Whenever employee file a disrimination with EEOC, this does not mean they said "look because of your

Whenever employee files a disrimination with EEOC, this does not mean they said "look because of your age, we are going to fire you, or because your race...". This is totally wrong and no one on the earth would say something like that. It has been said that you can't see the wind, but you can see the wind's actions (i.e. distruction, wreckage,...). The same thing for discrimination, that someones promotion and advancement my be on hold, while others got ahead, where others are younger and not the same race. The conclusion is that's person age and race are different from the rest. In the end, we can assure that person has been discriminated against. Is my analysis ok. Please let me know

0 answers  |  asked Jan 2, 2010 9:17 PM [EST]  |  applies to Massachusetts

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