Does an employer have to honor a salary if the employee gives an advance notice of resignation?

I was notified that I would be receiving a reduction in salary effective in July. This notification came in March. At the time, I signed a paper agreeing to the salary change as I would retain my title and most importantly my job. In June, I was informed that the company was planning to give me a notice of separation. I was allowed to resign from my position rather than receiving the notice of separation. I entered the resignation on June 30, prior to the salary decrease. If I had been separated, I would have been compensated at the same pay rate for 3 months, however, since entering the resignation, my salary was reduced, effective July 1. Is this legal?

1 answer  |  asked Jul 16, 2015 2:01 PM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

Answers (1)

Arthur Schofield
I am not sure I am fully following your question, but if you agreed to a salary reduction that eventually went into effect, yes, the employer was able to pay you at a reduced rate. Employer can always change the pay rate, but only going forward, not retroactively. Once the pay rate is changed, and you are given notice of it, it is then up to you to continue or not with your employment. Hope this helps.

posted by Arthur Schofield  |  Jul 17, 2015 05:51 AM [EST]

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