause
I signed a non-compete in around 2004 (Sales position) and was just fired for job performance issues in May 2009. By 2009 the company went through a major merger and they did not ask me to sign anothe... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

If a non-compete is signed in Indiana, but the non-compete agreement is drafted in the state of California where the company is based, can the contract be enforced since non-competes in CA are illegal... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer


I live in Texas and signed a non-compete with a staffing firm. After 3 weeks I was laid off due to volume of office. Is the non-compete still enforceable?
After 3 weeks I was laid off from a staffing company, do they still have the right to enforce a non-compete. Most of the conditions of the non-compete are reasonable. I was not out of training yet alt... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Arizona's - "Right to Work" vs "Non-Compete"
Non-Compete question: I'm an employee working from my home in Phoenix, AZ. My employer is in St. Louis MO. and they would like for me to sign a non-compete after 3yrs of being employed.. they say that... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Which non-compete should I honor?
I signed a non-compete agreement five years ago which stated I would not compete against the company for 2 years. Within the past three years I was asked on an annual basis to sign a personnel manual ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete release or compensation
Non-compete. If I am offered a job by another company in the Phoenix area that is "covered" by a non-compete and the job offers a better living situation than present, is there a law that either requi... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is The Non-Compete I Signed Enforceable?
I live and work in Atlanta GA. The company I worked for is headquartered in NYC. I had to sign a non-compete/non solicit that is based on NY labor laws. Does this non compete apply in Georgia if I go ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Question
I have a question about a non-compete agreement (that I believe would be helpful in your DB). We hired a girl about 3 months ago to help us get a clothing line off the ground. She had a non-compete (t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have been with a company for a few weeks. They had me sign a very broad non-compete with a duration of two years after severance. I have a new offer (more money) and want to move on but the new empl... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

non compete for North Carolina
At hire I signed a non compete which stated nothing about my terms of employment. Ten months later my employer wants to reduce my base pay. If I quit or if I am fired for not accecpting the reduction ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Validity
Hi, In 1998 I got an offer letter from CompA. I accepted it. When I showed up for work , I was made to sign an Employement Aggrement which included the non-compete clause. The company was sold in 2001... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What rights does a US citizen have for a non-compete drafted in Canada?
I am attempting to hire a person that has a non-compete with a company from Canada (he is from the U.S.). The employee was terminated but there is a clause in the non-compete that states even on termi... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

No Compete...if you were fired
I am curious if you sign a no compete if you were to be fired if the no compete is still legally binding. Also if they are based in another state and just operate a remote office here in chicago if it... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is my non-compete to broad?
I have a non-compete with a former employer that has a term of 3 years and a 100 mile radius from the business. The business was recently sold is there anyway to get out of this non-compete without a ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Former Employer Not Adhering to Their Non-Compete Agreement
I signed a non-compete with my former employer. I am in the 3rd month of a 24 month non-compete. The non-compete stating that I would be paid a specific amount of money for the duration of the non-com... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I am a veterinarian who was employed by another veterinarian. I signed a non-compete clause at the beginning of employment...due to a decrease in revenue he let me go. Is the non-compete invalid becau... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete Enforceability after termination in FL
I was recently terminated from my job in Jacksonville Florida. When I was hired with the company I signed a non-compete agreement. Is that non-compete enforceable if I have been terminated and did not... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I'm past my two year non compete?
Can a past employer come after you if you are now working with a competitor after my non compete has expired? I am well passed the two year term of not allowed to compete. I have allowed their competi... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Upon being hired to work for a audio visual company i was made to sign a non-compete. I live in New York and work in New Jersey.(approx 55 miles away)the non-compete specifies a radius of 30 miles and... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is my non-compete valid when I had my pay cut and benifits cut ?
I signed a non-compete with my employer after I got another job offer and gave my two weeks notice. The next day my boss called me in and offered me more money to stay,so I did. A few days later they ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete agreement be grandfathered as a result of an acquisition?
I signed a non-compete with my former employer. I found new employment with a company that does not compete with my former employer. My current employer, however, has been acquired by a direct competi... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can a non-compete clause be enforceable if my distributor's area has changed?
When first being hired by my company, I signed a non compete listing counties that the non compete was held to. If my employer no longer has the distribution rights to many of those counties and areas... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

should non-competes be identical for identical workers?
my non-compete with my employer restricts me from working in 2 counties. The same non-compete with similar workers (seniority job description, work performed, territory, pay, access to confidential in... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can a non compete be enforced in another state?
Looking for an attorney in Michigan to get out of a non compete clause. The clause is for 2 years and 50 this reasonable? Signed in WI but I work in MI at a chiropractic office (chain). Th... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Validity when there are multiple non-competes
We recently hired someone who's former employer is threatening to sue him and us for violation of his non-compete. He was hired out of college by a large national firm in their scientific division whe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My Company is closing the school I am currently employed at. They have offered severance pay but in certain agreements....considering I do not take a Leave Of Absence until my Last Day set forth by the Company. I am 38 weeks pregnant (9 months) and have a
Being Denied FMLA in acceptance of Severance Pay. FMLA due to birth of my child. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete clause with my company who contract with hospitals to provide sleep labs. Since I signed that contract under one title the compnay has since changed my title without a new contr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My company was recently acquired. I am in sales. I was told if I did not sign a non compete agreement within 3 days I would be terminated. I now have an opportunity with a competing company. will the non compete hold up or would some sort of diress be cau
Trying to beat a mon compete applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Company Bought - Does non-compete remain in force ?
Non-Compete ? I joined a IT Company A in 99. I did not sign a non-compete aggement there. In 2001 Comp A was sold to Comp B. We were made to sign an employee aggrement , but it did not include anythin... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I be forced to sign a non-compete on my way out of a company?
My employer claims to require all prospective employees to sign a non-compete before commencing employment with the company. I initially refused to sign the non-compete, but my employer put me to work... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can I beat my "non-compete"
My employer made me sign a "non-compete" back in 1999. In 2000 they were acquired resulting in a new change in company name. There is nothing in the non-compete that allowed the transfer of my N/C Agr... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non Compete on the table after 2 years employeed
I have been employeed for the same company for 2 years and have never signed any non-compete contracts. At my 2 year mark after my employer finally had seen how valuable I had become to his company he... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

1st I was forced to sign a Non-Compete or be fired. Is a 3 year Non-Compete Valid ?
I posted a joke on Linked In about working for another relay company and my former employer sent me a letter claiming I have violated the Non-Compete. The Linked In post was removed 1 day later. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

non-compete agreement binding??
I am currently working for a healthcare company where I have signed a non-compete / confidentiality agreement. I have a job offer from another healthcare company but I am worried about the non-compete... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is Non Compete Enforcable when laid off
I was laid off from a shoftware Company in December and have a non compete agreement signed in Feb 2001. As I was laid off is the non compete enforceable as I have since been contacted by a previous c... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Invalid dates on non compete
after reviewing my original non compete with no date and now reviewing my non compete that was sent to me by my previous employers attorney, I noticed the original has no date and the one from the att... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I recently accepted a sales position with a Fortune 500 company. I was required to sign a non-compete. During the interview process, I asked my employer if the previous salesman had a non-compete. Both the Vice President and District Sales Manager informe
Non-compete applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Non-compete, South Florida - company sold
Non-compete, South Florida I signed a 2 yr non compete with a office copier supplier. They let me go 8 months later with proper severence due to costs, not me. The whole company just got sold to anoth... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If told by employer to do something illegal, how does this affect the recission of a non-compete?
If told to do something illegal by an employer and the employee quits, does this invalidate the non-compete? Employee was told to drive a vehicle for which the employee is not licensed. Second, how do... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Should I allow my employer to pursue liquidated damages?
Employee is currently under 1 year contract to work for employer. After four years of employment with this company and signing four seperate one year agreements, employee has finally found another job... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I signed a Non-compete agreement in 1987, and now they want me to sign a revised Non-compete in 2
Is the first non-compete agreement still valid. applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is this non compete legal? N.C
I work for a company full time basically. I signed a agreement which included a non compete clause. Thing is - they recently updated how they pay us. We work in renovating homes. They have taken us fr... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Questions about Terminations & Non-Compete Agreements
My daughter was recently fired from her job as an account manager for a business forms company. 1. She took 2 individual sick days to interview with other companies. When she returned to work on Monda... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my company change the term of my non-compete without any benefit or consideration
I work as a radio DJ in Alabama and I have a non-compete clause in my contract of 4 months. Recently my employer contacted me and told me that the corporate office has decided that all contracts for "... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

That company has now been acquired, is this agreements till enforceable?
company is based in CO, I work from FL. I signed an agreement to return a sign on bonus With Company A if I left within 12 months. Company A has now been acquired, is this agreement still enforceable?... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is this non-compete still valid?
I started with my company as a computer consultant in 1999. I was verbally told there wasn't a non-compete to sign the day I was hired. A year later I was asked to sign one in consideration of a salar... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Forcing a non-compete
Hello, I currently work for a Technical Staffing Firm which I joined in February 2004. At the time I started with them I signed a one-page non-compete. Just last week (April 2008, 4 years later) I hav... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Question on Maryland based Non-compete
HI Mel, I have 2 questions for your review. I signed a non-compete and at will contract in Maryland for a Maryland (Aerotek) base company but have always worked in Texas. Could the Non-compete be enfo... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is my non compete still in effect?
I work as a salesman for a company with a 2 year non compete contract. 20 months ago I resigned with 2 weeks notice, was ask to leave that same day. 2 day's later they called and wanted to counter off... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Non compete valid if living in a different state from employer
I'm a healthcare consultant living in the state of NC but employed by a company located in CA. I signed a non-compete contract with this Company. However, due to loss of clients, the company is experi... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete & Retention Bonus.
I signed a non-compete clause with a contractor to the State of PA. The non-compete was for 1 year. This company lost the state contract and it ended on June 30th. They sent me a check to stay until t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

non-compete is the geographic region to large?
I signed a non-compete with a former employer that fired me for theft. I did not steal anything but I did upgrade a clients equipment at no charge making sure there was well over 60% profit in the dea... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can a part of a non-compete void the whole agreement?
My non-compete with former employer contained three pages and I signed all three. On page two there was a paragraph which stated "can't work for anyone in this field, two years" I crossed it, I wrote ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete still valid if one isn't a W-2 by competitor, but a 1099?
I have a non-compete through August of 2017. A competitor is looking to hire me, although via a 1099, not as a W-2 employee. Does that make any difference in the non-compete? applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Non-compete for 1099 status
I signed a non-compete agreement with a new employer. However, instead of being a W-2 employee, they are paying me as a 1099. Is the non-compete enforceeable since I am technically not an "official" W... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Non-compete issue
I signed a non-compete with my employer. (Most employers in my industry require a non-compete before they hire you) I have learned no trade secrets and have no specialized knowledge of the company. My... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Mandatory Non-Compete 3 years into job?
I have been with my company selling wild game meat to upscale accounts for over 3 years. Last year the company was sold and I signed a new confidenitality agreement at the time. Last week my company f... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is my 1 year non-compete enforceable
I work for a staffing agency and have a non-compete that says I’m restricted from working in the US in competition with my current employer for a period of 12 months. I’m based in New York and in ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer wants to bind me under non-compete without any benefits from their side. It is simply one sided which let them free me with 2 weeks notice, 3 years non compete after I resign or they decide to leave me, no compensation during non compete perio
I am with the company since one year on their USA payroll as I immigrated to USA. Before that, I was on their UAE company payroll for more than 7 years. Recently, I am asked to sign a non compete wher... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

How enforceable is this non-compete in PA?
I have been offered a position with a company in PA. They have sent me an offer letter as well as a non-compete they would like me to sign. The non-compete seems to have overly restrictive covenants a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Will a non compete stand up if I signed it and the no one from the company signed the paperwork?
I started with my company as the assistant to the CEO. I signed the non compete then and he didn't sign the paperwork. I have been with the company for almost 5 years now and have worked my way up to ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete applies to the new company?
I'm an employee of a consultanting company. I've assigned and worked for the same client as a contractor for more than a year. Now, my employer is being acquired by a competitor. I do not like the com... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Paid non-compete and unemployment benefits
Hi I am getting a severance package of 2 weeks from my employer in NJ. However I also have a non-compete for 1 year. They are going to pay me during the 1 year non-compete and preventing me to work at... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Assigment of Agreement in Non-Compete, still enforceable?
My firm was sold to a private, individual investor. The president of the firm left to take a full time position with another firm, informing me upon leaving that I am locked up in a non-compete and wo... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

As a sub contractor with a non compete and I am fired can the non compete be upheld?
I was a sub contractor for a company and had a no compete. He changed the compensation in my original contract to give me a pay cut which I disagreed on . I refused to sign a neew contract with the pa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I worked in sales for a moving company. My first day of work, they had me sign a non-compete. I never knew anything about it beforehand. I have since been laid off and am trying to get other employmen... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Legal recourse
I have a non-compete with my former Mortgage lending company. In the non-compete, there was no specification on geographic boundary. Recently, when my old company found that i was with a new mortgage ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Demotion enough to avoid non-compete?
I previously worked for a home improvement company and upon employment was asked to sign a non-compete agreement. At the time my salary was $1250 a week plus commissions. Because I was in the military... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

f I signed a non compete contract with my broker dealer and they have never returned a signed copy to me, is it valid? As well, I had resigned prior to the agreement, they convinced me to come back. Only after
Never received a cosigned non compete contract. Non compete was forced upon me, and signed by me under duress. Threat of loss of employment applies to New York  ·  1 answer

non-compete and returning as an independent contractor
Recently, I was terminated from my long term job because of a contract dispute. After a few months, the company asked me back as an independent contractor for more compensation than the previous emplo... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Details of a non compete
I have signed a non compete when I sold my business and went to work for the buyer. We are having a wage dispute and I will probably retire. I understand the basic non compete, but If I give advice to... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Former Employer Does Not Want to take takes out of my upcoming discrimination settlement
I have a pending settlement on an age discrimination case against my former employer. The settlement agreements states that 80% of the settlement should be treated as back wages and therefore should b... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Is my non-compete binding if I was fired?
I was recently fired from my sales position with a distributor of building materials, and since then two suppliers have approached me to go into business for myself to rep their lines. I signed a cont... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Officer's Obligation sans a non-compete
I was an officer of a small business. I resigned from the company. I did not have a non-compete agreement. The owner of the company says that in Ohio, I cannot compete with him, simply due to being an... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete agreement
I received a job offer from an investment bank. However, a partner mentioned to me that the firm will likely request that I sign a non-compete agreement after I start (perhaps months later). After ini... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

termination for refusal to sign non-compete not supported by consideration
I had been working for a company for about 2 years and out of no where I was aked to sign a non-compete agreement. I did a little reaserch and found out in PA a non-compete has to be supported by cons... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have worked for a company for 17 years. 15 years ago I signed a non-compete. If left the company for another competitor, can they still go after me? Also we have since moved locations from our original office. The non-compete I signed was at our old off
Non-compete question about statue of Limitations and location reassignment. applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Am I liable for non-compete
I have accepted a position with a direct competitor of my company, however this new company has other clients that I will be working for during the duration of my non-compete agreement. My old company... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

May Ienter a partnership with a customer I previously serviced under my active non-compete agrmt?
I have a non-compete with a company based in Arkansas. I now work for their competitor, which is in Tennessee where I live. I have an opportunity to invest into a business that I serviced under the pr... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Is A Non Compete Binding If There Is No Consideration
I've recently signed a non disclosure agreement that included a non compete clause with a company that I was talking with about a web design project that I was considering undertaking. Although I have... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Out of state non compete agreement
My previous employer from another state is suing me using a non-disclosure/non-compete agreement I signed when I joined. The statement says I cannot work with any clent/customer in US and overseas. It... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can a non compete be enforced if your former employer is in a lawsuit for its own breach?
You work for company X which has locations all over the country. You sign a non compete. Some top level members feel things need to change and break off and form company Y (taking all things learned w... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Regarding non-compete agreement. I would like to join the client as a contractor with the same middle-man company, who currently put me on this project from company C. I had signed non-compete agreeme... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete Agreement in MA
I started with "x" company in 2007. In 2014, "x" company merged with "y" company and I was asked/required to sign a non-compete agreement. However, my responsibilities, job duties and description did ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can a non compete apply to select employees even if they hold the same position as others not asked
I work at a medical practice that was staffed with 2 doctors. One doctor is setting up a new practice and several employees will likely be going to work with him. The doctor that is staying presented ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Is my non-compete still enforceable?
I signed a non-compete with a company, but worked for a division of the company, that division has been sold and all the employees had to reapply. Is the non-compete still enforceable? I have not reap... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non Compete and Severance
Hello I was recently let go from my company due to cut backs. I did not have a non compete agreement in affect. I was entitled to a severance package. When I received the severance agreement it has a ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-compete in NY
Hi, I previously worked without a non-compete for Company A which filed for bankruptcy. An employee of this company secretly informed all the consultants that Company A was going out of business and a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete with dissolved, but sold
I signed a 6 month non-compete with a Manufacturer's Rep Firm. I have been terminated because the assets and commissions due to be paid have been sold to a competing Rep firm and the corporation I sig... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

I worked for a large insurance firm and signed a non compete on my first day. Two years later, I lost my position due to downsizing. Is my non compete still valid since I didn't chose to lose employment?
I was wondering if my former employer can enforce my non-compete if my position was eliminated and I was placed on severance due to downsizing. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is my old non compete non executable?
I'm in a sales role. Back in 2011 I signed a non compete agreement, but my CEO NEVER signed it. It had 36 months non compete/non solicitation & NO geographic territory. In 2016 company sold. I was ask... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Dilema
I am an employee of an IT consulting firm and have been placed at a client site for two years. When I started with the firm, I signed a non-compete stating that I would not go back to this client for ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete with my company is 2014 under the specific job title I held at that time. I’ve since changed positions within the same company and have not signed another non compete. Is my original non compete still enforceable?
Current employee at company . Signed non compete in 2014 under a completely different job title than what I currently hold. Is it still enforceable? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

getting out of a non-compete agreement.
I have a non compete agreement working for an Executive Search Firm. I do not believe that I have any proprietary information or any "trade secrets" that need protecting. Executive Search firms are a ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete-still binding?
I work for an advertising agency where I signed a non-compete agreement. That company was sold to a competitor. I would like to take a position with a client to start an internal ad agency. Is my non-... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete valid if I am a contracted business and not an employee?
I have signed a non-compete not knowing what I was signing. I sell and project manage roofing projects but I am a sub-contractor and not an employee. I operate my own business but the company that sub... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Is a Non-Compete enforceable if employee termination occurs within 90 day probationary term?
I was hired on Jan. 3, 2011 and required to sign a 2 year non-compete within certain service areas of the company hiring me (Waste Disposal Industry). I was terminated 03-29-11 and will be paid throug... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I have been working for the same company for 8 years. After being hired, on my first day they had me sign a non-compete agreement. The agreement has many flaws that would make the agreement invalid. A... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is my boyfriend bound by my non compete clause?
Due to ongoing conflict, I sold my half of a business to my partner. She made me sign a 1 year no compete clause for entire state of Texas. But my boyfriend has been selling similar items before we st... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-compete demanded signed or terminated-after signing benefits and salary are cut.
After ten years of employment my employer demanded that I sign a non-compete contract or I would be terminated in one week. Two months after signing the non-compete employees were forced to pay monthl... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Non-compete demanded signed or terminated-after signing benefits and salary are cut.
After ten years of employment my employer demanded that I sign a non-compete contract or I would be terminated in one week. Two months after signing the non-compete employees were forced to pay monthl... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Shortening, non compete
I signed a non compete, but was not allowed to read the entire thing. It was explained briefly to me and if I wanted the job I had to sign it right then. It is for 2 years, I was let go by the company... applies to Indiana  ·  2 answers

I have worked at a Foodservice company that was recently experienced a hostile takeover. The company name has officially changed, the business philosphy and my income has suffered. Is my non compete still valid with the new ownership?
I signed a non compete agreement in 2006 for employment for foodservice sales. The company went into bankrupcty and a hostile take over insued. The company name, logo and business philosphy shifted. I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I am being fired by a company do I have to sign a non-compete agreement?
I cussed at the president of my company and now feel he will fire me soon. I have never signed a non-compete but feel the company will pressure me into signing one before I leave. What "consideration"... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete Agreement without a Signature
My foremer employer is claiming I signed a Non-Compete agreement, yet I'm 100% certain I haven't. Is there any legal recourse my former employer can take without a signed copy of the Non-Compete agree... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I prove my non compete was added after my termination?
I recently left a job where the non compete agreement that had previously been in the employee manual had been removed by the owner at the time I signed the manual acknowledgement. Unfortunately I don... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Non-compete for an out of state employer
I am working for a Georgia based software consulting company in New Jersey for its client. I am working for their client’s customer and I am planning to leave the Job. I was offered a job by another... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Employer leaving area
I currently work for a contract company that provides ultrasound services to a local hospital. We were recently informed that the hospital will not be renewing the contract in Feb and we will be w/o a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is my non-compete agreement still enforceable against me?
I signed a non-compete agreement with my employer over 13 years ago. Since that time, the company for which I originally was hired, integrated with another company, as a result, the original company w... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

can I get unemployment if I was terminated? Had non compete gave resignation told doc I would stay 21/2 months to train onother employee, no rules stated I was soliciting patients as a nurse I told him I will not lie to patients so I was served with lette
Question for non compete seeing patients that seek me out at office 18.9 miles and non compete is 20 miles? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

non compete in medical field
I am offered a job in Va as a physician. What do I do with a non compete clause in the contract? Thank you applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I have worked for a company for 5 years. They are now asking me to sign a non-compete agreement. Can I refuse without getting terminated? Thanks applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

benfits & salary cut after non-compete signed
Ater ten years of employment my empolyer demaned that I sign a non-compete contract or I would be terminated in one week. Two months after signing the non-compete, empolyees were faced with paying mon... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

International Non-compete
Hi, I worked for an IT company in New York for 2 years and got transferred to a sister company in The Netherlands. My first contract in New York had a non-compete of 3 years. My new contract in The Ne... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non Compete Clause
I recently got fired from an insurance sales job and went to work for the competitor 1 week later. The job is exactly the same job. I did not take any existing clients with me. Now my former boss is c... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

5 years ago I signed a non-compete. Is it still enforceable?
Five years ago when I started working I signed a non-compete. It`s been a year since I left the company because of the hostile environment and now they are suing me for dong my own business. Is this n... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can a hospital prevent an occupational therapist from working for another hospital in a non-compete?
I accepted an offer for employment in another state via phone conversation. I quit my job, sold my house and was in process of moving to Illinois. I was then told I had to sign a non-compete or the jo... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was re-employed by the same company. Is the original non-compete valid?
Hello, I was employed by my current company from 1997 until 2004. I left my employer for 2 years, and was then re-hired. The corporation was bought out, and now I am employed under a new LLC. There is... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Old non compete agreement
I have a non compete as a sales rep with a company that operates under a new name because of a merger. I signed the agreement for a position I didn't hold when I left and they never had me sign anothe... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

My non-compete agreement from a previous company expires in a few months. I currently have a job in a different industry. I would like to get a job in the industry I worked in the past. My question - does a non-compete agreement prevent you from searching
Non-compete agreement expires in approximately 3 months. I currently work in a non-related field. I would like to know if a non-compete agreement prevents me from interviewing with a competitor of my ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non compete in seperation agreement
I am being fired with out justifiying cause. In the separeation agreemnt there is a non compete clause. Is thsi enforceable? applies to California  ·  2 answers

I was terminated by Cintas Corp. for a safety violation? Do I have to honor the non compete i signed since i was forced to leave? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer


In Florida, if you are fired, or layed off is a non-compete contract still valid? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

How hard should I fight my non compete clause
I am an Optometrist that signed a non compete clause with my company in 1996. It stated that I was prohibited from working within 10 miles for a year and a half from any of our company locations. We t... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non-compete before work begins
I am a physician who signed a non-compete in exchange for $10,000 bonus. I have not started working for the hospital yet. The contract states that either party has to give 180 days notice to break the... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

non-compete question
I recently went to work for a pet sitter and signed a non-compete agreement. Things have not worked out between us and she sent me an email stating "I've decided I need everything from you that belong... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete in Illinois, that stated I cannot work in my field for five years within 25 miles of the company. The company has now gone into an Involuntary Dissolution. Is that non-compete still valid? They will probably register the name again.
I want to know if the non-compete is still valid since the LLC has gone into Involuntary Dissolution. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Are there non-compete laws for officer of company without contract?
I worked for my fathers company as vice president. I was recently terminated from this company. I never signed a non-compete contract but have been told by someone that because I was an officer there ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete honored if fired?
I was terminated after 11 years of service. I signed a non-compete for the position on 12/28/92 and was hired on 1/11/93. Is it an enforcable agreement in IL? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How can I get a release from a Non Compete
The company changed the my job description from salery with commission to and hourly with commission if I meet my goals. I had to quite becasue I co not afford to travel and earn a living. I ave a com... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Signed non compete and was fired 6 months later -
I was hired as an independent contractor last October to work for an insurance brokerage. I signed an employment contract which included a non compete clause. I misplaced the agreement and have reques... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My husband needs to get out of his non compete agreement
His current employer has been taking advantage of him for years in many ways and he has a chance to go to another company and his non compete is preventing this. We need help applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I am an IT professional in Pennsylvania. I signed a non-compete agreement 3 months after i started working at my previous company, XYZ. The agreement says that i cannot work with any of XYZ's clients ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If company goes out of business is non compete still valid
I have received word that my current employer may be going out of business. and I have signed a non-compete agreement. If he does go out of business I would like to continue to offer some of his servi... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I signed a non compete
with a staffing firm in the Columbus area as a contract employee. I left the company at the end of the contract. I was re-hired as a full time permanent employee 5 months later, but did not sign the n... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Non Compete valid? enforceable?
In 2007 I was hired and signed a no compete contract. In 2009 an employee left the company and another contract w a non compete clause was presented and I signed it. No consideration was given, no bon... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

changed non-compete contract. Still valid?
I signed a non-compete contract in exchange for a 4% commission to be paid for me selling a former customer after I quit my job. After 5 months they told me they could only afford 3%. I took it for 2 ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Staffing Service Non-Compete Sales to Operations
I work in a sales role for a staffing service in Philadelphia, and signed a non-compete stating that I would not work for, own, or manage a competing staffing firm within 60 miles. I am being consider... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

does an employer have to sign the non-compete?
I'm involved with a case where my employer refuses to produce to the court page 05 of the non-compete agreement. Now, that's the signature page and without it how can we have a contract (since a contr... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Am I still bound by franchise non-compete if franchisee goes under?
I currently am working for a franchise that has all employees sign a non-compete agreement. It is a window cleaning business so there are no intellectual properties. The franchise I am under looks lik... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can a recruitment agency enforce its non-compete clause on previous employer and me if I move to CA?
I was hired by a recruitment/placement agency that placed me with a software company. Originally, I worked as a permanent contractor and was going to be hired full-time with the company, and at that p... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I signed a non compete agreement with my old manager position. I was demoted and transferred to anot
Original contract signed in 2013 when manager role was taken. In September I was demoted/transfered to a different manager role with another branch of the company. I had to reapply internally to get t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Compete with my Employer in different state.
I signed a non compete agreement that states that under any circumstances whatsoever compete with Company X euther as an employee, agent, consultant, ownerproprietor, or in any other capacity within s... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have a non compete contract with --- and i resigned and went to work for a diffrent firm eveyone i speak to tells me that since i didnot get anything when i signed that it is not enforceable what is... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My employer told me she is going to file for bankruptcy and is dissolving her company. There is no other owner and she is not selling her business to anyone. I signed a no compete with her. Since this is happening does the no compete become voided?
My boss is let me know she was declaring bankruptcy and dissolving her business. She let all her clients know she is no longer working for them. And I no longer have a job. I signed a no compete claus... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Can my not to compete affect my new employer? Specifically, if I am hired by the new employer and at the time of hire there is no conflict, but subsequently after the hire date, my new employer adds or acquires a new business which then violates the agree
I don't want my previous not to compete to scare off potential new employers and handicap them by not being able to add or acquire future business because it conflict with my not to compete applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Non Compete statement
Mel...My employer made me sign a non-compete about 4 months after I started to work for them. I received nothing in consideration. I have been in Construction sales for 15years and it is all I can do.... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I signed an A.E.A. with a former employer with a Non-compete clause. Want to know my rights.
I have worked in the same industry for 25 years. I signed an A.E.A. with an employer that recently let me go,not in any breach of the signed agreement. The non-compete clause in the A.E.A. outlines th... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Does a non-compete apply to clients who decide to leave the former employer
My non-compete states that I can not sell to anyone who was a client of my former employer. A large client that was mine has called me stating that they have fired my former employer. Would the non-co... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete As A Programmer
I work for a company that does contract systems programming work for commercial companies. Recently the sales people have decided to move in a different direction with systems that do not require prog... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Severance, at will and non-compete
Hello, I'm a commissioned sales representative who will be laid off without cause ( at will employee ). I was asked to sign a non-compete agreement when this current company purchased my former compan... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

There's more behind this but no sense in getting into it unless we know the contract can be voided.
Our board of directors is dealing with a founder/CEO who resigned approx. 2 weeks prior to the termination of his contract. He feels he is due a number of things (cash, stock, options) under his contr... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My husband signed a non compete on a Tuesday and decided he did not want to work for that company and chose a different company to work for, he notified them in less than 24 hours. Is the non compete still valid? In consideration they offered him money
The money was not taken. He started working with another company and only made it through half the day before the former company had contacted the new company about the non compete. Needless to say he... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can an employer make an employee sign a non-compete when they resign? There was never one in place during her employment or as a term of employment.
We have a loan officer that did not have a non compete in place. She resigned her position after some disciplinary issues and the employer wants her to now sign a non-compete prior to leaving her posi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete compliance
My non-compete states that I can not contact anybody who has been a client of my former firm in the last 3 years. I was one of 25 salespeople. Should I ask for a list of all of their clients for the l... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

At Will - Noncompete
I signed a non compete after working for my employer for 8 years. I used to be straight commission and he switched me to base salary to entice me to sign the non compete. After 6 months with no notice... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Non-compete clause after 8 years of employment? Can they make me sign?
In regard to non-compete clauses - my employer of 8 years is NOW asking me to sign a non-compete that would not allow me to work for ANY vendor of laboratory equipment that they may consider a competi... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Non compete
I signed a non compete 18 years ago as part of a promotion to outside sales. 10 years ago in order to stay with the company I had to take a demotion and give back everything I received as part of the ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

prospective new job is not a direct competitor
I have a possible opportunity to work for a company that is in the same generic industry however does not, nor would not compete with any customers of my current employer. Would this still violate my ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I am in National Accounts and signed a non compete contract. If I go to a competitor but not in the same role would I violate my non compete?
Looking at going to a competitor but the role is not calling on the same customers. I am a National Account Manager right now and this role would be managing 9 corporate account managers so its a diff... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have a non-compete agreement with a company based in Tulsa, OK and their office
is in Tulsa county. In my agreement it does not state a geographical area. Would the non-compete only be for Tulsa County? I have been told that a non-compete is only valid for the county which the co... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Agreement and Forming Company in Direct Competition
I worked for a company that developed software where I was solely responsible for the design and implementation of one large component of their product. I signed a non-compete agreement mid-employment... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

In Michigan, my company has terminated my position. They are telling me my non compete is still valid. I believe that their non compete says they can do this, but in Michigan do I have any rights.
My company eliminated my position. I have a non-compete which is still valid. Does Michigan law protect the employee when this is all I have done for 29 years? applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Sign a non-compete or be terminated
Is it legal in the state of Florida for an employer to fire an employee for refusing to sign a non-compete form? I have worked for this company a year and now they are all but threatening to to fire m... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

non-compete valid after termination?
My employment was recently terminated by a local printer. I was terminated because "they no longer needed my services". At the beginning of my employment there I signed a 1 year non-compete clause. I ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I bought the business I was working for when the owner retired. We signed his contract which included and non compete on his end for 5 years or until I paid off the business. He is now coming out of retirement and is starting up another company doing one
The contract I signed for the sale of the business that his attorney wrote up clearly states he can not compete against me in any fields of service we provide. He is getting a divorce and has to retur... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can employer withhold severance if I do not sign new compete. Is an old unsigned non-compete valid ?
Hi I have worked with a company selling technical solutions to large retailers across the US. Due to restructuring, I will be laid off. I asked whether the company has any non-compete which I may have... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete valid if the company backs out of Agreed terms?
I worked for a GA company for 8 yrs an upon returning 14 mths later they wanted me sign a non-compete. We agreed upon expenses,commission an a monthly salary. Expenses to be submitted by 1st of month ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I was given a letter of release from my non compete giving me permission to seek employment even from competitors but now I'm being told that I'm in violation of said compete clause because I contacted a previous client. What gives
I signed a non compete and was recently fired. I was given a written release allowing me to work even with a competitor. Now my previous employer says that I'm in violation of such agreement because I... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have not signed a non compete agreement
I am working near chicago, Illinois. I recently applied for a position in Indianapolis, Indiana. The company I applied to informed me that they have a non-compete agreement with the company I work for... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Non-compete agreement for moonlighting employees
We have several managers and staff employees that perform the same work for us as they do when they "moonlight" for our competitors(ie, bartend, banquet server, or waiter). Can we limit this moonlight... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Any difference between Part-time/full-time non-compete employees?
I'm working for a market research company, am a newly hired, part-time, temp. employee. I signed a non-compete waiver and was wondering, if I get a full-time job in the same industry (or even direct c... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete, then gave 2 weeks notice and was fired. Can they still enforce?
I signed a non-compete, then gave 2 weeks notice one year later due to a dramatic degrease in sales leads and pay. (100% commission sales). The day I gave my 2 weeks, I was told to leave. I feel as th... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

non compete?
I am a salon owner. I have spent thousands of dollars promoting stylists. Recently one of them went across the street to work on her own. My fear is that other employees will follow. If I do not a non... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

