I was recently terminated from GEICO along with up to 100 people for what they refer to as gross misconduct. Some people in the company were removing credit scores from a quote to get a better company placement wich gives a better rate and makes the policy easy to sell. I did this once on accident but rates were not affected. I was suspended without pay 3-1-04. They would not tell me if the suspension was with or without pay until after termination on 3-8-04. Several people were termintaed the week earlier on the day profit sharing checks were issued. They were denied there profit sharing checks. I was not eligible due to the employment length. Therefore there was no rush to fire me. I have contacts on many of the terminated employee's who were term'd and fell that there may a case for a class action lawsuit.. Please send as many Attny's as you choose if there may be a case.....

1 answer  |  asked Mar 9, 2004 3:37 PM [EST]  |  applies to Georgia

Answers (1)

Brian Pastor
What exactly is your complaint?

You state that you removed a credit score to make a policy easier to sell and as a result you were suspended and terminated. Your statement is that others were terminated for the same reason. Was removing the credit scores something ordered by superiors? Was it against the policy of the company? I am not sure what exactly you are claiming the company did wrong.
Brian Pastor, Esq.

posted by Brian Pastor  |  Mar 9, 2004 3:51 PM [EST]

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