Can I receive compensation and damages if I was the only one punished for a new policy?

This occured over three weeks. Week 1, my employer sent out a text message saying the tardiness of the staff will not be tolerated and being late will lead to a one week suspension. Week 2, I was late, alarm not set, not the problem, suspended for the next week. Week 3, several other employees were late or even didn't come in or left early and were not punished, and no one will probably be punished from now on.

To me it doesn't seem fair that I suffered from the embarrassment of being suspended from my but most importantly im a 22 year old trying to pay off my car and credit card among other things and now I'm down a weeks pay.

Is it worth taking them to court? OR would it just end in getting that weeks pay with no damages?

0 answers  |  asked Jul 23, 2011 08:19 AM [EST]  |  applies to New Jersey

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