At our plant we are represented by two unions which are the same international my question is can a person that is one local have senority in another local and have bumping rights the locals have 2 different contracts and no language to support my questio

The celanese plant in narrows va has 2 local unions and 2 contracts the one local union has had a reduction in force and affected employees were told they could bump to the other local. the local stated that these employees could bid back and restart there department senority and keep there plant senority for bidding purposes. but the company and the international disagrees with this. There is no language in both contracts to support this as for the bumping rights each contract gives you the right to bump within said contracts schedule a that you have senority in. the plant acquired the power plant back in 2011 in which time they made a special agreement to allow locals to have bidding rights on job posting within the plant. if a person bid to the power plant and had previous senority in the past that they would lose all previous power plant departmental senority.
Since then the other local has taken the stand if you held senority in the other part of the plant if you bid back you would lose all departmental senority that you have had the only senority that you would maintain is plant senority for bidding puposes only. The local is standing strong for this and the company and international wants to give these furloughed employees there departmental senority back so they would have bumping rights. what are we to do please help

0 answers  |  asked Sep 15, 2015 10:04 AM [EST]  |  applies to Virginia

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