transportation Fees

I'm in outside sales, When i started with my company, I was paid per mile that i put on my personal vehilce, which was below the standard. then when they realized how many miles i was getting paid for, they said that they would pay me 200 a month for vehicle allowance, I have that in writing. But i have never received 200 only 150 a month for gas and mileage. when i try to ask about it they say they are busy and don't have time. what can i do?

1 answer  |  asked Oct 27, 2007 8:12 PM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

Answers (1)

Francis Fanning
Collecting mileage expense puts you in a tough spot

With a written promise to reimburse you for mileage at $200 per month, you would have little difficulty proving in court that your employer shortchanged you. The employer could not quibble about whether you drove a certain number of miles, because the agreement is not based upon miles actually driven. The problem is that you may not want to take your employer to court over a few hundred dollars and risk losing your job. It is not clear whether your employer would be liable for wrongful discharge if it fired you for filing such a claim.
If I were in your situation, I would make my request for the unpaid reimbursement in writing to the person responsible for cutting the check. I would attach a copy of the written promise and a calculation of how many months' worth of reimbursement are involved. I would make the communication polite and deferential, but I would copy someone higher up in the food chain who might be unhappy that the person responsible was not paying in accordance with the agreement. If your boss is too busy to fix the problem, an email to the payroll clerk with copy to the boss may be the answer. It takes the burden off the boss to fix the problem without simply letting it go ignored.

posted by Francis Fanning  |  Oct 29, 2007 2:05 PM [EST]

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