I had a poor performing employee in which received write ups and was spoken to about their poor performance. She eventually quit, assuming she feared a termination was imminent. I was suspended during a time frame which included an investigation due to he

I had a poor performing employee in which received write ups and was spoken to about their poor performance. She eventually quit, assuming she feared a termination was imminent. I was suspended during a time frame which included an investigation due to her reason of quitting was that I sexually harrassed her. The investigation gave no evidence from computer checks to interviews with other employees. I was able to keep my job and position afterwards; however two months later after I wrote up a different poor performing individual. That person went to HR claiming I was treating him unfairly due to race. Because of my first HR investigation of sexual harrassment, my company I worked for was in fear of getting into trouble later with a lawsuit by not doing anything and gave me the option of resignation or termination. No other option was available. Was this right for them to do?

I had been working at my company for 3 years and have built multiple departments and making it much more efficient than it was previously. The two employees who complained hadn't worked there a year and both poor performers. I feel like I was wrongly accused due to me doing my job. How can someone discipline others without the fear of being turned in?!

0 answers  |  asked Oct 17, 2015 04:08 AM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

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