What Can I do my employer is doing nothing about harassment to me & other former employees in the workplace?

I reported to the owner of the company that another employee was taping other employees on her phone without their consent. She was coercing a confession from this employee & played it for everyone at the office when I was on vacation. I said I did not hear it & she then played it for me. I let her know that it was against the law to tape people on her phone without consent. My boss is aware of this going on & today she came in again saying to another employee & the maintenance man as she was walking thru the door I overheard her saying she will record anyone she wants to & nobody can tell me what to do, I then immediately stated to her again it is against the law & nobody should be recording anyone without their consent? She has been also involving other people outside of the office & saying false accusations to them & about me in retalliation. I did make my boss aware of this again but nothing seems to be done about it? what can I do? I feel like I hate my job now & constantly get dirty looks from everyone now. The maintenance man later came in today & when I walked upfront he said very sarcastically hi how are you doing today? I was confused by his tone and said good hesitantly & said how are you, he said didn’t you know I’m an asshole. I said who said that? He then ignored me & proceeded to talk to the other girls in the office. I reported in a text that also to my boss & he hasn’t responded to my text. I am at my wits end with this. I have dates & times of everything that has led up to this harassment. I can go on & on. There also has been 3 other new employees that they treated very badly, one lady lasted approx. 2 months, she never came back. Later I found she reported they treated her badly to the boss,they were very rude to her. Another employee lasted not even 2 days they had run her off too. She confided in me & told me that she asked them a question & the other 2 girls ignored her they were supposed to be training her. I tried to get her to come back because my boss reassured it would change & it hasn’t, she did not come back she has never been treated like that. Then he hired another new lady & she let him know how bad it was there & she only lasted approx. 3 weeks & told him that this was the worst place she had ever worked. She found a new job real quick. She is the one that was recorded by the other employee. I don't think she was aware of this either.

0 answers  |  asked Jul 7, 2016 5:50 PM [EST]  |  applies to Michigan

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