NJ Non-Compete clause
NJ Non-Compete: (all business names and employee names are fake, just used as an example) Snappers has a 1-year non-compete with Chris, and Chris can't own, invest, or work for any business in a 25 mi... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

commissions owed/non compete valid
i went to work for an insurance agency owned by my brother. i signed a three year non-compete contract that also spelled out my salary,commission and benefits. i left a good job in an unrelated field ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

does non-compete apply if I end contract before 1st day of work?
I signed a contract with a medical practice, but I do not start working for them till the end of the year. I have since changed my mind and do not want to work for them. Does their non-compete still a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete possible lawsuit
Short Description: ---------------------- My question is, can a non-compete lawsuit be filed against me under the conditions: 1) That, I work for company C without signing any contract. 2) Company ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If you haven't sign a non compete initially and now you are laid off with servent pay of 4 months and they are asking you to sign an no compete for one year is that legal?
My husband was laid off and was told he will get 4 month servent pay a week latter they told him that he has to sign a non compete form or he won't get his 4 month pay and the non compete is for one y... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Non-compete issue
My wife worked as a sales rep for one year with a local radio station. After she began with the radio station she was asked to sign a contract that included a non-compete amongst several other things.... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Do I have to move because of a non-compete
3yrs ago I partnered with an individual and we created a company together. Since then, I've decided to go on my own. Our shareholders agreement contains a non-compete agreement that states that I cann... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Is Non-compete Agreement enforceable if the employer has no more business with the client
I was laid off from the current employer (Say, X) because they don't have any clients and its hard to keep all the consultants. I signed a non-compete agreement with X when I joined them 2 years ago. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete Clause Valid?
My division is in the procees of being acquired. The new employer required all "transitioning" employees to sign a non-compete clause even though the official transition date is not until April 1, 200... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Please Help
I lived in Oklahoma and signed a non-compete to come to Pennsylvania to work. I work in the natural gas and oil field. The terms of the non-compete is very broad and states it is valid for 3 years. Al... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Validity of non-compete?
I signed a non-compete agreement after 10 months or so with a company I worked at previously (the first time I left I did not have a non-compete agreement and did compete). I was given $500.00 as cons... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-compete anti-competitive?
I signed a non-compete agreement with my employer, an ad agency, (Agency A) and was later laid off due to economic conditions. The non-compete forbids me from servicing or soliciting former clients fo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can non-compete agreement prevent you from earning money?
My husband was fired for poor performance. No severance package, nothing. Now he found a new job. But his former employer sent him a reminder about a non-compete agreement for one year. And it basical... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Should I sign a non-compete when I am bringing skills to the job to create new function there?
I am interviewing for a sales job. I have very specific skills in a specific sales area. I am interviewing for a new division that I would create and run at the company. My prospective employer wants ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Parent corporation non compete agreement
I am currently working in a drafting position for a company which is owned by a large parent corporation. I have been there for less than a year and have not had any client contact. I signed a non com... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If the company is under new ownership, is the non-compete agreement signed previously still valid?
I signed a non-compete agreementand the ownership changed 4 years later. The previous owner is still the acting President but not the majority owner. Work conditions have changed, the business is decl... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does a pay cut nullify a non-compete clause?
If you are a year-to-year contract employee with a non-compete clause in your contract, will that non-compete hold up if the employer offers you less in the next contract? Does a pay cut nullify a non... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is a non compete still vaild
I signed a non compete 9 years ago and have recently left the company. Due to the time frame is the agreement still valid or is there an experation? Also, at the time of the agreement the company was ... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Non compete agreement
I was on H4 and later switched to H1.Her employer collected money for H1 processing.It took four months for him to find her a job .He is not paying the salary which he offered while applying for H1.Ri... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Enforcing a Non-Compete Agreement
My previous employer (Job 'A') is a distributor of building materials where I worked as a sales representative. I am planning on going to work for one of my customers (Job 'B') who are licensed contra... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can verbal promise by employer to not enforce non compete agreement be of any legal value?
Employer/owner destroyed my signed copy of non disclosure/non compete, after I complained about very broad non compete covenant, then promised he'd do the same with HR copy- said he never wanted it, w... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete after being RIF'd
I was let go by my previous employer about 3 months ago stating no further need for my services. Today, I was contacted by a customer of said previous employer. They are looking for someone to do cont... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I signed an non compete clause when I join a trucking company for them to train me and get my cdl. Before my training was completed I was let go due to not passing there road test. Anyways I have been unemployed for 30 days with a cdl i cant use cause I'm
I was let go from a trucking company who also train me to pass the dot road to get my cdl. Before completeing my training to become a company driver I was let go. Since I sign a contract with them I a... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

PA non-compete is it valid
Upon employ with my current company "XYZ software", I signed a Proprietary Information & Non-Compete Agreement. The non-compete clause states " It is understood that upon termination of employment by ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do I have a non-compete clause on me?
I worked for a company for a short period and I don't remember signing a non-compete clause. How do I find out if I have one that is preventing me from getting another job? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

MA or NY
I signed a non compete with my employer situated in MA. My client in NY hired me. Will non compete be governed by MA or NY law. I live in CT but work for the client in NY. I implement the system. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

non-compete distance
I signed a non-compete agreement that stated I could not work at a competing company within 20 miles. What is the best way to get an accurate measure of the distance from one business to another? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do u feel that a 15 mi radius is fair for an esthetician for a non compete?
I live in Colo. I am providing my own clients as a sub contractor She still wants a non compete. Do you think this is fair applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Non-compete agreement in MD
Is a non-compete agreement enforceable in the State of Maryland? What legal rights do I have if my former employer has filed a suit? Thank you. applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Am I obligated to a non-compete agreement if my "would be" employer is dissatisfied with my previous employer's performance and unscrupulous business practices? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was recently let go by the company I had worked for over 19 years. My question is, does the non compete clause become void since they fired me? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete problem
My company has been taken over and they are closing the New York office and moving select employees to Chicago. I am a VP of sales, but cannot go to Chicago because of elderly parents I must assist to... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Agreement Consultation
Would like to contact former employer who had an attorney send a notification letter of injunction against me for violation of a non-compete contract. I do not have a copy of the non-compete and would... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-compete for pest control?
Hi I'm currently in a non-compete clause with my employer at a pest control company. At the end of this year I had planed on relocationg across the state to start my own company, as I have been workin... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

signed12month consultant non-compete, moved to different position 1 year ago, is non-comp valid?
Upon hire I signed a "Consultant Non-Compete Agreement" for a 12 month period upon termination. I have since moved into a non-consulting position (same company) for over 1 year. Does the consultant no... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

AZ non-compete bill becomes law May 29, 2002
Since the non-compete clause was determined unlawful and banned in Arizona; what about (media) contracts signed before this law went into affect? applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

non-compete prior to sale
My employer recently sold his franchise to an out of state owner. Does my non-compete with him carry over to the new owners even if we left before the sale was complete? applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Hello, I am a resident of Texas, working as a consultant for a Minnesota firm. I was previously engaged on a project in Raleigh, NC. I would like to go work for this company in NC, However, due to a n... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have a non-compete, I am a NP in a specialty. I want to switch specialties as well as organizations within the non-compete radius. Is this worth pursuing?
I want to switch specialties as well as organizations. The new organization is in the non-compete radius. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

non-compete clause - promotions
Can my employer make a promotion (into management) contingent on me signing a non-compete clause? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non compete
I have worked for my company for 7 years, and now they are requiring me to sign a non compete document. Can they fire me for refusing to sign? applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Non-compete Ohio
I signed a non compete agreement back in 2003 as an independent contractor for sales. Included in the agreement was the commissions I was to receive for my sales. In 2005 the commissions were decrease... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

may have signed a Non-compete in NY with big company
Hello, my father works for a large, national trash hauler. He has been offered a new job with a competitor in the same area, he might have signed a non compete when he started about 4 years ago. He is... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Anti-Piracy vs Non-Compete
Hello, You previously answered a question related to non-compete for me, and it proved very helpful--thank you! From your answer derived another question, if you please: I am a loan officer, and my co... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is a Florida non-compete enforceable in another state?
I relocated from AZ to FL for a job which required signing a non-compete. The "territory" defined in the agreement is defined as United States of America. The agreement specifies that it is governed b... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Asked to sign a non compete after leaving job
My ex employer spoke of having a non compete agreement drawn up while I was working for him, but never did. Now that I have resigned and opened my own business, he wants me to sign one. Is this legal?... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have been with a company for 10years and now they ask me to sign a non-compete agreement which i have not yet signed. It is a private company. on this non-compete it is saying I cannot apply within my profession 60 miles from the location I work within
what kind of details do you need applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can companies break their own non-compete agreement?
I signed a non-compete with my former employer, and I was the only person in the company that had knowledge in the type of work that I did. Upon my departure, one of their clients contacted me and ask... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

non-compete for right to purchase stock
I have been working for a company for 6 years. The company was sold 4 years ago. The previous owner gave me a huge bonus which was to be used to buy stock in the new company. I did this and part of th... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete relating to prospective customers
I was told I had to sign a new non-compete in 1999 (3 years after original employment)or I would risk being fired. The new non-compete included prospects as covered under the non-compete as well as pr... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete across multiple state lines?
I signed a non-compete agreement upon joining Company A in late 2001. Company A's HQ are in TX, though I signed the non-compete in CA upon joining a division of Company A that was based in CA. I left ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can a company require you to sign 2nd non-compete during continuous employment for longer duration?
I signed a non-compete with a duration of 18 months when I was hired 20 years ago. The company has changed names but not owners since then and just recently it was decided that all employees must sign... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Have a non compete agreement issue, can you help?
I worked at a Baseball/Softball training facility for 3 years. I had to sign a non compete. The form stated that if after quitting or fired I can not do the same style of work for 1 year or 18m in a 5... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I haven't signed a non-compete agreement. Is there a general "non-compete law" in state of Colorado?
Is there a "reasonable" timeframe after which I could start my own business (similar to the business of my previous employer)? applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can you have a former patient wants to see you again, can they? (non compete)
In my non compete it stated that I cannot "actively persue any of my patients at my new practice (I recently sold my practice and opened another well out of the required 15 mile radius the non compete... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I signed a non compete as an employee, but I am now an independant contractor, is that still valid?
I was hired as an employee stylist at a salon. After a few years of working there the owner decided to have us all sign a non compete agreement so that we dont work at another salon with in 25 mile ra... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

unpaid wages & non-compete
Have an employer who did not pay salary for 3 months. I left after those 3 months and started my own business in similiar field. They still owe salary from when i left last august 2003. They have paid... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete employment issue
After working for my company for roughly 1 year I was forced to sign a non-compete. In brief the non-compete said I can not work in the internet related field for 1 year within a 100 mile radius. Howe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What if as a nurse I signed a non-compete agreement with an out of state employer but they have never given me any work. Im going on week 3 now and nothing. Would I still be obligated to abide by the non compete?
I have signed a non-compete agreement with an out of state employer. Its been 3 weeks and they have not assigned me any clients the agreement still in force or can I resign and work for anot... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

company acquired, non compete
i signed a non compete with company A. Company A has been acquired by company B. Our companies are now called, "company A, a division company B" is the non-compete i signed 8 years ago with Company A,... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How much to you charge to review a non compete agreement and give advice?
How much do you charge to review a non compete agreement and give advice? I am being offered 6 months of pay but have to sign a one year non-compete. applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Former employer refuses to provide me a copy of non-compete.
I recently was terminated from my position in wireless sales. Shortly after I was offered a position in sales close to the former employer. My former employer contacted me and informed me of the non-c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete expired, am I in the clear?
I signed a non-compete with my former employer- specifics aside, I chose to honor the full 12 months of the agreement. I am now worried my former employer may try to casue me hardship through legal ac... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Non Compete
If I signed a non-compete agreement and started a business for myself; and my previous employers customers start calling me (through advertising); would this be construed as me soliciting the customer... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is my non-compete enforcable
I have worked for a company for almost a year, in that time I have had 4 bosses and my title changes 3 times since my original non-compete was signed. Is it still valid and I have moved from the origi... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Is there a way around a non compete agreement?
I signed a non compete agreement when i was employed for a housekeeping company. I am not allowed to start my own housecleaning business within 50 miles of its service areas or until after a year of l... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Non compete signed under duress
I'm a consultant. I worked for a tech company that went bankrupt. We were bought by a new comapny that forced us to sign a non-compete,- if we did not sign it you were fired. We have had layoffs, no b... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non-compete taking my life
I was employed by a company on H1B, i paid the processing fees and i was not paid for six months, beacuse i dont have job and when finally i got a job, they made me sign a non-compete and for four mon... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can an employer withold a final paycheck if I refuse to sign a non-compete?
My husband did not sign a non-compete clause when he began working for an employer 5 years ago. He put his 2 weeks notice in with the company owner in writing 13 days ago. The employer is now telling ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can I be held to a non-compete I signed if my employer will not give me raises?
I signed a non-compete agreement prior to my employment with my company. I got one raise within the first year of employment. Since then, I have only received the 2 or 3 percent cost of living raises ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

non-compete / lawsuit
My husband 35 years old had a heart attack on the job due to stress he was not allowed by his boss to collect workman's comp. I opened the same type of business as my husbands former employer of 14 ye... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Does a revised (not signed) non compete clause void an old (signed) one?
I signed a non compete clause in 2007. In the fall of 2010 they revised their handbook and came out with a new non compete clause. I did not sign that one. I would like to know if that old one is void... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Enforceable non compete?
I'm currently starting up a business here in Florida. I'm looking to hire someone as an employee to work from his home in New Jersey. My candidate is unsure about working for me because he currently h... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete vs. unethical business practices
Hi, I am a Consultant and signed a non compete agreement with a former employer. I recently accepted an offer at a new employer, which was a former client of my previous employer. The agreement states... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is a non-compete agreement transferable when a business is sold.
I signed a non-compete agreement approximately 3 1/2 years ago in 2006, with a franchise business, as a independent contractor (1099) commission only. Three months ago the franchise business was sold.... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Being penalized for not signing or being aware of a non-compete contract
I work for a physical threap clinic and am currently being bound to a non-compete contract that I did not sign nor even knew about until I turned in my letter of resignation. The company that I curren... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

non compete out of state
My question is wehter my company headquartered in RI can enforce a noon compete while I reside and work in Florida. Specifically they state for one year in North America or Europe I cannot go to anyon... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Question
I signed a non-compete agreement but did not receive a copy of it? Is it still enforceable? I have only been with this Mortgage Broker for six months, received no training and work on a straight commi... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Employee Agreement includes non-compete clause. Is non-compete reasonable and/or enforcable?
I live in NJ but have been offered employemnt by a company in Arizona. Employment Agreement they are requiring me to sign as condition of employment, includes confidentiality and intellectual property... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Are non compete contracts valid if company is later sold and employee becomes subcontractor?
My friend owned a business and sold to another person he then became an employee of that company and signed a no compete contract which stated that should he leave the company he could not contact his... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Will I get unemployment if I refuse to sign a non-compete agreement?
I work in Oregon. I am being forced to sign a non-compete agreement to be advanced and retain my job. The contract meets all of oregon state law for a non-compete agreement except it does not meet ore... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

my wife had signed a non compete for her employer but yet her employer cant pay her on time and she has to buy her own supplies . how does she get out of this
My wife had signed a non compete for her wife has to buy her own supplies to do her job and her employer is supposed to direct deposit her payroll check and a lot of the time on payday sh... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Non-compete agreement; violation
I own a small company and hired an employee who represented in writing that he did not have a non-compete agreement with his former employer. After 4 months of employment, my employee's former employe... applies to Maryland  ·  6 answers

Ohio Non-Compete Enforceable in New York?
I signed a non-compete for a company in Ohio that manages properties in Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania. My employment contract expired, and for personal reasons I would like to move back to and take ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Non-compete prevents me from returning to old employer
This letter concerns a "non-to-compete" agreement I signed with my employer. I have been at my current employer, 3 months. When I was hired, they asked that I sign the agreement and I did. Now I am be... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

is my non-compete enforceable
Hello, my company was recently acquired, and I was asked to again sign my non-compete, as the original was supposedly lost. The non-compete carries over to the new company. The specifics of the non-co... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

can a canadian company enforce a non compete in the USA on a independent contractor?
I quit my position as a 1099 contractor with a large Canadian auto dealer sales event company that does business in Canada and the US. I am a US citizen and live in Washington State and do not work in... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I apply for work as a LPN if I signed a non compete as a Community Relations Specialist
I signed a non compete after I took a job with a nationwide hospice provider as a CRS(sales manager) Three months later I fear dismissal because I am unable to bring in enough referrals. My non compet... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I DID sign a non-compete and my employer didn't mention it when I quit… is it relevant?
I worked for a very small local company for 6 years. In December 2010, I told my employer that I had interviewed at another company and was considering an offer (I was in a key role and wanted to give... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

statue of ohio's non-compete clause for prof. employment
I am trying to find either the (specific) place online to look up the Ohio codes or information on non-compete clauses in employment contracts for professionals (veterinarian). I know that 5 states, (... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non compete questions
I am an Ad Specialties Rep for a very small firm in PA. This firm operates nation wide but in a small very specialized market.The Ad Specialties industry is huge and involves over 500,000 products. Is... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

noncompete legal?
I recently went for a job interview and got the job, with another company that offers me 1 1/2x the salary that my current employer pays me. My current boss threatened me with saying he will take lega... applies to New York  ·  1 answer


Is my non-compete and non-solicitation agreement enforceable?
I signed a 24 month non-compete and non-solicitation agreement with company A in 2006. In 2007 I formed company B which then hired all of company A's employees and provided all the services that an em... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Opposite of Usual
I do extensive work for my employer with respect to Workers' Compensation and Union issues in a heavily regulated industry. I would like my employee to compensate me in exchange for a non-compete clau... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-compete: Who is the client?
I consult for company A. They contracted me to Company B, their client. Company B contracted me to one of their clients Company C. Company C is not a client of company A. My non-compete with company A... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Non Compete after a company leaves a market
My employer has recently sent out a memo stating that they are no longer engaging in business in several markets that we were previously conducting business in. All of the employees have non-compete c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Direct Family Member Non Compete Clause
My present employer was recently sold, and my father was a shareholder in the company. In the purchase agreement there is a clause that says no shareholder or direct family member may obtain employmen... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Didn't sign a non-compete, what now?
I had hired a sales rep but I did not have a non-compete agreement signed. Now he has left my company, with my contacts in his computer. Is there anything I can do or I am completely out of luck in th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Change of job title and pay v/s Non-compete
I work For one of the local television Station in Evansville Indiana. When I first hired in I was paid a salary plus instant commission for Non-Traditional Revenue (NTR) sales. I sold Internet based p... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

what if you are terminated/fired from an employer. Does the non-compete still work?
Non-compete after being fired in Kentucky applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

If the company closes down is the non compete valid?
Company is closing Non compete was signed applies to New York  ·  0 answers

three employes broke a non compete in a 4 mo. span 1 st one was fighting it and had a court date the new employer that hired all 3 of else laid us off when pre-employer sued the new employer and the other 2 employees that left later we was told retain the
non=compete applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

should i be compensated for signing a non compete contract?
i signed a non compete contract 10 years ago with my company. They paid me $10., Now they can't find the contract, want me to sign another one & have said if i don't they will withhold my Christmas bo... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

How do non-solicitation agreements apply to terminated employees.
Suppose two companies (in Texas) have a contract for the exchange of services that includes a clause that prohibits each party from soliciting the other's employees for one year after the agreement is... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete based on california law
I signed a two year non-compete contract with my former employer. The company was focused in the elctronic manufacturing industry and marketed products through reps and distributor. I was terminated a... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Franchise non-compete
I own a franchise in minnesota - The franchise headquarters is in Ohio. We have a non-compete and arbitration agreement that would be handled in Ohio. The issue is that we have under paid our royaltie... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

Does a non-compete carry over if I transfer to a new position within the same company?
I signed a non compete agreement when I hired on in a particular division with my current medical sales company. About one year ago, I was granted a transfer to a different division that sells differe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Does statement in offer letter bound to non-compete agreement
My offer letter which I signed when I was hired stated the following: "We are happy to offer you a position under the following conditions: Acceptance of the conditions in the attached Confidential In... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Temporary Injunction filed against me with false accusations printed in newspapers/online
My former employer has filed and was granted a temporary injunction against me. In the court documents employer states I stole trade secrets, as well as violated a non-compete. I did not steal any tra... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete in Florida
I am currently employed as a Manager at a real estate firm. Last year my broker had me sign a non-compete/non-solicitation agreement. At the time I was not an "employee", I was working as a realtor/in... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-compete in force, former employee uses information to better new employer.
Employee signa a non-compete, leaves the company and is hired by our competitor. What reasonable expectation can we have to restrict contact with customers, equipment and sales in the intermountain re... applies to Utah  ·  1 answer

Can an employer legally enforce a non-competition statement in their company policies when an actual non-compete agreement was never signed?
I've never signed a non-compete agreement per se, but my company does have a policy in its handbook regarding non-competition and I probably signed an acknowledgement of receiving the handbook and res... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can a general release override the terms of a Non-compete agreement?
The non-compete agreement states employement will continue indefinitely until terminated by either party with two weeks notice. I was laid off without any notice nor was payment made for the two weeks... applies to South Carolina  ·  1 answer

Jurisdiction in a non-compete
Hi. I just got blindsided by a company I reped for for 14 years. They basically just sent out a mass email to everyone saying I was terminated and not to talk to me anymore. That's the first I heard. ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

IL non-compete legality
We have recieved a new non-compete that we are required to sign by the end of the day. They included a specific list of companies that would prohibit us working for these companies for a period of 12 ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I have a one year non-compete agreement which expires July 5th, 2020. During the one year time of my non-compete I was involved in a competing business. My previous employer has requested my new employer dismiss me due to my violation of my non-compete. M
I have a one year non-compete agreement which expires July 5th, 2020. During the one year time of my non-compete I was involved in a competing business. My previous employer has requested my new emplo... applies to Vermont  ·  0 answers

I have a non compete at a TV station as a Sales Rep. The company I work for is being bought out by another broadcasting company. I want to leave and go work for an advertising agency. I would not be selling media....can they uphold a non compete and sue m
I work for WDTN a TV station owned by Media General who just sold to Nexstar. I just left after accepting a position at an advertising agency. My sales manager just threatened to sue me over a non com... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Somebody was arrested at my house for Bank Robbery that I had no part in or knew about. I'm not getting charged or indicted for it. I'm on suspension until the case is over. I fully cooperated with De... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is a no compete valid if parts are missing/blank?
Is a non compete valid if it is not signed and dated by the company, they breach on their part and the geographical area is left blank? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Unemployment and Non-compete
Can I file for unemployment if my employer terminates me for not signing a non-compete agreement? I don't agree with the agreement and she is forcing us to sign it without getting any type of compensa... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Non Compete
I signed a non compete with the staffing agency I work for it states that I can not work for anyone that they have done business with in the past present or future, another staffing service for 2 year... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I was fired and received a serverance package and signed a non-compete for eight months can this be upheld if it keeps from gaining employment. If I go to a company that is in a similar line of bus... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

To remain employed, do I have to sign a non compete agreement?
I am reasonably sure that I did not sign or was presented with a non compete agreement when I was hired by my employer. Approximately 1 yr and a half later, I am now being approached by them saying th... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

non-compete validity IL->CA
Can a company 'A' based in chicago (Illinois) enforce a non-compete on its employee if the employee moves to one of its competitor company 'B' in the state of california? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is the no-compete clause valid in California?
There is no-compete clause in my severance package by my employer, and it states that I would have to abide by laws of other state, even though I work in California. applies to California  ·  4 answers

Non compete in Ohio under Pa law
Non compete in Ohio under Pa law I signed a non compete for employment in Ohio which is governed under all aspects by the laws of Pa. in Mid Sept 2009 when I signed a compensation agreement. In Novemb... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Non compete in Ohio under Pa law
Non compete in Ohio under Pa law I signed a non compete for employment in Ohio which is governed under all aspects by the laws of Pa. in Mid Sept 2009 when I signed a compensation agreement. In Novemb... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is this non-compete clause applicable to my case
My case Company X used to hold my H1B visa is a consulting Co I got a project through A which presented me to B as his employee, then B presented me to C as his employee,C is prefered vendor to client... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Hi Mel , I have a quick question, I worked as an independent contractor before getting hired as an employee (dispatcher) , after 2 months being hired I signed a non compete agreement , I am resigning and planning to work for our competitor as an independe
I will be leaving my existing job (dispatcher) and will be working for our competitor as an independent contractor for higher pay I need to know since I signed the non compete agreement can my employe... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

I signed an at-will offer that contained a non-compete. Am I bound if I renege before start date?
My current employer is listed as a competing company in a job offer non-compete. I have signed the employment offer but no longer want the job and haven't started my start date. I'm concerned that if ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

My current employee is refusing to give me a copy of my non compete (Ohio)--what can I do?
I am currently working at a company. I have asked them for a copy of my non compete & they have (after 2 wks) still refused to give it to me. What can I do to obtain what I thought was legally mine? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Commissions and Parole Agreements
I am working under what amounts to a parole agreement to be paid commissions of 11% on sales in a retail/construction business. The original proposal I signed and returned to my employer crossing out ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Real Estate Non Compete
I worked for a real estate developer from 10/01 until 02/05 as sales manager, resale coordinator, and builder liaison. I signed a non compete when I started that stated that I would not "work in the r... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Employed by a outsourcing Project Manager company XYZ to work for widget company ABC, can a non compete keep me from being hired into a different position at ABC?
XYZ outsources PMs to many different companies, i was sent to ABC who makes widgets. A XYZ non compete states i cannot solicit or be hired into any outsourced company i worked for for a year after ter... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Contractor w/out NON-compete still sued?
I performed contract (10-99) work for an Ohio based company. We did not have a NON-compete, NON-solicit, or NON-discloser agreement. I quit to start my own practice in the same field. He is now suing ... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

treated unfairly?
I signed a non-compete the day before I started. There are many employees that have been there 20+years, are doing the same thing I'm doing, and was not asked to sign a non-compete. They are leaving t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I worked for an employer in Wisconsin, I was fired after 29 business days. Does the non compete I signed when I accepted the job still apply? The contract says it applies for 2 years after leaving the company for whatever reason. Fyi, I live in Illinois a
The company fired me for "culture fit" after 29 business days. The non compete seems vague. The employer is in Wisconsin. I live in Illinois. Does IL or WI law apply? Is the non compete enforceable? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

non compete
I am an independent contractor massage therapist. About a year ago I signed an agreement with a booking agient. I was NOT an employee, but an IC, taking care of my own taxes, etc. There is a non compe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi I signed a non compete 15 years ago, don't they have to be renewed at some point an d expire as pay and benefits were drastically cut
I singed a non compete in the state of Mass 15 years ago, since what we sell and what I am paid has changed many times over , He then started downsizing and cut my pay and benefits to where I was in a... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Non compete in Ohio law
My husband is a physician who signed a five year contract with a local hospital and after only 2 yrs they initiated the separation (either party could separate w/o cause given 6 months notice). He per... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

does a non compete need to be signed by both parties to be enforceable.
I am looking for employment after having ben terminated by my employer, and I asked for a copy of the non compete. It is only signed by me is it enforceable. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Did I sign a Non-Compete?
My offer letter from my current work contained this: "This offer of employment is contingent upon your execution of a non-competition, non- solicitation and confidentiality agreement, prior to commenc... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Would I be breaking my non compete if I went to work for the state?
I signed a non compete for my job not knowing what one was. I do in home care for elderly. My clients are state clients, meaning the state pays my company for me to take care of them. What I would lik... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

fired effect on non compete
Does getting fired invalidate my non compete agreement? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Duration of time of a non compete agreement.
I have a non compete with my former employer that states I cannot sell products similar to that of the company in a specified geographical area for a period of two years. My question is in regards to ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i currently have an employment contract with non-compete that is about to expire in NJ. My employer has stated if i refuse to sign i cannot work for him. If he does terminate me for not signing can I collect unemployment? I have no intention of going to w
I am Director of Operations in name only. Basically I have become a salesman. My non-compete only covers his commercial business and I am allowed to try and take the military piece I brought on board ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I didn't sign a non-compete but my co. is considering sueing....
My brother and I work in a very specialzed field and there are not many individuals in our specific profession. We have never signed a non-compete with our current employer. We have decided to form ou... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I still work for an existing client if I leave my present employer?
I sold an Indiana company over ten years ago in which I had a non compete if I left the new company within a two year period of the sale. This has since expired. I am now an employee in the same compa... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

non compete in Pa.
I own a staffing company and hired a key employee,who wasn't so key appx.15 years ago. The company started out as a 3 person operation. The PERSON was in charge of human resources and responsible for ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Does a 90 day furlough cancel out a non-compete?
I was put on a 90 day furlough, but I believe I could get a job with a competitor in the meantime. Does the non-compete still hold up? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I am facing a lawsuit b/c I went to work for a competitor, after I got fired, and I had signed a Non-Compete Clause at my prior job. I am not sure how enforceable those are in TX. I did not take any c... applies to Texas  ·  5 answers

I signed a non-compete October 2009, and no longer work there and it expired. Is it enforcable?
I started working for this company in Oct. of 2009 and signed a non-compete that stated that it is forcable for 1 year after my termination. I left the company in May of 2010. Six months later (Novemb... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I live in Wisconsin work in MN. My non compete will not let me work in the United States in my field. I have only worked in this field all my life. Is it enforcable?
I work in produce sales. I sell onions. My non compete says I can't sell any fruits or vegetables for a period of 2 years in all of the United States. I live in Wisconsin and have an offer for a broke... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can an employer enforce a Non-Compete if they lost a customer contract?
I've been working for this company for 9 years now, 2 years after starting I was told I had to sign a non-compete or be fired, now the site I have been working at for the last couple of years has deci... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I worked at a company for 20+ years and signed a non-compete. When I left the clients contacted me as they wanted me to service them. Did I break my contract? I never solicited these clients. They called me.
I've been notified from my former employers legal department that I violated my non-compete. I did NOT solicit in any way, shape or form these clients. " Do they have a suit? applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Dear Mel, I was working for a sign company in Pennsylvania. I had a one year non compete in my contract. My employer arbitrarily decided to cut our base salary 9 months ago and changed it from what wa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

non-compete documentation
Former employees where I worked said they signed a non-compete contract and one is currently being pursued for breaking it. I recently quit and don't remember signing one and have no copies of one in ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is there a difference in non-compete agreement scope for contract versus full-time employees?
I am negotiating to become a independent contract salesperson for a software company in a niche industry. They are drafting a non-compete agreement but I will be a contractor, not an employee. Are the... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Non-disclosure/non-compete in a layoff/rehire situation
If my employer lays off the entire staff and then immediately rehires everyone, is it legal in WV for him to require me to sign a non-compete/non-disclosure agreement to be rehired? Even if my job is ... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

I have worked for Company A since August 2015. I have just found out Company A may not be the successor of the a new Procurement. Company B has contacted me to continue working at the same site with a different title. The work appears to be very similar.
Non-Compete Clause is governed by the State of North Carolina. The Contract site I work and live is in Virginia. The new Company winning the contract has offered me a position but I signed a non-compe... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Hello! I signed a non compete agreement, but have since left the company. Since I've signed the agreement their trade name registration lapsed. Does that mean that my non compete is no longer valid?
My previous employer is suing me, because I violated my non compete agreement. It appears that their trade name registration (which is required for businesses in the state of Maryland) lapsed the year... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Validity of a Non Compete
I have an employee agreement that has a non compete clause. The employer has made real changes to monitary benefits without modifying the agreement to reflect the changes. Would this make the agreemen... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Non compete contractor (non employee) situation
I have been working as a 1099 contractor for a guy (company "A") who has placed me as a contractor via another company (copmany "B") to a big firm (Company "C"). Company "C" allows contractors from on... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I am co-owner of an LLC in Washington State.I wa laid, is the non-compete enforceable?
I own 5 percent between 5 owners. 2 of the owners 51 shares remain in escrow until we buy them out. I was notified on October 12th buy the 3rd largest share holder that I was being laid off effective ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Issues. (Missouri)
After previously being a licensed massage therapist for 7 years, I worked as an independently contracted therapist for my ex. employer for almost 3. For the last month and a half of my employment, I w... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

If the contract I was hired to work on has ended, can my employer enforce a non-compete?
I am a government contractor in the State of MD. My company's current contract with the government is ending and the re-compete with the government has not been awarded. Since the contract I was hired... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Liability of new ER in regards to hiring ee with non compete
Does an employer have any liability if they know of a non compete agreement that an applicant has and they hire the applicant anyway. I know it is bad business of course but I am trying to explain wha... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer


Can I work at all....
My non-compete states I cannot work in my field for two years upon separation. Can a non-compete prevent me from working in my field? applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

I have a gym in Williamsburg, VA and will be adding trainers and need a non compete agreement.
I need a non compete agreement for my trainers. Thanks, Roxanna Wood applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Amendments of non compete
My wife worked with Company X from 2012-2016. She signed a non compete there. She started looking for another job in January of 2016 and received and offer. This job was at another training facility. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I recently relocated with my current company, is the repayment agreement really enforceable?
I've been working at my company for ~18mos in middle management. I recently (2mos) relocated from overseas, taking up a new role. As a part of taking the new role, I signed a boilerplate relocation re... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-compete as a sofware consultant
Hi, I work for a consulting firm as a w2 employee with zero benefits, they simply pay me for every hour I work. Basically they are a middleman between myself and my client. For every dollar I bill the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Question
I have a non-compete agreement in a Right To Work State (Florida). A client of mine has asked me to go work for them (a completely different industry than I am currently in), however, my contract stat... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

What is a reasonable geographical area?
My non-compete clause states that I cannot compete within 60 miles as a crow flies of my company. That means that I would have to move to another city to be able to work for myself. Is that a reasonab... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

What is a reasonable geographical area?
My non-compete clause states that I cannot compete within 60 miles as a crow flies of my company. That means that I would have to move to another city to be able to work for myself. Is that a reasonab... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is a two-year non-compete period enforceable regardless of the reason for separation?
I am currently negotiating an employment offer for a senior sales position in the communications technology space. The company has presented me with a non-compete agreement that prevents me from compe... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

If I have NO employment contract or NO Non-compete contract can I still be sued?
I live in SC however my employer is in NJ - I have never signed an employment contract, agreement and have never signed a non-compete. If I start a business in the same industry however not directly c... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements
I worked for "Company A" and was contracted to work for "Company B". Company B wanted to hire me as a full time employee and informed Company A of their intent. After receiving the offer letter from C... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

a non compete in utah, did not sign the contract but accepted a payment, does this make it valid
Hello Everyone I had a contract with my company for 6 months, then on renewing my contract the company added a one year non compete,i did not sign this contract, but took a payment from the company Be... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

non compete question
I am a manicurist with an independant contractor's license in the state of Ohio, and I am about to sign a lease agreement to RENT space in a salon in Ohio. The owner/landlord has put a non compete par... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I am terminated for cause or no cause, is a non-compete enforceable in this instance?.
I currently live in another state and am looking to move to Michigan for another job opportunity. I am a construction estimator by trade and would be using the knowledge that I already have learned ov... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

What is the reasonable geographical distance from your current employer to a new employer is allowed
Working in st. louis, missouri. Two other companies doing similar work with some of the same clients has interest in my employment. Companies are located in tulsa, oklahoma and chicago, il. Will a non... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

My company, that I owned and operated solely, had a no compete clause put into place by the investor. I have closed the business, but he claims I can not work for a company, as an employee that does the same thing. Is this correct?
I was the owner. I closed the company completely. The investor and I signed a no compete clause at the beginning of the business. However, there is no longer a business to compete with. The investor s... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

non-compete dispute
I recently left a company which made me sign a non-compete contract. Before being offered and excepting a job with my current company, I showed them this and they didn't think it was valid. Now my old... applies to California  ·  1 answer

is a new employer liable to be sued by former employer in a non compete?
Left former employer, thought the non compete was void due to old employer shook hands, wished me well, and knew I was going to work for small competitor. 6 months later, old employer sent new employe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I rescind a non-compete agreement if my employer breached my employment agreement?
I was employed as an outside sales rep for a specialty laboratory. On Nov 2011, I signed an employment offer and Non-compete agreement. On Dec 30, 2012 they verbally informed me that they would be red... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Upon leaving employment, does employee have to re-sign the Non-Compete Agreement?
If an employee leaves the company, is the Non-Compete Agreement only legal if it is resigned on their last day of employment or is it valid with their signature dated when hired? Thanks, Christine Car... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

