What concerns should I have if I don't know if I signed a non compete with Employer who fired me?

2 answers  |  asked Jan 20, 2010 08:24 AM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

Answers (2)

Neil Rubin
Just be careful that you do not overlook the possibility you have signed an agreement. It does not matter that you were fired. If the agreement exists it may still be enforceable by your former employer if the terms in it are "reasonable". Yes, I know, this seems blatantly unfair but none-the-less legal in Ohio.

posted by Neil Rubin  |  Jan 20, 2010 09:46 AM [EST]
Bruce Elfvin
You may want to call the HR department (assuming there is one) and make an inquiry along the line that you are looking at a potential position with someone who might be considered a competitor and you wanted to check to see if there would be any problems. Or you can simply ask if there is any agreements that the company has with you that would affect your job search and if so can they give you a copy.

In essence, it will be easier to show how unreasonable an employer is when it is playing hide the agreement. Once you get an answer you can see an employment attorney and discuss any restrictions to determine whether or not it is an enforcable restriction.

You can select one near you at: www.oelasmart.net/directory

posted by Bruce Elfvin  |  Jan 20, 2010 08:45 AM [EST]

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