Legality of non-compete agrreements in the state of IL.

I was forced to sign a non-compete just to keep a job with my company about 3 yrs ago. It specifies service manager title in IL & now my company changed my job to a quoting person in WISCONSIN. It seems like they breached it to me. Is this possible and are they legal in IL? I don't have any money and I'm hoping for some guidence. Thank you in advance!!!!!

1 answer  |  asked Apr 7, 2002 09:36 AM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

Aaron Maduff
Service manager to quoting person

Its not entirely clear what the problem here is. However, it sounds to me as though the company destroyed the value of its own non-compete. If you now have a different title, then it no longer effects you. In any event, non-compete agreements are generally fairly limited because the law doesn't want to prevent a person from working. In any event, if you were to take a position and there was some concern as to whether the non-compete applied, it would be up to the company to sue you if they really want to take the time to do so. You are probably best off taking a copy of it to an attorney.

posted by Aaron Maduff  |  Apr 7, 2002 10:25 PM [EST]

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