For 3 plus years I worked at a place called Mikron Industries and terminated for a positive drug tes

I had over $3,000 in unpaid vacation and sick time that I had never collected ! Now I understand that the sick time is excusable for them not paying me but the vacation time was mine that I was already rightfully entitled to and just cuz I never collected it doesn't mean that it wasn't owed! I never took a vacation and I never cashed out any of the vacation pay but they still should pay me because it's money that I could have collected at any time if I had just asked for it but they feel as if they don't owe me based off me testing positive for a drug screen that they popped me with which makes no sense because I could have collected this money at any time and just never did??
This was already a few years back but now that I'm thinking about it they do owe me! and what they did but not paying me the money is illegal and since its going to cost money for a lawyer they're going to owe me for the lawyer expenses/fees as well! The more I think about this the more I think what stupid motherfuckers they are for that one cuz I'm also going to get them for inconvenience payments as well! Ya feel me?

0 answers  |  asked Sep 8, 2018 12:51 AM [EST]  |  applies to Washington

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