I am a manager at mcdonalds can my employers make me pay for money missing out of the safe when the policy is that each manager needs to count the safe after each shift so they know where money comes up missing but refused to do that and now is trying to

our policy is that each manager needs to count the safe after each shift and we told them they need to start counting the safe because we don't want to get blamed for money missing now they are trying to make us pay 42 dollars for money missing I told them I wasn't paying that and they said if I don't I will be fired

1 answer  |  asked Jun 24, 2016 07:23 AM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

Answers (1)

Arthur Schofield
Make you, no, but you also cannot make them continue your employment. Hope this helps.

posted by Arthur Schofield  |  Jun 24, 2016 09:54 AM [EST]

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