I was hired as an assistant manager for a seasonal store then was demoted for "hear say" comments.

I just want to know if I have to the right to call the company and complain about my treatment there. After I was told I was being demoted the I asked the store manager why and he said "because I was told you called this job a joke and that you think you are better than everyone else because you are a college graduate". This was all based on the comments of an employee that has schizophrenia and is only re-hired every year because they feel bad for him. I knew the store manager didn't like me and would have fired me if he could but their wasn't a cause. I was never told that I had done any of the duties of being an assistant manager wrong to deserve the demotion. I was asked to stay on as a cashier but I ended up just quitting.

1 answer  |  asked Oct 5, 2015 11:27 AM [EST]  |  applies to Pennsylvania

Answers (1)

Scott Leah
You can call the company, although how serious they will take a telephone complaint from a former employee is not clear.

posted by Scott Leah  |  Oct 16, 2015 05:48 AM [EST]

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