How to get copy of a signed non-compete aggreement from former employer
I have asked my former employer for a copy of a signed non-compete agreement during pre and post-employment period. Former employer is not giving me a copy of signed non-compete agreement. How can I g... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

In South Carolina I was emailed a non compete and asked to accept via email. Is that binding or did I have to sign a hard copy for it to be binding.
I never actually signed the non compete. It was emailed to me and I was told to press an "accept" button via email to accept (which I did) but is that binding or do you have to actually sign a hard co... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

As a 1099 employee after a year I am being asked to sign a non-compete
After just over a year of working with a company as a 1099, they are now asking for me to sign a non-compete agreement. The company is a marketing agency that currently is exclusive to the hospitality... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Forced to resign or be fired without cause, I resigned, but now being held to non-compete
I signed a non-compete as a standard part of my offer of employment. I found myself in a situation after one year of employment where I was to either resign or be terminated without cause. I chose to ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

wanting to stay within my non-compete
I currently work for a company which I am under a non-compete. It states I can not work for any competors nor can I solict any business from the company for 2 years or a 50 mile radius starting on the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Countersuit for No-Compete Agreement
My question is fairly simple. I would like to know if it is feasible to countersue an ex-employer who is suing me for a no compete. It is fairly certain that I will win my case as there are many unenf... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Contract is Expired but Working at Will - Is Non Compete Still Valid?
We are considering hiring an employee who currently works for a competitor. He had a two year employment contract which was not renewed and he is now employed at will. Would his non-compete still be i... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I signed a non compete agreement and am employed with another what will happen? Because the new employer stated is not worried about the non compete b/c I would not be soliciting in any way. But what will be the consequences for me ?
If I signed a non compete agreement and am employed with another what will happen? Because the new employer stated is not worried about the non compete b/c I would not be soliciting in any way. But wh... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Legality of non-compete agrreements in the state of IL.
I was forced to sign a non-compete just to keep a job with my company about 3 yrs ago. It specifies service manager title in IL & now my company changed my job to a quoting person in WISCONSIN. It see... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete with company changing name & classification.
I live in state of Kentucky. My current employer is a division of a larger company, an Inc. They are changing to a new subsidiary LLC and are asking that all employees sign a new employment agreement ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

non-compete and non disclosure for contract employees
I am a nurse that signed a non compete and non disclosure agreement. However I am a contract employee that does not get paid benefits nor do they pay taxes on me. Am I held to this agreement? applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Absurd activist judge? Employee acknowledges he signed non-compete - but the reasons...
He admits he signed non-compete. (A vary narrowly defined non compete - only applies to client(s) he was assigned to support.) The client was not paying his employer, so his employer issued stop work.... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Will a non compete hold up if my employer has changed my compensation several times since ive signed
I signed a non compete when I was being hired. Within the last 3 years my employer has changed my compensaton package (cutting my pay) several times. I have been in my industry my entire working caree... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Hi Mel, My AZ law states that non-competes are allowed if they expire 2 years after employment date. I have been employed for one yeasr, but my employer is now asking me to sign a non-compete. Therefo... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

How to get out a non compete contract
I am currently in a non-compete clause contracts or a Non- Performance of Services and Non-Recruitment contract. I wanted to be released of that and was going to ask if they would release me. I’m ju... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Am I still held by a no-compete clause I signed?
I started working for my employer 4 years ago, however, since then 4 former employees have either been terminated or have quit and went to work for different companies that were in the non-compete cla... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Does the non-compete agreement still apply
My employer has failed to pay me for a number of months. That would seem to be a breach of the employment contract. So would a non-compete agreement that is otherwise valid still be in effect? It woul... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is there Non-compete still valid, if they delayed salary by 30 days
I signed non-compete agreement when i joined the agency X and started working with client Y. But agency started delaying my salary. Now they delayed salary by 30 days. So I decided to quit agency X, b... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer has two year non-compete clause - that seems awfully long.
Our company provides urban and regional planning consulting services. A one year non-compete seems more than sufficient to cover their business needs but two years seems excessive. The firm does not p... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Length of Service
If I enter into a non-compete agreement with a new employer, is there a typical amount of time that I would need to stay employed by that company in order for it to be binding, enforceable? For instan... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Noncompete agreemtn valdity
My present employer is selling the division in which I work to a competitor. If I am not offered employment with the new owner, is my non-compete agreement still valid? If I am offered employment with... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Pest Control Non Compete
Hi I have a 50 mile 1 year non compete that my EX employer is trying to hold up against me. I left their company and started my own. The whole reason i left the company was because they were spraying ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

non-compete extremly vaige
I am a victom of a non-compete contract. My contract is extremely vaige and long. I am trying to find out if the is a standard time constraint of these contracts ie: 1 yr, 2 yr instead of the 5 years ... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

moving to CA to defeat a non compete agreement
Does moving to CA while you are currently employed with a non compete agreement in force invalidate it? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Agreement
Relate to Non-Compete Agreement I am employee for company A, which has placed me for company B thro a contract position. But Company B has put me for actual work at Company C who is a client of Compan... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

how can i get out of a non compete
forced to sign a non compete when hired 2 years ago. since they they over hire and I am not making a decent living. Also forced to work 47 hours a week for straight commission..meaning on a slow day I... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

When laid off from a company in AZ, are non-compete clauses enforceable?
I was recently laid off as a commissioned sales representative due to "changing business environment created by the Covid pandemic". Are non-compete clauses enforceable under the reason giving for emp... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

How binding is a non-compete for a contracting consultant?
I coordinated the billing for a consulting assignment at Company X through a contracting company. The contracting company required that I sign a non-compete agreement ensuring that I do not work for C... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Would there be any legal consequences if I do work for 2 competitors at the same time ?
I do not work with confidential information, I do not have any relation with account management, clients or suppliers or any other case that would affect any of the 2 companies business but I have sig... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete - Unemployeed for 6 months.
I signed a one-year non-compete agreement with an IT consulting firm. The client I was working for swithed to a different consulting firm and I was let go. That was 6 months ago. I am still unemployed... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have any working limitations after leaving an employer if I DO NOT have a non compete in place?
I have no employment contract, non-compete or ANY agreement in place between me and my employer. Am I free to go do whatever I want with whoever I want in future employment? applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non Complete Agreement w/non disclosure of important information
Director had all employees sign a non compete agreement just before a company was sold (Director knew about the sale, employees did not). Result is that employees cannot work for the new owner because... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete contract interpretation
I am currently employed with a non-compete contract in place that stipulates "I can not perform my trade within a 5 mile radius of my current employers location." My question is this... Does this pert... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can this non compete covenent be enforced?
I formed a medical practice with 2 others. After 7 years, practice not profitable. I sought employment with a hospital system and have been offered a position. Can my former partners enforce a non com... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Should I reply to "non-compete violation" letter myself or hire an attorney?
I was an employee of a software consulting firm A and was placed as a consultant on firm B for a few months. I was subsequently taken out of B and placed at another client C due to a better rate. Afte... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Three year no-compete agreement
I worked for a Lawn care company, which made me sign a no-compete after I was employed there for about 10 months besides winter time layoff. The only consideration that I received was keeping my job. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination and Non-compete
Very recently I was wrongfully and suddenly terminated for no good reason from a salaried sales position in California. I had just been given a stellar performance review days earlier, was the top rev... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete without any additional compensation, and broad undefined terms?
My wife was forced to sign a non-compete as part of her contract, however, she was not compensated in any way for it. It is valid if she is not compensated for signing? Additionally, the geographic re... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Am I stuck in a non-compete agreement?
I am stuck in a non-compete contract that I was forced to sign. I worked for over twenty years in a small family owned business in Ohio. I obtained a college degree while employed there in anticipatio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Question
I moved to PA a little over two years ago and was hired by a company that is in distribution. One of the conditions of hire was to sign a non-compete agreement. I had lived in another state for the pr... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete regarding staffing services in AZ
I recently resigned as VP of Recruiting for an AZ-based recruiting firm that specialized in medical and technology staffing. About 4 months prior to resigning an old family friend asked me to do some ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is a no compete agreement enforceable if You only worked for 8 months with the company ?
worked for a company for 8 months and signed a no compete. Cannot find a job because I only have experience in this field, I'm a single mother. I asked the company to release it and they said no, also... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

release of non compete
Phyllis, my company is in litigation and will be closing down and possibly filing Chapter 7. I am not sure if I signed a non compete and we are a Florida company. I have worked for them for 30 years a... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

My non compete states a period of 18months. I only worked for this company as a 1099 contract employee. I only worked there for 6 months. Can the non-compete really hold true for all 18 months of I only worked there for 6months. The company is worried abo
applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I Sue Old Employer for damages to Income?
Hi, My question is based on a non-compete injunction that is coming to keep me from working for a new employer. You need a little history to understand the complex issues of this case. Three years ago... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do non-compete clauses still apply if worker's state voids such clauses?
I work as a part-time 1099 contractor for an Ohio-based company, however I work in California. When I started, I signed a non-compete document that bars me from taking any position with a competing co... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What remedies should I consider re my former employer not paying contracted severance pay?
Our employer offered an early retirement incentive plan, which included severance pay offered on a sliding scale, based on years of employment. Agreements were signed, and the exit interview form spec... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I signed an employment contract that had a non compete clause. My employer has failed to pay me according to the contract guidelines they created. Because they breached this clause in the agreement can this render the non compete clause null and void sinc
I signed an employment agreement that included the transfer of certain assets of my business to the new employer. The asset value was a mutually agreed upon value but there was no compensation for the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Requested to Sign Non-Compete Agreement Upon Quitting
My husband's current employer is a licensed C-7 contractor. My husband recently became a licensed C-7 contractor and has given his employer 2 weeks notice that he is quiting to start his own business.... applies to California  ·  2 answers

how to break non compete, that is very restricting
i signed a non compete contract when i was hired by as a hyperbaric technician for a company based out of new york. i work in pennsylvania. the location i currently work at is closing and we are reloc... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Getting copy of non-compete agreement after being fired.
I have recently been fired. I did sign a non-compete agreement as was required in order to retain my position at that time, but I never received a copy of that contract from the employer. After being ... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

I was given a release to my non-compete. I chose to go work for a direct competitor, and now my former company is rescinding the release and claiming they didn't sign it. What rights do I have to fight it?
I worked for a company in IA for two years in a variety of sales positions, ending as VP of Sales. Due to hostile work conditions, I asked for my release from my non-compete. It was granted, and inclu... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Definition of a CLAUSE
What is the definition of a clause? Can a non compete clause be one sentence hidden in paragraph under Non Disclosure? Or, does Non Compete have to be a separate labeled clause to be legal? applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Company has not paid and has relocated out of state
I signed a non-compete as an independent contractor for an entertainment company. I have not been compensated for services for more than 60 days, and the company has relocated out-of-state although st... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Entry level non-compete
I am an entry level employee in a health it company. I have zero experience within any system that would help the company get more clients. I mostly do things like look at reports and data entry. Woul... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

What are the specifics in indiana when you are an LLC'd tattoo artist subcontracting at a shop paying 50% of his earnings and they want a non compete
I work at a tattoo shop. I also just got LLC'D under my tattoo name and have a website. They are asking for a non compete suddenly. I need to know what to expect applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete valid if executed basically under duress?
I am a commercial insurance agent. 2 years ago after working in insurance for 14 years with the same agency in Pennsylvania where I was born and raised, my wife and I made a decision to move from Pa t... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is a non compete clause valid if the company has been purchased bysomeone else but the name is same?
Is a non compete clause valid if a previous company has been purchased since separation. A non compete clause was signed at the time of employment. The clause signed was for two years. The company has... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Can I have a non-compete waived or released?
I was recruited by a competitor for a job that will consist of (exec) managing billing and collections. I will have no sales or marketing contacts and will manage tasks that in my opinion will pose no... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

non-compete restricting working in an italian restaurant
i was laid off from an italian restaurant company. I signed a non-compete stating that I will not participate in any restaurant in illinois, michigan or wisconsin which serves italian cuisine or any i... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can my former employer enforce the non compete agreement?
i had a non compete with a former employer. I'm a Massage therapist so it states I'm not allowed to have any services with anyone i catered to at their location for ten mile radius and for one year. M... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

1099 employee with business half way complete for company falling apart!? what do I do?
I am a 1099 commission paid sales rep for a construction company. The company is owned by 2 owners the majority owner and the minority owner. Both owners the Majority lives in Texas and I have had no ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Would the non compete keep me from getting a new job?
I am working in Recruitment at a Home Care company for seniors in their homes. I am looking to work at an Assisted Living as a Sales Manager. My non compete says to not work for a like company for 2 y... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

No compete in Texas automotive field
I am a corvette technician,24 years expirience working for the same company for three years and now they want a no compete singed or im terminated. This is all I do and I paid for my training and scho... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Non compete in Ohio under Pa law
I signed a non compete for employment in Ohio which is governed under all aspects by the laws of Pa. in Mid Sept 2009 when I signed a compensation agreement. In November I had to sign a new sales comp... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Wife's contractor is breaking contract with the hospital she works at, is non-compete agreement still valid?
My wife was hired by a contractor in a hospital 3 months ago and she just recently found out that the contractor is breaking their contract with the hospital early because the Respiratory Therapists t... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can a Non-compete agreement be upheld if my company isn't competing in the industry segment?
I was hired by a start up company 6 months ago to develop a segment of their business that they did not have presence in the industry, an industry that I have years experience. They recently let me go... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How long can a non-compete clause be enforced in the state of Florida?
I sold a manufacturing company that produces a unique line of products. All of the products were designed exclusively by myself. The purchaser made me sign a 10 year non-compete clause but my attorney... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I am from the State of Alabama and own a small consulting firm. I have an employee that states that she cannot work for a company that I sent her out to do work for under my company for two years afte... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

non-compete hair salon agreement
I obtained employment at a local hair salon chain in 2007. When I first began employment, I had to sign an employment contract that included a non-compete clause stating I could not work within 7 air ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

The company I worked quit paying me (a 1099 contractor). Am I still locked in the non-compete clause
I was the regional manager for a restoration company for 1 1/2 years. We stated the insurance claim for home owners for storm damaged roofs and did the repairs. I was an independent contractor (1099) ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What recourse do I have when a company will not abide by its own severance agreement?
Three years ago I worked for a Fortune 500 company that was bought out. My position was one of several hundred that was eliminated after the buyout. We all signed severance agreements that state we wi... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Non compete with global consequences?
I signed a non compete that says I can not work for a competitor for 6 months. No I will never do that again. After speaking two a few other salespeople I know they tell me the agreement is too broad ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

If I never signed the non compete clause given to me upon my hiring 3 years ago, would Montana courts uphold it or is not not valid since I never signed it
I left my job recently after 3 years . A few clients have decided to come with me. I never signed the no compete clause when I was hired. So if I never signed it then it can't be enforced, correct? applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

Is my non-compete valid in Michigan If I signed it after I started my job
I was forced to sign a non-compete agreement after I started my job. Subsequently I discovered not all employees in my classification were required to sign. I did not receive any additional considerat... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I have a non compete for 1 year and within 100 miles from my primary office location. I cannot solicit the companies clients or customers and I cannot BECOME employed by a competitor or an individual competitor within the 100 miles or 1 year. By this agre
Texas Non-Compete applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

is my non compete legit in this situation?
I have an offer at a competing company for a position which is contracted with the new client and would not be calling on any of my current employears clients. Does this signed contract between the ne... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

if a non compete was signed but my employer paid me under the table and never filed taxes on me is the non compete still valid? I want to work somewhere on the books. I've only been there for 6 months and i just found out that he's not filing taxes on me.
I work at a tattoo shop as a independent contractor so the form says. I'm not sure on that because i have set days and set hours. I've been there tattooing for 6 months. My boss has been paying me tax... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete agreement enforceable for an independent contractor?
Is a non-compete agreement enforceable for an independent contractor if the document signed only states employee/employees of the company? This pertains to a dog grooming salon in New Mexico. I want t... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Want to move from MI to TN, but have a non-compete agreement in MI. How does this affect getting a job in the same field in TN?
I have a non-compete agreement in MI and want to move to TN, but I'm concerned I won't be able to work in the same field. Can I or can't I? applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Employer verbally waived their non-compete at a meeting with several attendie and is now retracting.
I am a nurse who brought several patients to my now former employer. During a meeting several nurses called due to having bounced paychecks and wondering if the company was in danger, we asked if we c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I receive unemployment during my non compete period?
Was working at a company for a while and decided I wanted to be closer to family. Accepted a position at another company, but it is a direct competitor of my previous employer. I signed a non compete ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

FMLA and overtime
I have a chronic medical condition and have been approved for intermittent FMLA. Last I utilized three days of FMLA; my employer was shorthanded for the weekend and I agree to work two shifts. There w... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non-compete and withheld severance
I was laid off from an IT consulting company yesterday. Management said the revenue numbers were forcing them to lay off a consultant. This has happened several times where I worked. Yesterday was als... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

non compete signed at 15 I didn't understand and it was explained. I am now asked not to return to work.
I was offered a job at 15 years old. I completed application and signed documents. Just learning that one doc was a non compete clause. I was asked not to return because I couldn't work two school day... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can a release letter of all contracts release me from a non-compete?
I was terminated and at the time of termination was given a signed release not only to myself but sent via email to my new employer releasing me from all contracts (naming them within the letter) thro... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers


Is a Confidential/Non-Compete Agreement valid if only signed by the employee and not the employer?
Almost 13 years ago when beginning employment, I signed a non-compete form, but the employer may not have signed the document. Would it be valid without the employer's/representative's signature and d... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Is my contract restriction too broad?
I was terminated today and was told that my non-compete is in effect for a year. I am a nurse practitioner and worked in a specialty clinic. My contract says I cannot work as an NP in any capacity for... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I be terminated for not signing a non compete?
I have been working for a company for 4.5 years as a recruiter, the company is located in Wisconsin and the corporate office is in Illinois. All of the employees at the Wisconsin office were approache... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Bonus/Relocation cost agreements
I was hired 4 and 1/2 months ago by a major financial services company based in PA. I accepted an offer to work at the Scottsdale, AZ office location that included a bonus and relocation expenses. I s... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can you be fired due to an existing non - compete where old company threatens law suit of new company ?
Fired due to being deemed a risk due to non compete is this legal? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

did not know of non-compete until first day of work
I went to work for a company with a salry agreed upon with no mention of any typoe of contract or non-compete. The first day I show up and a contract is put in front of me to sign. In it is a non-comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

non compete agreement after employment
Hi I am in sales and marketing. I have brought some accounts into my customer base from previous experiences and I have developed some new customers no doubt with this employer. The present company I ... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Do I have to sing a non-compete if I did not know it was required and did not know about it?
I started my job 5 months ago and in my interview I was never told I had to sign a non-compete, but today my boss handed me on and told me that my job is contingent on it and all employees have to sig... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete: termination /delayed compensation
A friend of mine signed a contract in November 2002 w/a non-compete clause lasting 3 years. He was recently terminated and secured a similar position with a firm selling the same product. In his prior... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete, Contract Employment
I work as an IT contractor, and recently my contract was nearing expiration. The client for whom I worked (a federal agency) re-evaluated its needs and set out a new, similar statement of work as my o... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

How resticted am I by a non-compete with a MN employer, living and working in GA?
I signed a non-compete with MN employer less than 3 months ago. This is not working out well. I am also bothered by the fact that the employer sent out bids ("on my behalf")for construction contracts ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

signed a non-compete when I sold my business
I sold my business in Austin 3 years ago, I signed a non compete for the entire state & there was no time limit on it. I started a consulting business to help others start similar businesses to mine i... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is this a legal tactic
I have been working for my current employer for 3 years now without a written or sighned contract. I started working for him for a set weekly rate which meant if we didn't work I didn't get payed by h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is this non compete enforcable?
My employer is offering to move me into an office position after 11 yrs. I have been working in the office here and there for about 2 yrs now. Now they are offering to train me in sales. In order to m... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete, without realizing. I worked for a company for less than a month, they didn't offer training and I was a 1099. They goofed on the contract and it actually says 100 mile radius of where they live, not where the business is, or where
The non-compete is 365 days, 100 mile radius of a different city and state. I can assume it was user error, however it is exactly what I signed. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Litigation Remedies for separating employee without non-compete (New York)
Are there any remedies/reimbursements if an angry former employer brings a lawsuit forward against a former salesrep who went to a competitor (New York) claiming breach of contract and misappropriatio... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete, without realizing. I worked for a company for less than a month, they didn't offer training and I was a 1099. They goofed on the contract and it actually says 100 mile radius of where they live, not where the business is, or where
The non-compete is 365 days, 100 mile radius of a different city and state. I can assume it was user error, however it is exactly what I signed. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Contractor to Employee under Non-Compete
I am a contractor in the IT field. I am currently working a contract at a client in Iowa, through a firm in New Jersey. I have worked with the contracting firm a number of times, and one clause is non... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Signed a non compete under duress
I came from digital imaging sales, FOunf a firm in Indiana who offers some of the products in my field. They hired me in June. They did a DMV and credit check prior to starting. Then said you will fil... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer has closed the facility in Michigan that I have been employed with and relocated the business to Missouri. They have also merged (combined companies) with the extsting business in Missouri and renamed the company, is my non-compete still valid
My current employer has moved the manufacturing and business operations from Niles, MI to St. Louis, MS and combined companies with the current business in St. Louis and also changed the business name... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I need to know how to get out/ fight a non compete clause
I was let go from my job Friday morning. I have already found another job but it is at a competitor (Im a florist). When i started employment in 2006, my former employers had me sign a non compete cla... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Does it violate a non-compete to ask former clients for a recommendation?
My non-compete has a clause stating, "Employee will not directly or indirectly Canvass, solicit or accept from any "Clients" any business in competition..." Does this prohibit me from asking any of th... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can a company enforce a noncompete that I was never aware of?
Can a company legally enforce a non compete contract without my knowledge or signature of such an agreement? I still work for the original company but I lost an opportunity at a competitor's business ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have a non compete in Florida 18 months 50 me radius. The original non compete was also altered by my ex employers. I have a copy of original where items where left out, date was left off etc. when the law suit came about they turned in a copy that was
I need help with this please. I need to know if you advise me to retain a labor law attorney. The restrictions on my non compete seem to be very irrational. They will not negotiate anything pheasible ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Non Compete Clause and noncomplaince
I have researched the non-compete clause and I am aware that NYS disfavors it. How can they still be enforced? I was not compensated for this clause in my contract. In my contract, there was no clause... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

The home health care agency has been given 2 week notice that he does not require their services anymore. He has moved a family member here to take over, he has asked me and another nurse to help out 2 days a week. We have signed a non-compete paper. can
If the client chooses to leave the services of the company, but still wants some help 1 or 2 days a week when needed, can we do this if we have singed a non-compete agreement? He would be hiring us pr... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can my non-compete be enforced in the US if Im hired by a direct explicit competitor in Europe?
I work for and am being recruited by large retailers that are direct competitors in the US and globally. My non-compete states that the restricted region is the US and territories. I work in the US wi... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I work for an event staffing company and I never signed a non compete. I work for other agencies when I'm not scheduled to work for my main company. They found out and are questioning me about working for another agency. They said the company has a non co
Didn't sign a non compete and my boss is trying to bully me for working part time with another company. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does my ex employers non compete agreement apply to the offerings of a newly acquired company?
I was laid off 3 weeks ago. I know that the company I worked for is potentially going to purchase another company with a differing but complementary offering. As I am looking for work, do I now need t... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Forced to sign non-compete or lose year end bonus
My employer has just sent out a very broad non compete (2 years, globally) to limit me from working for a like company. The email states that my 2004 bonus and 2004 options will be witheld unless I si... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

No-compete with incorrect verbal explanation
I was given a fairly standard no-compete contract, before signing, i was told (by my boss) that every employee would be required to sign. Three years later, i find out that not every employee signed t... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Can a no compete agreement extend beyond the employee to immediate family members?
My grandfather is retiring from a company he owns 49% of and is selling his shares to his partner. His partner is trying to impose upon him a no compete agreement that would extend to his immediate fa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

I signed a noncompete clause, I have a few questions.
1- I worked in CT as inside sales, I ended as Outside sales. I live in Mass, they wrote it in ME. which law supersedes? 2-I believe it was a non compete for 1 1/2-2 years ( they did not give me a copy... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Can I enforce the non-compete agreement with immediate family who involved in the business?
Hello there, I'm seeking a legal advice, please help! In 2018, I purchased a small existing business with all my saving, I kept all existing employees, which including the former owner's daughter (i p... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Non Compete - Other Employees were Offered Clients
I have recently left my employer, it was my choice, and now I have my own business in the same industry. I left my employer because his business was failing, as did other employees. Around that time a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Have non-compete for software sales and interface to other vendors.
I work for a software company that sells to home care, hospice and public health. This software is designed to be used on laptop computers for nursing home visits. I have an opportunity to work for a ... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

I have been employed by a company for three years and have just now been asked to sign a non compete agreement with a 5 year post severance of employment and 250 mile radius restriction. I work in WV and the contract states that litigation shall be in WV.
Non-compete agreement in WV, 250 mile radius, for 5 years. Does remote work, assuming the new company is farther away than the mile limitation, break the non-compete agreement? I live in a neighboring... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

breaking a non-compete
I am a resident in Kansas but worked for an employer in Arizona. I was terminated Dec. 2003 for downsizing/financial reasons. I was forced to sign a proprietary rights and non-compete agreement 19 mon... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

How to figure what a non-compete should be worth for 3 yrs.
I have worked for a company for 6.5 years. When I was hired, I sat with the Pres and CEO and was promised sweat equity ownership..this was a verbal promise and never in writing. They moved me from Col... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

If a TNphysician severence agreement binds him to Colorado law is he immune from Non-Compete Clause?
I am currently in law school and this question boggles me. My father, a TN peditrician was laid off without cause and wasoffered a severence agreement that binds him to laws of Colorado. Colorado's st... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Is there any way out of a non-compete when employer purposely hires employees and spreads out work?
I teach private music lessons & am paid per student. I was told when I stated my job that I would have to sign a non-compete for a five mile radius. I thought this was ok, so I agreed. When time came ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Am I eligible for unemployment benefits if I refuse to sign a non-compete?
My company just got bought out and the new owner has asked us to sign a non-compete. The contract states that failure to sign could lead up to termination. I work in the state of Georgia. Will my term... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

non-compete Ann McK
I have a non-compete contract that states if teminated,I will not be employed for 6 any territory that I functioned on behalf of the Co. @ any time during the last 12 mos. preceeding terminatio... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Does the employer have the right to prevent me from working in a skilled trade position. (HVAC tech)
I am a service technician for a residential HVAC company in Johnson County KS. At the time of employment I also signed a 3 year contract of employment and a no compete. As it was explained to me at th... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I work in the Printed Circuit Board industry in Illinois. I signed a Non-compete agreement. I am now working for another PCB manufacture question is can I call on companies that I brought into former employer that i had previous relationship with at my pr
Last company I worked at I signed non-compete for 1 year. The company before that I had relationships with companies that I brought into last employer. I am now with ne company in same industry. Can I... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Non compete contract for Timeshare sales
I am a licensed Real Estate Agent and was working as a Independant contractor, even tho I was required to go to the store M-F 9-5 , I received a bi weekly "salery" plus commissions. I signed a non com... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am willing to pay for a consultation if there is hope.
I signed a very binding non compete agreement prior to employment. The agreement was between myself and the company. The company was sold two years ago and I was terminated two weeks ago. The reason g... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

non compete agreement
I signed one non compete agreement with subcontracting they are enforcing me not to join client.but he didn't sponser my H1B,nothing he didn't do for me.but he is telling that I will file ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Serverance pay - Relase terms unreasonable. Not to take up similar work in the future
I am concerened with a release articles and non compete articles in a severance agreement. 1 - The release article states - that I agree not to take up similar work in the furture. 2 - Not to sue fore... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

sold business & wife went to work at another shop
my wife & i sold a florist & signed a no compete then she went to work for a shop across town & the new owners are up set the no compete says we cant conduct a retail florist establishment, 10 years &... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

If I was hired to work in an office that belong to a larger company, and my office closes. Can my former employer enforce my non compete?
I have worked for a company for 5 months in one of their offices. They are closing the office where I work and my contract is specific for that particular office. The other offices in other cities wil... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Hello, my name is Elizabeth, I am a Licensed Massage Therapist in Michigan. Was recently let go from position as an independent contractor(I paid my own taxes). I believe I signed a non compete. I can not get a hold of my file. If I did sign, is it enforc
Is non compete enforceable for massage therapist as independent contractor in Michigan? applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Did my wife's Employer breach her non-compete agreement?
My wife signed at non-compete agreement at hiring as a Sales Rep. with base salary, comissions & expenses and related insurances including health. After 4 years, the owner of the company forced her to... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

independent contractor held to non compete agreement
I am an independent contractor in a hair salon. I sign a lease annually. There is a non compete clause in this lease, stating that I cannot work within a 10 mile radius for a period of 3 years. I have... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I have a one year non-compete agreement that ends 12/31/18. I have a former client that is putting out an RFP to start 1/1/19. Am I violating my non-compete by submitting an RFP bid before 1/1/19 even though the work won't begin until 1/1/19?
I didn't reach out to the former client, with which I was the account lead with my former employer. It contacted me and asked if I'd like to bid on the RFP for services to be performed in calendar yea... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is a Non Compete Valid if your Terminated Before 90 days?
Is a non-compete that I signed valid if I was training on the job for 4 weeks and terminated after 6 weeks for inappropriate use of company email? NOTE - I did not "sell" to any clients, did not go on... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

7 months AFTER accepting employment?
I have been working for a tool and die shop for the last 7 months. I am the information technology administrator and provide strictly computer and IT support. When I accepted the position, there was n... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Employer is asking to sign non compete for 1 year thereafter
Here is the content: Non Compete: During the term of this agreement and one year thereafter, independent contractor agrees to not provide any services in any capacity, with or for any company client f... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Physician Non-compete when practice sold
I am an employed physician working for a large hospital primary care clinic system. Recently the hospital changed the employment contract from salary and bonus to pure production. The non-compete what... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete prohibit providing non-competitive services to a former client
I was formerly part of a Big 4 firm as a Manager in the IT Audit Practice. I left on rough terms 10 months ago. My non-compete states that I cannot perform ANY work for a former client for one (1) yea... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete prohibit providing non-competitive services to a former client
I was formerly part of a Big 4 firm as a Manager in the IT Audit Practice. I left on rough terms 10 months ago. My non-compete states that I cannot perform ANY work for a former client for one (1) yea... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can a non Compete Agreement be enforced if your current employer has been purchased by a compeititor
I currently work for a Tire Distributor and we have been informed that we have been purchased by our biggest competitor. I signed a non compete agreement with the current employer... is it still valid... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete agreement valid in other states?
f I signed a non-compete agreement for company "x" and work in Nebraska, (the company is headquartered in Minnesota) can I work for company "y" in North Carolina? Both companies are in the same type o... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

Do you have to recieve a signed Non-compete contract back.
If I signed a non-compete contract but did not recieve a copy of with the companies signature, is the contract valid? applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Co. fails to pay vendors & sls mgr loses commission due work not done. Void non-compete?
Ohio company, non-Ohio-based employee. Industrial repair and maintenance service company. Company presumed to have lost a recent lawsuit with ex-employees and subsequently issued a new 5-page non-comp... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is non compete invalid if I was never paid for employment?
I need some advice regarding a non-compete contract that I recently signed. I took a job with a company on April 21st and had to sign a non compete contract with them. They made me some intial promise... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I signed a non compete 4 yrs ago wirh my current emplyeer. since then no other nurse I have worked with has had to sign one when they started. Is mine still valid if the company is no longer making new employeyes sign these or even mentioning them?
None of the other nurses I have spoken with had to sign a non compete. I had to when I was hired in 2013. But all the nurses since then say they never had to and it was never brought up. Would mine st... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

specified or implied non-compete for mobilized reservists?
Background: Several years ago I worked at a consulting firm. At that time, the company did not have a non-compete policy, nor did I have an non compete agreement with them. I was involuntarily mobiliz... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Operating Agreement Non-compete clause
Greetings, I need HELP! I work for the devil and I need to get out...last week my boss actually fired me for a whole 20 minutes before he asked me to get back to work. I am very tired of the verbal ab... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Selective enforcement of non-compete
I am a consultant who left my former employer 8 months ago and began working directly for my client. While at first encouraging, my former employer later learned that my 'opportunity' was for contract... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I need help with a non compete form I signed in 2005
I was laid off 2 weeks ago from my employer, I worked there in sales from 2005 until 2 weeks ago and had to sign a non compete form when I was hired in 2005. I have 5 kids, one just starting college a... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete still valid if the terms of original contract are changed and I refuse to sign new
I am a subcontractor and signed a contract to do some work for a certain compensation. The company wanted to change that compensation and sent a new contract to do so. I refused to sign the new contra... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can I resign during the probationary period when I signed a non-compete agreement?
I signed a non-compete employment contract, but there is a 90-day probationary period. I am about 60 days in and looking to take extended time off for a medical issue. I do not have access to benefits... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Florida Non-Compete
I signed a comprehensive non-compete agreement with company XXX in FL when XXX acquired a company I was working for. XXX is in the field of higher education administration software and I worked there ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Are agreements not to re-hire lawful?
The following is included in my severance pay agreement: Future employment: You agree you will not seek future employment with the company, or its affiliated entities, subsidiaries, divisions, success... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is a non compete enforceable if it is sent via email, but never signed or agreed to via email?
I work as a 1099 contractor with a staffing agency and signed a work agreement a couple years ago that renews yearly that had a non-compete that I would not go work directly or indirectly with the cli... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If I signed a no compete in 99 will it still hold even though I have been treated badly for years?
I signed a no compete in 1999, for years other employees and I have been treated badly. We finally have got the courage to leave. She slanders us to other people and calls us at home and yells at us. ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

If there is a non-compete clause set up in a company, but I did not have a contract?
I have heard that my company has a non-compete law in act. But when I was hired I was not informed of this nor was I given a contract to sign. Does this law cover me even tho I was unaware and did not... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Can I re-write the non-compete, non-solicit contract myself or do I need an attourney to do it?
We bought an established business which uses independent contractors to carry out our services. We want to update the non-compete and need some help on what is legal in California. We don't want it to... applies to California  ·  2 answers

