colorado Partial Unemployment

Hello, my hours have been reduced from 50 to 28 the past couple weeks and will continue to be so the next several weeks at least. I live in Colorado. I have read some articles about applying for unemployment benefits if your hours have been reduced and receiving the additional $600 government benefit. The Colorado unemployment website states: You must be unemployed or your hours are reduced to fewer than 32 hours a week and earning less than the weekly amount unemployment pays you because of COVID-19.” Can someone please elaborate on this? I make $17 an hour if that helps. Thank you for any assistance.

1 answer  |  asked Apr 25, 2020 07:59 AM [EST]  |  applies to Colorado

Answers (1)

Nina Kazazian
Hi thanks for your question. The changes to the law have not been tested yet, so the best answer will come from the unemployment division. You should apply for unemployment through the website. Answer the questions truthfully about your reduced hours and the reason given by the employer. The CDLE will process your application and post the determination via mail and/or on your account online.

If you disagree with the results (for example, if you are denied benefits), you will have a strictly limited amount of time to appeal the determination (14 or 20 days from the date of the letter--not the date you receive the letter). When you get the determination, contact an attorney immediately to help you decide whether an appeal should be made.

The appeal at this level is very easily done and doesn't cost anything to file. It is just a review by the CDLE of the facts and determination, and you will have a chance to provide additional evidence and testimony.

Due to the overwhelming number of applicants, the CDLE processing times are longer than usual, so you may not hear back quickly. But you do have to make your claim within a short amount of time, so you should apply immediately. Apply even if you aren't sure you can get benefits, because it is worth the ask. Just don't lie on your application. The CDLE has prosecuted people for this, as the warning re criminal liability will inform you they can do.

posted by Nina Kazazian  |  Apr 25, 2020 3:12 PM [EST]

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