Retaliation/whislt blower protection

Fraud has been proven in my company, the CFO has been fired, now all of the other people committing fraud are mad a t the ones(me included) for speaking out. My current boss lashed out loud enough for every one in iur suite to hear that I turned over documents to the board. My first point is that I was not the one that turned over those documents and how does she know if her name was on the documentation.

1 answer  |  asked Mar 19, 2003 2:03 PM [EST]  |  applies to North Carolina

Answers (1)

Reagan Weaver

The common law and certain statutes may also protect you from any retaliation. It is not actually clear what you wish to know at this point, but there are laws that may help you. I would recommend that you keep careful notes of what you have done and are doing and that these be kept at home and not on your office computer or in your desk. You are in a position of needing to preserve evidence. If the fraud is serious and it has hurt the government, you have specific legal rights that can be explained.

posted by Reagan Weaver  |  Mar 19, 2003 3:15 PM [EST]

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