A friend starts selling services you have sold can I give unpaid advice?
I recently left a company that I had a Non-compete and a severance contract. I have a friend that owns a business and the services I used to sell are vertical to his marketplace. If he asks me questio... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete contract enforceable in New York State?
I am in sales and I signed a non-compete contract when I started with a company which is not based in New York State. I am considering going to a competitor, but no one will hire me if the contract is... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have worked for my employer over 1 year and now being asked to sign a non compete is this legal?
Private home health care already worked over 1 year have been bullied by owner and other staff and just now being asked to sign non-compete Is this legal? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If a previous employer sends you business is their non compete still valid?
I worked for an employer for almost 13 yrs and she made me sign a non compete 2 yrs after being there or be fired. 3 other workers and I left due to mistreatment by the employer. Since I left and went... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

What can part-time indep contractors offer in terms of language to replace a non-competer clause?
I am being offered a temporary work assignment for 2 1/2 months as an independent contractor. I have worked for the company for 3 months via a staffing agency. The company now wants to make me a 1099 ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is the non-compete covenant I was presented too broad?
After 17 years with my employer I was presented a non-compete covenant with an incentive. I am concerned that the clause is too broad limiting my options of future employees to those in completely unr... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Does contract breach void contract and fee me of a non-compete
I signed a non-compete with a firm in Florida. I was terminated and can now not work in my field. The employer is in breach of the employment contract for failing to provide me health insurance as wri... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I live in Las Vegas I signed a non compete clause 2-3 days after starting work 7 years ago. I am not in management. I want to change companies I work for still doing home hospice. As I am not management have no intell on how business is done etc. I am not
home hospice non compete clause for non management staff applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Non Compete signed on the wrong signature line
I have been presented a Non-Compete agreement upon employment for a new job. I had ask if a section could be changed. My Manager told me this could not be changed. I signed the document in error on th... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

If an employee signed a non compete and then the company stopped paying them when they ran out of money, can the employee then accept work with a competitor that they sought out? What is the limitation on preventing that employee from making a living?
Non compete and trade secret agreement signed with a company that is out of money for payroll. Limits to the agreement? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

How to work around a non compete clause
Hi, I'm currently employed by Company A (Indian entity of a US based company) and in the US on a H1 visa (state IL) and I have a non compete clause in my employment letter which goes as below. During ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Would NOT accepting job offer w/Non-compete prevent me from collecting current unemployment benefits
The position I accepted did not include, nor was there any mention of a non-compete agreement until I was ready to fill out the employment papers. The previous employee in this position told me that h... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

see above
RE: Non-compete contracts I have read several articles re: non-compete contracts on the internet and their validity after one was fired; however, I am still confused about the state of Texas upholding... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is non-compete valid after layoff?
Over 3 months ago my former employer laid me and the rest of last employees off because it was going out of business due to lack of funds and large debt. A former co-worker and I then began our own co... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

can my employer terminate me after signing a non compete agreement. if so, why are some reasons
i was presented today with a non compete agreement which required my signature. iam uncomfortable with signing the agreement and want to consult with a lawyer who specializes in this field. the agreem... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

non compete laws in Florida
If a 1099 worker is told by the owner of the company they are working for they must sign non compete contract or be terminated, the worker only allowed briefly to read over it, not given a copy, not w... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Am I in violation of a non compete agreement?
I worked for a small business (bakery) in Southern Ohio last year from May to November 1, 2014. At start of my employment signed a non compete agreement not to sell goods within 50 miles of where they... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

4 sentence non-compete. How valid is this?
My non-compete is exactly as follows: "12. Restriction on post employment competition. For a period of (1-1/2) years after the end of employment, the employee shall not control, consult to be employed... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete be enforced for ideas that were discussed but not used?
Is it possible under PA law for a former employer to enforce a non-compete if you use ideas from that employer for a new business that was never followed through on (i.e. they internally decided to ta... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

The company I work for was “acquired” by another company. Is my non-compete contract still valid? I have no wording in my contract about transferability. In my contract it only lists the old companies name. The name has changed over completely to the
The company contracts with other businesses for services. If I were offered a direct hire by a business, would I be legally able to accept? We have not been given new non-compete contracts to sign. We... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can my non Compete be hold up after I am laid off?
I was laid off from my job and took another job with a company slimiar to our. I was told that I could work for another trainin company, but my old company could sue them if I contacted their current ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I signed a non compete agreement when I started working at my job. A year later I signed a contract with the language “ this replaces any previous employment agreement, manual, or other summary of company policies. “. Is the noncompete still enforceab
I signed the non compete agreement 9/5/14. I signed the subsequent contract 1/22/15. This was an acknowledgement that I have read the new employee handbook. The above language was above my signature applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Forced/ Rushed Non-compete under threat of termination.
My C.O has just recently updated its non compete. They are forcing the sales force to sign immediately under threat of termination. How long do I have to have to look over this document or get it to l... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Refusing to sign non-compete - wrongful termination?
3 years ago, I came from a long employment situation (business closed) to a new company and brought many longtime customers and the resulting business. That's why I was hired. First employment agreeme... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

does a change in job dutied void a non-compete?
I signed a non-compete as a Manager of Business Development, which meant my job duties were 100% sales-oriented and my commissions were reflective of my sales efforts. Due to market changes in 2004, m... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Valid reason to get out of my non compete?
I have workded for the same company for about 20 years. Recently the company was was sold and I along with it. I was told from the begging from the buyers how "nothing would change for me that would a... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Is the non-compete agreement still valid after the sale of the company?
As part of being employed by the company I currently work for I had to sign a non-compete agreement on my first day, which included a miles restriction and a 1 year term. If I did not sign the agreeme... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

breach of contract in the midst of a buyout
My husband was just involved in a buyout at a local University. He was a contract employee (3 yrs. - only 8 months of which has been worked). He was terminated based on "restructuring" verbally stated... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My employer made a typo in my non-compete contract. They listed the wrong city (City B) for the non-compete radius. They made the same mistake in the last 4 annual contracts. Are they bound by their mistake if I choose to work for a competitor in my curre
As above, my contract has a non-compete clause for a radius of 5 miles of City B, for a period of 1 year. I work in City A, and have never worked in City B. The company does have an office in City B, ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Termination for my Non Compete agreement
I signed a non-compete agreement with my former employee and then moved to a competitor. During my interview and after I was hired by my new employee they were aware that I was coming from a competito... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am in the Information Systems field and I will be layed off by my employer due to lack of clients. I signed a non-compete clause. I am considering joining one of the clients due to the following rea... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete agreemnet
I am a Recruiter with a candidate that lives in Texas and is looking to make a career change to Arizona. He is an Engineer and wants to make a move to a competitor in Arizona. The position in Arizona ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

is a non compete agreement valid in mississippi after i been employed there for 4 years
i was given a non compete agreement to sign and i told my employer that i was getting my attorney to look over it before i signed it and not to come back to work until i signed it. ive been employed t... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

can a non compete agreement hold if I never even began working for the company
I got "hired" to do private duty nursing for a company but they never gave me an assignment and I could never pick up last minute shifts. Now I have a friend who owns her own company and wants to hire... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I signed a 5 year non compete with a company registered in Ohio but the business is in Michigan.
Is there restrictions on the length of a non compete. 5 years seem a little extreme. Also since the business is only in Michigan do I use Michigan law? This company is only in Michigan and never opera... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

non compete
Does a diver cleaning boat bottoms carry trade secrets that will substantiate pursuit of a non compete contract? My x employer paid me hourly under 30 hours for supposed training, however i paid for t... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Parent Co. Non-Compete Applicable to Wholey Owned Sub?
My former employer, Company A, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Company B. My former employer is a software company that sells it's applications to the financial industry. I worked in business developm... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

non-compete of former firm when family business was client
I have a non-compete agreement and am starting a competing firm outside their geographic restriction. It states that I can not speak to anyone who was a client of my former firm. Some of the clients a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete of former firm when family business was client
I have a non-compete agreement and am starting a competing firm outside their geographic restriction. It states that I can not speak to anyone who was a client of my former firm. Some of the clients a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete contract enforceable in case of forced resignation (demotion, salary cut, etc)
Having worked for a company for several years. Can a non-compete contract signed after after a few years of employment for the company stop anyone from working for competition (in any way or form), Sp... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I was hired back in May of this year. Before I started the hiring manager was moved to a new role and his subordinate was promoted to be my supervisor. From day one she didn't seem very warm. She would not give me any direction, provided little guidance o
I was hired back in May of this year. Before I started the hiring manager was moved to a new role and his subordinate was promoted to be my supervisor. From day one she didn't seem very warm. She woul... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is a non compete clause enforceable if I helped get the company in the specific business?
I have been in the business of selling to the federal govt. for 26 years. The company I currently work for just got into this business 3 years ago after I joined the company. I provided them with my b... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Non-compete transfer when company moves to CA
I may have signed a non-compete agreement with company "A" in 1994. At the time I worked at the company headquarters in CT. Since then both myself and the company have relocated to CA. I have left the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

non-compete in name of old company, not new parent company
I sold my minor stock to my partner. He sold to a larger co. At acquisition,I signed a covenant not to compete with my old co., which , with the acquisition, became a subsidary of the new parent compa... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Can an independent contractor be held to a non compete agreement?
I started working as an independent contractor for a house watch service. Over a year later the owner ask me to sign a non-compete form and did not give me a copy. I would like to work for another hom... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Will a non-compete agreement be valid after one year of employment?
I have been employed with this company for over a year and I have been instructed to sign a non-compete agreement. What are my rights and will it still be considered valid in Texas? The spa owner also... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

As a partner with a 6 mos non-compete/sev, is it possible to begin looking too early for a new job?
I know that it is always best to leave with another job in hand, but with my extended non-compete, is it too early to actively look for new employment now? I prefer to be proactive, but I am concerned... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

How long does a non-compete contract last between a contractor company and a client company?
I work for a company outsourced to another company, so a contractor. Well they didn't resign with us so our contract expired on 6/30. We have a critical care team staying on till Sept 1st. I would lik... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Does a non-compete agreement signed in WA state apply if the employee moves to Oregon state?
I signed a non-compete agreement with my current employer in Washington state. I am moving to Oregon. The field that I work in is very narrow and I am wondering if I work for another company if it wil... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete, its a special scenerio and I need to know my options.
It has been 14 months since I signed a 2 year non-compete clause in Ohio. The old telecom company sold many different products (wireless, T1, internet, phone equipment, lighting, etc.) only one of whi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

what nullifies no-compete
I work as an appt setter from my home. I am paid hourly by a company that also reimburses me for my phone bill. The company I work for is adamant that I am an independent contractor. I signed a no-com... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is non compete agreement valid if company closes in California?
Oxnard California. Furniture company closed. Company still active under different name in North Carolina. Is non compete agreement still valid in California? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can a non-compete contract contain stipulations which extend beyond contract expiration?
My question is regarding a non-compete clause in an employment contract. Specifically, the contract expired in Sept. 2002 although employment continued. The contract contains wording indicating that t... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Lay-off and 2 year non-compete agreement
I work for a large chemical company and signed a non-compete clause which forbids me from working for ANY other company in any business in which my current company does business/sells product for 2 ye... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

staffing non-compete
I am a staffing professional in AZ. My former employer (which I worked at for 3 years was bought out by another organization. The new employer came in and did base salary cuts across the board for all... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Calling on new customers and not established clients
I have worked in residential security sales for a number of years. My question concerning the non-compete I had to sign is this; since my customers with my former company were a one time sale, and the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I accept job from employers former client
I am in the IT field and worked for a consulting/staffing company that farms its employees out to other companies. I recenetly left in September 2002 to look for a better employer. When I was hired, I... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

non- compete and stipulated damages v. injunctive relief
I have an employment contract that has a non-compete clause as follows: "During the term of employment, and for two (2) years thereafter, employee shall not directly compete with employer within a fiv... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Does non-compete transfer from current client to acquiring company?
I had a non-compete clause that restricts me from doing business with my former employer's clients. I am now an independent consultant, working for a company that is not a current or former client of ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

H1-B - Non Compete Clause
Hi Mel, I am on an H-1B and recently transferred my H-1B visa to some other company,but kept the same middle man and the client.My previous parent company based in New Jersey filed a lawsuit against m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete clause for a company that has a competitor that has made me an offer. The job offered has nothing to do with the business the previous company was in. Secondly, I was asked to s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Scope of geographic limits in non-compete
I recently left a sales position due to my position being eliminated and moved into a vp position (sales & marketing) at another company roughly 100 miles away in a similar business (security services... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was hired by an employer who changed owners once and changed their name. I never signed a new non complete with the new company name. Can I be held liable to that old non compete when I left my job?
I left my company, to pursue other options, which may include me providing some same services, but not all of the same. The company I worked for was a sub company of a very large company located in Na... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Merger/Buyout/Spin-Off: Is a non-compete transferable? Assignable?
I live in Philadelphia & work in a satellite office of my (New Jersey-based) employer. I signed a non-compete when I was hired. My company has 2 different divisions: market research and sales force ef... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

enforcement of non compete
I worked a mortgage company for about 6 months when my boss made all of the loan officers sign a non compete clause to keep our jobs of which I never got a copy of. When I told my boss I was seriously... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is there a loop-hole in this non-compete?
I am looking for another job in the same automotive field. My old job delt with aftermarket car parts and the new job does too. The new job is an up in coming company. Here is a copy of the non-compet... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Do California non-compete statutes apply to stock options?
I live and work in California but my company is based on the east coast. I am eligible to retire from my company, which would allow me to keep my stock options; they would vest on their normal schedul... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Does the sale of a company continue the non-compete agreement?
I work as an independent contractor for a company. I signed a non-compete agreement with the owner. The company has now been sold to another LLC. Is the agreement still valid or will the new owner hav... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Hi all- In my companies contract, they have all employees sign a non compete (nationwide) and also require 4 week notice of resignation. They recently put us all on unpaid leave, with the possibility of not having a position to come back to. We just recei
Hi all- In my companies contract, they have all employees sign a non compete (nationwide) and also require 4 week notice of resignation. They recently put us all on unpaid leave, with the possibility ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer recently asked me to sign a revised non-compete clause. It changed from 'not working for a competitor' to 'not working for any firm that provides marketing services' within the industry I'... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete be enforced if I have been demoted?
I originally signed a non-compete when I was involved in the Engineering department and had almost daily contact with customers and was very involved with development of pricing strategy and process d... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can I do work for a former employers customer?
I am in Ohio and have started a Electronic Security Company. I have a non compete with a former employer. One of their customers contacted me and said they are no longer using my former company for el... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I overthinking this non-compete clause?
On Monday, I accepted an offer as a full-time marketing director for a small, privately-owned company that has existed for 20+ years. Today, the company sent me an "Employee Assignment of Inventions a... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Non-compete at the point of resignation??
I recently decided to resign from my employment for famiy reasons, but also some internal personnel issues. I expressed my desire, though I did not submit a formal letter of resignation. I asked for 2... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unreasonable Non-Compete
I have a young friend who works for a Payday Loan company. She told me her location was robbed a gunpoint last week and that she is very fearful of working there now. She said since the company discon... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I am looking to start my own business. I have a non compete agreement. I know i am legally able to start my own business and gather new clients, however, i would like to use a few of the clients whose relationship was forged through my efforts. These clie
Does the non compete still apply after my previous employer was fired? After I left, the clients no longer wanted his services and terminated his contract. Which made me realize how good I was at what... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Multiple non-compete questions
There are many questions involved in my non-compete issues and I do plan on seeking the advice of an attorney. However, I would like some general information to determine if I have a strong case. My o... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

non compete as an independent contractor
dear mel, I had an agreement with a autoglass replacement co. in az, not as an employee but i was an independent contractor or as they called it a licensee. in the agrement we had there was a non comp... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can an employer lower wages for work already performed?
I am paid on the last day of the month. On January 31, 2009, I was told that my check for that month would be 10% less, due to the company's poor sales. I had already worked the full month expecting t... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

How can I get my former employer to waiver my non-compete?
I was layed off in April 2008 by my former employer. In June 2010 I asked them to waiver my non-compete which I would then resign and take employment elsewhere. They declined, claiming that I have tra... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i was fired from my job then sued for non compete when i started a new job. for real
was fired from my job at a small family owned business for speaking up about a safety issue. when i started a new job in a related business i was sued for non compete... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Texas non-compete contract
I started work 2 days ago. Today, day (3) the Dr. presented a non-compete contract. I work in the mental health field in a specialized area, program development and management. I have this experience ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Reduction in compensation after non-compete signed
I signed a non-compete in Ohio in 2006. I am a Sales Rep for a company and about half of my weekly income comes from commissions. Recently the company added a new quota on the amount of weekly sales t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to accept a position in client's office, after signing a non-compete?
My husband signed a non-compete statement at the beginning of his employment. He as recently been offered an in-house position by a client. The client will no longer use his current company regardless... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete, company paid me inappropriately, can they enforce it?
I had been employed at a local mortgage company for approximately two years. I was terminated four months ago. From the day I started I was a W2 employee and wasn't paid a single dollar for minimum wa... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Took voluntary exit retirement incentive. I am under a non compete for one year. Can I draw unemploy
Voluntary retirement with incentive but under one year non compete applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete and Corp-to-Corp relationships
I have a corp-to-corp relationship with a vendor company ("ABC") to provide financial IT consulting services to client company ("DEF"). Vendor company ("ABC") is not my employer, nor have they provide... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

I have a question. If I signed a non-compete (i'm a logistics broker) with a territory which covers the entire US, is it enforceable if my new brokerage is based out of California, yet I still reside in Tennessee and work remotely from home. Can I solicit
I have a question. If I signed a non-compete (i'm a logistics broker/sales) with a territory which covers the entire US, is it enforceable if I leave my company and my new brokerage is based out of Ca... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Non-compete agreement
I have accepted a position with a company and given notice to my employer. My current employer sells products, my new employer rents different products (but some are the same as my current employer se... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is my non-compete valid if I only worked at a company for less than a month?
I worked at a healthcare office for less than 4 weeks. I was fired because they felt that I was not working at their standards. Their office goes through new employees every week. I have another job o... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Is an electronicly knowledgedment of a non-compete agreement included in our company handbook valid?
I used to get the employee handbook once a year electronically. I read it and check the knowledgement. On the handbook, there is a non-compete document included. I never physically signed it but knowl... applies to California  ·  4 answers

my non compete is for twelve months after termination of employment for any reason. I was required to sign this agreement as condition of employment in 2010 and in 2016 I have been laid off. I was approached by a competitor and would like know what will h
hired 2010, laid off may 2016 approached by competitor, non compete still active and a copy was included with my separation agreement. applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can a company arbitrarily enforce a non-complete agreement?
I was just laid off from an IT consulting firm where I was a full time employee for eight years. I am being asked to sign a non-compete agreement in order to gain severance. According to the terms of ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-compete agreement re: inability to "bid"
My husband works in a very specialized field as a consultant. There are only 3-4 other companies who operate in this field. He signed a non-compete agreement 9 years ago which says he cannot "bid" aga... applies to California  ·  2 answers

What if an employer cannot find the signed non-compete document?
I was terminated on September 18, 2015. I was not given a copy of my non-compete document with signature, which I don't remember signing. I requested, through an email chain, a copy of the signed docu... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

If a former client contacts me for business requests, am I allowed to assist?
I am from a small town in PA. I used to work at a computer repair shop in town and signed a non-compete clause with that shop that stated I would not attempt to steal their clients/customers or use my... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

The term of the agreement seems ambiguous, I need to know the term.
I signed a non-compete with a term that was defined as 12 months. However, the agreement does not specify when that 12 month period begins. If it started when I signed the agreement then it expires in... applies to District of Columbia  ·  0 answers

change from commission to salary and territory increase
I signed a non-compete 9 1/2 yrs ago the agreement was mentioned after I was hired and i was paid 25.00 to sign it or i would be terminated. Company recently changed the compensation package from comm... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Are the details of my non compete clause too restrictive to be enforceable
I work as a Physician Assitant. I have signed a non compete clause that limits my ability to practice within a 40 mile radius for 5 years after I leave my current employer. The contract does not speci... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I was hired to be weekend supervisor, but due to another job commitment I would need every 3rd weekend off. This was agreed to. After 2 weeks into the position, Manager was let go and an interim Manager came, well 2 of them, they would work alternate 2 we
hired as the weekend supervisor with every 3rd off. now the new manager is stating I am not meeting commitment. I feel they have already offered my position to another co-worker which was denied my po... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Agreement Pls Advise
Hi Here is my situation. I am on working for Company A and working as a consultant at CLIENT through a vendor Company for last 6 months. So it’s like Company A[My Company]-->Company B-->CLIENT Unfor... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

In regards to a Non-Compete Contract does the following mean 12 months, or 12 months after working.
Here is the beginning of the non compete. I am wondering if it is for 12 months only, or 12 months after I would leave the company in anyway, (fired, or just want to work for a different company). I a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I will in the state of ND, is a non compete agreement enforcable within an "at will" employment st.
I live in an "at will" employment state. I'm considering changing jobs but i have a non compete. Is it enforcable within an at will employment state applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

Can my employer sue me over a non-compete agreement
I was hired as a sales manager and signed a non-comptete agreement by my current employer. After 1 year my employer demoted me down to an entry level sales rep with 15 years experience behind me. They... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete - Same Industry, different location/customer base
I work in the staffing industry. I had to sign a non-compete agreement in order to be hired at a small private firm to sell our services to companies seeking office/admin. assistance. The agreement st... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

i have been working for the same company for 7 years. Just recently a new company came in and bought them out, and is demanding that I sign a non-compete. My old employer never had me sign one. If I refuse to sign and they say that I must or I can't work
see above.....working for same company for 7 company buys them out and demands a non-compete. If I refuse and they let me go, can I claim unemployment? applies to Florida  ·  3 answers

Is a non-compete agreement valid if it is not co-signed by the company?
I just received a copy of the non-compete agreement I had signed a few years ago and the HR coordinator pointed out that it had not been co-signed by someone from the company. He was concerned that it... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non complete valid??
I currently sold my salon business to an individ. and we had an attorney complete the transaction however, the buyer did not want to pay an attorney for a non compete so she requested me to sign a doc... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What is the best advice for handling non-compete clause in my context below?
I have not signed a contract. I will be required to work under supervision for approximately 1.5-2 years as an independent marriage/family therapist contractor. A non-compete agreement stipulates, if ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Physicians and the non compete clause
I am a physician that was terminated because of fear of competition. I opened a Saturday clinic over 20 blocks away from the clinic I was employed at because I was losing patients due to the primary o... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I ask for shorter notice period than specified in non-compete agreement if not competing?
I was asked to sign a non-compete agreement with my current employer. It requires 3 months notice period with possibly another 3 months before I can work for an competitor. The scope is related to any... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

No compete POLICY
I am a systems engineer, and was hired by a company to start as a network admin in a 5 day notice. I was told We had a contract with this comapny, and if it ran out we would move to another company we... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can a "copy-and-paste" haphazard non-compete be legal?
Last November, my ex-employer got to a point where he threatened me, after over a year of verbal abuse, harrassment, suspicious discrimination and general mistreatment. When I complained to HR, they s... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Drastic reduction in compensation - Non compete
I joined my current employer 10 years ago and successfully built an entirely new business segment for them. And yes, I was stupid and signed a non-compete shortly after coming on board. The business s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete agree., fellow employee didn't, discrimination?
I signed after I started. I felt it was the thing I had to do. Owner's worried about me and everyone they came in contact with stealing their ideas. I did not receive a copy. This fellow employee who ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does a non compete apply outside the state?
Does a non compete apply outside of that current state? applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I went on leave 6/15/09 and then was fired on 12/15/09. Does my non-compete start when I went on leave or when I was fired? applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Non Compete
My question is on a non compete agreement i signed 6 months after I was hired. I work for a subcontractor in the glazing industry where there are open bids to get work with General contractors and the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How long are non compete clauses valid?
I was fired in September 2010 after three months of working in staffing assistant/sales role at an agency here in Columbus. For the first two months I assisted with filling job orders and contacting t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does this void a NON-Compete contract.
I signed a employment contract with an IT firm that says that i shall be paid on a by-weekly bassis no later than 7 days after pay-period ends on the preceeding Friday and in that agreement there is a... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Enforcement of original Non-compete clause after multiple promotions
I was hired by a company five years ago as junior level manager for a specific project. The project expired after a year, but I was kept on and promoted multiple times over the years in to a vice pres... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can a Real Estate Broker require a 2 year non-compete from a Realtor
If the State of Indiana gives you a Real Estate License to sell real estate in the entire State, can a local Broker require you to sign a Non-Compete for a 2 year period in the County that you reside ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I signed a non compete in hydraulic industry and now I am laid off, can I get a job in this field?
After 2 years working in the hydraulic field I was laid off. This was explained by my boss was due to lack of work. Now, I am having trouble finding work in another field. I am just wondering legally ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Fighting a non-compete in CA
I have left a company headquartered in Texas, but I worked in CA, and had a non-compete agreement upon departure. I acted in what I believed to be in good faith and solicited to an old account that st... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete for Software developers.
I am a software developer and was hired by Company A to work as a contractor for a client in the Bellevue area. Since Company A did not do H1B visas, they referred me to company B. So I am an empoyee ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have a non compete for 3 yrs with a preschool I sold , she closed the doors on the buisness because of health reasons, do I still have to wait the 3 yrs?
I have a preschoolI sold a 1 and a half ago , I had a non compete agreementfor 3 yrs, and a 3 county radious she shut down buisness becauseof health reasons , do I still have to wait the 3 years to ge... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Clause within the Severance Package
My husband was given a severance package which included a non-compete clause. He is in radio advertising and the clause states that severance will be revoked if he takes a job in ANY form of advertisi... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I am working EVC(employer,vendor,Client) model. Wanted to know Is there any Non-compete clause applicable for my situation.. E1-> V1 -> C1 E2 - > V1-> C1 I have changed the employer but not the prime vendor and client .will it be non-compete applicable he
I am working EVC(employer,vendor,Client) model. Wanted to know Is there any Non-compete clause applicable for my situation.. E1-> V1 -> C1 E2 - > V1-> C1 I have changed the employer but not the prime ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

If no non-compete clause was ever signed, can I still use client info. in new business?
I never signed a non-compete clause. I quit my job and want to start a competing business. I kept clients' names and cities in a daytimer, and client information sheets given to me by the company to c... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Independent Contractor Non-Compete Agreement
First, Thank You for your time and reply. I am an independent 1099 health and life insurance agent. I would be working for the company in Illinois. I am considering employment with a Florida based ins... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can a former employer enforce a non-compete?
My former employer is involved in standardized test preparation -- SAT, GMAT, and LSAT. While I was an employee there, I worked exclusively writing GMAT math questions. If I go teach LSAT for another ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can my 2nd employer enforce the non-compete against my 1st employer?
I went to work for TCi in Apr '11 as a Business Development Manager to grow the trailer repair business. I signed a non-compete agreement with them upon acceptance of offer. In December 2011, I was ap... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I signed a non compete contract what to do now?
I'm a groomer been grooming for years. I started at a store in town for grooming I signed a non compete contract and now I want to quit and start my own business. The contract said I can't groom withi... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I am on H1 b visa and currently working as an employee of a consulting company based in Michigan (M). M supplied me to a preferred vendor (V) and V provided me to client C based in Arizona. C told me in interview that it's a contract to hire job and if of
My employment agreement clearly says that I cannot directly or indirectly Compete with my employer and there is an addendum which says I cannot directly or indirectly work with V and C. I did not read... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

My non compete letter from 6 years ago as part of the job offer which I accepted lost a different position than the one I was hired. I have never officially nor unofficially held that title. It is similar in nature but not the position I have. Does his in
I woke in the insurance industry. My official title is account executive and the noncompete states “sales executive”. It also list restrictions based on geography and time. Since the no compete wa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is this covenant not to compete considered unreasonable?
I am a veterinarian and was employed for more than three years before being fired. The reason for firing was because I told my boss I was opening my own practice in 6 months. My non compete clause sta... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is this covenant not to compete considered unreasonable?
I am a veterinarian and was employed for more than three years before being fired. The reason for firing was because I told my boss I was opening my own practice in 6 months. My non compete clause sta... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is this covenant not to compete considered unreasonable?
I am a veterinarian and was employed for more than three years before being fired. The reason for firing was because I told my boss I was opening my own practice in 6 months. My non compete clause sta... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can a restrictive convenant prevent me from accepting any work at a customer site?
My employer laid me off. A customer of my former employer wanted to engage in consulting services with me. My former employer said I could not engage in the consulting services because of a non-compet... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

enforceable geography
Can an employer enforce a non-compete in their entire coverage area even if the individual employee never worked in the territory they are seeking to work in now? That is to say that the employer is a... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Insurance industry, moved from FL to CA and a client would like to remain with me, but I signed NC
While employed by a large national broker in FL I signed non compete agreement which is valid for 2 years. I have 2 property and casualty clients in FL that would like to have me continue to write the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What if a previous employer promises to give a copy of a non-compete (or a release) but never does?
IBM is looking to hire me back but this previous employer (ironically, an IBM business partner) represented by the COO keeps saying he will e-mail me a copy of my non-compete (if he finds it in off-si... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

non-compete clause
I am a Physician Assistant working in the ER. I recently started work at a new hospital and signed a non-compete clause stating that I would not during my work there or for a period of 1 year after te... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

I was laid off and once received shares in the company. I've re-read that the pay out to my shares is tied to a non-compete clause. I did not actively seek to leave the company or work for a competitor. If I accept a new position within my specialty (mini
Laid off Owed Stock pay-out seeking new employment with competitors only because I was laid off There's a non-compete clause tied to the stock pay-out applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Duration & Geography
What is a reasonable duration under Ohio law for enforcement of a non-compete agreement in Ohio? If different services and products are offered can it technically be considered a competitive situation... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can the non compete clause stand
I worked for an agent where I had a 440 license however I was never allowed to write any business, quote anyone or bind any coverage. I was let go. Six weeks later i got hired on with another agency t... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I want to know if my non-compete is valid
I work as a contractor and signed a non-compete when i started. At first they didn't give me a copy of it, but after I asked repeatedly they gave me one. The one thing that stood out to me was that th... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can i apply for a job with a company that has a senior management person who has a non compete agreement with my current company.
Thinking about applying for a position with another company. However that company has a senior manager who has a non compete agreement with my current company. Would my applying to g hat same company ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

issue with non compete agreement
I'm a H1B S/W consultant. My H1B holding company is based in NJ. My company sent me to the client based in PA by subcontracting with middle vendor(prefered vendor). After about an yr, my H1B holding c... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete this broad actually enforceable?
I work for a petcare company as a dog walker. When I joined the company, I was asked to sign a non-compete, despite the fact that it had not been mentioned until I came in for my training. I have been... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Tendered my resignation with two week notice , one day later the employer said that no my last day would be the next day after resignation. With this said would my non compete agreement still be valid since in essence they fired me?
Gave employer two week notice of quitting ( on a Wednesday), next day they terminated my employment . My question "Is my Non Compete Agreement still enforceable since in essences they fired me?" applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Is non-compete agreement enforceable if I work for another company with the same client?
I am hired by a Canadian company and working for their client in the US on TN visa status. I signed a non-compete agreement with the Canadian company. Now I want to switch to another Canadian company ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Working with client in CA, Employer in PA,signed Non Compete 7 Years back in MI
I joined a company A which is software consulting firm located in pittsburgh,PA in 2004.I signed a non compete agreement(that time i was living in MI state), before i join to a client of the company A... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is Non-Compete agreement from my current employer too broad?
I signed a non-compete agreement when I got hired. Now when I review it, I think it's very strict but could be too broad. Currently when I read it, I feel like it blocks any opportunity which needs my... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Is non-compete clause legal
I worked at a military base as a physician through two successive contractors in the same clinic the past 6 1/2 years. The civilian contractor cancelled the contract because they were having trouble f... applies to All States  ·  1 answer

I have a non-compete with my previous employer. My new employer fired me because I refused to discuss my activities with my previous employer with a customer. The customer complained to this new employer and I was fired. I was told I was fired because thi
Terminated by my new employer for not violating my non-compete with my previous employer. applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Leaving job due to company's questionable future.
I am resigning from a company that I feel is in a downward spiral and I have felt (with valid reason) that I would be one to soon be let go. I need to work at some point but need advice on 3 issues...... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Are non competes valid when the business terminates the relationship with the customer
1099 contractor hired under a non compete agreement to do work for a specific client. The business terminates relationship with the client effectively putting the contractor out of work. The client of... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is the non compete valid if the employer never signed or witness the agreement?
I have requested a copy of my non compete agreement from a previous employer. The HR person sent a copy to me and it was only signed by me. No member of the company ever signed it according to the HR ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

No compete clause limitations?
I currently work in human resources for a security company in Dallas. I am not management. I do not have access to privleged or confidential company information. I was approached by another security c... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Am i bound by a non compete signed between my ex company and another company
I never signed a non compete contract. It was signed between the only two companies in my town that do my line of work. I was laid off sixteen months ago and my ex company says I am bound by their agr... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Going to work for a client but client will still retain agency, non-compete valid?
I currently am an Account Executive for an Advertising Agency. I have an opportunity to go work for one of my clients directly in-house doing some advertising as well as some business development work... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is a no compete contract void if you leave a business and then come back after 9 months?
About 4 years ago a signed a non compete contract for if I left my employment. I did leave for 9 months and then went back to the same job. I have not signed anything since I've been back for a year a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Don't understand non compete I signed
I signed a non compete and I don't understand what some of the categories means such as: Own, manage, be employed by or otherwise affiliated with, any person, corporation, firm or other business entit... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have been offered a new job in WASHINGTON, I am currently in CALIFORNIA working remotely for 5 years to a company that has headquarters in MICHIGAN. I wanted to work for the new company in WASHINGTON but I have a non-compete agreement with my current em
I have been offered a new job in WASHINGTON, I am currently in CALIFORNIA working remotely for 5 years to a company that has headquarters in MICHIGAN. I wanted to work for the new company in WASHINGTO... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete sales related
I think I signed a non-compete with my employer. I work in sales and have held (3) different territory positions North East Chicago, Northern IN and Southwest MI, and 11 key accounts in MI,IL, NY, PA,... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Business Already Existed On The Side
I work in the construction industry, specifically in concrete. Several months ago, I began to manufacture my own line of decorative concrete tables and vases that I have created on my own time using m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-competes when the employer has wronged you
My past employer made everyone sign an extremely vague non-compete (the type of business is not even mentioned). The distance in it is a 30 mile radius, and two years length of time. And the potential... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Employee Non-Compete agreement
I signed non-compete agreement with my employer A when i started as an employee in the year 2005. I work as contractor at the client C through Vendor B. My employer A works with Vendor B and he doesn'... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can I refuse to sign a non-compete agreement because the "competition" is undefined?
The employer is in a fairly niche segment of a broader field, but defines itself (in other official documents) as being in competition with the much broader field, which isn't necessarily accurate. Th... applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

non-compete and material change to employment
I have a question about a non-complete clause in an employment agreement I signed. The agreement stated that I will not directly compete for a period of 3 years following termination of employment. On... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it Non compete if do same job but not competing? Also company sold to new company.
I work as a MSDS author for a company that authors MSDS for many companys. I signed an agreement with my company (Comany X) that says I will not compete against them or there best interest. If I went ... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Can my non compete effect a company fully owned and operated by my wife?
I have recently left my company (x) which is in Software consulting. My wife fully owns and operates a software consulting company (y). She had previously done business with Company x. Now company x h... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

are there any mitigating factors which would nullify the employers rights in a non-compete cause?
If an employer has impeded the ability for an employee to conduct business, because of lack of merchandise, lack of credit from distributors., lack of financial support to the running of the business,... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Unemployable in a business I 've done for 18 yrs. because of a non compete
Are non compete's legal in the state of Arizona? I have been let go from previous employer and now want to start my own co. I am unemployable for 8 months according to my contract in the pool industry... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Enforcing a No Compete Clause / Unpaid Bonus
I was offered and accepted a position in which I was given a signed agreement letter that promised me a set salary and benefits package. In return, 9 days later I agreed to sign a "Covenant Not to Com... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete with a software company.
I signed a non-compete with a software company that stated I could not work for a competitor. My job was to fix computer equipment in the field for our clients. I was offered a position with another c... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a noncompete be valid if you begin working in a neighboring state?
I am a hairstylist and upon employement at company A I had to agree to a non-compete which covers a 2 mile radius for one year. I know most courts find this reasonable but I believe I have extenuating... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Do non-competes hold a dollar value in California?
Of seven children I am the only child to work at my father's company. I have worked as an at-will employee for 13 years. I was in Sales for 4 yrs and was GM/CFO from 1995 'til fired. He died several m... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can my employer force vendors not in direct competition with them not to hire me?
I work at a mid-sized retailer's corporate office. Upon being hired I was asked to sign a non-compete agreement that barred me from being employed at direct retail competitors. My employer is now forc... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Competition for a machine tool company
I have a one year non compete. I want to set up my own machine shop which will be competing against my employer after one year. Its going to take me one year to set the business up (ordering machines ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

