While I was on disability for a surgery, My employer kept calling and writing my Dr.'s office to obtain information about me, but never asked me directly how I was. Because she went to the same Dr. she tried to get information from them. I feel this was h

I went out for a procedure originally expected to take 4 weeks to recover. Due to the alignment of my hip and knee, I was given 4 additional weeks off. All docoments were sent to my employer asap to give an update of extension. Employer never called me but called my doctor at least 5 times trying to get my records. She tried pushing for information from her Dr. Who is parteners with mine. Then she wrote a letter to the Dr. requesting information about me. The office told her nothing. I was shocked. I feel it was very much a form of harrassment. She could have just asked me how I was. I really feel she overstepped ethical boundaries and would like to make her accountable.

1 answer  |  asked Dec 6, 2015 07:06 AM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (1)

Arkady Itkin

This is one of the more common misconception among employees. Please see mistakes #1 on this page for the relevant information responsive to your question:


Arkady Itkin

posted by Arkady Itkin  |  Dec 6, 2015 10:07 AM [EST]

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