Do I have a case and how do I Present it?

I was fired froma job that I had worked at for over a year and a half for a theft I didn't commit. I was devistatted that they would even think I would do such a thing and was crying so hard, all the other co-workers could . I think I can prove my innocence especially since the victom had lied about the time of the theft and the other people present at the time of the theft. also they illigaly took money out of ny final check to pay back the victon, and they are lieing to unemployment saying I quit insted of being fired.I was fired 3 weeks before x-mas with 4 grandsons I couldn't buy for. Please tell me what you think. Thank you, Sabrina

0 answers  |  asked Feb 24, 2010 03:51 AM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

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