By refusing to sign my non compete, will this restrict me from receiving unemployment benefits
I have been working for my company as a satellite technician for 10 1/2 years. My employer now wants me to sign a non compete. It restricts me from working with any competitor for 2 years and within a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Breachment, Non-Compete Agreement
I'm a H1B S/W consultant. My H1B holding company is based in NJ. After 15 days of my entry in US I, was placed in CA through another middle level company at client place. My resume was manipulated for... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is it a valid non compete ?
I used to work for Company A which makes X and signed a non compete. I now work for company B which makes everything from A to Z and say I work on product Y which is NOT similar to product X. They als... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Non compete is with another company
My fiancee' executed an employment contract in connection with the services he performs, retail design - when he first started working for them approx. 8 years ago. This particular company is duly inc... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Non-compete, same client, two temp agencies
I worked for a temporary agency in NY for the same federal client for 5 years. I moved to AZ and found an identical position here with the same federal client, only represented by a different temporar... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is a Non-Compete clause in a contract enforceable if I signed it when I was hired as an Independent
I was hired as an IC with a 1099 for first year and half of employment (probably should have been W2 from the start). I signed a contract with a no-compete clause to get the job. It even says in the c... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Does my ex emplyer have any right to restrict me from joining a competitor if I dont have a non comp
Does my ex employer have any right to restrict me from joining a competitor if I dont have a non compete clause? I have a signed NDA that I plan to honor but no non-compete. I received a letter from t... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Is a non compete valid in my particular case as a contracted financial rep in Texas?
I am a former Allstate Financial Registered Representative that was on contract. Since leaving Allstate, I have had several former clients (friends and relatives) who have contacted me to ask about mo... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

About non-compete agreement
I signed non-compete agreement with company A for a business. Company A sold its business to company B recently for the business. And I got laid-off from company A. I have set up my own company to con... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was offered a job with a pharma company who was a customer of the company where I worked!
I signed a non compete with a healthcare publishing company and was fired after three months. I was just offered a position with a pharma company who was a customer of the company where I worked. My j... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Non-compete After Employment Agreement Expires
Mel, I signed an Employment Agreement in 1/1/01. The "Employment Period" was defined as two years and expired in 1/1/03. I still work for the company, but I have not signed another Employment Agreemen... applies to Massachusetts  ·  2 answers

How to remove job offer contigency upon receiving letter from current employer releasing non-compete
I received a job offer from a NON-competitor, but they are very spooked by the non-compete I signed with my current company. The two companies don't even manufacture the same products. My current comp... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Question
I have a non compete for 1 year and within 100 miles from my primary office location. I cannot solicit the compan’s clients or customers and I cannot BECOME employed by a competitor or an individual... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

non-compete agreement
I was employed by a software consulting firm in Southfield, MI and was placed at client in RTP, NC. I had signed the non compete agreement. I worked at client thru my employer for over 5 year. Last ye... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Validity of non-compete agreement
I am a professional computer technician who is currently looking for work. I recently found a position with a company working as a contractor (1099). After they interviewed me they handed me the contr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is it a breach of contract by hiring someone as an independent contractor that is under non-compete
Our company has a Settlement Agreement for 10 years, non-compete with our competitor which states upon termination or resignation, you may not work for the competitor for 2 years. The ten year agreeme... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Company merged with another now goes by different name
My current employer merged with a larger company and no longer has the same name. It goes by a new LLC created after/ for the merger. I had signed a contract initially prior to the merger that had a n... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I was given a job in NC 2 years ago with a specific contract stating my pay rate. My employer is not wanting to amend that contract with a 20% reduction in pay- I would not have accepted this salary and moved from MS if this was the original offer. I sign
I was offered a job in NC in July 2013 while residing in MS. I was given a significant pay raise and accepted the job and signed a non compete agreeement. After 2 years, my employer has informed me th... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

There is a non compete between my employer and their client. The client has terminated the contract and I would like to apply for a position with their client. I never signed, or was informed, of a non compete when I was originally hired 2 months ago. Do
Only employed for 2 months. Never made aware of clause. No training given to me or $$ spent to help me with job. Possible job opportunity with former client of employer but unless I get consent letter... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

can I collect a $32K Commission owed to me from a former employer?
In 2004 I worked for a company as a sales rep in St Petersburg, Fl. On my way out the door to work for a competing company in California I closed a deal where my commission was over $30,000. The depos... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Will I have to pay out of my non compete agreement
operations out of virginia, but I am employed in Alabama, in the non compete it states 10% of salary, if employed in same duties for 6 months after, AND if employed by a follow on contract. Government... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

fired for not signing non compete
I worked for a company for over two years as regional sales manager. It is a small franchised company and i worked directly for the owner of the NC, VA, WV, MD territory. I was given the impression at... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

New Hampshire. 2 weeks before my 65th birthday my employer eliminated my position. I signed a non compete in order to receive my severance and medical. How long can they prevent me from working?
2 wks prior to 65th birthday my employer eliminated my position. I signed a non-compete as part of my severance. My wife is not in good health and I needed to maintain medical coverage. How long can I... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete for an unpaid Independent Contractor
I direct pageants- I was presented with a contract with a company after 9 months of hosting pageants for them.... I had invested 1,000's of dollars on signage and other items so when I was presented t... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Employer asking me to violate their own trade secret aggreement.
Two years ago my employer had me sign a non-compete and a trade secrets agreement. However, since then my employer has repeatedly asked me to violate the trade secrets agreement (and possibly the non-... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I signed what is titled as "key employee agreement" with a non-compete clause stating I will not w/o company's consent engage in any employment, consulting or other business other than for the company... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I be sued for going to work for a competitor after I was told that "no action will be taken"
I worked with EDS for two years. I signed a non-compete with EDS however, worked for EHRO (Relocation Company) with EDS being the largest shareholder. When HP bought EDS, HP bought all shares of EHRO.... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non Compete in Georgia
My current work location is Alpharetta, GA. I have a non compete agreement from 2013. I am currently working on EVC Model (i.e. employer vendor client model) and the arrangement is as under: Me (consu... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is non compete enforcible even if not offered employment?
I was required to sign a non-compete agreement in order to attend a blackjack dealers training course at a local indian casino. The agreement was to be effective immediately upon signing and would pro... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

non compete and last pay check
I put a month notice to the pet store I worked for. After my boss made it impossible to work the whole month I left a few days short. One question I have is about the non compete contract. I signed on... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

If I am still with the company after being taken over by new employer. Is non compete still valid?
The company i work for is a hose cleaning company. That hires self-employed people. And they take a % out for themselves. Well when i started with this company. It was giving to a relative and then af... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I am a personal trainer in Texas. I signed a no-compete while working for my former employer saying that I wouldn't solicit past or current gym members for 3 years. I have since opened my own gym. I have not saught any of my former clientel, however they
I signed a no compete while working for a previous employer saying I would not solicit past or current members of his gym for 3 years. Lately I have had several of his customers sign up for free trial... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can an employer reduce salary a contracted salary 20% if so can they enforce a non compete clause?
I Signed a contract to make a certain salary and a non compete clause is also in the contract and I’m wondering If an employer reduce all salary employees 20%. They blame Covid but they’ve never s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non Compete/Child Care Center
I was employed by a private day care center. As condition of my continued employment I was asked (as well as all employees) to sign a Non Compete contract after being employed for 1 month. The Day car... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is this non-compete enforceable?
I have been working ofr a firm based in Stamford, Ct for last 5 years. For the last 2 years I have been working from home office in Roselle, IL. I have been working on IT Security project for a partic... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

If fired by a company, then offered a job back, is the Non-compete still in effect from the first co
I worked with a nightclub company and was a top earner in the year 2009. The first week of 2010, I was let go for no just reason. I waited 2 months before asking for a release from my non-compete clau... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can my former employer enforce a non-compete if it means I can't work in this field anywhere.
I worked for a company that only offered 1 loan product to a specific group of people. I decided to leave and work for a broker where I have access to a large array of products and can service the ent... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Estimate legal fees for fighting non compete agreement
I am an executive recruiter. I have a client in Boston and a candidate in Boston. The candidate has a non compete agreement that prevents her from working for a competitor for 18 months after she left... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete in my employment agreement in 2003, but it isn't in my personnel file. Can I break that agreement knowing this signed document no longer exists?
I am currently looking for employment in the industry I've been employed in for the last 12 years. I originally signed an employment agreement that should have had the non-compete language in it, but ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am a home health care assistant working for an agency in PBC. I am very clearly an At-Will employee, as spelled out in every employment agreement I have. My first E.A. included a non-compete that specified, proprietary information, existing clients and
I am a home health care assistant working for an agency in PBC. I am very clearly an At-Will employee, as spelled out in every employment agreement I have. My first E.A. included a non-compete that sp... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

is a Non-compete contract required in AZ?
I am a health care provider looking to resign my employment at a subspecialty firm, to work for a hospital-based group that is not related to that subspecialty or its type of care provided. My contrac... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can you at least tell me--by law in Ohio, am I entitled to a copy of my non compete--do they, by law, have to provide me that?
Can you please just tell me what the law is in Ohio regarding non compete? Are they required by law to provide me my copy? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Mel, I am a chiropractor in Illinois who is an independent contractor within another chiro's office. (I own my patient base he provides space and staff for a 8900/mo fee) Recently I became injured and... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete IT Consulting -> New Firm
The IT Firm I am currently working for is probably going to lose one of their clients (A). I know pretty much for sure that the new company coming into the current client (A) wants to hire all the con... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have a non compete in NJ and I was wondering if I am hired by a Hong Kong company that would be direct competition to the company I work for. Do you think the company can still sue me since I am hired by a Hong Kong LTD
I work for an import company and I want to go work directly for the Factory in China/Hong Kong. If the Hong Kong company would hire me or even the Chinese factory. Do you think my non-compete would ho... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My daughter signed a will not compete contract with a home healthcare agency the agency has not answered phone calls from her or ever answered her text messages she was working for one family as an RN and they would work her 60 hours a week Would never gi
Daughter is working for a home healthcare agency who is treated her awful from the start she has been working with one family since the end of January 60 hours a week with no relief from the company t... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can an employer ask me to sign a non compete document after I have been terminated?
I recently was hired by a company (hourly not salaried) and was sent to several days of training out of state. Airfare and hotel bills were paid by the owner, and I expensed the food and the ground tr... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Hello, I had just graduated and had 10 months w very light experience w a very low level of responsibility at one client. I was an intern to entry level employee. I signed a non-compete for only one month’s compensation and could not (even more so now)
-Near entry level (intern) -Laid off early Covid -Low responsibility -Narrow scope of work -Information technology -Non-compete states I cannot compete for a job with any of their employees or competi... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

How is the non-compete distance measured? My contract states 50 miles but the property I want is 50 miles away via Google maps but only 49 miles away via odometer...
How is the non-compete distance measured? I'm looking to terminate my employment and start my own business but the property I want is only 49 miles away via odometer, 50 miles via Google Maps and my c... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Will a cancelled contract constitute a violation of non-compete?
I signed a non_compete agreement with my employer, but also have some clients of my own. A prospective client contacted my employer by mistake to engage my services, however cancelled the contract bef... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can dentist A sue dentist B if I an office worker went to work for dentist B
My wife works for a dentist A who has employed another dentist B who signed a non compete contract. The dentist B will be starting her own practice. I have not signed a non compete contract since I am... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

No compensation or employer signature on our forced non-compete, is it valid?
6 months after full time employment began, I was provided a non-compete agreement, forced to sign it, there was no signature by the employer and no compensation provided to sign. 2 months later I was ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Independant contractor with a non-compete that has a possible loop hole?
I am an independent contractor with a non-compete that covers the whole metro area. I am a basic worker who isn't making enough money to support my family, but can't work outside of the company in the... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non-compete while in the process of leaving the firm
I have worked part-time for an IT company for about 3.5 months. The customer is a large U.S. Governemtn agency. I recently received an offer from a firm I interned with last summer. Their client is th... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

Soliciting former employer's clients...
I work for a registered investment advisory firm in California, and I'm looking to either go to another firm or start my own firm. Here are the facts: 1) There is NO non-compete or employment agreemen... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is my non-compete enforcable if I was only employed for a short period of time?
I started a home care business in 10/2014. At the time, I had one business partner. We purchased everything we needed including how-to books, templates and so on from the internet. My business partner... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Question about a Non-Compete and Harassment from former employer
Hi and thanks for any help. I filed this under Contracts, but it kind of combines a non-compete and harassment in one big issue. In 2005 my wife signed (against my advice not to) a non-compete which s... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Will I be able to escape the Non-Compete agreement if I change my area of work?
I have happened to enter into a Non-Compete agreement with my employer when I started off my job as a Software Developer. The Non-Compete Clause states that "the employee cannot perform the same or si... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

What if there is no date on the non compete? Do they last forever?
applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Non Compete valid, enforceable?
applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

can the non compete clause stand
applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

If I'm laid off can the non-compete still be exercised?
applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

is non compete legal in the stste of fl
applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

For one year I worked for a recruiting firm that recruited only for the health care industry. After my employer denied me a raise I resigned and took employment with another recruiting firm that recru... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I never signed a non-compete, but I still being sued.
I am in technology sales. I was fired several months ago after an arguement with the owner of the company I worked for. I had never signed a non-compete, non-disclousure, or non-solitication agreement... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Agreement
Last summer I and two coworkers left our previous employer because he was going to sell his business to some other people. The three of us did not feel comfortable with the sale, so we left the compan... applies to California  ·  1 answer

is non compete valid if an H1B is kept illegally unpaid. ?
I am on H1B visa and have a non compete contract with the middle layer company, and also with the company holding my visa. After the contract with the end client was over, my company suddenly stopped ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete: Breach of Contract
Hello, I used to work for a software consulting company 'X', and consulting for a client 'Y' through another consulting company 'Z'. Now I joined the 'Y' as a full time employee, but my non-compete cl... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I have a 50 mile 2 year non-compete as a chiropractor in Central Illinois. Will it hold at 43 miles
Non Compete Question: My clause states that I may not practice chiropractic or work as an agent of another chiropractor within 50 miles of Bloomington-Normal, IL. (from memory but, if I’m correct, v... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

If the company closes down is the non compete valid?
If a company closes down is the non compete still valid? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Are non compete enforceable if layed off or fired without cause?
applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Lack of non-compete
I was terminated as an employee 6 months ago by a consulting and training firm, where I had been employed for 20 years. In those 20 years, I had never signed a contract of any sort. There was an emplo... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I had work for this employer for 6 yrs in the state of Texas and had signed a non-compete contract.
I had work for this employer for 6 yrs in the state of Texas and had signed a non-compete contract. After the 6yrs of hardship with this company basically they had work me like a dog and I was under p... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

employment agreemnt
My company is based in Dallas, Texas I am based in Ohio. They were purchased on Nov 12 by another company with an HQ in California but is a VA corporation. They have asked me to sign a non-compete. Th... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is this non-compete enforceable?
I signed a non-compete that seems to state I would be compensated an extra $100 beyond my future compensation for signing but I was never paid such money. Could this nullify the contact? Could I be pa... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

My ex employer is suing me for a non compete agreement issue that does not exist.
I was hired in 2002 in Dallas area, 6 months later was told I needs to sign a "Non Compete Agreement". I did sign it but did to keep my emolument. In 2005 I was fired because he heard I went on a job ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I signed a non compete clause with my current employer. Can I get a job with another employer in the same industry without violating the agreement?
I signed a non compete clause with my current employer and am looking for a part time job along with my current job in the same industry. Would this violate the agreement? applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is an employment contract valid that offers the independent contractor no consideration?
Hi, and thanks in advance, A good friend of mine is a tattoo artist and showed me his contract which included a non-compete clause. The contract stated all the restrictions/conditions of employment fo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

My non-compete says I can do no work I did with my ex-employer anywhere in US. Is it enforceable?
My non-compete states that I cannot do any of the work that I performed for my former employer (engineering), anywhere in the United States for the period of one year. I did not quit, I was laid off. ... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Can a staffing agency with a non-compete clause prevent an employee from taking a promotion, for a position that they do not staff, with another agency at the same hospital?
I've been working as an RN, through a staffing agency for 3 years, at the same hospital. I was offered a promotion to administration but the contract is with the facility not the staffing agency. The ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can a staffing agency with a non-compete clause prevent an employee from taking a promotion, for a position that they do not staff, with another agency at the same hospital?
I've been working as an RN, through a staffing agency for 3 years, at the same hospital. I was offered a promotion to administration but the contract is with the facility not the staffing agency. The ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can a non compete agreement be enforceable when it does not compete with original contract hours?
I provide home care services for a home care agency for a client that receives 24 hours of contracted care. Family now wants overnight care as well, and solicited me for private pay/care instead of go... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Confidentiality Agreement
My position as a Personal Assistant was recently eliminated by ABC. I have been approached about the same type of position with another company XYZ. XYZ is a client of my former company. ABC provides ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I did not sign a non compete cluase. I was hired before new company took over
applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I have a non-compete with my present employer. The company is an OH, IT reseller that sells Cisco, and HP/Aruba and WatchGuard equipment. The company has lost its reseller level with all the companies. I f I go to a company that has valid reseller levels
I have a non-compete with my present employer. The company is an OH, IT reseller that sells Cisco, and HP/Aruba and WatchGuard equipment. The company has lost its reseller level with all the companies... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Agreement
In my fourth year working for a company, I was asked to sign a non-compete agreement. Every year, our company gives a Christmas bonus. The agreement was tied to receiving this year's bonus as the comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is Non-Compete Enforceable when Employer is moving the company out of state?
My question is about a Non-compete agreement signed with a company that is moving out of state. The employer is an IT recruiting firm, that has been based in Manhattan. The owner no longer wants to co... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I signed a non compete contract will i be able to break it
When I started at my salon my boss hired me in to temporarly reception an advanced to a stylist. He made it seem like it was amazing money. Fresh out of school and eager to do hair i agreed. Two month... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

illegal action voids non compete?
A few weeks ago, my company began withholding checks from me. This has gone on for the last three weeks due to collection issues with some of my clients. I am a commision only employee. since that tim... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

****Can I start a similar company to my previous company even though I signed a non compete?
I have worked in the precious metals business for years and when I took my last position they made me sign a non compete agreement. It states that I will not operate in any location that the company h... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

can you legally be terminated for refusing to sign an "exclusive right to represent" document?
three weeks ago I was terminated from my job as a sub-contractor working on a PA state project. The project and many others are currently up for re-bid under one large state request for proposal. The ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I'm 66 and Financial advisor position eliminated. I was given 36 week severance and they have a non-compete clause. I'm too old to start a new book of business because it took me 10 years to build what I had. Any recourse?
I've worked in this bank brokerage for 13 years and have built a book of business that has recurring revenue that I am comfortable with. I just had by best month in 10 years and with no notice of any ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Employer changes terms non-compete contract. Still Enforcable?
I am currently in my first year at a large financial services firm in Phoenix. My firm has decided to change its training and compensation program mid-stream, which has eliminated the possibility of a... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can I join my employer's client in California?
I am a resident of California (currently on H1B visa) and working for a company's client here in California. I have been offered a full time position by the client in the same location - California. H... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case for being harassed over a non compete?
At my last job I signed a non compete. I left because the company did not give me the position they promised. When I left it was on good terms. and I finished all my projects. When I started with the ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Enforcement of non compete
Can an employer do selective non compete I'm an employee for a consulting company and provided programming service for the client on project A. My company moved me out of town to another project. Now ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I need to get out of my Non compete contract to change jobs before the bottom falls out where I'm at
applies to Florida  ·  3 answers

What concerns should I have if I don't know if I signed a non compete with Employer who fired me?
applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can I do business with previous clients who seek me out during my 2 year non-compete??
applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

non-compete VS firm offering illegal services
I am a drafter/CAD operator. I started with a new company, although I had a non-compete clause with my former employer, an engineering/surveying firm which stated I could not work for a competing firm... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Will South Carolina non-compete laws hold up in the state of Colorado?
I am a salesman for a tire manufacturer based out of South Carolina. I cannot remember signing a non compete and do not have the paperwork but in my original offer letter it states "Your agreement to ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

NC non-compete laws for hairstylists
I am a booth renter/independent contractor hair stylist in North Carolina. I had started work with a salon that the owner tried to call a barber shop, I signed a non-compete clause that said I couldn'... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can my current vendor enforce Non Competition actions against me?
I am a IT consultant working on corp. to corp. basis through vendor at the client. My contract agreement dated back in 2006 for my first Purchase Order restricted me for working for the same client fo... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Public Bids
I've recently left a company, where I held a sales position. I did sign a non-compete contract prior to my employment. I recently resigned from my position and have taken a sales manager position with... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non Compete agreement working in NJ and my employer is in TX
I have been working as a contractor to Nj based clinet ABC from last 2 years. Last year my Texas based employer XYZ made me sign non-compete employment agreement. Now, my client ABC has ended the cont... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for employer to make impossible for employee to find employment in industry after 19 yr?
I started with a company in 1996 without a non compete. I worked in the same industry for 6 years previously. In 2007 I was forced to sign or lose my job. At that time I was an inside sales manager. T... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Non Compete in CA
I have worked for a company's client worked for company's client for 2 yrs. Now I have got a job offer from client. but i have signed non compete with my company. Can they sue me? Here are the clauses... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete be enforced if too broad?
I was let go from a FL-only homeowners insurance company. During the exit process, I was told I could not work for a "direct competitor." I just got a copy of the non-compete and it says it is for 1 y... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can employer require a no compete claus of employee after 5 yrs of employement
applies to Kentucky  ·  1 answer

I need a recommendation for a lawyer in Kansas to review a non-compete contract I have signed.
applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Is a noncompete enforceable if the contractual Court of Law is NY, yet I worked in the CA office?
I was hired to run a CA-based office, and the parent company is HQ'ed in PA. 3 months later, I was laid off without cause (fiscal issues). In exchange for severance, I'm asked to sign a separation agr... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete After Transfer to New Company
I signed this agreement when I began work with Company "A". After six months as a salaried employee I moved to doing freelance (i.e., 1099) work for them. I worked for them consistently under that cap... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

non compete with a new business
I work for a company in the Advertising Specialties market. I have been there for the last 2.5 years of my life and have enjoyed the time their. I signed a non-compete offer at the begining of my empl... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I signed a non compete back in 2009 for a cleaning company and it states that If I leave I will not take any of her customers unless I'm gone for 12 months.... I left and was gone for 4 years I came back to that company and never signed a new agreement wh
I worked for a lady in 2009 in which I signed an agreement if I left I wouldn't take any of her customers for 12 months I was gone from her employment for 4 years . I returned 4 years later and never ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non Compete Agreement in New York ( IT )
Hi, My question is related to Non Compete agreement in NY with IT industry, Here is background & question I have. I am an employee of company (ABC) & I am working as a consultant at company (XYZ) thro... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is an employers non-compete agreement enforcable if that employer knowingly and intentionally competes unfairly in the market place.
I was terminated after 14 months and my unemployment claim was not disputed. My direct supervisor discovered along with the aid of fellow employees that my employer had been misrepresenting it's produ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

employees resigned to work for home health previous worked LTC
I was employed by a Long Term care company, I accepted a position with a Home Health Agency, employees who worked with me at a LTC company resigned and want to work for me at the Home Health Care Comp... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Will my non-compete hold even though my position was reduced to part time
My position was recently reduced to part time as needed. I have a non-compete with this company and a portion of it states: "For a period of 1 year after termination of employment for any reason whats... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Do questionable practices of a firm negate a non compete?
At the firm I work for all staff are hired as independant contractors for the tax and liability bennefit of the LLC which is owned by an individual. There is a strong case that this is a misclassifica... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete valid if termated after 13 years? For failure to sign a updated agreement?
tk u applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Can an employee be held to a non compete if their employer terminated employment, sold the company?
applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Hello, How long in the state of CT is a post term non compete enforceable?
From a franchisor to a franchisee applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Can I, after five employed be required to sign a non-compete contract.
Be let go the next morning and loss all my clients? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Are non-compete's enforceable if you don;t sign anything?
I believe this might be a unique one for you. I have been working for a painting company as a business sales manager for four months. I have recently considered starting my own painting business. My e... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Never signed a contract
I was laid off from a Pa facility due to downsizing.The corporate office decided to consolidate all operations to one facility in New Hampshire.At the time off lay off, the owner told me that I would ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

When can a Non Compete by put in place
I work for a Firm in Virginia and live in Alabama, i have been there 3 years. my Boss recently sent me a Non Competition / Trade secrets Contract. Where i have a issue is when i went there they did 99... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete agreement that is missing the employer's signature valid?
About a year ago I was laid off from my job. My employment agreement contained a non-compete section that outlined several restrictions for the first 12 months, and some general restrictions for an ad... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

employee and employer dates and signatures on a non compete contract
I worked for a company which was bought out. All employees were asked to have their non competes returned by 15 June 2009. I signed and returned mine on the 19th of June. Reason being, my father was a... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I quit and receive unemployment?
I have worked for a company for a couple of years and have undergone many troubles: temporary pay cuts, temporary and involuntary pay deferrals that remain unpaid, broken agreements, and doing more th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete restrict future employment by specific companies?
I have been working for a local firm that provides services to the medical industry. Specifically, our largest client is the second largest medical providor in our county. The non compete restricts fo... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can a franchise Agreement non-compete prevent you from working in a general field?
If a franchisee sells their marine-towing franchise and signed a non-compete, can the franchise corporation prevent him from making a living on the water in a commercial capacity as long as the person... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Enforcability of Non-Compete When Going From MA to CA
I am in marketing for an established software company in MA and am moving to a more senior position in marketing for a start-up in CA. I have been doing marketing for a shipping product that has techn... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Employer seeking depositions without filing charges
Myself and my partner recently left the same employer to set ourselves up in the same line of business of our previous employer. Neither of us had an employment contract or a non-compete in place. The... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can employer claim I violated my non compete by soliciting employees who contacted me?
I was terminated from my position for no reason other than my job was eliminated and had non compete in place. I was given a severance package of eight weeks of pay, paid in four installments. My form... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Non-compete with no copy
I had been working part-time as a coach at a local sports school for 1.5 years and received a promotion. 2 months later, I was forced, under duress, to sign a non-compete contract. The owner did not g... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

validity of non-compete when employer initiates termination
Hey MEL. Basic question: What are my odds of beating a non-compete agreement with an employer that terminated me due to economic downsizing? Points of interest: * Employee Agreement states that intent... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non competition valid after 11yrs service?
I signed a Employment Agreement with a Non Compete clause in 1997. The company was one of the holding companys of the US parent. Since then the Parent has split itself into many holding companies, sol... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was on the payroll for a week, is my non-compete enforceable?
Last Tuesday, the 21st, I went to work for company in my field of work. I was hired as a sales manager for a manufacturer and left a job doing the same work but for a different manufacturer. When I wa... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

Termination letter vs Employment contract
I'm one of the programmers brought in from overseas on H1B. My employment agreement with my H1B sponsor has a non-compete clause that prohibits me from working with any client company should my employ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My company was in chapter 11 and has now been bourght out 4 months ago. They want is to sign a non compete that states we can not talk to certain people...example the older owner and some of the top executives. If I do not sign it can I get unemployement.
My company was in chapter 11 and has now been bought out 4 months ago. They want us to sign a non compete that states we can not talk to certain people...example the older owner and some of the top ex... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I signed a noncompete with my company when I was a full time employee. I then resigned. I did work a few shifts as a PRN employee over the course of the next year. I did not sign a new contract. Is my noncompete still valid?
I initially signed on as a full time physician at a local practice. When I signed on I signed a non-compete clause for a time period of one year post termination. I resigned over a year ago. However, ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Can I loose my company stock if I leave and compete?
My company is privately held. Therefore, we do not have shares of stock, we have "units." Each year I am given units as part of my year end bonus and as part of a Long Term Reward Plan. The bonus shar... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Being sued for non-compete between states
I worked as a salesperson for a company for 9 months in the printing industry. I was compensated $18,000 in salary. This company is based in Philadelphia. I quit this job and accepted a job in South C... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Sales & Non-Competes
Mel: I signed what my company refers to as a "Key Employee Agreement". I have contacted a local $200 an hour attorney who tells me that it is enforceable, but too broad. I work for an organization (he... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete valid if the employer breaches the agreement?
As part of a hi-tech development deal, XYC (of which I own 30%) hires me as CTO (administer and develop) at a salary that increases with CPI. As part of emloyment contract, I agree to assign all inven... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am a area mortgage manager and I was told I signed a non compete to recruit employees from the company. Can they really do this?
it's been over 10 months as well. applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Does change in pay constitute breach of contract?
Hello! A handful of us had to move to keep our jobs with our company. We signed two agreements with our move. They are pretty straightforward, and no fine print. One was a relocation agreement which i... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is my non-compete covenant valid?
I am a journalist with a job in Connecticut, but I would like to take a job at a competitor in New York. The thing is, I pretty naively signed a non-compete covenant when beginning my job. There are s... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non Compete with No End in Sight
(consultation would have to happen rather quickly, like Monday morning! Job came up very quickly, interviewed quickly, etc). I am a computer profesional that signed a non-compete/confidentiality agree... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is a fixed hourly rate (with no guarantee of work) sufficient consideration to enforce a non compete clause as an independent contractor?
While unemployed, I was approached by a custom software development shop, and offered an opportunity to consult for one of their clients. Initially, they led me to believe I would be an employee. Afte... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

I was previously workinbg for a radio company here in town in sales, I worked there for approximetly 5 months and things ended up bad there. The Sales Manager even after signing the Protected Account ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My employer changed my benefits after I signed a noncompete? Is this legal?
Hello- My employment contract states that my employer will fund a HealthSavings Account, which is tied to the company's health benefit plan. The contract has a non-compete clause which kicks in after ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have a non compete but work in a hostile enviornment. How can I get out of it?
I've been working for a search and staffing firm for almost eight years. The small firm was owned by a husband and wife. They went through a messy breakup and I was left working for the wife but was h... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

my employer gave me a non-compete to sign and they want it back in 3 days. Is that legal and what is the average or range?
what can I say to get more time and what is standard? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

how to nullify non-compete and do i have the right?
I may be offered a job at a company that has similar clients of my current employment and I signed a non-compete. I should first state that I am not a sales person, simply the Quasimodo behind the sce... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Are we in big trouble?
My Husband is being sued for "non compete" breech in Ohio. His former company was a wholesale distributor. The company he now works for (as a 1099 employee) in an independent representative for severa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

No compete clause in ultrasound
I currently work for a mobile ultrasound company that provides services in the Youngstown, Warren, Akron/Canton areas as well as some of the other surrounding areas. I have been offered a job at anoth... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does a non-compete encompass the entire business entity or just the specific position when signed?
Ex-employer "A" had me sign a non-compete. I was working in the health care field in a corporate office for a nurse registry. "A" fired me two weeks ago, and I secured a position with "B" within a few... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I be sued for breach of non-compete?
In late 2002, I began working for a not-for-profit company that publishes websites for various clients, including "Client X". Nearly a year later, I was asked by my employer to sign a Confidentiality ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete contract in Ohio under duress?
I am concerned about a non-compete contract that I was forced into signing. I have been reading the site scrupulously and I have not found particular information from Ohio law. I have read about cases... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

No Compete Agreement
Here is my situation. A and B are two sister concern companies managed by single owner located at same address. When I joined company, I signed non-compete employement contract pertaining to company A... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Will the non-compete clause be enforceable in my situation?
Four years ago, I signed an employment contract with a non-compete clause with Company A. Company A is mainly in the business of training and contracting trained consultants out to larger consulting f... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Unsure of Non-Compete requirements
I signed a non-compete agreement when I was first hired by my former company as a sales rep. I have been recently terminated due poor performance in sales. I signed the agreement on Sept. 19, 2001, bu... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Denied Employability
I worked for a technology consulting company. While going through financial difficulty, the owner/president decreed that all staff, effect the payroll lady, would now be on straight commission. I star... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

After working for a small computer consulting firm in NY for over 2 years, I signed an employee agreement addendum with broad, new non-compete and non-solicitation clauses. There were no such clauses ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete/Restricted Activities
Question on non-compete statement below: I am working for company AAA, subcontracted to company BBB, which place me at a state government project. The state government has offered me a job, matching m... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Breaking a non-compete, non-disclosure employment service contract
My employer is a Philadelphia based company. It does not have an office space and allows the employees to work from home. I was hired in November 2009 and was made to sign a non-compete, non-disclosur... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

