Florida law on employee having access to their own employment files

Does a employee of a Company have the right to see their own records or files.
Or do they have to get a lawyer to be able to see them. I would really like to know what law is on this matter. You know can a employer tell you that you can't look at you own file or records with having to get a lawyer before they will let you see.

2 answers  |  asked May 15, 2007 01:54 AM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

Answers (2)

Bonnie Riggens
Florida law on employee having access to their own employment files

Correction to previous answer. The first sentence should read "There is NO Florida law which ..."

posted by Bonnie Riggens  |  May 15, 2007 10:36 AM [EST]
Bonnie Riggens
Florida law on employee having access to their own employment files

There is florida law which provides a nonpublic employee the right to see there personnel file - they are considered the property of the employer. There is no law which requires an employee to hire a lawyer to before they are allowed to see their records. The employer is just making this up - if they want to allow you to see the records they can do so without you hiring an attorney.

posted by Bonnie Riggens  |  May 15, 2007 10:33 AM [EST]

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