Wrongful Termination?

I was a graphic designer at a marketing agency, and was laid off in the end of june. The reason given was "financial hardship of the company" and that my job position was being eliminated. Three other employees were also laid off, though one was given his job back.
The office manager/secretery was fired, but interns were then hired to answer the phones.
I was given my wages, vacation pay, and a weeks severence.

In late august, they have now hired someone into my former job title, that they say was eliminated. Were the reasons for my termination honest and factual? Can they hire someone into a position that they only eliminated two months previously?

1 answer  |  asked Sep 1, 2001 09:50 AM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

Aaron Maduff
Wrongful Termination?

This is a difficult question because we may be missing important information. In general, employment is at will in Illinois and they do not need a reason to terminate the employment relationship. One salient question is why they terminated you. If it was really done for an illegal reason (i.e. job discrimination) then these acts certainly bring into question the validity of thier alleged reason of downsizing.

posted by Aaron Maduff  |  Sep 1, 2001 1:02 PM [EST]

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