If I refuse to sign a non-compete contract and get fired can I still collect unemployment benefits?
I have been employed at my current company for over a year. I work in fine jewelry sales as a sales associate in a privately owned jewelry store. My company recently decided to draft and force us to s... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete with my last employer. It was based on being hired as a salesperson. During the pandemic I brought in 24 new accounts and increased domestic sales by 25%. Mid September he and a consultant met with me, stripped me of my accounts (th
I signed a non-compete with my last employer. It was based on being hired as a salesperson. During the pandemic I brought in 24 new accounts and increased domestic sales by 25%. Mid September he and a... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete with my last employer. It was based on being hired as a salesperson. During the pandemic I brought in 24 new accounts and increased domestic sales by 25%. Mid September he and a consultant met with me, stripped me of my accounts (th
I signed a non-compete with my last employer. It was based on being hired as a salesperson. During the pandemic I brought in 24 new accounts and increased domestic sales by 25%. Mid September he and a... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

i have a 6 month non-compete. if i hate my job, then isn't this to my advantage to just quit?
that way, i can emjoy 6 months paid and not have to work and just take soem time off. thanks! applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can i ask for a non compete (clause contained in the employment agreement) after the employee was hired (time lapsed over 6 months since original date of hire)
applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a company refuse to hire me because I previously worked for one of their competitors even if I don't have a non-compete? I have the same skills that they are hiring for and meet the job requirements.
Can a company refuse to hire me because I previously worked for one of their competitors even if I don't have a non-compete? I have the same skills that they are hiring for and meet the job requiremen... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to sign a Non-compete / confidentiality agreement?
I am paid as and considered a 1099 contractor by the company I am working for. They do not withhold any federal taxes or provide any benefits. Other than the way I am paid, they treat me as an "employ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I was laid off from a temp agency and no work was available. Will my non-compete still hold up?
I worked for Job "A" in Tamaqua, a staffing agency of which I signed a non-compete policy which stated I could not work for another staffing agency for up and until a year had transpired after my term... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is my non-compete covenant valid?
(I originally posted this in the New York section, but I realize I should also post this in the Connecticut section.) I am a journalist with a job in Connecticut, but I would like to take a job at a c... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Compete Agreement after 3 years
I live and work in the state of Florida. I have been with my current employer for 3 years. I was recently offered a job working for a client of my current employer. My boss got wind of this and demand... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

We are independent territory reps paid only commission on our sales. We are looking start our own type of business and the company we contract under has a non compete. Can this be upheld in the state of Nebraska. Again we are only paid commission there ar
We are independent territory reps paid only commission on our sales. We are looking start our own type of business and the company we contract under has a non compete. Can this be upheld in the state ... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

What is indirect competition?
Until recently, I had worked as a practitioner for the same employer for a period of ten years. Shortly after my original hire date, I did sign a non-compete agreement which prohibited both "direct an... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

As a physical therapist in MA, can a non-compete agreement be enforced against me?
I am a physical therapist who works for a contract company/staffing agency (a company that I am an employee of that provides different temporary work sites). I am paid by this company and am a full ti... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Hello, Background: I had to sign a Non-Compete Agreement in order to work at my previous company. I had told the owner that I was uncomfortable signing it, but he said it was just part of the "new hir... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is non-compete valid in different industry?
I have a non-compete where the first clause that i question is: 1)"The Employee shall not, at any times during the period hereof, and for ,2 years from the date of termination of this Agreement. direc... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Is my non compete agreement enforceable?
I signed a non compete with a lawn maintenance company called Floralawn who has been doing buisness in Lakeland for 19 years. I started off as the Account Manager and then they changed my title to Lan... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

arbitration agreements
Hi I am Employed at a major Electronics company. I have been working here for about a 1 1/2 years and on Thursday June 20th 2002 at 11:56am I was called into my managers office at the City of Industry... applies to California  ·  1 answer

was terminated from a company that I was with for 13 years. Was providing me a severance pay for 13 weeks. However there was a non-compete for 2 years could not work for another company in the same industry. Never worked for another company in same indust
was terminated from a company that I was with for 13 years. Was providing me a severance pay for 13 weeks. However there was a non-compete for 2 years could not work for another company in the same in... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-compete invoked by one subcontractor against another
I'm currently under contract to a subcontractor, who pays my salary, and 1/2 health benefits, to provide tech support for a company (heretofore referred as the client.) The client is moving operations... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete as an independent distributor
Will non-compete hold up, if I did not sign anything regarding the bonus program? I signed an independent distributor agreement in California with a Company from Cleveland, Ohio 23 years ago. It says ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer force me to sign a Non Compete agreeement after I have been let go in order to receive my final check?
Was Project Manager for construction company. No contracts/paperwork signed before or during employment. Owner/Boss quits Project/Company that we are working for in Alabama and brings us back to Oklah... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Appears to be overly restrictive non-compete, trying to understand the legal limitations
The company is a computer solutions company that provides computer stuff -- software, hardware, networks, and consultants. This non-compete appears to restrict: * Working for any company that performs... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

under what circumstance is a non compete in vialed
non payment of commission fighting to get paid .. every month.. then catching my bosses wife having an affair making my work place uncomfortable for me.. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

my wife was sub-contractor signed non-compete agreement with her employer and she got full time offer from end client . now her employer is filling case. what should we do?
my wife was sub-contractor signed non-compete agreement with her employer and she got full time offer from end client . now her employer is filling case. what should we do? applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

sales contractor non compete
I was subcontracted by a company to perform door-to-door solicitation for newspaper subscriptions. I signed a contract with a non-compete clause stating that for 2 years in PA I cannot work "directly ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete agreement to not to offer services for any of Companys client's
Hello, I used to work for a software consulting company 'X' which contracted to client 'Y'. Now I got a full time job offer from some other company 'A'. But my non-compete clause with consulting compa... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can a company have an independent contract sign a non-compete in Indiana?
I am interviewing a candidate -- who was a 1099 for another company. He was released. applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Is my non compete agreement enforcable?
It is a part of my employment agreement and there are aspects that seem overly broad like an entire industry and all of the US. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

How do I get a copy of the agreement if it is held by the Human resources dept,
No sure of the details of the non compete I signed , what is the easiest way to get a copy of it. applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can partners in a business that is closing demand fees from me for servicing former customers?
The business does not have a non-compete agreement currently in place. applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I worked for a company and never signed a non compete agreement. I recently quit because and have started my own business in the same field. The owner of the company I used to work for has stated to me that he is going to sue me. I am not sure for what???
I worked for a company and never signed a non compete agreement. I recently quit because and have started my own business in the same field. The owner of the company I used to work for has stated to m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I sold my physical therapy practice 2 years ago, with a non-compete clause for 3 years within an 8 mile radius. The buyer has since moved the clinic to a new office which is now 8.5 miles away from a possible new employment opportunity for me. Am I safe t
I sold my physical therapy practice 2 years ago with a non-compete clause for 8 miles and 3 years. 1 year ago the buyer moved the practice 3 miles further away from the old office. I have a new career... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was a sub contractor for a medical device distributor. I currently have a 1 yr non compete but question its validity because company never paid me my last commission check. In my
see above question. applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Laid off?
I was laid off recently and have a non compete contract, can this be enforced legally. i am drawing unemployment at this time. But have interviews within the same industry. thanks applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

What if I sign a non compete in another state but live in CA?
I'm thinking about taking a job. the company is based in Maryland. I live in California. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Does a non-compete agreement hold up in court?
This question is pertaining to a franchise agreement. I want to start my own business under a different name so I have more area to keep working. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-compete Suit
I recently left a local bank where I worked for 1 1/2 years as a mortgage loan officer. I was hired to work in the Huntley branch and was told when a position became available to work in an area close... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete, IL worker with MD laws
I work for a Comp A insurance company in IL and signed a non-compete clause which follows MD laws. Anyway it advises that I can't work for the same type of company who competes against them currently.... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Ohio IT non-compete
I accepted a position as a Help Desk/Support technician. I put in my 2 week notice and started work the Monday following my final day at the previous position. 1 week after starting at the new positio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i work for a non profit company when i was offered my job i signed a non compete
At time of hire they offered me a base salary as well as a per bin bonus (I'm a site finder/territory manager for a non profit that collects clothes and shoes. They also ogreed to pay me $.30 per mile... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Non-compete & severance
I had worked 10 yrs for a insurance broker. 7 yrs into the job the comapny was acquired - the new company required me to sign a non-compete and paid me $3000 to do so. 3 years later my job was elimina... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non compete in employee hand book.
I have a former employer who had a non-compete clause add to a new version of his employee hand book. It as added at the end of his employee handbook. We all had to sign the handbook at the end of a m... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

No-hire provision; not a non-compete situation.
Hello, I have read through many of your Non-compete questions, but my question is a bit different.I have been working for a Contract Research Organization in the pharmaceutical industrey for about a y... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Are there any legal issues
We are a small Community Bank looking at possibly doing a Non-compete Agreement. We are wondering if they really do hold up in court and any issues we should consider. Thank you for any guidance with ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Non-compete clause validity
I work as a H1-B employee for a small to medium sized software consulting firm based out of New York. This company has a contract to provide profesisonal services to another organisation in Rockville,... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

New job with Non-Compete Contract requirements.
I recently started a new job on a Monday w/ a new employer in the same field I was previosly in. I knew that I would have to sign a Non-Compete contract (NCC) in order to be employed by said company. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

demoted, paycut, unemployment, earned vacation time pay
I have several questions. 1)I began working for my employer in 1994 as hourly (punching a clock) plus commissioned sales, I received no pay for sick or personal time. In 1998, I was placed on straight... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My husband is a long distance driver for a moving companyand has recently sought employment at a different moving company. He was informed today that he signed a non compete contract, which he doesnt remember ever signing, and that he cant work for a comp
Specifically mentions "employee upon termination shall not directly or indirectly compete with the company in the business of moving, storage, commercial warehousing, relocation and/or international s... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Enforcibility of non-compete
Hello, I am educated in a very small, unique, highly specialized allied health field that relies on referrals from doctor's and therapists. I was recently forced to resign, and signed a non-compete as... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Just want to leave peacefully!
I moved from Washington State for a job and have been employed with a proprietary school for several months. My contract included a non-compete clause that outlined the following: 1. no direct or indi... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Can I apply for a job at the school where I currently work?
I work at a charter school in Indianapolis, IN which is part of a group of charter schools run by a company from Grand Rapids, MI. They have cancelled their contract with the staffing agency for which... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired by my employer for refusing to sign a non-compete agreement?
I am afraid the agreement is too broad and it may affect my chances of finding a job if I choose to seek new employment. applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Consideration: (which we already have) access to trade secrets, customers, data, and good will.
I have worked for my company for 8 years. Now, they want me to sign a non-compete agreement? Is this agreement enforceable? Should I negotiate? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

In Ohio, what consideration can I expect to sign a non compete?
- I've worked for the company for almost 10 years - I've made over 100k for the past 3 years - I have a large amount of responsibility in several areas applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

please see details
I am a machine builder, more specifically building custom automation, working on the electrical side, or as an electrician. I have worked 11 yrs in the field of building/wiring the machines, and the p... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

A friend owned a business and sold to another party. He then became an employee of that company He signed a no compete at that time which says that he should he leave the company he cannot contact his former clients for 6 months. Now 6 years later that bu
See question. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

can you be in trouble with a non compete
if you signed it but never worked a day for them? I am not sure if she even has the papers for it since I never filled out all the paperwork. I am starting a business in the same field a year and a ha... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Will I be fired for reporting my supervisor (vice president) for his negligence with non-compete?
I am being reviewed by my vice president of NA, sales. My company is very small, less than 10 employees in U.S., incorporated in IL and TX, I believe. Within last six weeks, in a meeting with a potent... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is a noncompete valid if a nursing agency is getting rid of home care case to keep nurses away?
My mom is very ill (has ALS). We have had the same nursing agency for around 7 years (provides nursing care 16 hours a day). We had a recent disagreement with them as we wanted rid of one of the nurse... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can former employer violate oral agreement to list as rehire status
I worked for a state agency and had conflict at a new position. I was given a choice of being fired or resigning. The HR director offered me some severance pay, to help me get UI benefits, and to "...... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If compnay not registered in IL, can they enforce Non compete?
My question involves employment and labor law for the state of: IL and NJ I Work in IL at a client place through a vendor from IL since June 2008. I am employee of a company based in NJ. this company ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I signed a non compete contract with my current employer and want to know if it is enforceable.
It has a one-year time period and geographic range of 60 miles. My question on being enforceable is that there was no compensation provided for signing this, other than employment. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

whistle blower then fired
My employer fired me for turning her into Occupational vocational rehabilitation for fraud. She lost the contract then she fired me. Does this invalidate my non compete??? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non Compete in Mass
I was recently terminated from my position w/ my company. I was forced to sign a non compete as part of my employment agreement. I have included the 2 most relevant sections of my Key Employment Agree... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Position eliminated in merger - Am I entitled to severance?
I am a female executive in a company that is about to make a major acquisition. I was notified on Friday that as part of this acquisition, my position is being eliminated and my product line dropped. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I work for a trucking company that was recently bought out from my family. I have never signed a non-compete and purchased 3 trucks that my husband was going to dispatch and manage as well as place an advertisement for drivers. It in no way affects my abi
I am being asked to quit or be fired. Do they have a case applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

what action can we take if we hired a employee who broke a non-compete, and were informed after hire
We were informed the first day of his employment of notice sent to him from his previous employer. How can we get out of the contract signed with us and can we be sued for hiring him. Can we fire him ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can a person still collect unemployment in IL if they refuse a offer letter with non-compete clause?
The do not complete clause says for 1 year after departure that employee cannot engage in direct or indirect competition with the company within the industry. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Do I have a sexual harassment case even though I resigned ?
I resigned from my job as a Loan Officer about a month ago. I had developed a very unique loan program from scratch and once it became successful (after over 3 years) my employer took control of it an... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have a non-compete signed and I can't work for any entity or business that competes with the Business, how can I know which business competes with them?
I have a non-compete signed and I can't work for any entity or business that competes with the Business, how can I know which business competes with them? applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can I apply for a job at the school where I currently work?
I work at a charter school in Indianapolis, IN which is part of a group of charter schools run by a company from Michigan. They have cancelled their contract with the staffing agency for which I work ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

how much reasonable notice should be given to this 3 year employee?
A 24-year-old was terminated without cause from the 3-year service of bookkeeping clerk position (entry level) who signed a non-compete clause of 6 months applies to New York  ·  1 answer

In AZ can an employer require an independent contractor sign a non compete without​ an expiration
I have been a pet groomer for over 30+years always working as an employee where we filed the standard w-2 tax papers. This year I began helping a friend who recently opened her own grooming shop and w... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Is My Employer in Breach of Contract
From December 2008 until January 2012, I worked for Paul Mitchell the School-Jacksonville, a Beauty School. After having worked for them for over two years I was forced to sign a non compete agreement... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-compete clause validity for a subcontractor
I worked for a consulting firm with no maternity leave policy. The firm only offered to hold the job for 90 days. I started working in August 1999 and at the end of my maternity leave (Nov 2002) i was... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

2 partners broke up their business one wants me to sign a noncopete to get my last check is this legal
Can one partner hold my check if i don't sign a no compete applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

My employer is moving out of state
My current employer has decided to move out of state. I am not willing to do this, nor is it economically feasible at this time. Is my non-compete agreement still valid? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Injunction threat
My former employer says he will enforce non compete and initiate an injunction. All this by email. How do i fight an injunction ? what are the due process stages before an injunction can be filed ? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Change in Commission Plans
Does a New Non-Compete have to be signed after every commission plan change, They keep changing to lower are over compensation applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Consultaning Company Non-Compete applicable nation wide
I am a consultant at a Consulting company. After accepting the job they gave me a non-compete to sign which bars me from working for competitors or starting a company in the field which they are doing... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

compete clause
I was talking to A hiring company Aerotek, and they say they can't talk to me about a position with another company because they signed something that says they cant take employees from the company an... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Can a company forbid you from going to work for another company without a signed non compete?
Hi, my husband applied for a sales job with the sister company (company M) of his current employee (company S.) He was offered the position with Company M and signed the offer letter. Flights and hote... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Am I at risk of violating my non-compete agreement?
I was recently contacted by a retained search firm about an excellent career advancement opportunity. Upon completing the selection process, I was offered the job. I am concerned however that my curre... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Former employer trying to impose non-compete after the fact
I resigned from my previous employer to accept a new position. In accepting the new position, I did NOT sign a non-compete agreement. Despite a strong and exceptional track record in my position, I wa... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

grounds for relief
I was told that I would be given a job in DEC98. I did not start working with them until JUN98. During the first week I was given a no compete contract and compelled to sign it. I was unable to have a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-compete with job offer - does it restrict me working for a customer
I have a job offer with a non-compete clause attached. The job is working for an overseas manufacturer who supplies mechanical components to manufacturing companies worldwide. Company US headquarters ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

signed Non-compete while doing a school internship.
I went to school to become a medical transcriptionist and part of my required course was to to do an internship. My school adviser set me up with a transcription service to do 144 hours of transcripti... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Help Help Help
I was wondering, I own a small employment service that I started in 1999 . At the time I hired on my stepmom and as it grew I hired on my half sister. They both signed no compete clause with me . 2 ye... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Former employer making disparaging remarks and trying to impose non-compete after the fact
I resigned from my previous employer to accept a new position. In accepting the new position, I did NOT sign a non-compete agreement. Despite a strong and exceptional track record in my position, I wa... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Full Time Offer at Consulting Client
I am a consultant of company A (based in CA) working for a client. I have worked for the client in IN through another consulting company B (based in CA). Client doesn't know about A. After that projec... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete agreement in California
I signed an employment agreement with my previous employer, a consulting company, which has the non-compete clause in there. The clause states that I can not work for a period of 2 years for any of ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I sold a business, and may face non compete litigation soon
I sold a business based in PA which sold medical alarms over the internet. The buyer is based in Ohio. As part of the sale agreement there is a 5 year non-compete provision. 1 year after signing, I wa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete on 2/27/2007, and was let go 6/19/2019, is there a statue of limitation?
I was let go of my job after over 12 years of employment at a collection agency, I had started worked for another agency that did things completely different. My old boss served a cease and desist to ... applies to Delaware  ·  1 answer

expiration date and change in terms
I am in sales for a local roofing company. I signed a no-compete agreement to continue working for the company. I have since become unhappy with the work environment and want to look for another job b... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I singed a non complete but the employer forgot to fill in the top where it says in consideration. it is blank and does not say whom it is with or what the consideration is?
my non compete was signed by both parties,but the beginning was left blank. it does not show any consideration and to whom? applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I am stuck in a non-compete contract that I was forced to sign. I worked for over twenty years in a small family owned business in Ohio. I obtained a college degree while employed there in anticipation of needing it when the family decided to close the bu
All details included in my question applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I’m non compete in my state. But, I would like to work in another, is that possible?
The state I live in is Oklahoma and I use to work for Crst applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete agreement binding for a subcontractor if only the subcontractor signs it?
The agreement has a place for both signatures, but the employer did not sign it, only the subcontractor. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can a noncompete be enforced if a company lay's an employee off?Would being on uneployement be a good argument (against public interest)?
I was layed-off from my company and had a non-compete.I had certifications prior to my employment with this co.Also being on unemployment i am required by the state to search for work in my trade.If i... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have a non-compete for 1 yr. with my former employer.
I appear to be the only employee to have one as many others have left the company and accepted positions with competitors. I am the only woman that was in outside sales (there was another who left sho... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Non-Disclosure/Non-Compete Contract
I have been working for a company in Ohio for over 8 years. Recently, they have told all of us we must sign a non-disclosure agreement but it includes not being able to work for customers, suppliers, ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Filed a Waite claim against employer they want to settle with 1452 waiver
I filed a wage claim against my employer for overtime owed to me. Yesterday we had a conference Meeting with the labor commisioner The defense attorney agreed that my boss owes me overtime money and t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

no compete convenant
i worked for a house cleaning co. for 3 years, recently new ownership took over and i lost my health benefits, i had to sign a non compete agreement or they would have let me go, i made it clear that ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is the non-compete I signed enforceable?
I recently joined an IT company (still in my 90 day probationary period), and I wish to go to work as a full-time employee for one of my company's customers. Reasons: My current company has recently c... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

2 yr employee never signed non-compete agrm't & co not pursued. Emp at risk if leaves/does same wk?
Employee exploring opportunities to start own bus or collaborate with others providing same type of services. Would not serve same clients as current employer but provide some similar services. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

In CA, can an employer, suspended by the State Bar enforce no compete clause?
I didn't know the co-owner was suspended when I began working and believe this business may be shut down by the Bar due to one of two co-owners, the husband, reping himself as an attorney to hospitals... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hello, Minute Man Staffing in OH, incorporates in its hiring packing a non-compete clause; stipulating an agreement that the person
Seeking employment with Minute Man Staffing in OH. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is the employer required to give a copy of the non compete agreement to the employee?
I am considering starting my own business. Have worked for over 25 yrs for company as an employee. Was never given a copy of employment agreement. applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

desperate to get out of non-compete clause
Regarding my signing of the Fair Competition Covenant; If I have been "written up" twice this year (third meaning termination of employment), do I not have a right to search for another position with ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Late Pay and Covenent Not to Compete
My employer is more then two months late in giving me my last paycheck before my layoff. They don't dispute that they owe me the money they just need "some more time". I would prefer to open my own bu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

terminated before probationary period ends
Is a non-compete agreement enforceable when an employee is terminated before they complete a company's probationary period of 3 month's? Is this legal ground to make it unenforceable? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non compete gives me little choice in employment
I signed a non-compete upon employment with an evaluation company 3 years ago (appraisals, evaluations, ect..) and worked in the Quality Assurance/Control aspect of the business. I had never spoken wi... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

i signed a non compete with my indiana employer
as a mfg sales rep. i resigned 6 months ago. I was recently approached by one of their principles asking if i would like to rep them in indiana, Kentucky and Michigan. I signed a two year NC. Is this ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Willingness to pay depends. Being out of work has strapped my funds immensely!
I need to know if the non-compete agreement my company forced me to sign will hold up now that I have been fired and am looking for work. There was no benefit from signing it other than keeping your j... applies to Wisconsin  ·  2 answers

Can I be released from a non compete agreement from an Ohio company?
My employment contract indicates that I was hired as a full time projectr manager. My letter of understanding indicates that based on sales and staffing the company believes that I will be on projects... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I worked for a company for 3 years the last 3 months of my employment at the company all employees were given a non compete form to sign because several employees whom were terminated went to work at another company in the same field so the form was given
I have posted the details all under the question applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I just left a pest company and signed a non compete but another pest company wants to hire me. It better for me and my family financially. If I just work and don't talk about the other company will I get sued? 18 months will cause a hardship on my family.
Oregon is an at will state but applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I signed non compete in 2002. My job title and responsibilities changed in 2014. I was terminated this year and my company sent me a copy of old agreement which listed 1 yr time frame. Does this hold water in court in Illinois?
I do not believe this is binding but need legal council before I entertain a job offer from listed competitor, applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I work for a propane company in Louisiana Ameri gas bought the company I worked for they told us we had to sign a non compete or we was fired.I want to go to work for another company but what do I need to do .Thanks Louisiana
Need answers applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Severance Pay
I currently work for a laboratory that is owned by the parent Engineering firm. The Engineering firm will be selling us very soon to another laboratory (we are being bought out). Part of the sale agre... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer renege on severance if I find a job?
Nowhere in my severance agreement can I find that if I become employed outside of the company that severance will end. There is no no compete. They want to announce me at my new company. Do I need to ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

responding to a TRO
I live in Tampa, but have been sued in Ohio for material breach of a non-compete as stated in the executed contract. I found out on 10/1 that the court has set plaintiff's motion for TRO for 10/6. I h... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I live in NJ, worked for a digitial services company that focused on only the law firm vertical who are based in MN. My territory covered PA to WV. I was laid off when my entire department was restructured and received a severance. There was no cause for
Severed without cause (at will employee) Mass restructuring of my entire department Not looking to work for a named competitor 1year non compete applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

What do I do?
I signed a letter of non-compete that is for 18 months. I've been away from this company for 13 months. Have never received any letter from them until now. I am over 1000 miles away from the company a... applies to North Carolina  ·  2 answers

I signed non compete in 2003 then in 2010 resigned new paperwork when fired after 13 years they send me one from 2003 not one in 2010 I think 2010 is most up to date but not sure and if it's not valid after a year an a half not receiving right one what do
I need to go to work an I feel this wouldn't holdup cause it's been more than a year an a day applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Switching markets and contract
I have recently took a job with an insurance agency and signed a non compete with a two year restriction. I just got an offer with a pharmaceutical company in sales of their products... Am I safe to g... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can a former employer sue me if a coworker leaves to a different competitor after I left?
My old employer has opened an investigation, and sent a letter to my new employer stating that I violated my restrictive covenants by soliciting another employee. There is a stipulation in the non com... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

time limit on non-compete
I have read several articles which say that legal precedent in Ohio limits non-competes to "six months or time of engagement," whichever is shorter. I can not find any instances where judges/arbitrato... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-Competition After Hiring
Hello, I have been working for a company for one year now and now I am asked to sign a non-compete. Does Arizona law find such contracts legitimate when I have been working for the company for some ti... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can a company have a non-compete with only SOME of employees in the same postions/levels ?
I have an employment agreement that seems to be very restrictive. It lists over 100 companies i can not work for. While researching this, I found 3 other people in my company, were not required to sig... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Without a non compete clause can I solicit customers of former employer
Store I worked for on a part time basis, has ended our relationship. Business claims I am an independent contractor. However I meet most the parameters of the IRS ( 20 Pts )which qualify me as an empl... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Does confidentiality clauses relating to third parties apply to lawyers and why not?
In a non-compete contract I signed, it indicates that all information is strictly confidential and that permission from the other party must be received prior to releasing it. If I send a letter from ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I work at a Wisconsin Food production facility with corporate offices in Ohio. I have never even been to the corporate office. I signed a non compete, non disclosure when hired. Recently, I asked to see it as I am considering leaving the company. I discov
I am a quality manager. The prohibited activity that I am concerned about is “employment at a similar company that competes directly or indirectly.” applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

can ex-employer withold pay for minor contract changes.
I worked for a small consulting firm which sent me to work for the client for abt 5 weeks, the employment letter had one sided clauses. I made the foll. changes to them before signing: 1)employer can ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I transitioned to a new position in the company which was supposed to end in a year, but the company is still paying me. What are my obligations under the law?
In exchange I signed a non compete agreement. The agreement states that it is expected to end on or around June 28, 2022, but they are still paying me. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can a liscensed public claims adjuster who wants to work for himself not be allowed by a nc?
i signed a two year non compete as a lioscensed public claims adjuster and my company gives me nothing....i just want to get out and work on my training,trade secrets,customers,lists or any... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

indentured servitude?
I recently left a franchised ballroom dance studio for several reasons; poor pay, little training, poor working conditions with the employer, labor law violations, general feeling of discomfort with b... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can a fired employee then be rehired by me without violating nocompete clause?
My elderly mother received in home healh care from a company. One of their caregivers was terminated by the company, and then hired by the family as a independent contractor providing the same health ... applies to Missouri  ·  1 answer

If the current employer has "stifled" my career, not allowing for raises, growth opportunities, etc,
I am a senior manager, Director of Operations, for my organization. They were going out of business when I arrived, and we have experienced 62% growth since my arrival. I have asked repeatedly for a r... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My employer gave me a retention bonus in 2016 and a raise to compete with another offer. I stayed and received 2 of 3 payments on the retention bonus. My group was subcontracted and now is now bought by the hospital. Can my former employer renege on my 3r
It says on termination that bonuses are discretionary yet I was not terminated, just bought out. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Breach or try to get fired?
I work at a automotive company for over a year now and I of course signed a Non Competition agreement under the job description of a File Clerk, but now I work in Accounts Receivables and I am also a ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non compete , non solicitaion H1B via agreement- employer in NJ, I am working in Florida
employer in NJ, I am working in Florida applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My former brokerae firm is seek an injunction to stop me from contacting former clients, I an in TN. my contract state came to know as or served by, my question is if I ha business with a client prior... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Is a Non-compete valid if I am still in my probationary period?
I resigned my job to accept this position. I was not informed of NCA until say I started. I was not paid what they told me I would make, I quit after 45 days. I was still in prob. period. they were to... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can employer prevent me from making a living by working other place.
I am an on-call/as needed sign language interpreter at a local agency. I am also a student at a local community college. In the past the college had contracted with the agency to provide interpreter s... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I Signed a non-compete agreement in 2012 not fully understanding what it meant, nor what it actually was. Now 4 yrs later im seeking employment elsewhere only to have this haunting me, but I have noticed that my Legal name isn't spelled correctly on the d
Signed the document as a Laborer, then promoted to Crew Lead after signing. I've since been promoted twice to 2 different positions, (Superintendent, Account Manager) Jan 1st Company sold to new owner... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Loan Officers marketing Realtors
Hello! I have searched incessantly over the internet for a clear, concise answer to my question, and have found many conflicting answers. I am a loan officer in Phoenix, AZ and my employer wants me to... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete upon hire as an internal recruiter of a staffing agency. After three days I was told that I have to work weekends and that presented a schedule conflict so I no longer worked for company. I am a recruiter and want to ask if a non-co
Florida Office Professional Staffing Agency vs skill trade Staffing Agency applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

With a non compete, can my employer find me in violation if my wife works for a competitor.
In the agreement it states that I can not be "employed by, connected with, participate in, consult or otherwise associate with any other business similar to or competitor of employer. My wife was offe... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I approach former clients after a layoff from an ad agency?
I signed a non-compete with the ad agency when I started 14 years ago. I was laid off last September due to lack of business and am now at another ad agency. Can I approach former clients for business... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

What distance boundary can I enforce for a non compete?
I posted a question earlier and forgot something.I have a mobile hair styling business that services a wide mileage range in various cities. I am just wondering what kind of parameters I could place o... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Think they know they are in wrong
In January of this year my former employer filed a lawsuit for violation of non compete. I was served through third party at my residence. since that time they have failed to file proof of service in ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

no non-compete
I recently ended my 2 1/2 year employment with a title abstracting company. I have been working with a real estate settlement company part-time for the past 5 months as well. I have never signed and h... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I am an esthetician in arizona, i began working for a small spa in november 2018. At the point of accepting the job, i signed the spa handbook which contained a non compete, non disclose and non solicit clause. I went from november to January with unpaid
I only left to pursue my own business because she told me she could not keep me as an employee, that i would have to eventually rent from her but after researching my room rental options, i found bett... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Defamation/Non-compete/and wrongful termination
I was recently fired for "gross misconduct" for being insubordiant to an Operations Director hired as a consultant for my company. It was never communicated to me that he was my superior or that I rep... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

need a lawyer expert in medical contracts
I am a cardiologist who is planning to leave my group and work with a local hospital..I have bee with my group for 2 and1/2 original contract ended in september, 2002.we never signed a renewa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work for a company in Illinois that has been dissolved per the Secretary of State of Illinois on 08-10-2018 can they enforce a non compete?
I am a former employee of a company the dissolved in Illinois and is still doing business can they enforce non competes. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Clause
I worked for a company who has an employment clause that states after you leave their employment, you cannot work for any of their clients for 2 years. If this client is no longer their client but it ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Pt mom asked, I applied to new agency, then thot of noncompete. Don’t know what to do.
I worked for 2 kids, one agency. Mom#2 went to another, asked me to come with. Now she’s moving again. Staffing her boy has been a problem. So I applied there. Forgot the noncompete I’d signed. It... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Help! I work for an Ohio based company in Indiana. I had to sign a non-competition agreement. If this company loses their Indiana contract and is replaced by another similar company, can I not work fo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can company sueing me recover money from me?
I am being sued for breach of a non-compete and I already lost my job with the company I am working for until this matter is taken care of. My worry now is if the company that is sueing me can recover... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

loan officer transfer question about leads- no noncompete clause
I am opening a new mortgage office. I have a prospective loan officer who currently works for another mortgage company. There is NOT a no-compete clause, so what we want to know is can he bring his cu... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Getting a NonCompete Waived
Hello, I was recently asked to leave my employer. I am a year out of college and initially signed a non-compete agreement. The noncompete agreement is overly broad: covers a duration of 1 year as well... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

is there really no expiration date on a non compete contract?
I live in nj and have a small business. I hired 4 employees with no knowledge of them having contracts. I posted promotions on my business social media as well as purchased direct mailing to get my ne... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Am I at risk if I take a job with a competitor in another state?
I work in a field that requires highly specialized training, where people with my skill-set and knowledge are very rare. I am being recruited by a company that is not a direct competitor with my curre... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

How do I get a copy of a noncompete clause
I was terminated from my position at a company in AZ. The previous employer states that I signed a non compete clause. However, I do not recall signing such a document. I was told that I was given a c... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I am considering leaving my current employment and starting my own consultancy .
I am considering leaving my current employment and starting my own consulting business, however I need to know if my non-compete agreement is enforceable since I will not be employed by anyone one. i ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

What defines a client
My old company which I left on what I thought was good terms, is making noise about enforcing my non compete. I was in sales for an IT consulting company, and I am now more focused on recruiting. Am I... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Are non-compete valid in the state of Montana
I am a Massage Therapist, have been offered a job with a chiropractic office, the clause says I cannot work for a "same business" for a period of 6 months after I terminate employement with him, and i... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

Does a breach of contract cause the whole agreement to be voided in arbitration?
The owner of my company makes it a practice of going into accounts that the sales people opened and then stopping paying commissions to the sales people. The sales people are commissioned w2 employees... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete only for Employer/Employee?
Hello - I plan to purchase items from a wholesaler in CA for retail resale on a major internet auction (I am located in TX). It has been recommended that I require the wholesaler to enter into a "non ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can a manager of a contract compete against his employer for the same contract after the contract ends
My employer grossly mismanage the contract and lost I. Not paying the bills, getting sued for not paying the bills, too many complaints form clients. No workers compensation even though required by st... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Florida non-compete for only working there 45 days- was still in prob. period
I resigned my job to accept this position. I was not informed of NCA until say I started. I was not paid what they told me I would make, I quit after 45 days. I was still in prob. period. they were to... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Are non-competes enforceable?
My employer has cut my hours. I have a non-compete with this company. Would it be enforceable? Have been with firm almost 10 years. Had 25 years experience and all my training before joining this firm... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is my noncompete now expired?
I was hired in 2000 by a company. In January 2012 they had me sign a noncompete for a term of 2 years from the date of termination. I was laid off that December and was rehired by the company in Febru... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Do I have any recourse?
new employer recruited me away from my previous employer. They withheld the existence of a very restrictive non compete until after I had left my previous employer and started with them. They had hope... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Does a non-compete under New York law apply in all states?
I have been downsized "we can't afford to pay a senior sales executive" from my position as VP of Sales at a software company. I was hired in Tennessee, but the company is a New York corporation. The ... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

