My female site supervisor employer broke into my residential bedroom that I share will another male instructor while I was teaching a course to 14 residential alternative high school students. My roommate walked out unclothed to our bedroom to get clothed

My female site supervisor employer broke into my residential bedroom that I share will another male instructor while I was teaching a course to 14 residential alternative high school students. My roommate walked out naked from the shower to our bedroom to get clothed and ready for the day. He instantly noticed our deadbolt unlocked with the door cracked open and saw that she was snooping through our very personal belongings; drawers, mail, clothing, books, banking and state information. She had no witness to verify her actions, she did this based off a few student rumors made up off of the previous day's cigarette break being taken away for not cleaning up properly by mopping and recycling cans, garbage, and this is the direction the youth took because of not getting a second cigarette break. Some students aren't even of the legal age and are being allowed to smoke freely at the ages of 15-16 years old. I felt violated that she wouldn't ask me to accompany her while she searched our belongings. I have nothing to hide. I also feel like my voice doesn't matter and I don't like the illegal activity going on for minor consumption and sales of tobacco. When confronted with s whiskey bottle found in another building,I assured her it wasn't mine and that she needed to call the police to come out so it could be fingerprinted but she refused to do that. What's my next step?

0 answers  |  asked Dec 6, 2015 12:20 AM [EST]  |  applies to Michigan

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