On my exit papers that I never received , but saw at my unemployment appeal. The statement was written that I resigned in lieu of being disciplined for making fun of a person using a walker, untrue statement. I won my appeal no misconduct the statement wa

Department meeting an employee said no one wanted to be scheduled with me, because I called off all the time, not true. The weekend before the meeting My director made me do the employees duties, because she was unable to walk to floor, The next time I came in the other employees were not talking to me because I stated my concerns that no one is to be in the department if not able to do their duties. After the incident I was basically pushed out of the department. My director had me go to HR and told them I was being rude and aggressive to the other employees. I applied for my job back they gave it to another person that had only a couple of years experience . I ask them after I won my appeal to take the statement out of my files they would not

0 answers  |  asked May 7, 2019 11:50 PM [EST]  |  applies to California

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