My employer is trying to force me to resign through extreme micro-management
I was hired as a mid-level Manager. I was then subsequently given the responsibilites of my previous Director without a promotion or pay increase; i.e. the scope of my responsibilities changed dramati... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can we be sued by former employee for assumed "duty of Loyalty"
My former employers is threatening to sue us for " duty of loyalty" if we sign any contract with any of his clients from the past 6 months. My brother and I worked for his surveying company for 12 yea... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

being sued for material breach
I live in FL, but signed a non-compete, whcih is governed by Ohio law. I found out that in 3 days the court has set plaintiff's motion for a temporary restraining order. How can I contact the court to... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can my current employer sue my for taking business away from them?
I am a Sales Executive and I am looking to leave my company to work for another company similar in business. I plan on taking my accounts with me; can my current company sue me? I never signed a non-c... applies to California  ·  3 answers

non-compete after h1b declined
Employer is asking for not to join same client even after the amendment he applied was declined and the new employer h1b application is approved for the same client. Stating the agreement that says no... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is this enforeceable
Hi I signed a non-compete agremment with an OH company that in pertinent part states that: I 'shall not provide the same or similar services as those he/she provides to OH COMPANY to any other person ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Has this Non-compete gone too far?
My employer wants me to sign a document stating if I leave the company I will not have ANY contact with their clients. I wouldn't mind if it said I couldn't speak badly about the company, etc. but to ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My company rights
2 employees left our business to go on to competitor in our no compete states no work for 1 year and a 25 mile rad. we feel company is poaching are people. I had an attorney send letters to employees ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

lousy deal
My husband was laid off after 13 years with no notice or severance. In his original contract, both parties were to give 1 month notice. His employer says that since it is a lay-off, they don't have to... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My company is in receivership - is my no-compete clause still in effect?
My company went into receivership earlier this year. There is a bidding process for the company currently going on. The company is based in Calgary and our offices are in the United States. The origin... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

what if a former client contacts you, requests a meeting and change of coverage from current company to new company and there is a non compete in place. NO SOLICITATION of the former client has occured.
i have been contacted by former clients requesting to switch coverage. I DID not SOLICIT them to contact me to switch coverage. they found me and called me at their own free will and asked to switch c... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Geographic Limitation
I will be freelancing and my non-compete from a previous employer has a geographic limit of 60 miles. Does this apply to where I live, where the client is located or both? In other words, if my client... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If an employment contract expires, is the non-competition agreement still valid?
If an employment contract has been expired for several months and a new one has not been presented to sign, would the non-compete agreement still be valid if the employee decides to open their own pra... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I was fired from a job. The owner said I signed a non compete contract. I asked for a copy of said contract over 72 hours ago and have yet to get a response from her. What else can be done? I have a job offer that she states violates the contract, but it
If she has not responded to my request to get a copy of the contract that I was allegedly to have signed is it void? It has been over 72 hours since reguest. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Non Compete injurious...?
I joined a company as sales manager 2-1/2 years ago. I have been in sales and marketing in my industry for more than 30 years... nationwide. This week the whole sales force and sales management were g... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My employer fired me due to a policy I violated but NYS unemployment determined that I did nothing wrong under the terms of the non-compete agreement and I feel they owe me for lost wages. What are my chances?
I asked the Pet care manager to come to my home to help me figure out why my puppy won't come in the house when called. I offered him gas money & my employer terminated me for taking business away fro... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

In which state should I hire an attorney
I have rec'd letter threatening injunctive relief and damages based on unreasonable non-compete contract. Ex-Employer based in NY, I reside in KY. From which state should I hire an attorney to represe... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can't Work With Former Employees???
I'm being let go and looking for work with companies that DO NOT compete with my former employer. That said, my non-comp has a clause that states I will not "employ, assist in the employment of or OTH... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Is my severance agreement lawful and enforceable?
My severance package requires me "duty to report new employer's name to my current allow my current employer to reasonably determine whether such activities fall within the scope of act... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employee signs an employment agreement with Company A. That agreement contains a non-compete. Seve
Question: Is employee bound by employment agreement with Company A? applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Does client choice or poor patient care a loophole around a non compete in home healthcare industry?
I worked at a pediatric home health company in charge of the operations side for one of their offices. They had me sign the non compete without giving me time to review or give me a copy. Since the bu... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I recently was hired as a independent contractor for a firm in Columbus Ohio, I flew out and signed a two month working agreement. At that meeting they hand me a confidential/ non solicitation/non compete intellectual property agreement.
I Recently Was Hired As A Independent Contractor For A Firm In Columbus Ohio, I Flew Out And Signed A Two Month Working Agreement. At That Meeting They Hand Me A Confidential/ Non Solicitation/Non Com... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Is this non-compete valid?
My employer, for whom I have worked for over 2 years, just today presented me with an employment agreement to sign. Most of the terms are fine, but in the section on non-competition, I have some conce... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Intellectual property/confidentiality/Non-solicitation Agreement
I work as a chemist in a niche industry. When I signed it, I did not read or understand it enough due to inexperience. The non-compete is understandable, but the intellectual property seems as though ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for a company to sign a non-competite with another company without employee knowledge?
I am a contractor. When I began to look for a different position, a company I applied to stated they had an agreement with my agency to not hire any of their people. Turns out my agency has this agree... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

i am a 1099 dog groomer petvalu says i cant groom for 6 months after i leave with in a 5 mile radius can this be enforced
i am a 1099 dog groomer can petvalu enforce the non compete with in 5 mile radius they are a pa contract i work in md applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

My competition which I never worked for forged my name on a non compete,
I started a business with a partner, we were off to a great start. Our competition was getting pushed out of our area. I recieved a call from my competition yelling at me stating we were in his area, ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Non-Disclosure Lacking Employer Signature
I signed a non compete when I took a new position in the company in 2011. However, my employer did not have a company officer sign the document. I signed the document and only the HR Directors name is... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I signed a NCA for 1YR. My Co just sold ALL their Brands & are under NCA, does this nullify my NCA?
this is a consumer product company in Texas. they sold ALL their brands to a company on the east coast. Since the company cannot compete in those areas, or even present to retailers or use any of the ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does a non compete agreement also protect the employee?
After leaving a company that I have a non competition agreement with, I opened my own business doing the same thing as my previous employer outside the geographic restriction. The previous employer is... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Is non-compete I signed to get Chap 11 reorg approval enforceable if I convert the case to Chap 7?
My company received Chapter 11 Reorganization approval with the stipulation that I, the owner, sign a non-competition agreement with my company. The company is still struggling and I can potentially b... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Is my contract valid?
I was almost certain I never signed a covenant not to compete. To be sure, when I got my notice of termination of employment I requested my entire employment file. Including any an all signed contract... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can going to arbitration worsen my position ?
I was in sales and I have a non-compete where my former employer pays me a small percent of what the clients I brought in continue to pay - this is what is at stake. I feel the entire agreement should... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I signed a non-compete in March 2008 and want to know if it is still valid
I signed the agreement after switching companies in March 2008. I was told that all sales managers were signing and that it was a condition of employment. I found out afterward that none of the existi... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I have purchased a business.
I purchased a business from a family. The son and grandson of the people I purchased my business from have opened an competing business in the same city. The son has contacted several of my customers.... applies to California  ·  1 answer

job elimination notice
My husband received a Power Point presention with a new company structure(without names). He was told to apply for a new position without pay information. He has a 1 year no-compete for 1 year's salar... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

If I signed my non-compete, but the agent of my former employer didn't sign it, is it still valid?
I have a very detailed non-competitive agreement in place with my former employer which includes a time frame of 15 months and a territory of 150 mile radius of former employer's Louisiana office, how... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

is it legal to fire someone for working for a specific company?
I currently work for a security firm part time. the Business partners have split and there are now 2 new companies. Partner 1 has said if you work for Partner 2 then you can't work for him. However yo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

if i file for bankruptcy, does that have the potential to negate the current non compete im under
I came into a gym and rose to district manager due to my vast experience in the personal training industry. I was let go for not returning a phone call in 30min time frame. I'm now restricted by 50 mi... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

What is the window of time that a business owner can sue after quitting, non compete clause did not have any window of time included
I quit my job, and the owner TRIED to sue and failed. I am wondering if he can sue again, and if so what is the window of time from my quit date that he can do so? I did have a noncompete agreement bu... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can a former employer hold me to a non compete
I worked for former empoyer for 2 1/2 years prior to that i worked in the same industry for 18 years. I was a salaried employee in production. They gave me a 15 % paycut near the end of my employement... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

non solicitation clause- Texas
I started my employment with former employer in 2001 (professional services). In 2012, the firm made everyone sign a non compete which included non solicitation of former employees. In 2017 I changed ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I open a new business in the same field when my divorce is final?
I wish to start a new business in the same industry as the one in which my soon to be ex-husband and I own. I manage the current business and most of the customers will want to switch over to my compa... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

unique medical field non compete - is it enforceable?
dear MEL, thank you creating this website and allowing me to post my question. i am a certified health care practitioner. trying to pull myself out of a dead end job in a deep south state, i found a "... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can my employer enforce 3rd party do not compete I was not aware of?
My boss has put a division of our company up for sale. He made sure to contact all companies in our industry in a 50 mile radius. He made them sign a confidentiality agreement (understandable) but a c... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Patterns of dishonesty
I am a former sales rep for a company where I have a non-compete and an arbitration clause in my contract. I have a volume of emails that show that my former employer was dishonest. For example, they ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Patterns of dishonesty
I am a former sales rep for a company where I have a non-compete and an arbitration clause in my contract. I have a volume of emails that show that my former employer was dishonest. For example, they ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My ex employer is offering a conditional severance - if a sign a non compete
I'm 56 - got sick - Employer Threw the health insurance premium at me and said this is unacceptbale - wife also got sick. After that down hill - entire staff aware of health issues and we were brunt o... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How can I determine that my new employer is truly a competitor of my old employer?
There is only one product offered by my old employer that could be considered a competitive product. Both use the same sales channels. However, I have worked for my old employer on two separate occasi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Statue of limitations on being prevented from being hired by another company by a former company. No non-compete in this instance.
I recently learned a co-worker from a former employer of mine (a Hollywood studio) told the person hiring me for a new position at another company, which provides post-production services, would “pu... applies to California  ·  0 answers

How to obtain a release for non-complete agreement
My potential new job has a contingency on obtaining a release of their companies name from my present employers non-compete agreement. New position will be in a completely different market (Aerospace)... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

This is the only industry we know
My husband and I both have worked in the yellow page industry since 1985. We have worked for all the major companies and have just been terminated with a severance release agreement. Basically we coul... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

I live in Tennessee, and have a couple of issues going on. I was at my previous employer for 2 years ( I did have a non-compete)but, left the position because I didnt agree with some of the ways they ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I gave my two weeks notice and was told I didn't need to come back to fulfill my two weeks due to a conflict of interest with my new job. Will I receive pay for the two weeks?
Since I was willing to fulfill the transition of my duties at my investment firm job (I didn't sign a non-compete) I was told that my new role was a conflict and that I should go home immediately. Add... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

what are my chances of being my contract being upheld?
My former employer could not in time get me transfered somewhere closer to home, i was traveling 175 miles round trip. I got a offer from my current employer who had me sighn a non compete, I have bee... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If you work for two separate agency one agency loses a client and wants you to take the client on can they get you for non-compete when the client wasn't the first workplace it belong to the second
I was working for an agency for two years my daughter got her own agency and I was working for her part time my daughter lost her client and the client's family asked me and another lady if we would t... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Salary cut after signing non-compete - Is it valid?
I signed a noncompete disclosure 4 years ago that said I signed it as an acceptance of the offer of employment. My offer of employment specifically stated a starting salary and hourly wage. In the las... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

If my former employer, almost 6 weeks after I left her company, invited me to a marketing event for her company and all of their clients, does that nullify the employee/client raiding statute of my non-compete?
I left my job at a modeling agency on Nov. 15th, 2014. On Jan. 5th, 2015 I received an invitation to a client/model mixer from my former employer who knew I would be starting my own company. The invit... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Can my employer force me to sign a non compete agreement, after being employed for almost 6 years?
I am a dog groomer. I work for commission. I have been with my employer for 5 years, 10 months. They have come up with a new " confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation and ownership rights a... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Can a former employee be prevented from approaching former employer's customers?
If a former employee approaches customers that they used to have regular contact with at the former employer and those customers express the following: they would rather do business with the former em... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Does noncompete agreement consider the official address of new employer or building I work in
I am a physician assistant in a small town and was working for Urgent Care number 1; went to work for Urgent Care number 2 who made me sign a non-compete. I am very unhappy in the new job and want to ... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

should i reply to a cease and desist letter
I was laid off and received a severance package. the package did not contain a non compete requirement. I recently received a letter from my former employer warning me that they feel i may have breech... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Full time job w/ benefits and a contract position simaltaneously
Can a person work full time as a marketer for an agengy with benefits and take on a contract position that is doing marketing in a different area at the same time if there is no non compete----in othe... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Previous employer states I violated a non-compete agreement
Previous employer stating I attempted to solicit a Caregiver. I did not know caregiver works at previous employer. Caregiver also works at other facilities and there are caregivers that work at both m... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

The bookkeeper that did our weekly books was fired by thier firm, I would like to retainher services
The bookkeeping firm fired a bookkeeper that performed once weekly bookkeeping tasks for my firm and refused to keep her on in order to continue to do the books for us. I would like to hire her direct... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

wrongfull termination, descrimination, wage payment.
I was recently terminated for absenteeism/tardiness, this was the company's reason. My wife had major surgery and I needed to have time off to be home with the children. I had vacation time(7 days), s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

After 33 years of employment and shareholdership, I am being asked to sign an employment agreement
I am employed by an old company (1933) that has been through several different types of ownership including a management buyout 25 years ago, and the creation of an ESOP 6 years ago. We have a new pre... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Non-competite clause in new job offer
I sell products to salons and am considering leaving my current job to go to a competitor. The new job is requiring me to sign a non-compete. This would prohibit me from working for any other company ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can my employer make me sign a no compete agreement that breaches the terms of my contract
My contract specifically states that within the first three years of my employment I can not work with some of the employers customers. After I left my previous job to join this employer, he made all ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Stolen Confidential Information
I am being sued by my former employer for using "stolen confidential information" to solicit business from their clients. The client in question was also sued but subsequently dismissed. The client di... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Should I submit a counter offer to the severance package my company has offered.
I was recently laid off by my company in North Carolina. I have 45 days to review and sign the severance package. The question I have is should I counter for more severance pay, they have given me the... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Can a non compete agreement signed with a middle vendor (in a long chain of vendors) be enforceable?
I need advice on a Non Compete Agreement I signed with a Middle Vendor. I am on H1B and here is the arrangement: Client -> Preferred Vendor -> Middle Vendor -> Employer -> Poor Old Me. So being the ha... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Are non-competes by an independent contractor with a customer enforceable?
Company provides to customer companies people for secretarial, janitorial, etc. services, and has customers sign an agreement that they will not hire any of the people supplied to them within one year... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Are restrictive covenants enforceable two years after the expiration of contract?
I am a dental associate without any stake in profit sharing or ownership within the practice. My most recent employment contract included a restrictive covenant to not compete within a ten mile radius... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Majority of my question is in the details section. Thank you.
Hi. A Dallas, TX area Client ended business with a contracting company A, who in turn terminated my contract with them (contracting company A). The Client hired a contracting company B, who is trying ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is a non-competition breach clause in an equity agreement enforceable as non-competition agreement?
While I worked for a firm based in AL (I live and worked in NC) I signed and hold an equity agreement. One clause listed as possible breeches is considered competiting against them until the end of th... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

Can I work for a competitor in CA if my co. Is in FL?
I signed a non-compete for a FL based company. I work in sales in WA selling to WA customers. Now I want to work for its competitor (a German based company) by selling in California to California cust... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work for a home health care company and only work for one specific client. The client is going to drop this agency I work for and is trying to get all of the nurses to sign with the new agency she has chosen. We all signed a non compete agreement. it sa
We (the nurses) got a letter from the prospective employer stating that we have nothing to worry about and we can go to work for them and not worry about a law suit. The current company sent us a lett... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Can I work for another contract rehab agency & be placed at the same location as my current agency?
I am currently working for a Contract Rehab Services agency that is based in MA as a Contract PT. They placed me in a facility in E. Providence. Originally I was supposed to be doing Early interventio... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

If I am laid-off by my employer and am hired by another company...can I accept a client that has recently fired my previous company through no solicitation acts by me?
I was recently laid-off by my employer. During my tenure I worked closely with some clients. Upon my departure from the company the performance level the client had enjoyed suffered significantly to l... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Undeliverable Legal notice
My former employer has recently come to know that I am still working for his client (via another vendor) and has been sending emails that he wishes to aggressively enforce the non compete copying his ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can current employer tell potential employers not to hire me?
I have been looking and interviewing with my industry for months when a great opportunity came my way. I interviewed for it and did great (potential employer words). A couple of weeks go by and I send... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Are sign-on bonuses enforceable through the sale of a company?
I was offered a sign-on bonus with a 1-year employment requirement, but 5 months after my hire date, my company was sold. The acquiring company purchased my division in its entirety, so there was no r... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Changes to Employment Agreement
I was employed with a company that had me sign a employment agreement. It was typical non compete non solicate ... my question they did yearly evaluation and asked to resign new agreement. in December... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non compete agreement
I am considering a job opportunity and my future employer is asking me to sign the following non-compete agreement. My question is can you review the agreement and let know how strong is the agreement... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer


To what degree can I prevent an employee from soliciting customers.
I am a mobile hairstylist who primarily markets the senior community, assisted livings and various retirement facilities. I am looking to add other stylists to my growing business.I am considering a n... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

what can I do
I signed non-compete, and work with current company as computer network administrator consultant. A year ago was sent to work for client to take care of their network system part time, now client want... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I am not getting paid
In October of this year I was hired as an independent contractor. My pay was supposed to be Net 15 from the date of my invoice. To date, I have not been paid all that is owed to me and they are now la... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Want to know the limits of companies I can accept offers with given a non-compete clause.
I was never given a copy, but got one from a laid off employee. The non-compete says for 18 months I can't become an employee of any business in competition with or similar to my company (software dev... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an Ex Employer re-establish a document that never existed?
I'm being sued by an ex exployer that is seeking to reestablish a non compete he said I signed the first day I was employed. I never signed one or was ever approached and asked to sign one until my la... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

i signed a non-complete paper but it was not notarize is the paper legal?
i signed a non-complete paper when i was hired at company A the paper was not notarized so is it legal?now 72 days after i left company A and i work for company B even tho the companys are in the same... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

at termination, employer admitts no cause. They now have discovered possible cause - now what?
I was terminated the day I asked to renegotiate my employment agreement. In my UI hearing Employer acknowledged they had no reason to terminate me other than suspicion. UI ruled - that "cause" is a ma... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

If I gained nothing, other than employment and medical bens, is it enforcable?
I have been a dog groomer for 24 1/2 yrs., the last two with a major corporation. I "initialed" a no compete clause that I was not provided a copy of at the time (but I needed a job). I absolutely hat... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Former NPO director creates competing NPO - legal w/out non-compete agreement?
The former director of a non-profit trade school helped launch said school as the only school of its kind in the Midwest. And it was....until he was released from the position of director of this scho... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Hello, I had an employee that worked as my assistant. He had no office experience until I took him in. Because of my big heart I co signed a car for him and bought him all kinds of gifts because he wa... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Former company forced 1099 Contarctor to sign a Non-Compete in order to get paid once he found out about a new company starting and me possibly leaving to go to the new company? Is this enforceable with me being an 1099 Independent Contractor in the state
Former employer is threatening law suit for me leaving him and going to work for a competitor travel baseball organization. I was forced to sign the contract in order for me to get paid my last payche... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Former company forced 1099 Contarctor to sign a Non-Compete in order to get paid once he found out about a new company starting and me possibly leaving to go to the new company? Is this enforceable with me being an 1099 Independent Contractor in the state
Former employer is threatening law suit for me leaving him and going to work for a competitor travel baseball organization. I was forced to sign the contract in order for me to get paid my last payche... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

right to work when terminated?
i was terminated by my employer, a consulting company. i have decided to start my own consulting business. i signed a non-compete agreement when i was hired into a company that was acquired by a large... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non competes in Maryland for massage therapists
I work in Maryland and need to know if a non compete as a massage therapist or esthetician is enforceable. My company wants me to sign within a 15 mile radius I can not provide same services when I al... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Does the insurance agency for whom I work as an independent agent own my book of business?
I have worked as an independent agent for an insurance agency for 8 years. Recently, two other independent agents who also work in the agency bought it from the agent who started the agency. I do not ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Employment Contract Restrictive Covenant
I work for an IT Consulting firm. The contract that I signed upon taking the position contains a Restrictive Covenant that, in turn, contains a section stating that: during my employment and for a per... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Company can write down any condition on the back of my last salary paycheck.
I left the company which I had signed non-compete contract and working still same client, since company didn't pay as they agree, cancel my medical coverage. Now they sent me last paycheck after almos... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer withhold a final paycheck for refusal to sign a termination document in IL?
I was recently let-go from my job due to under-performance of the establishment. I am still owed a final paycheck due to work performed. I received a "termination letter" (a converted severance letter... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was terminated and accused of stealing from my ex employer. I proved through invoices and direct contact with clients that I did not steal from my ex employer who did no leg work to find out if what he had heard was true. Do these circumstances negate a
While I was out of work for injury another diver was standing in for me. My ex employer told me no matter how long I was out he would hold my position. At some point because of things said to this oth... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Under Mass law, is a company required to pay employee severance if it files chapt 11 or chapt 7?
I joined an early stage company in Cambridge 1 year ago as an executive. The company is incorporated in Delaware and employees based in Massachusettes. I signed an employment agreement that included n... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Competition without any non-compete clause
Dear Mel: I have worked for a local computer repair company for about 8 months. I never signed a non-competition agreement of any kind. My former boss kept demanding that I buy him out as he has moved... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can I be forced to sign a non compete clause after working without one in my present job for years?
I am an office manager in a CPA firm. I have been with the company for years (over 20) and suddenly my boss decides to make the office sign a noncompete contract, if we don't sign it, we will be termi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I owed penalties and dues?
I worked for a court reporting agency that I later found out that I signed a non-compete clause for, even though I was told I would be working as an Independent Contractor; paying for my own supplies,... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete with a company and then was let go within 8 weeks. Is that enforceable?
I am an outside sales rep. who has worked a specific industry for many years. I also worked for other industries on occasion in a similar capacity as the economy challenged my ability to earn. Recentl... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Being Forced to sign Non- Compete after being employed over a yr.
Hi, I work for a nail salon for over a year and a half and was told if I didn't sign the same day I will lose my job. Several red flags I felt was wrong was the document in question has white out on a... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can I collect U.I. if I quit. Company changed my Pay to Commission Only.
After 3 years of employment in my sales position, my company informs me that they are changing the Sales Compensation Program from a Pay Plus Commission Program to Straight Commission with a Draw and ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Does the Termination Clause Cancel truly because of the way it is written?
EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT TERMINATION CLAUSE? I am about to sign employment contract and there are more details in the contract but wondering if someone could say if this contract is shown as "termination" b... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Limit me directly or indirectly own, manage, operate, invest, or financial assist a restaurant?
I am a restuarant manager of a Chinese restaurant, my family is opening a Thai restaurant in town but my intention is to continue to work as I am but invest in the family business. My employer is aski... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Making False & Disparaging Remarks to a Potential Employer/Client
I would like to see if I have a defamation case against a former employer. I worked for a Virginia-based company until January when I was fired, without any reason given. There was some friction betwe... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer enforce a non-solicitation agreement that restricts me from doing my job?
I have been employed with my current company for over 5 years, several years in one position and several years in my current position. Recently my employer presented me with a Confidentiality and Non-... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Refused to renew employment agreement
Tricky one Non Compete agreement signed in consideration of a compensation rate increase. Every year during review they have us sign new ones last year I refused and threw away because I took pay cut ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is my non-compete valid if client no longer contracts with my employer?
My non-competition agreement states that I cannot work for a client of my employer (we'll call it Client A) if I performed work for that client in the 12 months prior. If I leave my company, and Clien... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Verbal agreement/non-compete enforcable?
I have been working for a consulting company for about three years now, and have been dealing with multiple issues since year one. I was hired for a position at what I believed was a good wage, until ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Is a non-competition contract enforcable for a PRN employee
I am a PRN employee in the medical field. I work for a small business. I was told I had to sign a non-comptete agreement in order to obtain employement. As this is a PRN job and thus I am not promised... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Am I tied by Non Compete/solicitation agreement
Iam providing contract software services at client 'C' thru Vendor 'B' and a layer 'A' where my employer is 'V'. Here is the structure (V -> A -> B -> C) B was willing to work directly with my employe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete issue in IT.
I joined a company back in 2/02. I was asked to call on an account. I had previously called on the account but in a different area. I was asked to further develop a relationship with the account. The ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can the 180-day non compete clause be enforced that we all signed, no trade secrets involved.
A home health care agency in NJ has 6 nurses that attend to a pediatric case that is federally funded. The mother and father choose to leave this agency and go to another one where 2 of her 6 nurses a... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Is my noncompete void?
I am an independent contractor with a publishing company based in California and edit content for them. I have a job offer from a company in Texas to be a team leader for SAT/ACT content which is some... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is my non compete void if I am asked to do something illegal?
Is my noncompete void if I was asked to be involved in an illegal act in my position. I was asked to sign papers and complete documents that were illegal and I refused. Since then I left a well paying... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

If a contractor in TX accepts a full-time job from a client, did they violate a non-compete clause?
I have been doing contract work in Texas through a recruiting firm for a client for a little over a year and the client is offering me a full-time job in the same role. My recruiting firm put a clause... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

IT sub-contractor ,unknown contract, noncompete?
I signed as a consultant for CT company (A) to work for another contractor (B) for a NY State agency (C)in Aug 2000. I had a non-compete with company A, and company A told me that B had clause to hire... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

re: competition clause and not receiving prompt or correct pay.
I have worked since august 30th, 2004 as a nurse practitioner for a health care company. there is a non-compete clause in my contract that i cannot see the patients for a year. the company is currentl... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non Compete agreement and bonus
Hi, I'm located in Western VA and have a general question regarding a noncompete agreement. I was hired in 2015 for my position in sales and with this, I had to sign a NCA. In my offer letter, there i... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

dogwalking drama Illinois
i currently work for a small 1 person dog walking company in chicago that is selling it client listing to another company. when all is said and done the company that i work for now is going to stop se... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

When terminated can you work for a client that contacted you for employment?
I am a non-CPA accountant that has worked for a local accounting firm for three years and I was let go in April for reasons not involving work product. I do not recall ever signing a non-compete agree... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

if there was a noncompete in the begining and the original company i was hired under was altered
I was employed and to this date cant recall signing a non compete but when i was hired it was under another company which i signed all paperwork for etc. Years went by and then there was a company tha... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Sub-Contractor to Sub-Contrator switch
I signed a non-compete at the time of hire. I am currently a sub-contractor and would like to switch to another sub-contractor under a big contract with multiple sub-contractors. I was wondering if yo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

It's been 14 years since I signed a non compete agreement in Ohio is it possible for the ex employer to come after me if I violated it. Two years before I signed it I went to business for self in the same field.
In 2000 I joined in a partnership in direct competition with my employer, I was told he was moving to Florida and shutting this company down and starting a new company not related to what we were sell... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Breach of Contract?
Let me start by saying that I posted once already and was responded to very helpfully, thank you. I think we've reasonably established that I have not signed a non-compete form. So my new question is,... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

I am a software consultant and I have been in the country 6 years. I was a on H1B but have gained my green card in 2001. The company that put me out to a client in ILLINOIS that I have been at for the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

how enforceable is my non-compete/non-solicitation/confidentiality agreement?
After leaving company A because it was a hostile/toxic workplace, I have been looking for a job for several months. Company B has offered me a position with their company and while what they do overla... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

what are my options for pursuing current customers if start my own business?
My non compete agreement is not signed by my employer, but does have my signature. It has a one year term, and prevents me from contacting any former ustomers. My employer is not short on resources if... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I have been offered my first psychotherapist fee for service position in a private practice in New York City. They require that I sign a contract that includes a non-compete clauses. Do you have any advice over things I should be wary of?
The most confusing item seems like it is missing a verb to me. "(e) During the time that Employee is under the employment of -----(proprietor --- LCSW, ---business name-- all paid and unpaid employmen... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it valid if you quit on your second day?
I signed an offer of employment letter, started a job, and quit on the 1st half of my second day. I got an offer for a better job, the new job was as a sales manager and what I left to go do was Opera... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I want to start my own business and may have signed a no-compete clause, will it hold up in court?
I've worked for a sign shop for 9 of it's 11 years and have been instrumental in the growth of the company. Last year during a slow time my boss asked to meet with me and told me that nothing (employm... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Is this treatment unfair and / or discriminatory?
I was in the process of being released from a guaranteed contract that had a strong non compete in it. However the employer is seemingly deliberately stalling this process, in order to victimise and s... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

What defines a "reasonable" distance/time for a physician non-compete in this area?
Situation: Naturopathic physician (ND) (board certified) working with private family of investors (non-professional) who are investing capital in a new private practice in their town. Note* There are ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Employment Restrictions
I currently work as a contract employee at Caterpillar Inc. I am a purchasing analyst and have been offered a position with a supplier to Caterpillar. Upon giving my notice, I was told by my Caterpill... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Nevada lump sum severance pay
State: Nevada I was recently laid off. I signed an agreement with my employer that includes non-compete, non-disparagement, non-disclosure clauses as well as a waiver to the right to any commissions o... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can my former employer hold me to the noncompete I signed?
The previous employer is an indirect Sprint dealer in Lapeer, MI and the noncompete stated that we could not work for wireless for a period of 2 years. It did not stipulate a geographic range or posit... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is this retaliation?
I recently quit my job as a Director of Sales for a Technology company and never signed an NDA (Non-Compete Agreement). I took a position with a partner of my last employer (with the blessings of the ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

My non-compete does Not designate a distance
The company I work for is based in Seattle, WA. My office is located in my home. The company is a national referral service for senior housing and senior care. Paragraph 9 of the Proprietary Informati... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

How do you define insufficient consideration?
I have been employed as a sales consultant from 4/99 - 8/04. I was dismissed without cause/reason (as stated in my employee handbook as an "at-will" employee). My company is headquartered in Wisconsin... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

90 day Non-compete. Can I get out of it-I am an independent sales rep
I have worked for a large business magazine for 9 years as an independent advertising sales rep and am not an employee of the firm. I am on a 100% commission compensation. I just resigned and was hire... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Non Compete in California
I joined a firm in 2001 and signed their confidentiallity agreement. In Jan 03 I was terminated and signed a termination agreement that included this origional confidentiallity agreement. I went to wo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is there any way to get around this non-compete problem...????
I was recently terminated from a home health company in Illinois. It was my first job as a nurse. I thought I was very careful about reading everything before i signed it. apparently not. I got a new ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is there any way to get around this non-compete problem...????
I was recently terminated from a home health company in Illinois. It was my first job as a nurse. I thought I was very careful about reading everything before i signed it. apparently not. I got a new ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can Consulting Company Keep Me from Job?
I am 4 months into a consulting job with the biggest employer of people in my position, probably in the entire down-state area. I found recently after talking to co-workers that I am getting paid half... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can your nursing license be revoked due to a breach of non-compete/ non-solicitation clause?
I am a Licensed Practical Nurse doing in-home nursing for an agency. When hired, I was told about a clause in which you could not work for a client for six months after leaving the company, otherwise ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

This applies to NJ unemployment laws. My employer in bringing in an outside company to run it's kitchen and I was offered a job for less hours, 1/3 less pay and 1/2 the benefits. I would make the same amount collecting unemployment. They also want me to s
This applies to NJ unemployment laws. My employer in bringing in an outside company to run it's kitchen and I was offered a job for less hours, 1/3 less pay and 1/2 the benefits. I would make the same... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Legal Actions by Employer?
I have a friend who doesn't speak English who signed an agreement entitled "Independent Contractor, Non-Competition and Confidentiality Agreement." She works for a cleaning service and is not at all a... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

my employer is Head quartered in New Jersey They have placed me to work for their client on a contract basis in California. I wanted to be a permanent employee of my employer, when I informed this to my employer they said they can employ me only if I acce
I am a H1b status person with a principal employer in New Jersey. I got a contract job on my own thru a vendor and their placement company, the company is also Head quartered in New Jersey They have p... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Breachment, Non-Compete Agreement
My Husband is s Sofware Programmer.His status is H1B.He came to usa in newjersey based consultant company..and my husband was placed by a middle company to work in a Client Company which is in Newyork... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have an argument for any kind of retribution?
I was hired as a senior manager for a consulting firm of 50 people. The company consists of 47 woman and 3 men. I was subordinate to only the CEO. Everyone in the company has a signed employment at wi... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

My previous employer Stop Payment'd my last check for multiple reasons, what can I do?
I got a letter in the mail today from a lawyer saying my paycheck is being held due to multiple reasons.. "He informs me that you were terminated from your employement on July 1st. Thereafter, without... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Can a coworker be sued for defamation/slander
My husband was recently terminated from a job he had held for 25 years. He was one of the top earning sales people in the company. So, it would be unlikely that they would terminate him over something... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Is it too late to file a disability discrimination after accepting a lateral move?
I have epilepsy but I hadn't had a seizure in almost 3 years. In the past, my employer provided someone to drive me for the 6 months that I was without a drivers license. After a seizure at work, HR t... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Does an employers breach of contract invalidate a non-compete?
I previously worked for an insurance agency and signed a non-solicitation agreement at the start of my employment. I have since left this agency and started my own agency. My non-solicitation agreemen... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Is the non compete clause enforceable to an independent contractor physician in Arizona
Hi there, I am an independent contractor (physician) for a group that contracts with a hospital in the Scottsdale AZ area and I provide hospitalist services. I have been with them for 2 years and I si... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

