I was discharged from a temporary position for being wrongfuly accused of damaging property.

I was working through a temp agency for a company. I was discharted on August 17, after having worked there since November 2009. I was due to be hired as a full time employee on August 23. I was told there were witnesses that saw me kick a dent in my desk which I didn't do. I had spoken with several full time employees about the same dent several months ago and was told that had been there before I started working there. Is there anything I can do, as I believe I was wrongfully terminated?

1 answer  |  asked Aug 23, 2010 3:26 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

Answers (1)

Neil Rubin
If you are at-will employee (as the vast majority in Ohio are) the employer need not give you ANY reason for discharge. You, on the other hand, are free to leave and get a new job whenever you want (I know, easier said then done). It does not matter if they were mistaken about the dent. Even if you could prove that you did not do it, they are not compelled by law to hire you back.

There are, however, some major exceptions to the general rule. If they terminated you BECAUSE you are a minority, a woman, pregnant, a minority religion, from a different country, disabled or at least 40 years of age, then there could be a case of discrimination.

The only way for you to know is to consult with an employment lawyer.

posted by Neil Rubin  |  Aug 23, 2010 5:48 PM [EST]

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