How to change the wrongful termination law?

I was terminated in January 20 of this year. My question is when was the statute At-Will passed and which states? I use to love Texas but so far the laws here really SUCK. Things change times change I mean didn't it use to mean women couldn't vote. Don't employees deserve some kind of protection against employeers? Why was this law really created in the first place. People have a right to earn a leaving and not be fired for no reason.. it is so sad that a law protects employers when the whole reason they exist is because they have employees. What do I have to do to change this law?

Why you ask. I worked at a job and for 2 1/2 years I did fine never written up not even a sign of betrayal. I compained about how the girls treated me and it was easier for (the coward that my boss was) to fire instead of making it right--I was lied to for almost three years then out of the blue he says I don't have a future. Keep in mind I was licensed and had potential for much more and that seem to hurt me instead of help I am the only person who has ever been fired after acquireing a license.

1 answer  |  asked Mar 3, 2003 6:54 PM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

Answers (1)

Trey Henderson
at will

There is no official statute making Texas employment at will. Case law has held it is employment at will unless it falls under common law or statutory exceptions. You should consult a local lawyer to see if you have a case. There are two ways to change the laws: take a case to court and get new common law established or convince the legislature to enact new laws. One organization that strives to change the laws is the National Employment Lawyers Association ( You can also write your Congressman to address legislative changes.

posted by Trey Henderson  |  Mar 3, 2003 8:59 PM [EST]

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