Can I get my Road Driver position back?

I had been employed for 24 years with the company. I transfered 3 years ago carriyng with me my company seniority for job clasification layoff. After I transfered The Teamsters were voted in, and changed policy to: transfer date is new clasification seniority. I tried filing grievance with the Union but they refused because of new policy. Is there any law that could help me? perhaps, to get back to my original position before I transfered?
Additional information
Please note I transfered in Aug, 2006 and this action affected me May 19, 2009
I have sent the following letter to the president of the company with no positive answer:
Dear Mr. xxxxxxxxxx
If I may, I will like to call your attention to a situation which you may find of interest. Through a recent policy change, employees with a long and loyal period of service are being relegated to service, which is not in line with their capabilities. As an example; I was hired on 09/30/1985 as a City Driver as per policy to become a Road Driver. On 11/24/1994 I became a Road Driver and still classified as present with UXX/XXXXXXXXX Transportation. I have driven over 2 million miles without accidents and I have received commendations for my years of services. After the devastating hurricane Andrew in Miami area, the company chose me for special services transportation supplies to the affected area. I transferred from Orlando Terminal to Marietta Terminal on 08/14/2006 with the full understanding that I keep my company and classification seniority during a lay off. After my transfer, when the terminal was organized into the teamsters, a provision was putting into effect which voided my road company/classification seniority and I was given the status of laid off Road Driver working in a different classification (Dock/City). Another driver with five years road classification filled my position.
I know you would like to see the capabilities of your employees utilized to the highest possible degree. Anything you can do to reverse this unequal situation and get your more experience over the road drivers back on the road will be appreciated. The attached sheet is the ruling that affected me on May 17, 2009 per Mr. xxxxxxx ( This ruling should not affect me, but only the ones transferred after this ruling.

DECISION: Based on the facts presented, the November 20, 2008 memorandum of Understanding is clarified as follows. If an employee transfers from one service center to another, his or her date for layoff purposes under Articulo 5.2 shall be the transfer date. Based on this, the grievant will be offered recall as he was not the least senior person in the clasification. There is no backpay.-
*NOVEMBER 20, 2008"

0 answers  |  asked Jul 23, 2009 12:19 PM [EST]  |  applies to Georgia

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