Non Compete on the table after 2 years employeed

I have been employeed for the same company for 2 years and have never signed any non-compete contracts. At my 2 year mark after my employer finally had seen how valuable I had become to his company he pulls out a non-compete and wants me to sign it now. Do I have any rights here not to sign since it was never an issue in the past? What can I do if he threatens to terminate me after not signing the non-compete with the understanding that no initial contract was ever talked about for the previous 2 years?

1 answer  |  asked May 14, 2002 1:04 PM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

Answers (1)

Margaret A. Harris
New Non-Compete

This is basically a business decision for you -- do you want to sign it and keep this job, do you want to stall this while you look for another job, or do you want to refuse to sign it and possibly be fired? I am assuming that you do not have any kind of employment contract or agreement because, if you do, that could change things.
I suggest that you schedule a consultation with an employment lawyer up there and get some advice about your particular situation -- because the wording of the document your employer wants you to sign is extremely important. It's worth a couple of hundred bucks to get legal advice now, rather than having something you signed in haste coming back to bite you in the rear end in a year or two.
good luck

posted by Margaret A. Harris  |  May 14, 2002 3:59 PM [EST]

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