My wife is an RN Supervisor for the state of NY. She was originally hired in Jan16, for title RN2 but a position opened for Supervisor RN3 about 4 months in. So she applied and got the job. Her director stated there has never been a Nurse 3 at this facili

Sorry put all details in the question.

1 answer  |  asked May 10, 2017 3:15 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

V Jonas Urba
Your question ended with "there has never been a nurse 3 at this facili"

Have there been Nurse 3s, in recent history, at most New York facilities?

All states are trying to save money. Hiring Nurse 2s instead of Nurse 3s is not illegal.

If your wife was paid at Nurse 3 for a while then returned to Nurse 2 salary is that illegal? Is she covered by a civil service collective bargaining agreement or a contract which might protect her promotion or prevent a pay cut?

Assuming your wife insisted on a contract she likely has highly unique certifications which other nurses do not hold. Her specialized training and education, excluding supervisory skills, probably make her so uniquely qualified that the facility could not find Nurse 2s to competently perform her job.

This facility's needs probably recently changed, or the facility is remotely located making the applicant pool scarce, since administrators decided to pay Nurse 3 compensation to protect the public health and safety at this facility. Patient safety would have been compromised by having Nurse 2s supervise.

posted by V Jonas Urba  |  May 10, 2017 4:14 PM [EST]

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