The "ins and outs" of non-compete agreements in daycares.
#1. How would I know if I signed a non-compete agreement? #2 What if I signed a non-compete agreement while working for one business and it was then bought out by another business and I havnt signed anything for this new business would the non- compete agreement transfer from one business to another? #3 Would it make a difference if I wasnt aware of it until after quitting this job? #4 How is this agreement different in Daycare jobs?
1 answer | asked Jun 20, 2005 11:16 PM [EST] | applies to Texas
Answers (1)

Typically, you would know if you signed a non compete. To be valid in Texas, you must be given some sort of consideration for signing it plus it must be reasonable in time, scope and geographic area. The agreement would be similar to other industries. It require you to refrain from competing against the old company for a certain time frame within a certain area. If you would like more info on non competes, see an article on
posted by Trey Henderson | Jun 21, 2005 08:18 AM [EST]
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