About 6 months ago I joined an insurance brokerage firm whose home office is in CA but the office which hired me is in TX. I am considered to be an employee of the TX office but work remotely from my home in FL. When joining the company I was required to
Not sure how much bearing this has on my situation but I have worked in the insurance industry for almost 40 years. Prior to joining my current company I had been employed at a similar company in TX f... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is a 10-yr & 100-mile radius of co borders unreasonable?
Insurance company contracted with me and paid me with a 1099 as an "independent contractor" but always provided office space, office equipment, local telephone service, told us how much insurance to s... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Can a hospital enforce a policy they have to restrict former employees from coming back as a vendor for a certain amount of time? Not a non compete because nothing was signed it was just a policy added and was supposedly verbally told to all employees. Al
I accepted a job with a company and my prime responsibility was to be taking care of a certain surgeon at the hospital I currently work. I searched the employee handbook and everywhere for any reason ... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I have a vague non-compete talking about doing business with affiliates for 18 months post termination. I resigned from the position I left and someone they buy product from asked me to help them streamline operations to increase ability to provide the sa
Former Employee agrees that for a period of eighteen (18) months following the Separation Date, he/she will not, either directly or indirectly, on his/her own account or as an agent, stockholder or ow... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is this non-compete valid if I want to take up a position with a client
This agreement was made in State of Michigan, I did not receive any additional compensation for this. Will this stand in court. You agree that during the term of your employment with Company and for a... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Want to open own tax service as situation has changed drastically.
Have worked for a franchise for 18 years, which was doing business as ****. Feb. 1 of last year, the owner passed away. It was writting that he's sister who had been manager for 28 years was to get th... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete agreement ban a employee from working in the industry for 2 years?
Employer A sold a line of business (employee benefit administration and consulting) to Employer B. Employee C came to work from A to B. While at A, C was the primary relationship manager for A's clien... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Non-compete still valid after all these factors?
I am being actively pursued for an outside sales position by a direct competitor of the company I now work for. I am currently an Inside Sales/Customer Service person and would be calling on many of t... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I was a sales trainer for a large French pharmaceutical company that operates in the US. I was asked to leave the position after two years of employment, but by written, mutual agreement, I was asked to train certain sales employees and finish a project.
I was a sales trainer for a large French pharmaceutical company that operates in the US. I was asked to leave the position after two years of employment, but by written, mutual agreement, I was asked ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can an former employer dissuade another employer from hiring an employee that has resigned?
I have reason to believe and evidence to support the theory that my former employer ("Past") is attempting to dissuade an interested employer ("Prospective") from hiring me. The relationship between t... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Is the non-compete clause below limited to FIRM clients i have worked with while employed w/FIR
During Director’s employment with FIRM and for a period of two years thereafter, Director shall not, other than on FIRM’s behalf: (i) perform or cause or assist any other person or entity to perfo... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can I help clients I used to assist when working for my former employer?
This is sort of a follow-up concerning my last question: I signed a non-compete agreement with a former employer. No where in the agreement does it say I cannot start my own company. First paragraph s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I have to sign an NDA agreement along with a non-compete agreement on Monday for a new career in biotechnology in Cambridge, MA. Can I post the clause here and are there things I should discuss before I sign?
Non-competition; Non-solicitation: During the Business Relationship and for a period of one year thereafter; the Employee shall not, directly or indirectly, engage or participate in any way in any com... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I am looking to sign on with a new insurance firm (final expense only specifically),
I am looking to sign on with a new insurance firm (final expense only specifically), the non compete agreement seems extremely broad and unenforceable. It is based out of missouri courts, and I will b... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Enforceability of Non Compete contract
I have worked in the retail automotive industry for twenty five years, two years ago and out of desperation due to the economy, I took a job in "middle management" at a local dealership. The duties an... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My previous employer has called my part time employer making threats about contacting clients
I am a Managing Esthetician. I began working for a dentist who wanted to offer skin care in his practise. I was hired around the 10th of November, 2009. I had a following that I brought with me. I hav... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Are the following statements enforceable in my case?
I signed the following non-compete agreement(NCA), while accepting employment. I had been out of work for 11 months, so I had to accept this. • Can my employer include "customer" in the NCA? • Als... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Possible wrongful termination case?
Hello, thank you for your time reading this very long sequence of events. I am a board certified Nurse Practitioner. was let go from my position back in September. I was told, over the phone, that my ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I am interested in working for a competitor but I want to know if I can after signing the non-compet
I signed an "Employee Confidentiality Invention Assignment and Restrictive Covenant Agreement" before I started work. I am interested in working for a competitor but I want to know if I can. I was onl... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case
I worked for a national respiratory company for just over 5 years. I was intially hired as a sales rep (and signed a non-compete) but assumed the role of manager within the first few months of employm... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

non compete & pay issues
I worked for a company called XXX for 15 years. I left this company to become employed by another company that sold the same type of services.. In 2002 I returned to my former employer XXX & continued... applies to Indiana  ·  2 answers

Non Compete Agreement- Unrealistic
I am in the investment industry referring potential clients to a specific company and are to receive a fee for the referral once successful transactions fund. I had upfront signed a NCND for a 3 year ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is the non-compete clause in the contract I signed valid and enforceable
I work form home in a full-time salaried position for a research company. They also hire some peers on a project basis. They are moving into an office late this year. My husband moved out of state for... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Competition/trade secret issues
Dear Mel, Your site has proved to be most informative and I thank you for that. I'd like to map out my situation for you as succinctly as possible in hopes that you can provide me with some general ad... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my son open his own business?
My son traveled across the country and was emplayed as a PGA professional for about 8 months at an indoor golf teaching franchise. He had taught for many years previously and used similar equipment to... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Non competitve agreement when selling a business
I signed a non competitve agreement when I sold my business stating that I would not work in a 100 mile radius Ft. Walton Beach, FL for 5 years. The new owner of the business is not pursuing the adver... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Use Non-Comptete contract to get here way.
I have a very serious situation with my employer. My current client is offering me to join as a permanent employee and i am facing the problem: My H1B emplyer and a middle layer have a non-comptete co... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My company sold to another am I still bound
I signed a noncompete with my company. They where based in South Carolina and I was a remote employee with a home office in Arizona. I reported to another Arizona remote employee. My company was priva... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Former client contacted me.
I recently left an organization AZ which was bought out by a new company. The new company cut base salaries and there would be no exceptions. Since I left, I have had 2 former clients contact me wanti... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

can I email competitors employees (directly to their work email address) with job offers from my companies email address?
i am helping my boss recruit. He wants me to send this emails. I am not sure if the corporation or myself can get in trouble for it applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Breaking 1yr contract on 1099
I am on 1099 and i worked for a XXX company for few months signing 1 yr contract that i will not join client for a yr. I joined the client on 1099 after three months. Is that contract would be valid. ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is non-comp agreement enforcible (manual labor)...
I work for company "X" that has contracts to provide assembly services for several retail establishments. You, as a retail customer would purchase an item, then either you or the retail store would co... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Restrict Future Employment w/new Employer
Recently received a severance agreement (which I have not yet signed). Most of it is pretty straight forward. A single portion of the document concerns me. It states that I will forgo any future sever... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

NYS Non-Competion Agreement and Former Employer
I've been working for a tool distributor (Employer A) in NYC as an IT professional for nearly two years and I have decided to change jobs, returning back to a former NYC employer, a cosmetics manufact... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work in property management and my complex went on the market and were being offered a
Is it a "bonus" to foolishly get those to sign it but really something with a fluffy name that misguides the employee and therefore will make them in eligible for unployment? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is this a breach of contract - employement contract
In my employment contract is the following statement: Employer will provide employee with health insurance as part of the base compensation, and family coverage as part of the bonus. The employer did ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Legitimate Business Interest?
I work for a consulting business. Before I started working for them, I signed a noncompete saying that I would not open a competing practice within 18 months of leaving them. The reason stated on the ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

non-solicitation enforcement
I signed a non-soliciataion agreement in Jan 1996. I resigned from the company in May 2005 after commisions ad territories were cut. The Non-solicitation agreement came to several sales employees seve... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Severance & Stay On Bonus
During July 2001 our mfg. facility was closed & all employees laid off. We received at the time a letter which said they were going to exit the fabricated strainer business. A group of key employees g... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-interference in Employment Agreement
I am an IT consultant residing and working in Phoenix, AZ whereas my former employer is Massachussetts. He made me sign Non-interference clause in the employment agreement to not work with his clients... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My husband's work schedule was recently changed from 2nd shift to 1st shift. He has worked 2nd shift for three years, and I currently work 1st shift at my own job. Because of this sudden schedule change, we are scrambling to find child care for our childr
Began job July 2012. Has been full-time since then with few issues. We have four children and rely on two incomes. We work split shifts to offset the cost of child care. This was all made very apparen... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Time period to challenge new employment
Is there a time period (ie. 30 days) that my former employer has to challenge my employment at a competing company once I'm hired or can they take action anytime during the 2 year period, even if I ha... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was laid off over 2 months ago and received servance pay. The company is offering me a position now. Will I have to return all the servance pay?
I was laidoff over 2 months ago and recieved servance pay. The company has made me a verbal office to return to work. Do I have to pay servance money back? applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Company is based in OH & I take a job in GA, noncompete is judged by OH or GA laws?
I work for a Software as a Service (SAAS)company that offers only users on their system media buying and placement. I provide consultations and media and buying services. My noncompete says that for 1... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

employer sues exemployee
I am the employer. I wish to enforce a noncompete covenent. I have retained counsel. What are the 5 to 10 most significant arguments for an employer to win suit? An injunction was issued by a judge. E... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can I sign up for unemployment benefits if I am on a severance package
Can I get unemployment benefits if I am on a servencepackage applies to California  ·  2 answers

Hidden knowledge of noncompete
If an employer denies having an employment agreement, and does not give you a copy of one after being hired, but tries to sue you after you work for a competitor. What liability do you have if you hav... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Separation Agreement
I was recently terminated due to a merger. I am 44 years old and was emplyed for 13y 9m. I have been offered a Special Seperation Plan (SSP) (ERISA plan - 10 pages); an addedum to the SSP providing AD... applies to California  ·  2 answers

applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

What is necessary for an employer to void a NCA?
I am subject to a 1 year NCA in a geographic location identified as "any location within the United States" (too broad?) on an at-will basis. I was hired to secure business with a specific prospect wh... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was recently given severance pay for 12 weeks. The agreement stated if I get a job I must notify them. I will be doing substitute teaching. Is this considered a job?
I was recently offered 12 weeks of severance pay. My job has been eliminated. Agreement stated if I get another job I have to let them know. I have recently been offered a short term 8 week substitute... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Employee No-Hire Clause
I work for a Company A which is the one that pays me, but I am assign to a Company B which is the place where I do all the work. In my contract there is a No-Hire clause. Now the Company A lost the ou... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Non complete agreement signed in China
I signed a employment non-complete agreement in China, restricting me to work for a competitor for 6 months. Is the agreement signed in China enforcable in NYC? Thanks Charles applies to New York  ·  2 answers

5 year-50 mile radius service non-competence clause
I owned a service business for the past 20 years, last April I sold this business and received 100% of the money at closing. At closing I was under contract to work with the new owners for 6 months to... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Hidden Non-solicitation Clause
I was recently terminated from a sales management position and have since accepted a similar position with another company in the same industry. Upon leaving, my former employer brought to my attentio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Question on a Unique Non Competition Agreement
I have a Non Competition Agreement with my Employer "XYZ" and i am working for a customer based out of Allentown,PA 1) It states "The Agreement shall be Constructed in accordance with the Laws of the ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Can I be held to a noncompete contract If I was laid off?
After being on medical leave (fmla) I was laid off do to not having enough work. But after appling for another job myfromer employer is saying I'm under a noncompete contract for 12 months. Iam gettin... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Taxes on severance package and evaluation of severance agreement.
My severance agreement states that taxes will be withheld at the rate of 27%, which is much higher than they would be if they follow the paperwork I filled out for deductions, etc. Additionally, all t... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

what are my chances of being my contract being upheld?
applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

if a position is being eliminated shouldn't there be a severence offered
My position is being eliminated, but there has been no mention of severence. Is this legal? FYI - I am an 'at weill' employee. applies to California  ·  2 answers

Unions and mergers
I work as a RN in a local community hospital.In Jan 2002 a merger was completed with another local hospital. Now the CEO is telling us that we are part of their exisiting Union.Despite protest from th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer has announced plans to retire and close the business. Am I still bound by agreement?
My noncompete is for one year and a 60 mile radius of store locations in Illinois and Iowa. My offer is from a competitor in Missouri that already does business with my clients. My current employer ha... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was offered a severance package to leave the company. So I accepted it voluntarily. However, they are telling potential employers that I was fired.
I was offered a severance package to leave the company. So I accepted it voluntarily. However, they are telling potential employers that I was fired. I was refused unemployment. When I found out what ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Use of business emails after resigning without signing a non competition clause
I have recently left a business that is an acting studio in NYC. I did not sign a non-competiion agreement or ever agree to one verbally. Do I have the right to use the email addresses and phone numbe... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

put in my two weeks and now they wont pay me my vacation or commision
I am a license insurance producer in ma and was working at an agency for almost two yearso, I had accrued a year in vacation that I was going to take in june, and I was paid hourly + commission for th... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

My company's policy was 5 weeks of vacation after 15 years with the company. Now, after 14 years of employment, the policy has been changed to 4 weeks of vacation after 20 years. Shouldn't the long time employees be
My company's vacation policy has been 5 weeks of vacation after 15 years with the company. After 14 years of employment, the policy has been changed to 4 weeks of vacation after 20 years. Also, an emp... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If I sign my severance agreement, can I stil get unemployement benefits?
applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Discrimination based on perceived disability
A few weeks ago I had my first seizure ever and was admitted to the hospital. When I returned to work the following week a company owner came to my office and went into a story about how he had a fami... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Employment contract
I am currently on H1B visa working for the company ABC. In my employement contract it is mentioned that I cannot directly join competitor or Client for 12 month after I leave the company?. Is this app... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Termination Over The Phone
I was just fired form my job today and I was wondering if the employer has to tell you in person or can they just call and tell you over the phone? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Am I legally bound to repay my company for their tuition reimbursement?
My company offers different tuition reimbursement plans. I am under the plan that the company pays 100% of the tuition and textbooks UPFRONT (before completion of courses). I was recently reimbursed b... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

mediation of severance
looking for a referral to a human resource consultant to assist with termination/HR policy/ CA state law/ mediation of severance applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work in Florida, what are the laws in regards to PTO payout?
I worked for a company that was going through a lot of financial issues. They reduced our work week to 4,8 hours days to save money. I have since found another job and have PTO owed to me. They are no... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Hi, I was injured at work last July 2015 I waived my settlement with my company, and have left my workers comp case open. I have been tardy and am unable to work my required 9 hours a day and leave a little early when not feeling well, I still however com
/ applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Should vendors agree not to hire their customer's employees?
More frequently I am seeing vendors requiring written permission from their customers before they will hire a current employee to prevent that vendor from being blacklisted by the company. If all comp... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Position elimination vs Quitting
My job was eliminated and then I was given a servance package; and now my former employer is denying my unemployment benefits. I was originally getting unemployment benefits, but then 2 months later u... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  4 answers

Failed settlement clauses, discrimination, retailiation
This question will be somewhat lengthy because I read over many of your sample complaints and noticed a constant appeal to more information =). I'm a hearing impaired individual and wear two hearing a... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What information to limit on your resume if you are fired for breach of confidentiality
I was terminated by company XYZ without prior notice due to breach of confidentiality. I have yet to receive any written termination letter. Moving on, I have to start my job search and will have to u... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Is the noncompete still enforcable for nursing?
I worked as a nurse for a home health agency and one day, after being there for 10 months, my employeer asked me to sign a noncompete clause or be terminated. I was still terminated within a week. As ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Previous company threatening arbitration when new job has nothing to do with previous job
My husband has been working for a company, Florida Pest Control, for over two years. A contract was signed saying he is an at-will employee, and that if he goes to another company that he cannot give ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Sign this or get terminated...
Recently, my employer is requiring a portion of the staff to sign a "code of ethics" agreement. While I find the contents agreeable for the most part, there seems to be a good portion of the contract ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Should an attorney help write my severance agreement?
Do I need an employment law specialist to have a constructive termination/severance agreement written? My case is unique in that I am not being let go, but I think it would be best for both me and my ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I was an independent contractor in Sales and was terminated am I still entitled to my last payroll check? Please advise. Thank you.
This question is from New York State. Thank you. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case?
I worked for a company in Staten Island from 2002-2005 and was treated unfairly. The employer, knowingly, treated me as an independent contractor from the start to avoid in paying necessary taxes and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Restriction on Postemployment Competition.
A clause in my contract states: ------------------- For three years after termination the employee shall not, within a 200 mile radius of the Company's metropolitan marketing areas and/or present plac... applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

Am I allowed to keep my severance package even though I get another position in the same company?
Got the call from HR that my current role is being eleminated. Not based on performance. I was offered a serverance package and allowed to look for other positions in the same company. Question is am ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Are contractors entitled to severance?
We recently released an independent contractor from our business, who was working without a formal contract. Due to the sensitive nature of the work they were performing, we were unable to give notice... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

My friend accepted a job, and now that she left her previous one, the job has changed.I feel like this may be quite illegal, but I don't know what advice I can give her. Is it? Is there anything she can do?
The job was advertised as that she would test the water quality of peoples homes as a technician of some sort. So she put in her two weeks at her decent job, and just started the new one, except now i... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unpaid severence balance and broken agreement
I have a severence agreement for 4 weeks pay. In the agreement it is stipulated that I will be paid in 2-monthly payments of $2791.50 beginning January 1, 2009 and ending February 1, 2009. I received ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

severance pay advise
Two of my employees recently told me that they had been offered a better job somewhere else. I told them that I could not match their offer and that I needed to know what they were going to do. They t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been laid off due to covid-19 from my management position at a hotel. I was owed paid time and my insensitive/bonus which was earned prior to being laid off. Are they required to give me what i have earned?
I have been laid off due to covid-19 from my management position at a hotel. I was owed paid time and my insensitive/bonus which was earned prior to being laid off. Are they required to give me what i... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Company is strong arming recruiting companies from hiring people with their certifications.
I've been working at a large HealthCare organization (we'll call it organization X) that's in the process of implementing a new electronic medical records system. This company has hired me as an at wi... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is a non-interference clause in a contract valid in CA?
I run a professional corporation and am looking to contract with a non-profit whereby they want me to sign a non-interference agreement (in California). I believe this is illegal and would like them t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If an employer changes a bonus structure offered as an agreement of employment, have they breached
I intereviewed with a health company regarding a position which included relocation from Texas to Virginia. They included as part of the offer/ agreement, inclusion of an incentive bonus which was hea... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Can an employer change their mind about eliminating your position after giving you a letter?
I've recently received a letter indicating that my position is being eliminated, which gave general terms of severance pay I'm to be paid later on this month. I need to know two things: 1. Can the com... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Am I bound by an LLC agreement that I was not shown and then refused to sign when asked to?
I was hired as an employee in 2005 of a private equity fund. As part of my compensation package I was given a share of the fund's profits and also agreed to invest money in the fund. In 2009 as I was ... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can I sign a severance agreement after expressing a desire to renegotiate the terms?
I received a severance package after a layoff. I was given 7 days to reply. I expressed a desire to renegotiate the terms a day later (having left without signing the severance agreement) and subseque... applies to California  ·  3 answers

I was terminated from employment after 2 years because I was "not working out." I have received 2 performance increases. Totaling $10000.00 (annually) I reported to the VP of Operations, who implied t... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Employee Intellectual Property/Confidentiality/Non-Solicitation Agreement
I worked for company "A" for almost seven years in sales when it was sold at the end 2006. When job offers were made by the buyout company we had to sign an "Employee Intellectual Property/Confidentia... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Severence rehired and fired
i worked for ABC Sliced Bread in S.F. Ca. I am a member of Teamsters Union. About 5 weeks ago the plant i worked in closed. On the last day we were given all the pay we had coming except the severence... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Denial of severance due to needs of business?
Hi, my son applied for a voluntary separation package which was offered to employees by the company he works for. He was denied due to needs of the business although others were accepted. He was told ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can a employer tell you that you can take two weeks vacation till you earn it.
I will be one year with my company in March, 2017. After that I am entitled to two weeks vacation. my boss told me that I can not take one week or two week in March because I have to earned it. He sai... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

When is severance pay issued when agreed upon by all parties?
I was dismissed from my duties as a library director with 2 weeks severance pay on Sat., May 21, 2005 by a seven-member-board of elected trustees. I called the library today, Wed., May 25 to inquire w... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non-competition clause still valid?
Hello, I signed a 1 year non-competition clause in an employment contract. The duration of the contract was "4 months with option to extend". I have now been with the client for 18 months, have not fo... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is this non-competition contract legal?
I have worked for this company for less than a month. I have provided all my own supplies and knowledge. the owner is making me loose money by restricting what I can do but did not do so before the co... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

what about damages
Sexual harassment-I had complained to manager and supervisor on several occasions. MY concerns was being approached several high level asking for sexual favors in exchange for a job promotion.I had re... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Severance Pay Issues
I was laid off from my job. A big company bouth my company. They offer me severance pay for 6 months, but they do not want that I work for that period of time in any place. I was a manager and I under... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

If you resign with 2 weeks notice and the company terminates you before your last day?
If you have accrued vacation & Sick Time shouldn't the company pay you for the time? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my employer cut my pay to minimum wage if I quit
I did not give my 2 weeks notice I was just wondering if it is legal or not to do if its not stated in our employee handbook? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I deposit my severance check after 30 days of termination will that affect my unemployment?
Hi, I live in New york. I recently got laid off. Last day was 8/27. I am going to recieve a severance check by mail next week. If I deposit it after 9/27 will that affect my unemployment? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can employer sue employee for at will employment but not in favor of employee for 2 weeks notice?
Sir, I am a software engineer working in Allentown,PA.My employer has a registered office in OH.I started working in the first week of July.My employer filed my H-1B visa at the same time. I had signe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Acceptance and Delivery of Severance Package for the State of Arizona
I was terminated from employment on 12-31-2008 due to downsizing. I am due to receive a severance package. Is there a law in Arizona which dicates a specific time frame in which that benefit is requir... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

What does the term "rescission period" mean in a severance package?
This is the paragraph from my severance package that I would like clarified. Payment of your severance will be made to you in thirteen (13) biweekly installments, the first of which will be paid as so... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Offer withdrawn based on H-1B discrimination
My wife recently got an offer from a private financial management firm in New York which was withdrawn within an hour after she signed it. They had agreed to process her H-1 B VISA. Timeline: Friday a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Relocation expenses repayment
I moved up to Nanticoke for a job with a company, They paid for movers to pack and move my household goods.I was put up in a hotel at company expense for 60 days. I was terminated and now the company ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Threatening not to pay me if I don't sign
I have worked for this company almost 2 years and they are now coming to me demanding that i sign a Confidentiality Agreement. I have looked this over and find the following flaws with it. 1) it has n... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination
I was let go from a large Public Accounting firm in June 2000. They said it was for poor performance. However, this came as a shock since I always had good written reviews, which I still have. In addi... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Counter offer reneged on
I recently accepted a counter offer from my employer to continue my employment there. I did not have the foresight to obtain this offer in writing. They are now delaying my salery increase and renegin... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I consulted for a NC company for just under six years. In 2014 they asked me to become a full time employee. I was 70 at the time. I signed numerous documents thinking that this would be my last job anyway. One of the documents was an Employment Agreement
Can I continue to work for the new company? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Lay off due to elimination of position
I was laid off because my "position was being eliminated." However, 2 weeks after I left the company, I was told by ex-coworkers that my boss hired someone in my place to perform my same job duties (t... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Verbal Employment Agreement
My stepfather had a verbal agreement with a friend to work for him at the local County Fair in Massachusetts for 3 weeks (9am-8pm, 7 days a week). The man agreed to pay my stepfather $1000/wk, and the... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Delayed Severance
Is a company allowed to specify that they will only pay the severance amount if no other work is obtained prior to a date 4 months later? I was laid off in 12/11 and will be paid 4/30/12 but only if I... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can an employer withhold wages, if I refuse to sign a contractor agreement?
After being laid off, I worked for my former employer as an independent contractor. As an independent contractor, I provided consulting services to a customer of my former employer. The contract was f... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Is the Non-Solicitation of Clients agreement I signed enforceable?
I was under a Non-Solicitation contract with Sub Contractor (A) to do work for Company (B). Sub-Contractor (A) lost its contract to Company (B) at no fault of mine. I was approached by Sub Contractor ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

severance/ unemployment
My job was recently eliminated and thus I am now unemployed. I was offered a perty standard severance package. The two questions I have are as follows: 1) Should I have an employment lawyer review the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My friend who lives and works in Connecticut has been working for a semi-large (retail sales) corporation for over 25 years and has never gotten a raise. He makes about $12 an hour plus approx. 3% commission. He is considered a salesman but is the 'assist
My friend who lives and works in Connecticut has been working for a semi-large (retail sales) corporation for over 25 years and has never gotten a raise. He makes about $12 an hour plus approx. 3% com... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

So my job ,closed on December 13 of this year, I was offended a servance package, I did sign the paper work, I was explain about a severance package, but how long do I have to wait for it to get deposited ,into my account
Information on a servance package, in Amsterdam ny. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Bonuses owed per my employee agreement
My severance offer did not include outstanding bonus money that is owed to me during my employment. How do I obtain the funds owed if signing the release will void my rights? Thank you, applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to be required to take conference calls for work at home on your phone and not be paid?
My wife is a non salary, hourley paid employee as a teller at a bank. She has been told she must take a weekly conference call at home on her phone without being paid for her time or phone minutes. I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I signed a severance General Release when I was terminated from my employer. I then rescinded my signature before the 7 day grace period was up and then changed my mind and reinstated my original signature for the agreement within 5 minutes via e-mail to
Need to know if I revoke a severance agreement via e-mail within the 7 day grace period and then change my mind 5 minutes later and recant the revocation, does the original signed agreement still stan... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Does termination void a non-competition?
I was recently terminated without any reasonable cause and was wanting to know if my non-competition agreement is still valid. applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Supervisors employing off duty staff
I am a member of a Park District Board of commissioners. Two of the other commissioners are personaly employing off duty park district employees. I am very concerned that this relationship can potenti... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Why are they giving me a good deal?
Hi, I am getting laid off at the end of August. My division was eliminated in January and most were laid off. My employer said that they would try to find another job within the company but none reall... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Company was sold on Jan. 30th my anniversary date was on feb 6th. I didn’t not get any vacation time that I earned within almost that year. Can the company do that? Shouldn’t the company have paid me at least what I earned from last feb. to Jan. 30th
The two companies are nursing homes. We are union and employees did not lose seniority. But unless your anniversary date fell before the new company took ownership on Jan. 30th you did not get vacatio... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

On what grounds can a pending severance offer be rescinded?
I was handed a signed separation agreement stating that I had 21 days to read, consider and return it. On day 16, the CEO sent an email rescinding the agreement, stating an unexpected and negative fin... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Owed severance of two months. Company HR person will not respond.
What are my options if I'm owed severance pay after a signed contract and the company HR person will not respond? applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Soliciting business from clients
I am an Illinois LLC working as an independent contractor for a N.J. consuting company (X) at a client in Illinois. The contract I signed says: "Contractor shall not, without X's prior written approva... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Confidentiality and No Solicitation Agreement in CA
I worked at a company for three years as a sales rep. I signed a "confidentiality and no solicitation agreement" when I started working there along with my compensation contract, etc. After three year... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hiring by state assisted university
Over the past few years, the adminstration of a state-assisted university has repeatedly filled non-bargaining unit, unclassified positions (in other words, adminstrative positions)without an open and... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What exactly is severance pay?
My husband overheard a conversation in December in which his boss was offering his job to another employee. When confronted his boss told him yes he was planning on laying him off. My husband asked hi... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

If my employer keeps an order secret and dose not pay commission, is my employment contract nullifid
An order was received, processed and delivered from my territory. The fact that the order was received and delivered was, at first, kept from me. When I discovered the order, I was told that I did not... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

kgyh applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

My job was eliminated after 5 years of service because the office I was working for wasn't profitable for the comany anymore. I was told I would only receive half of my pto. Is that against the law?
I have 150 hours of unused pto. I was pulled into the office this week and was told that because the office isn't making a profit that my job was being eliminated and that they would pay me one months... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

How your severence pay is paid to you.
My question does the employer have the right to withhold your severence until they want to pay you. Do they have the right to make installments to you on your severence pay. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I accepted a negotiated severance settlement agreement through email, I have not received the settlement paperwork to sign, nor have I heard from the employer. Can they change or withdraw the offer if I accepted it through email?
I was terminated from my job with no prior write ups of poor performance issues ever being brought to my attention prior to the termination. I reported to the VP one month earlier that I had been sexu... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Am I entitled to back pay in a salaried position?
Here is the scenario, I would like to know what my options are. Team of 3, 1 boss, 2 equal co-workers reporting to him working on a large scale software implementation. Dec' 2007 My boss leaves the co... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

loss of severance pay if I accept a position at another place
The preschool that I work for is closing down. They have offered severance pay in writing. The preschool up the street that has agreed to take our children & some of our teachers. It was stated verbal... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my previous employer make me pay for use of a company vehicle?
My previous employer gave me a $5,000/year raise. With that we bought a car for my use. The loan was in the employers name and I made bi-weekly payments from my pay. I paid the loan from my salary for... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can I refused to work on a shift that I did not sign for? I'm a Per Diem staff.
The shift where I usuallly work is hard to fill with staff. Our scheduler placed me on a schedule (because they can't get anyone to work) without asking my consent first. She informed me that I'm sche... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Back wages
I have been employed by a professional group since January 2003. A final contract was never signed. We (employer and employee) had the same lawyer. (Don't you think this was a conflict of interest on ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have been with my company for 23 years and have written policy and there was a presedensce of former employees receiving severance. Our policy states that we receive one weeks pay for each year work if I retire, quit with at least 2 week notice, laid of
I work for a union office collecting members dues and was promised this severance package and also have it in writing in our policy. There is only myself and another employee left that were hired unde... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

2 weeks notice takes me to accrued vacation
I will be eligible for accrued vacation pay in 2 weeks. I am getting ready to give 2 weeks notice to go to another company. It has been my company's policy NOT to let people finish their 2 weeks. My q... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How do I get out of my Noncompete contract from a previous employer?
I worked for a home health aide company located in Fairfield, PA for less than four months. Toward the end of my employment there, I was led to another job where it would better hours, more convenient... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Changing employment
Hi : I informed my company sometime in middle of oct 2003 that i will not work for them from nov 15th ..Then they stopped my oct 2003 salary which was due on Nov 1st and also they never added my new b... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Stock option with acceleration upon termination
I have a stock incentive plan, 10.5 months in I am terminated. Would be 25% after 1-year. I think the acceleration part of contract accommodates but wording is tricky. Was told by company I vested/get... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I left my former employer a little over a month ago. I received a certified letter in the mail today from their attorneys office telling me that since I am still friends with one of my former cutomer's employees (The named the customer and employee by nam
My former employer is saying that I signed a Confidentiality agreement, I may have but I have never been provided a copy. I got a letter in the mail from my former employers attorney, stating that the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I'm sorry there is no way to sum this up in 100 characters or less
I joined a start up company 3 months ago, was put in charge as a creative director, and had employees under me. 6 months prior to my employment the company was shaky, had bad client relationships etc.... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Texas employment contract breach
I signed a four year employment contract with my current employer two years ago. I recently received a job offer from a firm in a similar industry (but not a competing firm). There is no clause in the... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Hi Neil - My company of 20 years is eliminating my position. I work in the office and the only other job available is on the factory floor which I cannot physically do. I am meeting with them today to discuss my options. If I receive a lump sum severance
My job is being eliminated and I am having a meeting today to discuss my options. I have been with my company for 20 years. If my company gives me a lump sum severance package, am I able to collect un... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was offered servant pay after 13 1/2 years working for Walmart will I still be able to collect from my un employment is it a good idea to sign the package
Help applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I be sued for publishing a book about the industry I work in
Short and sweet. I work as a valet right now. I am also a published writer I want to write a book giving visitors tips covering things that I have seen trouble guests over my 25 years in the tourism i... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Duties removed and deemed unqualified
I work for a large accounting firm in Maryland. I started in March of 2004. Less than 60 days ago I received a wonderful review, salary increase and a large bonus for all the work I had done over the ... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to severence?
I work for a company who was just recently bought out by a larger company. We have been having layoffs due to the merger. The department that I work in, is outsouced, so if I keep my job, I will be on... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do We Have The Possibility Of A Case In Which To Negotiate/Sue For Severance Pay?
Hello- In advance, we'd like to thank the attorneys who take the time to read and answer this query. Our company has recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Our location was one of many announced as... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was recently hired for the same company I worked for the last 6 years just different location. I received and offer letter through email and signed paperwork even signed the hourly rate notice for employees trained one day and even purchased new uniform
I was recently hired for the same company I worked for the last 6 years just different location. I received and offer letter through email and signed paperwork even signed the hourly rate notice for e... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have a couple of issues at work but I'll only address one. When I got hired, I was told that the work week would be 35 hours. I agreed that if I had to stay late to complete some work, that I would ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a non comp agreement signed with a TN or OH company be enforced in FL?
I am employed by a company based in TN, soley owned by an Ohio company. I am an inside salesman who works from his home office in FL. Customers from many different states call. I do not have a specifi... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Non-Solicitation Employment Question
Hello. I'm currently a consultant working for a sizable technology firm. I wish to purse an opportunity with a client that the firm has previously (5 months ago) done business with. However, I was not... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

no follow through on a verbal promise of promotion and pay increase
I work for a Fortune 500 company and late last year was verbally promised a promotion and increase in pay of more than $10,000 per year. This was to be effective no more than four months after relocat... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

hiring commision only salesman
I am a small business owner out of Pennsylvania, I am looking to open up a sales department. My plan is to hire commission only salesman, I need to know what my responsibilities are, what am i liable ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  5 answers

I am a truck driver from NY. My employee refuses to give me and my coworkers vacation time. I dont really care if it has to be paid or unpaid. I just need 1 week vacation to go visit my family back home. I've asked many times for this and the answer i get
I am a truck driver from NY. My employee refuses to give me and my coworkers vacation time. I dont really care if it has to be paid or unpaid. I just need 1 week vacation to go visit my family back ho... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Legally tied to my employers tuition retention agreement if they are sold?
My current employer paid for my MBA, and with that, I signed a tuition refund retention agreement for four years after the last tuition paid. I work in Ohio, but, the contract I signed stated "This Ag... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

non disclosure
My employer of the last 11 years is requirng me to sign a non disclosure agreement. Do I have to sign ? Will I get in any trouble if I don't? Thanks, Bruce..... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is a verbal agreement between a CEO and an employee of the company binding?
I am on an international training that will benefit the company. I discussed it with my CEO severally and he agreed to pay me a portion of my salary and for me to work part time. Also, he asked me to ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Does my severance plan create a disparate impact?
My severance agreement states:"You agree that if you knowingly or unknowingly apply for a position with the Company or its affiliated entities, subsidiares, divisions, successors and/or parent corpora... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

employer illegal activity caused termination
along with not paying my agreed upon salary, it has been determined that the employer never withheld any income taxes for any employees during the same period of time that i was employed. When I confr... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

applied and accepted a position and they gave me a lower position
I applied for a job in PA as a Senior Test Analyst. I went for the interview and got a call that I was accepted for the position. We got down to negotiating and I asked for more than they offered (the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

do i have any legal rights to sue my employer or union
ok after reading all of your answers i understand that hostile work enviroment dosent actually cover a verbally abusive rude disrespectful supervisor but my question is this i filed a complaint with h... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can an employer suspend an employee for mistakes
I was suspended for three days after I mistakenly sent an email with a trail of six emails back and forth from custom to me and then to parts dept. I had credit card information in the very first emai... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was hired by a company and have been employeed for 6 months. When I was hired I was under the assumption that it was permanent late on I find out that I must meet all metrics before being considered for certification the pressure for excellence is makin
Same as above applies to New York  ·  1 answer

1 month notice for termination of conract
I signed a contarct which says either party can terminate the contract by giving 1 month notice. It also says that I cannot work for their clients for 1 year from the date of termination. This company... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

29 year public servant facing termination over new NYC law !
My step-father is classified as a provisional employee for New York City. He has been working there for 29 YEARS ! A recent law states all provisional employees who do not become civil service within ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

No pay for non-billables
I work for an IT consulting company. Recently, the company changed its policy on compensation. It stated that any time that is not billable will not be compensated. This is tantamount to a huge pay cu... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

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