What's the extent of Individual liability for company officials?

I have a valid claim against a former employer for unpaid OT. I understand the company's liability. What I want to know is, assuming I win my claim, what is the extent of personal liabilty for the two company individuals responsible for my not being paid properly? Any idea how a court would divide any damages awarded between the company and the individuals named.

1 answer  |  asked May 4, 2003 09:50 AM [EST]  |  applies to North Carolina

Answers (1)

Reagan Weaver
personal liability - FLSA

I haven't had this question come up before so I don't know the answer without research. If your only claim is overtime, I suspect that you can't get personal liability. You might be able to obtain an answer by calling the NC Dept of Labor or the USDOL.

posted by Reagan Weaver  |  May 5, 2003 09:01 AM [EST]

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